A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1113 1113 The Dark Berserker

Hearing Webb's embarrassing excuse, Rider frowned and stared at the Black Knight again.

The black armor has no characteristics or personality, and there is nothing that can hint at the identity of the person wearing black clothes - no, it is better to say that the more you look at it, the more unclear it becomes, and the more you look at it, the more blurry it becomes.

Rider is not the only one who feels this way. Saber, Lancer, and Irisviel who was watching also noticed this. No matter how hard you observe, you can't accurately capture his face.

It's like showing an out-of-focus image.\\nThe outline of the black armor always becomes blurred, and sometimes two or three figures overlap. I always feel that figure is an illusion. That figure not only affected vision, but even affected Master's clairvoyance. That heroic spirit probably has a special ability or a curse that obscures its identity. At least this is not an ability that Berserker can possess at his level.

"That guy seems to be a tough enemy too..."

Saber heard Irisviel’s whisper. nodded.

"Not only that. If you treat four Servants as your opponents, you cannot be careless."

In a battle involving more than three people, the one left standing is the winner. According to the conventions of this kind of war, annihilating the weakest enemy in one fell swoop is the most reliable tactic. Therefore, if you want to find the weaker person on this battlefield, the worst case scenario is to fall into a desperate four-on-one battle.

If that's the case, Saber will not be the final winner no matter what.

Who attacks whom? Who will join in when the two of them fight?

——In order to survive on this battlefield, you must correctly grasp the movements of all enemies. There is no doubt about this for any heroic spirit.

Saber and Lancer are of course each other's strongest enemies. Once two people compete for honor, if someone in the middle intervenes, the duel between these two people should be the first to take place. However, that was when the two of them decided the outcome one-on-one without any worries. Now that someone has intervened to this extent, the two of them have to postpone the decisive battle.

Rider has not clearly established his opponent yet. His purpose at this moment is to identify all the heroic spirits participating in the Holy Grail decisive battle. But now that he has shown up fearlessly, he is ready to accept anyone's challenge.

Archer looked at Rider and Saber with obvious hostility. The two of them each crowned themselves "King of Conquerors" and "King of Knights", which seemed to make the Golden Hero extremely unhappy. Especially the provocative Rider is probably Archer's first choice for attack.

The problem is, there is another person.

Berserker. What is the purpose of this strange-looking black knight appearing here? No one can judge. It's just that the current situation is chaotic and out of control. If you are a thoughtful Master. In such a chaotic situation, no matter what, he would not let his Servant give it a try.

Everyone present must be watching the Black Knight's every move with suspicion and vigilance. But there is one exception. Archer's red eyes showed no doubt or confusion, just looking down at Berserker with pure murderous intent.\\n

The Black Knight looked at himself standing on the street lamp with a creepy gaze. The golden heroic spirit accurately caught the black knight's gaze.

People with low status also have low and dirty eyes. For a person of noble status, it is unbearable humiliation for someone to look at him like this. Now for Archer, the rude Berserker is more difficult to forgive than the self-proclaimed king Rider.

The swords and spears floating around Archer changed the direction of the attack. The direction the sword and spear points pointed was the top priority target, Berserker.

"I will cut you into pieces to satisfy the hatred in my heart. Bastard."

Along with the cold declaration, the gun and sword flew through the air together.

He fired the weapon that appeared out of nowhere without even touching it - this is why he is called the Golden Shooter. But it is very unusual to use a Noble Phantasm so carelessly. To a heroic spirit, a Noble Phantasm is its own child, so throwing such an important Noble Phantasm recklessly like a stone is a very careless throw.

Still, the damage was huge. The road surface blew up, as if a bomb had exploded, and the asphalt turned into dust and flew everywhere, covering all sight.

Everyone held their breath.

In the misty dust, the long black shadow swayed.

Berserker is still around. He moved his feet slightly, and the pavement under his feet turned into stone and cracked. As a result, among the guns and swords thrown by Archer, the gun that flew slightly behind missed the target. But the sword that was supposed to fly ahead and hit the target did not cause any damage.

Why? Because that sword is in Berserker's hand.

How many people could clearly understand such a rapid attack and defense? At least neither Waver nor Irisviel could understand what happened.

