A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1088 1088 Even time will be used by him

"Don't you have the secret method that makes this possible? Use your favorite insect-repelling spell."

Staring into the old magician's eyes from the front, Kariya said the killer sentence.

"Grow a 'marking insect' into my body. This body is originally made of the dirty flesh and blood of the Matou family. It should be easier for girls to adapt to it than girls from other families."

The expression on Zang Yan's face disappeared and turned into that of an inhuman magician.

“Kariya—do you want to die?”

"You're not worried about me, are you? 'Father'."

Zangyan seemed to understand that Kariya was telling the truth. The magician stared at Kariya with a cold judgment of value, and hummed deeply with emotion.

"It is true that your quality is better than Tsuruno's. By expanding the magic circuit through the marking worm, and through a year of rigorous training, you may be able to train yourself into someone who will be chosen by the Holy Grail.

…But, even so, I still don’t understand. Why would you do this for a little girl?"

"Matou's obsession is completed through Matou's hands. There is no need to involve outsiders."

"Your idea is really worthy of praise."

Zang Yan seemed to be very happy and showed a vicious smile.

"But if your purpose, Kariya, is not to involve her, don't you think it's a little too late? Do you know how many days have passed since the daughter of the Tohsaka family has been here?"

The despair that hit him immediately almost shattered Kariya's chest.

"Could it be——"

"In the first three days, she cried and screamed all day long. But from the fourth day there was no sound. I put her into the worm house early this morning to see how long she could survive. After beating the insect for a long time, he is still alive. It seems that the quality of the Tohsaka children cannot be underestimated."

The murderous intention that has gone beyond hatred makes Kariya's shoulders tremble continuously.

I want to catch this heretic magician immediately, twist his wrinkled head with all my strength, and bend his head——

This uncontrollable impulse surged in Kariya's heart.

But Kariya knew. After all, Zang Yan is also a magician. It would be easy to kill Kariya alone here. If he resorted to force, Kariya had no chance of winning.

If you want to save Sakura, there is no other way but to negotiate.

As if he had seen through the entangled thoughts in Kariya's heart, Zangyan made a sound in the back of his throat like a satisfied cat, and showed a gloomy smile.

"So, what are you going to do? If you still plan to save the little girl who has been invaded by bugs from head to toe and is almost broken, I will consider it."

"...I have no objection. Then let's give it a try."

Kariya replied with a cold voice. There was no other choice.

"That's good, that's good. Then you should try your best. However, I will not stop educating Sakura until your results come out."

The old magician kept chuckling. The reason why he was in such a good mood came from the pleasure of playing with Kariya's despair and anger.

"Compared with the stragglers who betrayed us and are now back, the new kid has a much higher chance of winning. I originally intended to compete for the next opportunity. This time, the battle for the Holy Grail should be considered a failure. Since just now There was no hope in the beginning.

But just in case you can get your hands on the Holy Grail - anyway. At that time, of course, the daughter of the Tohsaka family was of no use. Let her education be limited to one year. "

"...You won't regret it, right? Matou Zangyan."

"Kariya, if you are smart enough to quarrel with me, you should first endure the pain of the marking bugs and show me. Then, let me serve as a seedbed for the bugs for a week. If you don't go crazy and die, I will admit it. You are sincere."

Zang Yan leaned on his crutches and seemed to struggle to lift himself up, and finally showed Kariya his undisguised, innate, evil and inhuman smile.

"Then, let's start preparing. The disposal will be over soon - if you plan to go back on your word, why not do it now?"

Kariya shook his head silently, refusing to hesitate for the last time.

Once the bug enters his body, he becomes Zang Yan's puppet. From now on, I can no longer resist the old magician. However, even so, as long as he obtains the qualification of a magician, Kariya, who inherits the blood of Matou, will definitely be given the Command Seal.

Holy Grail War. This is the only chance to save Tohsaka Sakura. It was an option that I, as a mortal, could never reach.

As a price, Kariya would probably die. Even if they are not eliminated by other Masters, if the marking insects are cultivated in a short period of one year, Kariya's body that has been eaten away by the insects will not survive for a few years.

But, it doesn't matter.

Kariya's decision came too late. If he had had this realization ten years ago, Aoi's child would have lived peacefully beside her. The fate he once rejected, after a round of reincarnation, befell the innocent girl.

There is no way to compensate. If there is a way to atone, at least the girl's future life must be restored.

Also, if in order to get the Holy Grail, the remaining six Masters must be eliminated...

One of the people involved in the tragedy of Sakura, at least this person, can be punished through my hands.

Tokiomi Tosaka...

As one of the original "Founding Three Families", the man who is the current patriarch of the Tohsaka family must have had the Command Seal engraved on his hand.

Unlike the consciousness of guilt towards Aoi and the anger towards Zouken, the accumulation of hatred and the desire for revenge that he had tried not to think about until today began to slowly burn in Matou Kariya's chest.

However, is there really no room for redemption?

Let's rewind the time to four days ago.

Matou Residence, in a dark and damp basement full of dirty engraving insects.

The girl looked in horror at the countless insects that were constantly squirming towards her, struggling and crying.

"No... no... no... who will save me?"

Yet her cries seemed meaningless.

A young girl is just an ordinary person. How can she resist the power of a magician who has survived for hundreds of years?

She was tied to the cold iron bed, and it seemed that she was about to become a seedbed for the engraved insects.

The rickety old man was standing in the corner outside the insect pool in the room with a sneer, a ferocious and twisted smile on his face, and he looked quite proud.

But is this girl's cry for help really meaningless?

In a dimension that Matou Zōyan could not detect, the whole world stood still.

The girl stopped crying and looked at the swarm of insects that should have been rushing towards her with some confusion, but was frozen in front of her. She didn't understand what was happening for a while.

