
All Irisviel could do was stare at the battle in front of her in shock.

The battle in front of her was going on extremely fiercely.

She knew that this was a cruel duel that could only happen in that distant era.

Warriors in armor fought hard against each other amidst the light and shadow of swords.

However, this burst of magic power and this torrent of heat made her feel different.

If it was just a confrontation between cold weapons, then what was the ensuing powerful airflow that seemed to destroy everything.

The feet that stepped onto the ground crushed the earth.

The air pressure brought by the weapon was used to cut off the street lamps.

Irisviel could no longer see clearly their super-speed movements. She could only feel the aftermath of the two fighting.

The iron sheet that fell off the outer wall of the warehouse was like twisted tin foil that was swept away by the wind from Irisviel. She couldn't understand why the iron sheet was peeling off. Probably because Saber's sword or Lancer's gun passed through the space-time hole nearby. Other than that.\\nShe couldn't think of any other explanation.

The wind hums.

Facing a space that is completely opposite to the physical laws of the world, the surrounding air let out a nervous wail.

A wild storm raged through the deserted shopping street, destroying and trampling everything.

A hand-to-hand fight between just two people would destroy an entire street.

Holy Grail War...

Irisviel is feeling the legendary threat and consternation. The world in legends and myths appeared vividly before her eyes.

This is simply the reappearance of a myth.

Thunder tore through the sky, and roaring waves shattered the earth. The fantasy world is miraculously brought to life.

"This is...a battle between Servants..."

Facing a world she had never imagined, Irisviel could only watch motionless.

At this time, the same shock also appeared in Saber's mind.

For her, the killings on the battlefield were as commonplace as daily life. As a warrior who has experienced life and death on the battlefield, fighting with the enemy is as skillful as using a knife and fork.

In her impression...\\nThe so-called "gun" should be a weapon wielded with both hands. This is common sense.

So she believed that Lancer used two guns at the same time just to confuse the enemy.

As a heroic spirit of the Seat of Spears, the spear in his hand must be his Noble Phantasm. In the Holy Grail War, having the true identity of the Noble Phantasm revealed was tantamount to exposing one's true name.

Therefore, the charm wrapped on Lancer's gun must be to hide the true form of the gun. He and his Master seemed to be quite cautious in hiding their real names.

If this is the case. Then it is not difficult to explain why he uses two guns at the same time.

Because she didn't know which one was the real Noble Phantasm, Saber had to be on guard against attacks from both guns at the same time.

Therefore, now we only need to understand which gun is the "real gun".

Between your usual weapon and the weapon used to confuse your opponent, the tricks you use can be divided into "virtual" and "real". So Saber focused on every move he made, believing that as long as she recognized the real gun, her chance of winning would be greatly increased.


This is the third time that his attack has been blocked. Saber had no choice but to retreat temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

"What's wrong Saber, your attacks are of no use."


She had no room to refute in the face of Lancer's teasing. He had fought thirty rounds, but he had not hit his opponent once.

Lancer waved the gun in his right hand and rushed towards him. The dancing gun blade draws a fairly wide attack range, and its strength and speed are no less powerful than holding a gun with both hands. No, just because it is one-handed, there are many more moves that are not available in the two-handed pistol technique. The gun thrust towards Saber from an unexpected angle.

After all, guns have their limitations. Because it is too long, flaws will inevitably be exposed between attacks. At this time, the short gun on the left can immediately follow up and continue to contain Saber.

Saber's attack just now was broken by the watertight defense of the short spear.

Using two guns at the same time, none of the moves were feints. This heroic spirit of Lancer perfectly coordinated the guns in his left and right hands. What kind of study is required to learn such a powerful move.

"...This man is very powerful!"

She encountered a strong enemy in the first battle, and Saber was in a state of trembling until just now. But now, Saber suddenly broke free from this shadow.

Although others seemed to think that it was Lancer's intensive attacks that gave him the upper hand in the battle, this was not the case.