The correct procedure is - first hit the sword as the first blow.\\nBerserker caught it easily. Berserker then used the sword he obtained to repel the sword that flew as the second blow.

"...Is that guy really a Berserker?".

Lancer whispered nervously. Rider also muttered in response.

"Although he lost all rationality after going crazy, he is indeed an amazing warrior."

Originally, a Noble Phantasm would only become a weapon exclusive to that heroic spirit when it was in the hands of an exclusive heroic spirit. Even if it were in the hands of other heroic spirits, it would be impossible to use it flexibly. It is really unimaginable that he can display such a unique skill in accurately repelling the treasure spear that followed him.

However, Archer was not surprised, but furious. All expressions were removed from the gorgeous face, leaving only the frozen zero-degree murderous intention.

"——How dare you touch my Noble Phantasm with your dirty hands... Are you so anxious to die? You beast!"

Archer's surroundings shone with light again. Surrounding his majestic face, a new group of Noble Phantasms suddenly appeared behind him - sixteen in total.

It's not just guns and swords. And the axe. There are mallets and spears. There are also some strange weapons whose purpose and nature are unknown.

All the Noble Phantasms are polished as bright as mirrors, and are filled with huge magic power. Each Noble Phantasm embodies an unparalleled sense of mystery... These are true Noble Phantasms.

"That fool..."

Weber said this accidentally. The other Heroic Spirits and Masters probably have the same idea.

There is not just one Noble Phantasm of the heroic spirit. Some heroic spirits also secretly hide three or four super weapons that are as powerful as Noble Phantasms. But no matter how many Noble Phantasms you have, there is a limit.

Once the golden Archer uses the Noble Phantasm, it is like endless equipment, released one by one and used all at once. And since the battle with the assassin last night, he has never used the same Noble Phantasm.

"You abominable thief, show me how many of my Noble Phantasms you can bear!"

Archer gave an order, and the group of Noble Phantasms floating in the void rushed to kill Berserker.

The roar shook the night air, and the flashes of continuous explosions seemed to sweep away the entire night sky.

These Noble Phantasms produced so much destructive power that it was hard to believe that they were just throwing weapons like swords.

Countless Noble Phantasms rained down on the streets of Warehouse Street, as if they were undergoing carpet bombing.

But Archer's onslaught has not stopped yet. The Noble Phantasm fell like thunder, and its momentum seemed to blow away Berserker's location and even the entire neighborhood.\\nIt kept attacking. The attack did not stop, but gradually became more and more intense - for some unknown reason, Berserker, the target of the Noble Phantasm's attack, showed no sign of falling down.

Everyone was stunned with surprise. Everyone recognized that they were in a tense confrontation with many enemies and had a sense of imminent crisis. However, the scene at this time was indeed unexpected by everyone.

It really recreates the sense of surprise that the first attack brought to everyone. Berserker first stretched out his left hand to catch the first flying spear, and then added the sword in his right hand. He waved the spear and sword with both hands and blocked the flying Noble Phantasms one after another.

Berserker's tactical skills are not only sophisticated, but also more gorgeous. Even though it was a Noble Phantasm taken from Archer, Berserker didn't feel the slightest bit uncomfortable using it. The Noble Phantasm is like an extension of his hands, and he uses it freely and freely. No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are handling a treasure that you use all year round and can’t put down.

Both the offense and defense went above and beyond.

If you think about it carefully, Golden Archer and Dark Berserker are different from the other three. They are still unknown heroes, enigmatic spirits. Both Saber and Lancer shuddered at the threat the two of them posed. If you continue to advance in the Holy Grail War, you may encounter these two men. Not much is known about these two, so how should Saber and Lancer deal with them?

"That golden Archer seems to be very proud of possessing so many Noble Phantasms. In this way, he is incompatible with that black guy."

While the two Servants were speechless in surprise, Rider seemed to be on his own, whispering triumphantly.

"The more weapons the black guy intercepts, the more powerful he becomes. The golden guy throws the Noble Phantasm without restraint and sinks deeper and deeper. He is really a guy who doesn't know how to respond flexibly."

