A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1105 1105 Princess and Knight

"Ilia is not as powerful as Hua Se. She is obviously eight years old..."

Kiritsugu began to vaguely recall the past, talking to himself alone, his thoughts seemed to have stopped. So he was surprised when Maiya silently approached him from behind and got into his arms.

Maiya's snake-like arms hooked around his neck and sealed his mouth with soft and dry lips.

The woman in front of him overlapped with the woman he missed, but the taste and feeling were so unfamiliar. It was as if everything in front of him was a ruthless punishment to himself.

"...Now just think about what you have to do. As for other things, don't worry about it."

She calmly reminded Kiritsugu in a bewitching tone.


Kiritsugu remained silent, feeling the emotion in his chest getting colder and colder. The original pain in my heart became less and less as the temperature dropped.

This is the kind of woman she became. It was Kiritsugu himself who raised this girl picked up from the battlefield into such a woman.

She is an auxiliary machine, a machine specially designed to assist the normal operation of a machine called "Emiya Kiritsugu". This is Kuu Maiya. This is the necessary and final weapon for Kiritsugu to win this war. This is a role that only Maiya can fulfill.


At the same time that Emiya Kiritsugu and Kuu Maiya met at the hotel in Shinto, at Airport F, the nearest airport to Fuyuki City, a charter flight of Italian airline Vorale from Germany was slowly landing on the runway. superior.

Although they also withstand the test of cold winter, the winter in Japan is simply not the same as the harsh winter in Einzbern. Irisviel von Einzbern looked up at the soft afternoon sunshine and felt relieved.

"This is where Kiritsugu was born..."

What a great place. Although I had some understanding through photos and so on before, after experiencing it in person, Irisviel couldn't help but admire it again.

It’s not just the mood that feels relaxed. This time she pretended to be a tourist, so what she prepared was not the dress she usually wore, but clothes that were as close to ordinary people as possible. Although she only put on flat boots and a knee-length skirt, it still gave her a feeling of being reborn, allowing her to move freely and easily.

However, for the relatively isolated Einzbern people, their so-called common people's clothing is far out of the scope of "common people". The silk shawl, knee-high boots, and silver fox fur coat are the kind of clothing that can only be seen in high-end shopping mall windows, and they are definitely expensive. But for Irisviel, who had been cared for as a treasure since she was a child, this luxurious and expensive outfit seemed so perfect. It can even be said that only such an outfit is worthy of her flowing silver hair and beautiful appearance.

Although she had gone to great lengths to prepare such "common people's clothes" in order to pretend to be an ordinary person, it was a pity that this was only a common people in the eyes of the Einzbern people. And a beauty like her will never look like an ordinary person no matter how she dresses.

"Saber, how does it feel to travel by air?"

Irisviel got off the plane first and said to the Servant who was following behind and was about to step onto the ground.

"Nothing special. Boring than expected."

This should be true. The expression in Saber's glazed eyes was as calm as ever.

"What a pity. I thought you would be surprised and grateful to me."

"...Irisviel, you don't think of me as a primitive person, do you?"

Facing Saber's frowning and dissatisfied expression, Irisviel gave her an innocent smile.

"Flying is probably not surprising at all for heroic spirits."

"That's not the case. It's just that I have appeared in this modern society as a Servant and have learned a lot of modern knowledge. And as a swordsman, I also have riding skills. If anything happens, I think I can control this machine called an airplane. "

Irisviel was stunned by Saber's words.

"You...can fly a plane?"

"I think so. The object of my riding skills is all 'ridable objects'. As long as I step on it and hold the reins, I can quickly adapt and control it."

Irisviel finally couldn't help but laugh. She didn't see the cockpit of the plane. I wonder what she would think if she walked into the cab and found that there were no saddles and bridles but only many instruments she had never seen before.

However, her description of the skills should be entirely true. It is said that swordsmen can control all rideable objects except fantasy beasts and mythical beasts. If necessary. You should also be able to drive or ride a bicycle.

"But it's still a pity. You are probably the only Servant who can experience the feeling of flying on an airplane with your body."

"...I'm very sorry for this. I am not qualified to do so."

"Ah, stop talking. Don't mind, that's not what I meant at all."

Other Masters would come to Japan by boat in various ways, so Irisviel, who only came by plane with her Servants and pretended to be ordinary tourists, was probably an exception.

As for the reason, it all lies with Saber. Although she is a heroic spirit, she must accept restrictions that other Servants do not have to accept. The most important one is that she cannot become a spirit. At the same time, she does not have the basic abilities of other Servants, such as being able to move at high speed after being dematerialized, turning into a spirit to suppress the supply of magic power from the Master while resting, etc.

This is not due to problems in the contract with Kiritsugu and the summoning method, but it seems that the soul of this hero named Artoria cannot activate the Servant under ordinary conditions... As for the details, even Irisviel has also not understand. The most troublesome thing is that Saber can't hide herself. She can't just appear in front of everyone wearing armor like that in the real world. So Saber had no choice but to dress up as an ordinary girl and go with Irisviel.

However, judging from the way she was dressed, Irisviel was somewhat thankful for the restrictions Saber was subject to.

"It's great to be able to travel with Saber. No matter how I look at you, I won't get bored."

"Irisviel, what did you say?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Irisviel laughed and turned her head to the side. But this aroused Saber's suspicion even more.

"...Whenever you smile like this, it means you must be hiding something. Tell me."

"I was just thinking that it wouldn't be a bad thing if you existed physically all the time, because I can help you choose clothes."