From the first time Lancer took action until now...\\nIt can be said that he has been exhausted trying to defend himself from Saber's attack. Even though he started teasing, he was unable to reverse the situation.

Lancer, who can wield a gun with one hand, now uses both a long and a short gun at the same time, allowing him to attack from both distance and distance. From the perspective of equipment quality, it is impossible for him to be forced to this point by Saber who only uses a sword.


"Why another sword..."

Lancer groaned secretly in his mind. Not only Irisviel, who was watching from the side, could not see the sword moving at high speed, but also Lancer, who was also a Servant, could not see clearly the trajectory of the sword in Saber's hand.

A large amount of air around the sword is gathered together by magic. The air surrounding the sword forms incredible refraction of light, so it is completely invisible. Although this does not have much auxiliary effect on the Noble Phantasm, its effect is very obvious in close combat.

Saber's opponent. Attacked by an invisible sword, while the opponent's attack is blocked by an equally invisible sword. It was reasonable for Lancer to feel anxious. Even if he could judge Saber's attack through her movements.\\nHe couldn't make a sneak attack because he couldn't see the blade.

Therefore, Lancer can only keep himself out of Saber's attack range through estimation.\\n And the gorgeous continuous attacks can only take effect at this time. Although he can block every attack of Saber, he has yet to find an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to his opponent.

"This woman is really good..."

Looking directly at the opponent he met for the first time.\\nFeeling that he had reached the moment where he had to fight to the death, a sad smile appeared on Lancer's face.

The two heroic spirits were immersed in the battle, so they had no intention of caring about the surrounding situation.

No, even if they were on guard, they probably wouldn't be able to find someone sneaking in here.

As for the reason, it is that the person who infiltrates is not only far away from the battlefield, but also moves stealthily, and also has the "cut off breath" skill that can deceive the Servant's inspiration.

The strong wind blowing from the sea stirred the black robe, and a satisfied smile appeared under the white skull mask.

No one could have expected that the Servant Assassin, who was eliminated in front of many witnesses last night, would now be standing in this shopping street at night.

Assassin hides in a perfect place to observe the normal battle - a crane towering on the edge of the rock wall. It was about 500 meters away from the battlefield. The Servant, whose eyesight is far superior to that of humans, can clearly see the two people fighting here, and can even distinguish their expressions clearly. As for the two people on the battlefield, they had no time to care about whether they were being watched.

In fact, he can completely transform into a spirit body and gather information from a closer distance. But in the spirit state, his own perception will also become "spiritual vision", and tonight his Master gave him the task.

It is "observation with the naked eye".

Assassin, who understood the Master's intentions, followed his orders and just silently observed the battle in the distance.


Fifteen kilometers southeast of the shopping street where the battle is taking place.

In the basement of Fuyuki Church, shrouded in the silence of the night, someone was sitting in the darkness.

The man had his eyes closed. He was not resting, but tense and listening to something in the silence. He is Kotomine Kirei wearing black monk robes.

Looking at his profile, others might think he was meditating. And who would have thought that while he was listening to the low hum of the sea breeze, what appeared in front of him was a battle scene with sparks flying.

What he saw and heard was an unknown Servant battle taking place in a shopping street in the distance...the content of which was exactly the same as what Assassin, his Servant, had seen.

What he is using now is a result of his practice three years ago. What Tokiomi Tosaka taught is called the ability of sympathetic perception.

As long as he is connected through magic, he can share the sensory organs with the contractor. In the Holy Grail War, using Servants for long-distance surveillance is a very important task. And if your Servant is Assassin who is good at spying, it will be even more powerful.

The only difficulty is that if the contractor does not agree, then this ability cannot be used. Tokiomi himself, who taught this magic at that time, was refused by Archer to use this ability. If it were placed on the proud and arrogant King of Heroes. No matter how much the Master requests, he will never allow anyone to use this ability on him.

Therefore, the only ones who can do this are Kirei and Assassin.