But there is no doubt that ‘desperation’ was fixed by some force at this moment.

Just when she was confused, a confused voice came.

"There is no summoning circle, no command spells, and no magic... So it's not a summons, but a cry for help? It seems that there is something wrong with my screening. But how can I put it... Is it a coincidence?"

The man's figure appeared above the swarm of marking insects, and there seemed to be an insurmountable invisible barrier between him and the swarm of insects.

While muttering to himself, he walked through the void towards the confused girl on the central iron bed.

Naturally, there is no one else except Xuan Hao.

He originally planned to respond to the call by crossing time and space to come to this era.

However, there seems to be something wrong when filtering the information.

At this moment, the Holy Grail War does not seem to have started, the Command Seal has not appeared, and no one is performing a ceremony to summon heroic spirits.

But he still came.

"Are you the one who guided me here?"

Xuan Hao calmly looked down at the tear-stained girl who was fixed on the iron bed.

Even he didn't know the reason why he sensed the other party's call.

Because this girl doesn't have magic power at the moment, she is just an extremely ordinary ordinary person.

Logically speaking, there is not enough energy in him to serve as a beacon to guide him here.

If I had to guess, it could only be a strong desire to survive, right?

"Anyway, just think of it as you. Anyway, you're pretty lucky, little girl."

Without waiting for the girl to respond, Xuan Hao gave her the answer.

Obviously he didn't return to the expected timeline as planned.

After all, he originally wanted to appear in the other party's summoning ceremony as Rin Tosaka said.

But it seems good to come here some time in advance.

In addition, he seemed to understand why Tohsaka Rin said that he had "forced himself to get here". Maybe everything was already destined.

Just because he will appear in the other party's summoning ceremony does not mean that he is the heroic spirit summoned by the other party. Just like now, he came here before the Holy Grail War even started.

In short, as long as Tohsaka Rin grows up and joins in the fun during the summoning ceremony, won't the timeline be back on track?

Thinking of this, Xuan Hao's mouth curled up.

Now let’s have some fun with Tohsaka Rin’s sister.

On the other side, the young Tosaka Rin shivered in the Tosaka family's mansion and felt a chill rising up his back.

"What's wrong? Rin." Her mother Tohsaka Aoi asked with concern.

"It's nothing... I just feel a little cold for no reason." Rin Tosaka shook his head slightly and replied.

"Go to bed early, it's already late at night."


If Tohsaka Rin from another time and space could observe all this from a God's perspective, he would probably understand the whole story.

There was no so-called paradox. The 'torture' she suffered when she met this man was actually brought upon by herself.

This man did indeed come to the 'future' time and space first, and then he was intrigued by her and returned to the 'past'. This was a complete closed loop.

It's just that this man also failed to overlook the entire timeline from God's perspective, so he didn't know the cause and effect.

There was no answer to this matter from the beginning.

The reason why he has no memory of everything he has experienced with Tohsaka Rin and others is simply because the order of this memory is confused due to the particularity of this world.

To put it simply, he reached the 'future' first, and then experienced the 'past'. There were inevitable results first, and then there were reasons. No matter how chaotic time was, in the end it was just reincarnation on a timeline.

And if Xuan Hao can realize this after experiencing all this, then...

Perhaps in addition to 'destruction' and 'creation', 'time' will also be used by him.

Time goes back four days.

During the past four days, Matou Zouken always believed that Tohsaka Rin was being baptized by the marking insect and gradually transformed into his shape.

However, in fact, both the 'reality' he saw and the 'results' he sensed through the magic power connected to the imprinting insect were just someone's prank.

What was left on the iron bed was nothing more than a soulless empty shell replicating the law of creation. Naturally, it would not cry or resist, as if it had been spoiled.


No one has ever understood Velvet's talent.

As a magician, he did not come from a famous family, nor was he lucky enough to meet a famous master. This boy was half self-taught, and was finally lucky enough to be admitted to London's highest academic institution, the headquarters of the Magic Association, which leads magicians around the world, and is commonly known as the "Clock Tower." Weber always believed that this great achievement was an unparalleled glory. He was convinced of this and was very proud of his talent. I am the only student who has become the most influential student since the establishment of this Clock Tower school. Everyone has to look at me with admiration, at least that is what Weber himself thinks.

Indeed, the Velvet family's lineage as magicians only lasted three generations. Compared with the descendants of a long-established family of magicians, Weber may be slightly inferior in terms of the density of magic markings and the number of magic circuits, but as generations continue, the number of circuits and the density of magic circuits are constantly accumulating and expanding. Many of the students who received scholarships in the Clock Tower were descendants of noble families with pure bloodlines for more than six generations.

The secrets of magic cannot be completed in one generation. The results of parents' lifelong study are inherited by their children. Through this method, we can hope that magic will become more and more sophisticated. This is why the magic power of a wizarding family becomes stronger as it is passed down from generation to generation.

In addition, although the number of magic circuits of a magician is determined when he is born, some hereditary magic families deliberately use eugenics methods to increase the number of circuits in their descendants, so they are at odds with emerging magic families on this point. the gap. In other words, in the magic world, one's strengths and weaknesses are determined in advance based on one's origin... This is a view that everyone generally agrees with.

But Weber doesn't think so.

Differences in historical origin can be compensated for by increased experience. Even if you don't have excellent magic circuits, you can make up for the innate quality difference through a deep understanding of magic and proficiency in using magic. Weber has always believed in this. He considers himself a good example and actively strives to boast of his talents.

However, the reality is too cruel. Those top students who show off their ancient lineage, and those sycophants who follow the famous family day and night. Only those guys are the mainstream of Clock Tower, and the trend of Clock Tower is determined by these guys. ()

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