Chapter 112 105. Codename Crow

Crow and Yaksha are now at their breaking point.

They suddenly felt that they had really thought too much and actually wanted to lure so many deadpools to the S-class commissioner from the headquarters.

What a dream!

They will turn into feces before finding the department's commissioner. Who knows if Deadpool can poop?

Can't run, can't run at all.

These legless deadpools move almost eerily fast.

They can only retreat while fighting.

The bullets in the hands of the brothers are almost exhausted.

There is absolutely no way.

This is a dead end.

There are only two ways to break the situation.

Either fly away in a helicopter or kill all these guys.

But where did the helicopter come from now? Even if a helicopter is sent, you have to leave from the top of the building, and these Deadpools came down from above!

Kill them all? What a joke!

You can kill them all and still get away with it.

And the most important thing now is that the alloy doors they lowered at the stairwell of each floor to block the advancement of the headquarters commissioners have now become a barrier that makes them desperate.


Crow cursed loudly.

"Who came up with this idea? What should we do now?"

"Didn't you come up with the idea yourself?" Yasha retorted.

"MD, ask 'Kaguya' to raise the door!" someone roared.

"What do you want? There's no one in the control room right now!"

"What should we do?"

"What else can I do? Either smash the wall or the door, or wait for death!"

The commissioners of the Japanese branch began to quarrel.

The scalp-numbing sound was getting closer and closer. It was the sound of sharp claws scraping against the ground and walls.

These Deadpools twisted their thick tails, and the sharp claws of their upper body hands climbed wildly on the ground and walls, while making hoarse sounds like babies crying from their mouths.

This corridor is like a corridor leading to Jiuyou, and those guys are like evil ghosts crawling out of hell, climbing towards them quickly.

"Stop making such a fuss! We're catching up, fire!" The crow mentioned Gatling and swept wildly down the corridor.

The bullet landed on Deadpool, sending out a large cloud of sparks.

"Quick, Yasha, take someone to the next room!"

The crow held Gatlin and roared at Yasha.

"There is an emergency escape device in the next room!"

Yasha reacted, and he also remembered that there is a 'shelter' on each floor designed by Genji Heavy Industries. The shelter is a square box made of alloy. The floor, ceiling and four walls are all made of alloy. As long as you press the emergency escape button, Push the button and the door will close, turning the entire room into an impenetrable fortress. There's no way to open it except from the inside.

Whoever designed this thing is a fucking genius!

But, can we really stop these inhuman things?

He could no longer care about so much and quickly led his people to retreat.

He ran to the console to close the heavy alloy door and pressed the emergency call button, although he knew it would be of no use.

Because by the time the heads of the eight Sheqi families from all over Japan sent people to come to the rescue, their bodies were already cold.

"Crow, what are you doing standing still! Why don't you come in quickly!" Yaksha roared at the crow outside the door.

Crow is still holding Gatlin to stop Deadpool from moving forward. He must do this, otherwise everyone will be caught up before the alloy door closes. When the time comes, Deadpool will swarm in and it will be like catching a turtle in a urn.


"Damn it! The bullets are out." Crow yelled angrily.

He threw the machine gun in his hand directly, hoping it would be of some use.

"Ah...what a bad luck."

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag.

The match struck in the darkness and he took a puff of the cigarette.

He turned around and glanced at the alloy door that had not yet been completely closed, and smiled helplessly.

"What do you want to do! Bastard!"

Yaksha's roar came from inside the door.

They had been together for so many years and knew what color underwear the other was wearing. How could they not understand what the other was thinking?

The snake-like deadpools are very fast. At this speed, if no one is holding them back, they will rush in before the door of the 'sanctuary' closes.

Someone has to be blocking it outside.

Ryuji Saeki, codenamed Crow.

He knows that his combat ability is quite weak, so he usually just makes suggestions and plays the role of 'strategist'. But he also worked hard to practice using guns. This was to make up for his shortcomings. After all, how could he have no combat power at all when he stayed with the young master.

At critical moments, he felt that he could still fight, just like now.

He felt that he was extremely handsome now, and he had never been so brave in his life.

He could still smoke so calmly in the face of a group of deadly Deadpools.

I guess the young master is not as good as him.

Did he win this round?

He suddenly remembered that afternoon many years ago, he and Yasha were discussing outside the shrine.

He told Yasha that he liked a girl very much, but because he was a gangster, he couldn't just say, "I like that girl so much, she is so beautiful." ’ This will look very disrespectful.

So he could only say like a wretched guy, 'Hey, look at the girl who oils the broken knife in the shrine. I know her, she's pretty, and she will do anything for you as long as you give her food. ’

Thinking about it now, he felt that he was really a bitch.

But fortunately, he was bumped away by the young master's shoulder, which was really good.

Unexpectedly, they became colleagues later on, which is quite embarrassing when I think about it.

He has been a gangster in his life. He is a bastard, a gambler, a polite scum, and a playboy. He also liked many girls before he fell in love with Sakura.

So when he knew that Sakura liked the young master, he was a little happy.

Because he also likes the young master. At least the boss is a good man, but sometimes he acts like a mother-in-law and a bit of a sissy.

However, Sakura likes the young master much better than liking him, so he always tries to remind the young master, "Hey, Sakura has a crush on you. If you are a man, don't be a mother-in-law." ’ It’s a pity that the young master is just a piece of wood.

"It's not easy for Sakura either..."

Crow put out the cigarette.

Because Deadpool is already in front of him.

"Hey, can you give me a decent way to die?" He asked with a smile towards the ferocious face in front of him.

I felt suddenly relieved.

It doesn't matter if he dies, Sakura won't like him anyway, so if he dies, Sakura won't have to be embarrassed.

But it seems that Sakura has never been sad...

What a shame.

The door slowly closed, and Yasha's eyes were bloodshot. He watched helplessly as the figure disappeared in front of him, and the large black mass of Deadpool was moving toward the crow to cover it up.

He wanted to rush out and fight with them, but before he could rush out, the door was already closed.

He knocked hard on the door.

An angry roar came from his mouth, md! Shouldn't the person outside be you? Crow always likes to command others, and he is used to being commanded. He has never doubted Crow's decision. Just like now, he stupidly listened to his words and hid in.

"Why do you think I have the nerve to meet the young master and Sakura?"

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