A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1106 1106 Reaping the benefits

"Irisviel, it's better to find a way to notify Kiritsugu after setting up a base, and then do the best. Isn't the Einzbern villa outside the city just right?"

"Is this... also..."

Irisviel began to hesitate. It seems she can still realize that her rashness was a mistake. Saber felt that there was something hidden, so she started to question Irisviel.

"It's just a stroll, don't be so nervous."

"This is... my first time..."

Irisviel lowered her head and answered as if she was frightened. Saber sighed helplessly.

"...You also know that I was summoned by the Holy Grail. Then I learned the knowledge of this world. Of course, I also understand the land that is about to become a battlefield. Irisviel, this is not a big city or a tourist attraction. resort, and as far as I know, there isn’t even a single place worth seeing here.”

"No...no, that's not the case."

Irisviel kept repeating these words like a child. After a while, she finally made up her mind and confessed to Saber.

"This...this is my first time going out."


Saber didn't seem to understand, and was stunned on the spot.

"I mean... this is the first time since I was born... that I have come to the outside world..."

"Then you...have been staying in that city before?"

Irisviel nodded slightly, her head lowered as if she had made a mistake.

"I was just a doll made for the Holy Grail War, so there is no need to go out. That's what Grandpa told me."

Saber's life as Artoria was not a happy one either.

And for the people who were imprisoned from birth in that frozen city, Saber couldn't help but feel sympathy.

"However, it's not like I don't know everything. Kiritsugu often brings me some movies and photos to watch, and he also tells me many stories about the outside world. For example, in New York and Paris, many people live various lives. All kinds of life. He told me all about it, and of course, he also talked about Japan."

Irisviel showed a lonely smile and gazed longingly at the hurried people around her.

"But... this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes. So, I was very happy, but I went too far without knowing it. I'm really sorry."

Saber lowered her gaze quietly and nodded. Then she bent her thin elbow and pointed at Irisviel.


"Although this is my first time here, it is a knight's duty to protect the princess. Although I am not up to it, I am still working hard. Please."


Irisviel's eyes flashed with pleasure, and she hooked Saber's arm.

It's still a long time before night.


Even in the center of a bustling area, the combination of Saber and Irisviel is still eye-catching.

There is a silver-haired girl with noble temperament in a gorgeous dress, and a slim and beautiful boy whose arm is hooked by the girl. Even at a cocktail party where movie stars gather, you may not be able to witness such a perfect combination.

Images that could only be seen on a screen in the past are now vividly staged on the streets of a Japanese city. Passers-by often stop in their tracks just by taking one look.

The two of them just walked indifferently, not as close as lovers, not as excited as tourists, just walking along the street like that. Occasionally they would stop and smile as they gazed out the windows sparkling in the setting sun. Or curiously looking at the items on display in the display window. But they just watched.\\nThey never entered any store.

They are like bystanders. Although they are walking on this street, they are not in the chaos.

The winter sun finally sets completely.\\nThe streets are covered in another layer of color by the night. Irisviel was intoxicated when she saw the colorful neon lights flashing.

There are countless cities in the world with far better night views than Fuyuki City, but for Irisviel, seeing everything with her own eyes is the most beautiful and precious treasure.

"It's so beautiful... It turns out that as long as there are many people, the night will become so beautiful..."

Irisviel couldn't help but excitedly muttered to herself, while Saber nodded wordlessly.

For her, this scenery that was far away from the era she lived in also brought her a lot of emotions. But there was always a tight string in her mind.

This is enemy territory and that has never changed.

Saber's ability to detect enemies is not excellent, and depending on the situation, Saber wandering around may be discovered by the enemy Servant first. Although most enemies will not directly attack the crowd, they may seize an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on themselves.

Even so, she did not force Irisviel, but chose to accompany her to breathe the air of freedom. This is all because she has never wavered in her confidence in her sword.

She is a heroic spirit of the Sword Seat, one of the strongest classes chosen by the Holy Grail. If it's a close fight, no one can overpower her. She believes that no matter what the situation is, she can handle it calmly.

Therefore, it is most beneficial to be attacked by surprise. Just block the attack openly and find an opportunity to counterattack. She will show all her foolish opponents who underestimate her what it means to be a swordsman.

"...Saber, let's go see the sea next."

Seeing the excitement on Irisviel's face, the girl dressed in men's clothing smiled and nodded. He must not let her notice his nervousness.

He had sworn to protect Irisviel. Therefore, Saber was determined to protect even the joy that Irisviel felt at this moment.

As long as you walk across the Fuyuki Ohashi Bridge across the Miton River, you will see a large seaside park there.

It was late at night, and they were the only two walking slowly on the quiet road. The north wind from the sea blew directly through without any obstruction, blowing Irisviel's long silver hair, and her hair danced like a meteor tail. In winter, even dating couples don't want to get close because of the sea breeze.

Irisviel, who saw the sea for the first time, didn't care because she was used to the cold.

"Here, we should come when it's dawn."

There was only icy darkness in the sea. Saber looked at the sea like this and spoke apologetically. But Irisviel, who was staring at the horizon, answered immediately.

"No, the sea at night is also beautiful. It's like a mirror of the night sky."

Listening to the heavy sound of the waves, Irisviel gradually revealed a smile on her face.

Perhaps because she had a lot of fun that day, a faint blush appeared on her white cheeks. Looking at her like this, no one would think that she was married and had children. Her smile was so innocent, as if she were still a teenage girl.

"It turns out that walking in a strange city with you, the knight, is such a joy."

