Okay, that's it. The other party had been wandering around the city, while Weber and Rider kept a certain distance and followed them.

However... although I can understand the meaning of the saying "Stand high and see far", no matter how high you are, there must be a limit. Let's not talk about Servants, just take an ordinary person as an example. If he falls from here, he will definitely die. Rider must be aware of this, but why would he run up here regardless of Weber's safety?

"Fall...it fell! No, let me down! I...I...can't stand it anymore!"

"Don't worry, can't you calm down? Waiting for the opportunity is also a kind of fighting."

Rider spoke in a nonchalant tone while drinking wine, completely ignoring Webb's face that was about to cry. It seems that there is no consensus between the two that "heights are dangerous".

"If you are really that free, just read my book. It's such a good book."

Hearing this, Weber thought of the annoying weight of his backpack. It was obviously a time when we had to streamline our luggage, but there was actually a thick and heavy book of poetry stuffed in the bag.

It was a book that Rider raided the library and snatched when he first arrived in the world. It is "The Iliad" written by the ancient Greek poet Homer, which uses narrative poetry to record the great war between gods and men called the Trojan War.

The other is a map. Forget it. It makes sense that Rider, who wants to conquer the world, would be interested in geography.

So what happened to this collection of poems? The war was approaching, so Rider left the map at home, but he was determined to take the Iliad with him. Of course, Rider would be unable to carry his luggage due to his spirit transformation from time to time, so the burden of carrying the luggage fell on Weber's shoulders.

I remember Rider said that this book is "preparation for battle", but this is not a book on the art of war. What use can it be on the battlefield?

"Rider...why...are you bringing this book?"

Facing Weber's sad and bitter question, the heroic spirit answered seriously.

"The Iliad is very profound. I'm afraid that if I suddenly recall one of the chapters during the battle, it would be very uncomfortable if I couldn't read it again on the spot."


Although he knew that the other party's explanation must be very confusing. But I couldn't figure it out because I was afraid.

"On the spot...you mean...on the battlefield?"


"Reading on the battlefield? Fighting? Reading while wielding a sword?"


"How can it be."

"If you hold the sword in your right hand, hold the book with your left hand. If you hold the reins in your left hand, let the soldier who is following you read it to me."


Hearing this answer, Weber was speechless.

"What's so strange about this? In my time, samurai would fight at any time in their daily lives. They could eat and fight at the same time, hug women while fighting, and fight even if they were asleep. It's such a small thing. Anyone can do it.”

I still couldn't help but ask. Although this man should be able to do anything.

"...It's a lie.\\n"

"Of course, idiot."

Rider laughed out loud and reached out to flick Weber's head.


I wanted to avoid it, but it was obviously impossible. Just holding on to the steel bars with both hands and feet is tiring enough. Weber couldn't even rub his painful forehead and could only scream.

"But Master, everyone will laugh after hearing such a joke. But looking at your pale face and dull eyes, you must be too timid."

Rider laughed boldly. But the magician didn't care about this. The pain on his forehead made his tears begin to fall down. He regretted letting this heroic spirit become a Servant.

"I want to go home... I want to go back to England..."

"I told you not to be so impatient. Look, something is happening."


Rider pointed at the park in front of him seriously.

"I just noticed it. There seems to be another Servant in this park, and he doesn't hide his aura. Our target seems to be slowly approaching him."

"Then, then..."

"Both of them seem to be going to the opposite port. It seems that both sides are preparing to fight."

Rider still smiled like that, but his eyes suddenly revealed a sharp and wild light like a beast. Although he is just watching from the sidelines now, the spirit of the heroic spirit Iskandar is finally returning to the battlefield.

And Weber is still controlled by the fear of being at heights. To be honest, all he wanted now was to return to the ground. As long as he can return to the ground, he is willing to do anything.


