A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1112 1112 The king and the king and the king

Weber wanted to respond with some nice sarcasm. Waver got ahead of the lecturer and cleverly made the heroic spirit Iskandar a Servant who obeyed him. Wouldn't this be the best revenge for the long humiliation suffered in the Clock Tower?

right. It is no longer a lecturer-student relationship. Now he is my true enemy. I can hate him desperately and take his life. At this point, of course he is my opponent.

During the years that Weber lived in the Clock Tower, he always hated the arrogant lecturer whether he was sleeping or waking. I even wanted to kill him a few times - but this was the first time I was so hated by a lecturer. For the first time, the boy Weber experienced the murderous gaze of a real magician.

The owner of that voice had keen eyesight and saw the frozen fear on Weber's face. He continued in a creepy and cold teasing voice, as if toying with Weber.

"There's nothing I can do about it, Weber-kun. I'll give you extracurricular tutoring. The true meaning of magicians killing each other - the horror and pain of killing, I will give you without reservation. You think it's honorable, right? .”

In fact, Weber was shaking with fear. He didn't even have the time to pay attention to the humiliation this sentence brought him.

To become a true magician, one must be determined to die... This general principle, which usually can only be understood in words, is now realized by Weber. The sight that the man shot out from nowhere was extremely deadly. When the magician harbors murderous intent in his heart, that's when he decides to issue a "death announcement" - something Weber still doesn't know about.

At this time, something gently but powerfully hugged the young boy's young shoulders that were shaking alone due to fear.

Weber panicked at the thick yet gentle feeling. The hands of the burly Servant - with five rough and separated fingers, can only be an object of fear to the short Master.

"Hey, Magician, from what I observe, you seem to want to replace my little Master and become my Master."

Rider asked Lancer's Master who was hiding somewhere. In fact, his face was filled with a malicious and pitiful smile that made his face crooked.

"It's really ridiculous if this is really the case. The man who becomes my Master should be a warrior who rides on the battlefield with me, not a coward who dares not even show his face."

Silence fell, and only the anger of the missing Master spread in the night air. Rider suddenly burst out laughing, this time facing the empty night sky, laughing at the top of his lungs.

"Come out! There may be others. They are hiding in the darkness and peeking at our accomplices!"

Both Saber and Lancer looked surprised.

"——What's wrong with you? Rider"

Facing Saber who asked him, the Conqueror gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

"Saber and Lancer, it's really amazing that you are fighting face to face. The swords and halberds made such a clear clashing sound, I'm afraid more than one heroic spirit was attracted."

Irisviel was trembling with fear inside, as if Kiritsugu, who was hiding somewhere, had been discovered. But Rider only thinks about other Servants. Rider wanted to send the deafening sound to every corner around him and shouted again.

"Poor. So pitiful! The heroes gathered in Fuyuki. Don't you have any feelings when you see the courage shown by Saber and Lancer here? They have real names worth boasting, but they secretly keep peeking here. How cowardly. .The heroic spirits will also panic when they hear this, huh!?”

After laughing loudly, Rider gently tilted his head and mouth with a fearless expression, and finally looked around with provocative eyes.

"Heroic spirits invited to the Holy Grail War, gather here now. Cowards who are afraid of even showing up, please wake up to me before Iscandar, the Conqueror, insults you!"

Rider's passionate speech even reached Emiya Kiritsugu, who was secretly watching from the container yard in the distance. It also reached the ears of Maiya who was watching on the other side.

The way of thinking of the heroes of ancient times was so different from Kiritsugu's that it made him unable to even sigh.

"...How could that idiot conquer the world?"


Opposite Maiya also looked helpless.

Like Kiritsugu and Maiya, Kirei Kotomine, who was secretly watching through the assassin's vision and hearing, also saw all Rider's actions and heard his wild words. At this time, Kotomine Kirei was in the distant Fuyuki Church. Moreover, Kirei informed Tohsaka Tokiomi of all the details of what he heard and saw through the gem communicator next to him.