"...There seems to be a situation on Warehouse Street near Weiyuanchuan Renhaikou. It seems that the initial battle has already begun."

Kirei said this, but there was no one in front of him, only an ancient gramophone on the table. The brass bell mouth was tilted towards Kirei. However, this seemingly antique gramophone responded to him in human language.

"It's not the first, it should be considered the 'second battle', Kirei."

Although the sound quality was somewhat distorted, just by listening to the free and easy tone, one could definitely tell that the speaker was Tokiomi Tosaka.

If you look closely at this antique, you will find that there are no discs and needles for recording records under the big speaker, but are connected to a large gemstone through a metal wire.

This device was lent to Kirei by Tokiomi, and is an ancestral magical device of the Tosaka family. There is a similar magic device in the Tosaka family's workshop, and it seems that Tokiomi is sitting in front of this speaker now. Through resonance, the gems of the two devices can transmit the vibration of the air in the speaker to each other.

It's like the Tosaka family used the "communication device" of gem magic.

When the Fuyuki Church came under the jurisdiction of Father Kotomine Rimasa, Tokiomi sent a gem communicator into the church. Father Risei served as Tokiomi's secret assistant, and his son Kotomine Kirei was sent to the church for protection as the original loser at the beginning of the Holy Grail War. Tokiomi's goal was naturally to gain secret contact with these two people.

From the outside, everything seemed normal. No one could have imagined that Kirei could have a way to get in touch with the outside world. At that time, Kirei felt that even without this strange thing, using a radio would be the same.

However, the difference between Tohsaka's gem communicator and radio is that there is no need to worry about the conversation being eavesdropped. If you think about it carefully, Tokiomi's cautious style has actually benefited him a lot.

Regardless, Assassin and Kirei now replace Archer as Tokiomi's eyes and ears. Kirei used his own eyes to see what Assassin saw, and used his clairvoyance as a Master. Pay attention to every detail.

"It looks like it's a battle between Saber and Lancer. Saber's abilities are very high, most of them are equivalent to A level."

"...I see. It is indeed the strongest class. By the way, can you see her Master?"

"I only saw one other person...a silver-haired woman standing behind Saber."

"Hmm... It seems that Lancer's Master knows how to hide himself. He should not be a novice. He knows how to abide by the rules of the Holy Grail War... Wait, you said Saber's Master is a silver-haired woman?"

"Yes, she's a young Caucasian girl. She has silver hair and red eyes. She doesn't feel like a human being."

The other side of the brass horn seemed to be thinking silently.

"... Einzbern's android? Are they creating a humanoid Master again... Although it's not impossible..."

"Does that mean this woman is Einzbern's Master?"

"It turns out that Emiya Kiritsugu was not the only chess piece prepared by Yubusta Kuhayid... I didn't expect that I was wrong."

For the first time, a strange commotion surged in Kirei's chest. After a while, he finally discovered that this was actually the so-called feeling of disappointment.

"Anyway, that woman is the key to this battle. Kirei, be sure to watch her carefully."

"...Understood. Then I will send someone to follow her."

After accepting such an order, Kirei continued to explain the battle between the two.

But whether it was the clash of sparks between weapons or the torrent of magic power, in Kirei's eyes it was far less vivid than what he saw just now.


Kiritsugu quietly placed Vaser among the mountains of containers at the container storage yard between the quay walls. He observed the battle through the electronic sight through the night.

First I used a thermal sensor... and saw it. On the screen that displays cool black and blue colors, the effect of red and orange appears. The heat map showing the two people became integrated, as if a large flower was blooming.

Further away, two slightly smaller figures are displayed. One of them stood in the middle of the road and witnessed the battle, while the other, on top of the warehouse a little further away, leaned over to hide.

As for which one is the sniper target. This is easy to judge.

In order to confirm, Kiritsugu turned to the light amplifying scope and continued to peek. In front of him was a deep sea-like vision of light green exuding colorful phosphorescence, but it was more vivid than what he had just seen. ()

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