Connecting to the east of the Waterfront Park is Warehouse Street. This area also has harbor facilities, separating the new city from the industrial area further east. There was almost no one here at night, and the dim lights illuminating the street made the scene even more empty. The unmanned cranes are neatly arranged on the beach, looking like huge dinosaur fossils, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

But this place is perfect for duels between Servants.

Saber and Irisviel were like duelists who bravely accepted the challenge.\\nThey walked dignifiedly on the wide four-lane road. And the enemy boldly stood in the middle of the road. Ken's strange dressing up and the strong magic power he exudes indicate that he is an unusual being.

The two Servants stopped about ten meters away from each other and faced each other.

This is the first Servant that Saber has encountered, and a life-threatening battle is about to begin. She observed the other person carefully.

The other person pushed his long hair back, and Saber realized that this was actually a man with regular features.

His weapon is quite eye-catching, it is a spear about two meters taller than a person. Among the seven classes, there are three in the "Knight" seat, the heroic spirits of Saber, Archer and "Spear". The man in front of him should be the Servant named Lancer.

The strange thing is that his weapon is not only this long gun.

In addition to the long gun he held on his shoulder with his right hand, there was also a short gun in his left hand that was only about one-third the length of the other one.

If you can make full use of the length of the gun, you can combine two short guns into a long gun. But let’s not talk about swords. I have never seen such a scene using two guns of different lengths at the same time as I saw today.

The two guns, from handle to blade, were all wrapped in a charm-like cloth, making their true colors invisible. It was probably a countermeasure devised to hide the true name of the Noble Phantasm.

"I'm finally here. I've been waiting for a long time, but no one dares to come here... The only one who responds to me is you."

Lancer's heroic spirit praised in a low but clear voice. He did not assume a fighting stance, but asked Saber calmly.

"A rather fierce fighting spirit...I think you are Saber, am I right?"

"Yes. You are Lancer."

"Exactly... Ha, I didn't expect that before a deadly battle, I could introduce myself to my opponent in such an ordinary way. But I couldn't help myself."

Saber agreed with this statement and her cold expression softened slightly.

"There's nothing we can do about it. This is not what we are fighting for our honor. You must have given the gun in your hand to your master, right?"

"Ha...that's right."

He didn't look like someone who was about to fight with his life. Instead, he had a relaxed and wry smile on his face. After taking a closer look at him, I realized that he was actually a pretty handsome man.

The high nose bridge, stern eyebrows, strong facial contours, and delicate lips make people feel strict and abstinent, but the gentle and melancholy eyes hidden make people strongly appreciate his masculine charm. The mole under his left eye makes his eyes even more charming.

Speaking of which, he is indeed a handsome man who can charm women at a glance... No, his impression is really just based on his appearance?

Irisviel, who was behind Saber, slightly raised her eyebrows.

"...Charming magic? It's really rude to a married woman, Lancer."

Lancer boldly unleashes his spiritual power to enchant women. As an android whose body has been strengthened, Irisviel's ability to resist magic is twice that of an ordinary person. Otherwise, she would have been fascinated by him at a glance like an ordinary woman.

In response to Irisviel's protest, Lancer could only shrug with a wry smile.

"I'm so sorry. It feels like I've been cursed since I was born. But there's nothing I can do about it. If you want to hate me, just hate my birth, or just hate you for being women."

This is the "Magic Eye" that represents the Charm Curse. Saber was the only one looking directly at him, and Irisviel behind her did not look into his eyes. Perhaps what made his ability take effect was the moment Irisviel saw his face. This should probably be "Magic Appearance".

Saber snorted, scorning Lancer.

"You're not expecting me to be merciful because of your face, Lancer."

"If that's the case, it would be too boring. I see, the anti-magic ability of the Saber class is really extraordinary... Well, if you ask me to kill a weak woman because of this, then I will lose face. . I decided to wait here for someone with courage to come to my door. It seems that I made the right move."