"...This man is so stupid."

Such extremely unpleasant words came from the distant Tohsaka mansion.

Although Kirei didn't know where the speaker was, he still frowned and nodded.

"It's really stupid."

Neither Tokiomi nor Kirei scoffed at Rider's nonsense like Emiya Kiritsugu did. Speaking of the reason, it was because they thought of the same heroic spirit at the same time. This heroic spirit would never ignore Rider's provocative words.


A moment after Rider roared, golden light appeared.

The overly dazzling light made people a little timid, but everyone present no longer felt surprised. What appeared after that was the fourth Servant who was involved in the crime due to Rider's provocation. There is no doubt about this. But the development of the situation was terrifying. Four Servants actually gathered in a warm-up battle before such a big battle. Now no one can judge the progress of the situation.

Sure enough, at the top of the streetlight bulb about ten meters above the ground, a figure wearing golden shining armor appeared.

Weber couldn't help but hold his breath when he saw his dazzling and great face.

"That person is..."

Although I had only seen him for a brief moment before, the figure left such a strong impression on people...\\nIt was impossible for Weber to see him wrong. Standing leisurely on the tall street lamp must be—the mysterious Servant who used overwhelming destructive power to kill the assassin who invaded the Tohsaka Residence last night.

There is no way that heavy equipment that is not covered by armor can be a Master. And if he appears in response to Rider's call, it proves that he only has the judgment to regard Rider's arrogant words as a provocation, and that he cannot be a violent Berserker.

In this way, only Archer, the last member of the Three Knights, remained through the process of elimination.

"There are two people who don't take me seriously and call themselves 'kings' without knowing how high the sky is. Two people emerged overnight."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the golden heroic spirit curled his lips in great displeasure, showing his contempt for the three Servants facing each other. Although Archer's proud attitude and tone are exactly the same as Rider's arrogance, they are fundamentally different. The Conqueror's voice and eyes were not as cold and ruthless as Archer's.

Rider didn't seem to expect that someone with a tougher attitude than him would appear. He was quite flustered and scratched his chin in confusion.

"Even if you say something rude... I, Iskandar, am still a famous conqueror in the world."

"I am the only hero who can truly be called a king. The rest are just bastards."

Archer simply made a declaration that was more than an insult. At this time, even Saber was surprised that the ground was deserted, but Rider looked at it with tolerance, was a little surprised and sighed.

"For this reason, how about you tell me your name first? If you are also a king, you won't be afraid of your own reputation, right?"

Rider made such a joke, Archer's red eyes became more and more arrogant and angry, staring at the giant man in front of him.

"Are you asking me? Are you asking me, the bastard?"

According to common sense, it makes sense for Rider to ask Archer's real name, but from Archer's point of view, this seems to be a great disrespect to him. This statement was obviously different from Archer's intention to hide his real name. It was just Archer's blind emotional madness, and the golden heroic spirit began to show murderous intent.

"If I let you wear the glory of worshiping me, but you don't know my name, there is nothing I can do about your ignorance."

After Archer made this assertion, a strange flame-like aura slowly rose from his left and right sides - and in the next moment, the knife suddenly appeared in the empty sky with a dazzling light.

The unsheathed sword and the gun. They are all dazzlingly decorated and emit magic that cannot be hidden. It's obviously not an ordinary weapon, it can only be a Noble Phantasm.

There is no doubt that this is the attack weapon that killed the assassin to death last night.

Those who watched the battle in Tohsaka Prefecture last night recognized these weapons.


Weber was scared. Lancer's invisible Master also held his breath. Kiritsugu and Maiya, who were watching from a distance, were also tense.

There is another man - just like Rider and Webb.\\nHe has been following Lancer and is now hiding in Warehouse Street watching the development of the situation. This Servant also used the magical vision to peer into the battlefield and stared at Archer's strange attack pattern.

By the way, there is no doubt that they are exactly the same. It has been determined that Archer is the golden heroic spirit who protected Tohsaka Mansion from the assassin's invasion last night, namely Tohsaka Tokiomi's Servant.

