A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 113 106. The sky is falling apart

Chapter 113 106. The sky is falling apart

Yasha's eyes were red at this time, and he knocked on the alloy door frantically. For a moment, he even forgot about the console next to him to control it to open.

He didn't know what happened outside the door, but he could probably imagine the scene of the demons dancing wildly.

A group of snake-like deadpools surround Crow alone. How desperate is this scene?

Without even thinking about it, the crow would be torn to pieces and devoured, and in the end not even the dregs would be left. He couldn't even collect the body. Then these guys will hit the "shelter" like crazy, and they can only hope that the "shelter" can be stronger, otherwise everything the crow does is bullshit.

Then you might as well just open the door and go out to fight!

Yasha's eyes were cracked, and just when he was about to open the door and go out to fight, the whole floor suddenly shook violently.

Then two loud noises came. Even through the alloy door, he could hear the deafening sound coming from outside.

"Boom - boom -"

After two loud noises, the world suddenly became quiet.

There was no longer the unpleasant hissing sound, nor the sound of their claws rubbing together, everything was as quiet as death.

Everyone in the 'shelter' held their breath.

What is happening outside?

For a long time, there was no sound of Deadpool attacking the alloy door from outside. Could it be that the crow did something to eliminate them all? It's not scientific.

Yasha was completely confused. For all these years, he didn't know that Crow was so awesome.

Didn't that guy just blow up the computer room of 'Kaguya' and die with them?

The people trapped in the 'shelter' looked at each other.

"Ding ding ding——"

A phone ring suddenly rang in the silent space.

Yasha was stunned for a moment, it was his cell phone ringing.

Who could it be at this time? Could it be that support from other branches has arrived?

He took out his phone nervously.

The screen lit up with the caller ID - Saeki Ryuji.

"Open the door."

A calm voice came from the other end of the phone, and he hung up the phone after just saying these two words. The voice was eerily calm, but it was exactly the voice he was familiar with.

The crow is alive!

Yasha didn't ask any questions, and ran to the console to open the door of the 'sanctuary'.

No one stopped him. There was no one in the Sheqi family who was afraid of death. There were only two endings for them, either to die together or to evacuate together, leaving their companions behind, but they hid in the iron box. Even if they survived, they would not be able to survive. He will be nailed to the family's pillar of shame.

The heavy alloy door slowly opened.

They were stunned by the sight before them. What happened?

The corridor in front of me seemed to have been blasted through by artillery shells.

The floor was completely shattered and there was no place to stand on it. Not only the ground, but also the ceiling was penetrated!

Deadpool and the wall panels were shattered, and blood stained the broken walls red.

The entire corridor on this floor almost no longer exists, leaving only a huge pothole running through the entire floor, and a crow standing expressionlessly on the edge of the broken wall.

"What's going on here?"

Yasha looked confused and looked at the crow, which seemed to be unscathed except for some blood stains on his body. He was a little surprised.

There were no traces of explosions at all around here, and no other figures were seen. Could it be that the crows suddenly exploded and demolished these deadpools and this floor together? This kind of thing...can their young master do it?

"have no idea."

"I don't know?" Yasha was confused, "Weren't you at the scene?"

Crow shook his head, his eyes flashing with solemnity.

He really didn't know what exactly happened.

Because it all happened so suddenly.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and Deadpool's claws were no more than an inch away from his head.

The next moment his head would blossom.

He was even ready to meet God, and he had even thought of the greetings for the meeting.

But at this moment, the whole world seemed to collapse before his eyes.

The floor shattered and the ceiling shattered almost simultaneously. It all happened in an instant, as if time and space were shattered.

Countless gravel and dead bodies were suspended in the air. Before they even had time to fall, everything was over. They were swallowed up, and they didn't even have time to scream. They were as small and weak as dust swallowed by a huge wave.

The only thing the crow saw was a pair of dazzling golden eyes rising like the sun, burning up the world in front of him in an instant, and then disappeared into the clouds.

The scene that follows is this broken wall stained red by blood, with blood that has not dried up flowing freely, and the broken and weird limbs, as ferocious as a demon being dismembered by heaven's punishment, just like the battlefield of ancient gods and demons - the gods dusk!

"Is this the S-class of our headquarters..."

The crow looked up blankly at the empty ceiling above his head.

This was the first time in his life that he felt so powerless. Is this really the power that humans can possess?

Not just strength, this guy even controls everything within the scope of what he wants. For example, he can still stand unscathed now.

"It's really scary."

Crow shook his head helplessly.

He has been with the young master for many years and thinks that the young master is perverted enough. However, he did not expect that there are even more perverted guys in this world. He feels that the Sheqi family is in trouble, and maybe it will be like decades ago. Same, no, maybe sadder than it was a few decades ago.

Although he had not seen Angers power with his own eyes and could not make a comparison, the experience before him made him feel that what was happening at this moment was much more shocking than the rumors he had heard about Angers before.

To use an analogy, Angers was like slapping the children in line one by one. At most, it would leave a red mark on the face and make people feel humiliated. However, this monster just drove the bulldozer. In the past, everything that stood in front of him had only one result - to be crushed.

And once it’s crushed, there’s nothing left.

"S-class from the headquarters?"

Yasha heard the crow talking to himself.

"There should be no one else in this building but him now."

"Isn't his target 'Kaguya'? Where is he now?"

Yasha was a little confused. 'Kaguya' was in the computer room not far away, but the only place that seemed to be damaged was the corridor here.

"Maybe we're all mistaken."

Crow shook his head and looked at the empty ceiling.

It was as silent as an abyss.

"His goal was never us..."

Maybe we don't matter to him at all. Crow couldn't say the last half of the sentence because it was too shocking, and the other party didn't take the Sheqi family seriously at all.

"What should we do next? Just do nothing?"

"Find Sakura first, and then wait for the young master to come back before making a decision."

Crow sighed deeply. Things were completely out of their control. He just hoped that Sakura would be fine. What else? Go to hell!

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