Saber opened her mouth to say something, but when it reached her lips, it turned into a sigh. Originally, a Servant who was unable to transform into a spiritual body due to restrictions was justified even if he was scolded every day. But now it actually makes the Master happy, which is of course unexpected. So if you reply a few words at this time, you are really putting the cart before the horse.

"Irisviel, there's nothing wrong with my outfit, right?"

"Hmm...I think it's okay. But it's my first time in this country, so I'm still a little nervous."

If there had been a non-Japanese national who understood the state of Japanese civilians present at that time, he would definitely have raised objections to Irisviel's words.

Irisviel measured Saber's measurements and customized her clothes before departure. At Frankfurt Airport, they got the outfit. A navy blue skirt shirt and tie, combined with a French European-style black jacket, make a perfect men's suit.

If a girl who is only about 1.5 meters tall wears such an outfit, everyone may think it doesn't match. But when it comes to Saber, it can only be described as amazing.

Her beauty is not the kind of gender-inverted beauty, but her awe-inspiring temperament makes her beauty different from the beauty of ordinary women. Perhaps, she can only be described as a peerless and beautiful young man with an refined temperament. With her slender body, fair skin and youthful pure temperament, anyone who sees her will sincerely admire her beauty.

"I matched it based on my own clothes. Don't you like it, Saber?"

"Ah, no. Such clothes are very convenient for movement. I have always worn men's clothes before."

Although it would be easier for her to move around in men's clothing when she changes her armor in the future, at least for now, Irisviel made this decision entirely because of her own interests, and no one can deny this.

Irisviel handed all the luggage she had brought to the maids who came on the same plane, and she and Saber walked to the customs empty-handed. The maids will return home directly after delivering their luggage to the Einzbern villa on the outskirts of Fuyuki City. The Holy Grail War is about to begin, and this time, Irisviel doesn't want to sit idly by. Therefore, she asked those maids to return home immediately in order to prevent innocent people from being implicated. With such determination, she handles many matters around her alone. Fortunately, Saber can be by her side.

The immigration formalities were very quick, and we were only a few steps away from walking to the lobby. The rest should be sorted out quickly. But soon, they encountered an official who seemed a bit manic, had a bad attitude, and rolled his eyes. This made the two of them feel uneasy.

"Sure enough, there must be something wrong with my clothes..."

People walking through the hall looked at Saber, so she muttered uneasily.

"I watched it because it's so beautiful."

Irisviel could only smile bitterly, because there were quite a few eyes on her. The fact is, because both of them are very beautiful. No matter the strange clothes or the combinations that have never been seen before, they all look so harmonious and complementary. The reason why the people around you are paying attention is not because you feel strange, but because you are intoxicated and cast envious eyes.

"...Let's go, Saber. Don't worry about this."

Irisviel said as she took Saber's hand, while Saber lowered her head with a depressed look on her face.

"It's rare to come to Japan. Let's go have a big meal before the war starts."

"Irisviel, it's not a question of whether to eat or not..."

Irisviel half-tugged Saber and skipped towards the waiting hall. Saber looked at her expression, and for some reason, she seemed to see a brightness she had never seen before.


When the two arrived in Fuyuki City, the sun had begun to set and night was approaching.

"It's so lively..."

The two got off the car at the park square in front of the station. Looking at the busy figures of people under the sunset, Irisviel couldn't help but sigh with twinkling eyes.

But Saber beside her was like a commander on the battlefield, coldly observing the surrounding plants and trees.

"Kiritsugu should be here already."

"Yeah, it should be half a day earlier than us."

When Kiritsugu was about to return to his country, he had already started a secret operation.\\nHe arrived here by a completely different route from Irisviel and others. He should first take a special passenger plane to Shin-Osaka International Airport, and then take a train to Fuyuki City.

"Don't you want to find a way to find him?"

"It doesn't matter, he should come to us."

Saber didn't say anything, but she was already tired of the two people's lack of concrete plans.

"What do we do after that?".\\n

"Is this...the current stage is to see clearly the changes in the situation and respond flexibly."

"In other words, there is nothing to do at all?"


Looking at the confused Saber, Irisviel smiled like a child who had succeeded in a prank.

"But that's not worth it. It's rare to come from so far away from us."

Irisviel smiled and looked around at the weeds. Then he walked forward on his own. Her steps were neat and tidy, and even Saber's steps beside her were a little messy.

"Is it...is there an enemy Servant?"

"No, how could it be?"

Irisviel immediately denied it. She turned around and looked directly at Saber with inviting eyes.

"Saber, it's so rare. Let's go shopping. It will be fun."


Saber was stunned when she heard this. She really didn't expect that she would say this. Then, her expression immediately became serious.

"Irisviel, you cannot take it lightly. Now that you have set foot on Fuyuki's land, please be aware that you are in the enemy's country. The Holy Grail War has begun."

"Yes, so I completely trust Saber. But if a Servant is approaching, he should be able to tell it by his breath."

"This...is indeed true."

Whether they are spirits or entities, Servants and Servants can sense each other's existence through breath. Of course, the level of ability varies from person to person, and there are also Servants who can hide their aura like assassins.

"For me, the limit of my perception is a radius of two hundred meters. And if the other party uses any special abilities, it's hard to tell."

"Ah... In other words, we are safe now."

"Yes. But..."

"Then just think that I forced you to go there. We don't know what to look for anyway."

Deliberately appearing on the street in order to lure out lurking enemies can also be considered a plan. For Saber, who has no reconnaissance ability, the only way to know the enemy's location is to lure the snake out of its hole. As long as she cannot become a spirit, she will never be able to choose to act in secret.

But through the conversation just now, Saber once again discovered that Irisviel's actions seemed to have some purpose. No matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like she dragged Saber out just for fun.

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