"Haha, hahahaha——"

In the darkness, Matou Kariya's eyes were bloodshot due to the hatred of the past, and his laughter leaked out.

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. During the year in hell, I could only dream about this moment, so I persisted.

Tokiomi Tosaka...

He is both Aoi's husband and Sakura's father. Someone who tramples on the happiness of mother and daughter.

He got everything Matou Kariya desired, and despised everything Matou Kariya desired. This made Matou Kariya unable to dispel his resentment no matter how much he hated and cursed him.

Now is the time to avenge the past. The hatred boiling in my chest turned into a sharp sword, and the time came to challenge that man——

"I am going to kill you……"

Voicing one's hatred cuts off all imaginable joy. The feeling of hatred that is too deep is similar to the mood of joy, both are wonderful. Now for the first time, Kariya understood the meaning of this sentence.

I'll settle the score with Tokiomi later. First crush his Servant and kick this hated magician out of the Holy Grail War. Just by thinking of Tokiomi's frustrated and humiliated face in Kariya's mind, a maddening excitement surged through his body.

"Dead assassin! Let me destroy Archer for you!!"

At this time, a torrent of magical power blew from nowhere, which no one expected.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, the upward curling magic power gradually solidified into a row, turning into a stubborn and unyielding figure.

That shadow stood...\\nAbout two blocks closer to the seaside than the four lanes of Lancer and Saber's battlefield——Yes, his figure can only be described as a "shadow".

The tall, broad-shouldered man was covered in armor. But it was different from the silver armor that tightly wrapped Saber's body, and the luxurious gold armor that Archer wore.

The man's armor was black. There is no exquisite decoration, no polished colors.

Like darkness, extreme black like hell. Even his face was covered by a helmet. Deep in the small cracks of the helmet...\\nOnly the dazzling light emanating from the eyes burning like fire can be seen.

Servant. That's right. Even a Servant. What kind of heroic spirit is that ominous figure?

The "brilliant" elements possessed by the Servants who had appeared were not possessed by the Black Knight. Artoria, Diarmuid, the conquering king Iskandar, and the golden Archer whose name is unknown, all possess "luxury". This is something you can boast about as a heroic spirit. The legend created and the honor brought by everyone's admiration and admiration. It is the necessary element for them to become "noble fantasy".

But the new Black Knight doesn't have those elements. It barely resembles the assassin's appearance.

The darkness surrounding the black armor must be "negative waves".

So, instead of calling him a heroic spirit, it would be better to call him a resentful spirit or something like that...

"...King of Conqueror, did you invite him too?"

Lancer didn't dare to stare at the Black Knight carelessly, but he still teased Rider in a frivolous tone. Rider frowned when he heard this.

"As for the invitation, that was non-negotiable from the beginning."

The black knight unleashes nothing but unmitigated murderous intent. Even the whirlwind generated by its magical power is like a groan of resentment, which is creepy.

Berserker, anyone knows him. Such fluctuations filled with dangerous and murderous intent can only make people think of frantic heroic spirits.

"So, little master. If that guy is a Servant, what is his level of magic?"

When Weber was asked this question by Rider, the short Master just shook his head blankly.

"...Can't tell. Can't tell at all."

"What? Aren't you the most powerful Master? Aren't you able to clearly tell who has strong magic and who doesn't, right?"

Once a Master has made a contract with a heroic spirit, he or she is granted the ability to see through the abilities of other Servants. The Holy Grail War invites heroic spirits to participate and only grants the Master this special ability. It is impossible for a generation master like Irisviel to have this ability. Rider's official Master, Weber, can compare the ability differences between Rider and other Servants, and then formulate strategies to make the battle situation develop in a favorable direction. Now Waver has grasped the abilities of Saber, Lancer and Archer in front of him. But--

"I can't tell his identity! That black guy must be a Servant. But... I can't tell what his abilities are at all!"

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