"I wonder if my performance as a fake knight is up to par?"

In response to Irisviel's joke, Saber, an unsmiling heroic spirit, actually said such ridiculing words.

"Qualified and impeccable. Saber, today you are the most perfect knight in the world."

"It is an honor. Your Highness."

Facing the girl in black who spoke sincerely, Irisviel turned her face towards the sea, seemingly shy.

"Saber, do you like the sea?"


Saber smiled bitterly.\\nBut her thoughts flew back to her distant hometown.

"In my time, my country... across the sea was a haven for invaders. So all I can think of are unpleasant memories."

"That's it..."

Irisviel's expression became serious due to Saber's answer.

"...I'm really sorry. We are both girls, but as King Arthur, you can't have time to go on a date with a knight or something..."

"Yeah, that's right."

Saber smiled relaxedly and shrank her shoulders. She never regretted giving up her identity as a woman, because what she cared about was the honor of galloping on the battlefield.

"Irisviel, actually what you like about shopping is not with me, but with Kiritsugu."

Facing Saber's question, Irisviel showed a clear smile.

"You can't... be with him. You will think of sad things."

Saber felt a little confused.

"Don't you think Kiritsugu is happy spending time with you?"

"No. I think he should feel the same happiness as me... But no, he is the kind of person who feels pain because of 'happiness'."


Saber chewed on this sentence over and over, trying to use it to understand the contradictions in the heart of Emiya Kiritsugu.

"...He feels that he doesn't deserve to be happy. Right."

"Maybe. He always uses his own heart to punish himself. If he wants to live pursuing his ideals, he can only make himself more ruthless, but he can't do it."

Irisviel looked at the sea and imagined her husband running for a common goal in an unknown city.

Saber wanted to say something more, but she didn't know what else to say.

...I really regret bringing up such a topic. Now today’s conversation is over. This is a really unpleasant ending.

Suddenly, Saber grabbed Irisviel's arms and pulled her close to her. And because of this action, Irisviel's calm eyes met with Saber's in an instant.

"...An enemy Servant?"


That's right, in the shadow about a hundred meters away, the enemy deliberately exposed his presence provocatively. And knowing that his aura had been sensed by Saber, the other party did not get closer but gradually moved away.

"It seems that he wants to lure us there."

"Well, you're really graceful. Do you want us to choose the battlefield?"

Irisviel's voice was still so calm. And this calmness is proof that she completely trusts Saber. Saber once again silently rejoiced that she had met a good master.

"It seems that the opponent's thoughts are the same as ours, and they want to lure us to take the initiative. Saber, it seems that the opponent is also like you, a Servant who likes to fight head-on."

"Well, it seems that it's either Lancer or Rider. I'm worthy of being his opponent."

Saber nodded and muttered to herself, and Irisviel gave her a bold smile.

"Then entertain him well."

"As you wish."

If the opponent wants to introduce themselves into an area that is beneficial to them, it is still dangerous to rush forward rashly. But based on Saber's strength, she doesn't have to worry about this at all. Her master was fully aware of his Servant's strength.

Saber walked toward the enemy's location, her steps relaxed and confident.

Irisviel followed her and pressed the button of the device hidden in her pocket. This is the transmitter Kiritsugu gave her. It is said that it can be used to tell Kiritsugu his location. Kiritsugu really likes to use these mechanical props without magical power.

Irisviel believes in Saber's power. Hopefully this time the enemy will be far weaker than Saber and be easily defeated by her proud Servant. Irisviel is looking forward to this kind of battle.

Yes, if possible... she wanted to see the knights decide the winner before Kiritsugu intervened in the battle.


The Weiyuan River is very close to the mouth of the sea, and the Fuyuki Bridge across both sides of it is a majestic arched bridge with a total length of 665 meters.

The vault is at least fifty meters high, and if one stood on it, he would be blown down into the river by the strong sea wind. Even skilled workers would not dare to go up empty-handed without a safety rope.

But Weber Velvet was staying there fearfully at the moment, without even wearing a safety belt. So now he no longer bothered to put on his usual solemn and majestic expression.

Right next to him, his Servant, Rider, was sitting there with a majestic expression.

"Ri...der...get down...hurry up!"

Waver said while shivering because of the cold and fear, but the tall Servant didn't care at all.

"It's perfect to be a sentry here, but now let me take a look at the scenery here to change my mood."

From time to time, he would lift up the red wine bottle in his hand and take a sip while looking at the west shore indifferently. There is a large seaside park there. Although Weber couldn't see it, he knew from Rider's words that the Servant they had spent nearly 4 hours tracking should be there.

Rider has been wandering around the city in order to reach the enemy. And just yesterday afternoon, he felt the Servant's aura.

Weber wanted to attack directly, but Rider just watched his opponent from a distance. Facing Weber's question, Rider only snorted from his nose.

"That's obviously trying to lure us out. How could no one notice that the other party's aura is so obvious. It's not just me.\\nI'm afraid other Servants are also observing them. If we wait and see what happens, maybe some impatient Master will. The action has been taken. This is the time I have been waiting for."

Weber found Rider's strategy quite reasonable and even surprising. This tall man who looks bold and upright on the outside actually has such a thoughtful mind.

Indeed, as Rider said, wait and see what happens, waiting for the snipe and clam dispute between those who act rashly and the other party. Although I don't know what kind of strength this provocative Servant has, since I have the courage to challenge him, of course I am willing to accept it. Then as long as two of the two parties are defeated, Rider can attack and defeat the victorious party, and he can reap the benefits.

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