Just like the Conqueror's calm analysis, Berserker did not give in at all in the face of the onslaught of Archer's Noble Phantasm. Not only that, every time a more powerful Noble Phantasm comes flying.

Berserker threw away the Noble Phantasm in his hand and grabbed the new Noble Phantasm that flew towards him. The Noble Phantasm kept changing in his hands.

With an extremely miserable roar, the last of the sixteen Noble Phantasms was knocked to the ground.

In the vacuum-like silence and the diffuse dust, Berserker was the only one standing. Except for him, the warehouses, the streets, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed. The Black Knight holds a battle ax in his right hand and a single-edged scimitar in his left hand. The remaining Noble Phantasms were scattered at Berserker's feet or stuck in the surrounding rubble. Not one of the Noble Phantasms pierced the black armor.

Berserker casually raised the two remaining Noble Phantasms in his hand - without any preparation, he threw them at Archer.

Maybe there was no clear target for throwing, or maybe he didn't intend to hit when throwing. The ax and scimitar hit the ball on Archer's footing - the street lamp. The machete hit the center of the ball, the ax hit near the top of the ball, and the iron pillar of the street lamp shattered like butter.

The ball on the street lamp also made a sound of hitting the ground after being divided into three equal parts, and collapsed. However, he was still standing on the ground unharmed. Before the iron pillar was shattered into pieces, the golden heroic spirit jumped and landed on the ground as if nothing had happened.

"Idiot...are you asking me, who is looking up to the sky, to stand on this earth like you?"

——No, the Golden Heroic Spirit's nonchalance seems to be just an outsider's feeling.

At this point in the battle, Archer's anger must have reached its limit. The wrinkles carved deeply between her eyebrows turned her beauty into a sinister look.

"Your disrespect to me is enough to make you die thousands of times. Bastard standing there, I will kill you to pieces."

Archer was so angry that his eyes were like burning red lotus, and he roared while glaring at Berserker. Another group of weapons appeared around him, causing the space to twist...

There are thirty-two shining treasures this time. This time even Rider was so surprised that he fell into silence.

Berserker finally escaped the continuous attacks of sixteen Noble Phantasms, but he did not expect that Archer actually used twice as many Noble Phantasms as last time. The other Servants didn't think of it either. The potential of Golden Archer is beyond what anyone could have foreseen.

"...Gilgamesh is going to take action. He is going to use the 'King's Treasure'."

Tokiomi Tosaka held his head when he heard the live broadcast transmitted by Kotomine Kirei through the gem communicator.

Even in the underground of Tohsaka Prefecture, far away from the battlefield and Warehouse Street, you can freely understand everything that happened. The cooperation with Kirei, who manipulated the assassin, achieved the expected results. The way things develop should be foolproof.

The only unexpected thing was that he summoned the heroic spirit Gilgamesh in the hope that he would become the strongest Servant. Gilgamesh came to this world with the rank of Archer.

The characteristic of the Archer class is the powerful Noble Phantasm. It is no exaggeration to say so. Gilgamesh possesses an outstanding Noble Phantasm equivalent to EX level, but the Holy Grail assigned him the Archer class. This may be a foregone conclusion. But the result of this is to give the egocentric King of Heroes extremely high solo action skills, which can only be a miscalculation.

Tokiomi was afraid of the reputation of the Hero King Gilgamesh, and wanted to respect Gilgamesh's wishes to the maximum extent that he could tolerate. But could it be that Gilgamesh has reached the maximum limit of tolerance so quickly...

Gilgamesh used his last trump card this time. But now is the time to concentrate on researching the assassin's intelligence. Displaying the special weapon "The King's Treasure" repeatedly in front of everyone, such a rash move - to deal with an enemy like Berserker who doesn't know its details.

Going all out is never advisable.

It is mandatory to have the ability to act alone. If the Servant does not rely on the Master, it can only rely on the Command Seal. This is a mandatory command power that can only be used three times. Taking Gilgamesh, who has no respect for the Master, as a Servant, the power of these three forced orders is extremely valuable.

To be calm and elegant at all times - this is a family motto passed down from generation to generation in the Tosaka family. I kept it in mind, but now I am forced to use the Command Seal before other Masters...

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