"Oh? It seems you want to have a good fight. It's really an honor for me to meet a heroic spirit like you."

Saber answered exaggeratedly with a smile. This is a transparent and tragic smile that only warriors who have lived and died can understand.

"Then... let's get started."

Lancer lifted the spear on his shoulder and swung it back into a fighting stance. He also slowly raised the short gun with his left hand. The two guns were spread out and waved like wings. This was a fighting posture that had never been seen before.

Saber also released the surging fighting spirit. The burst of magic stirred up a whirlwind-like airflow in the air, and the airflow enveloped the girl's petite body. In an instant, her whole body was wrapped in silver armor, and the magic turned into armor and gauntlets. And this is the true face of this knight king.


Irisviel swallowed nervously and called out her name. Drawn by the strong fighting spirit emanating from the two of them, she was keenly aware of it. There was no room for her to interfere in this battle.

However, she didn't want to be just a bystander. At least she is the representative of Saber's Master.

"...be careful. Although I can also use some healing spells, the rest is..."

Saber nodded before she finished speaking.

"Lancer, please leave it to me. However, I'm a little worried about why the other party's Master didn't show up."

As Saber said, Lancer's Master, who has not yet appeared, is still an independent threat. Generally speaking, the Master will be by the side of the Servant, commanding the Servant and providing necessary magic support at the same time. As long as Lancer's Master doesn't fully trust his Servant, he must be hiding nearby now, observing Lancer's battle.

"Maybe he has some conspiracy, so you have to be careful. Irisviel, I will leave my back to you."

The emerald eyes were speaking silently, without any fear.

Trust the heroic spirit of the sword.

Rather than trusting this heroic spirit who considers him his master, he believes in his own decision.

"...Understood. Saber, bring victory to me."

"Yes. I will definitely."

Saber nodded firmly and took steps.

Towards Lancer, towards his spear...


After receiving the signal from Irisviel, Emiya Kiritsugu and Kuu Maiya followed the signal and rushed to Warehouse Street. What greeted them was silent silence.

There was only the roar of the sea breeze, the deathly silence and the stagnant air. The night is so peaceful.


"...It's already started."

Kiritsugu correctly judged the situation just by relying on the aura of magic coming from around him.

Someone set up a barrier. It seems that the enemy Servant's Master did it. The purpose is to isolate ordinary people from the Holy Grail War and hide the real scene. It is a rule that magicians must abide by without exposing their behavior to the public.

Kiritsugu held the alien sniper rifle weighing more than ten kilograms in his arms and began to think. Based on the signal from the transmitter, he already roughly knew the specific location of Irisviel, but the question was how to get close to it and where was the best place to observe.

He had no intention of joining the war, so he brought a sniper rifle. He wanted to stand in a suitable position to observe the battle and use a sniper rifle to attack if necessary. Servants are not humans, so only Servants can hurt Servants. No matter how powerful Kiritsugu and Maiya's spears were, they would have no effect on Servants. Saber's mission is to fight against the opponent's Servant. As long as the opponent can concentrate on fighting and not be distracted by the Master's safety. Then this battle will have a chance of winning.

"It seems like a good place to observe the battle."

Maiya pointed forward as she spoke. It was a crane standing in the dark. After visual inspection, the height of the cab is about thirty meters. If you can climb up there quietly, it can be said to be the best place to watch the battle.

Kiritsugu had no objection to Maiya's point of view, but because of this, he shook his head.

"Indeed, that is the best place for surveillance, so I'm afraid it's not just us who have this idea."


There was no need for Kiritsugu to explain further, Maiya already understood his intention.

"Maiya, you sneak in from the east bank, and I'll sneak in from the west... We need to find an observation point where we can both observe Saber's battle and monitor the crane."

"I see."

Maiya held an AUG assault rifle and trotted away into the shadows of Warehouse Street. Kiritsugu carefully moved in the opposite direction while confirming the response of the transmitter.

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