"That's what I expected. I'm going to be here today too—"

"Okay, okay, don't be so domineering."

Rider smiled lightly and pointed at Saber's left hand.

"As an Iskandar, I will never imitate others and take advantage of others' danger. Saber, you should settle things with Lancer first. Then I will duel with Lancer or you, whoever wins among you."


Saber was about to retaliate when she saw the conspicuous wound on her left thumb. The fighting prowess of this heroic spirit who knocked back Berserker with one blow cannot be underestimated.

"Then King of Knights, let's say goodbye for now. When we meet next time, I will stir up all my passion to fight with you... Little master, do you have anything else to say?"

The boy lying on the bridge at Rider's feet did not answer. Rider grabbed his collar and picked it up. He saw that the short Master had rolled his eyes and passed out. It seems that Rider's momentum was too strong when he attacked Berserker.

"...Cheer up, you guy."

Rider sighed and put the Master into his arms, tightening the reins of the two sacred cows. The bull brayed, thundered, and shot lightning from its hooves into the sky.


With the roar of thunder and lightning, Rider's chariot drove towards the southern sky.

Irisviel was finally freed from her nervousness and breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around again, the surrounding area was full of devastation. This is also a matter of course. Five Servants gathered together, and several of them did not hesitate to use their Noble Phantasms to explode on the battlefield.

"The first round of the war was so intense. Has there ever been such a Holy Grail War in the past?"

Irisviel was not afraid of the signs of damage on the battlefield. The administrators of the Holy Church are responsible for the secrecy of the Holy Grail War. It's as if there was a big earthquake here, and the administrator will definitely mobilize the church personnel. Clean up the battlefield carefully.

Saber remained silent, staring at the sky where Rider flew over. Her smart side face did not have the excitement and haggard look left by the desperate fight just now. He just stood on the battlefield solemnly and calmly. The girl's figure in armor is as inviolable and beautiful as a painting.

However, Irisviel was contrary to Saber's calm demeanor because she knew that Saber was seriously injured.

"Saber, your left wrist——".

"Yes. My hand hurts too much. I lost my composure. Just like Rider said, if you don't fight Lancer with the spell to remove the wound, it will hinder the fight with other Servants."

The King of Knights spoke calmly.\\nIrisviel could not hear any disturbing information from it. Saber's perseverance actually comforted Irisviel.

"...Thank you Saber. It's thanks to you that I survived."

Irisviel lowered her head and said, and Saber smiled back at her.

"I fight facing the front to protect you behind me. Irisviel."

Irisviel felt the pain again, Saber's strength, bravery and gentleness.

A whole round smaller than herself.\\nThe figure of a pre-teen girl - such a petite body and slender wrists, but she is a true knight and hero.

"The battle begins now. Irisviel. The war tonight is just the first night of the war."


"They are all evenly matched and powerful enemies. The heroes invited from different eras... none of them has an average opponent."

There was no anxiety or fear in Saber's voice. Before the storm comes, the warrior's mood is both calm and exciting. The high fighting spirit and hot blood of the soldiers will never change in any era or in any world. This is a testament to the soul of a hero.

The girl stared at the southern night sky and said calmly.

"This is...the Holy Grail War."


This space was darkened.

Not empty darkness. It is a sticky, concentrated darkness, a rotten-like decay, a black beyond the limit—darkness.

It exudes a disgusting, thick smell of blood. Weak moans and sobs came from everywhere. It makes people feel all kinds of terrifying atmosphere. At this time, the dark curtain that closes all vision may actually be a screen full of mercy.

In this darkness, there is a round shape that emits a faint white light, just like the full moon seen when looking up from the bottom of the water.

It was a crystal ball the size of a ball of string. The hazy white light is the image emerging from the crystal ball.

Mountains of rubble, desolate night scene. But this scene didn’t exist from the beginning. The landscape has been completely destroyed. Twenty minutes ago, Warehouse Street was empty and silent. The fierce battle that was unfolding there was all reflected in the crystal ball behind it.

Also, seeing the two big men fighting, the pale light from the crystal ball reflected on their faces, and their faces showed strange joy.

"——Awesome. Really awesome!!"

A happy murderer who stepped into this extraordinary world based on the rarity of astronomical probability——

Yu Sheng Ryuunosuke. His slender eyes sparkled with a child-like innocent smile.\\nAnd he let out a cheer.

"Lord Qingsu, everything that just happened is true, right? It's amazing~ This is not a video game platform!"

Ever since he signed a contract with Servant.\\nCaster by chance, Ryunosuke has deviated from his daily behavior and become weird. He was greedy for excitement and entertainment, and regarded the battle that had just occurred as a supreme entertainment feast, enjoying it without any resistance.

"So, this is the Holy Grail War? Sir, will you also participate in this war? Sir, will you also fly in the air and shine like those people just now?"


Caster didn't answer, just stared at the crystal ball with eager eyes. In the night scene reflected by the crystal ball, a petite figure stood. Caster stared at the figure as if possessed by a soul.

Caster has been like this since he started monitoring the battle in Warehouse Street. He ignored Master Ryunosuke's excitement, and didn't care about the other heroic spirits. He just stared at one person closely.

Silver armor wraps the slim body. Beautiful long hair that flows like sand gold. As a member of the seven Servants, a heroic spirit girl was invited with the rank of Saber.

She has the smallest body, but is the bravest and most majestic. No matter what kind of difficulty he is forced into, he is not afraid and will fight against the enemy resolutely. Caster couldn't take his eyes off Saber's form. It's impossible to move either. Because that figure in the distance that is so nostalgic, and the side face that always exudes a noble aura, is the phantom that Caster is chasing through time and space.

"……grown ups?"

Ryunosuke couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw the face of Caster who had been silent since just now.

The thin, pale cheeks were soaked with tears of excitement at some point.


Caster whispered softly when he was too excited.

"Everything has come true. I once thought...this was impossible. The Holy Grail is truly omnipotent."

"Achieved - what? What?"

What? This is a question Ryunosuke has to ask. Caster's joyful expression meant that something unusual had happened, but the reason puzzled him.

"The Holy Grail chose me!"

Caster seemed unable to see the confusion in Master's eyes.\\n He grabbed Ryunosuke's hand and shook it desperately, wanting to share this joy with him.

"We won without having to fight a war. That's right. The Holy Grail is in our hands."

"But I... haven't seen or touched the so-called Holy Grail yet?"

"That's not a problem!"

Caster asserted with wide eyes, pointing at the girl reflected in the crystal ball.

"You saw it! She told me! That stern face, sacred posture...she must be the 'girl' who is destined to change my destiny!"

Ryunosuke frowned and observed the figure in the crystal ball many times. A girl or a boy wearing period-colored armor, regardless of whether they are boys or girls, has a rare beauty comparable to Caster in modern Japan.

"……do you know her?"

"I know. She is my light. She guides me. She gives me life. She is the meaning of my life..."

As Caster spoke, he couldn't suppress his passion, his voice became choked, and he scratched his head with both hands.

"She was once abandoned by God and disillusioned in humiliation - but now, she is finally resurrected. This! This is a miracle! It was my earnest hope that made her reborn!?"

Ryunosuke still couldn't figure it out. But he could understand the infinite joy that his beloved Lord "Qingxu" felt now. Moreover, although he and Qingsu have not been together for a long time, Qingsu can always come up with good ideas that amaze Ryunosuke in such tense moments. A new provocateur and murderer - the weirdo whom Ryunosuke worships as his disciple is a sadistic artist.

Therefore, Aozu Caster's happy mood - no matter what happened - must be a happy event worth looking forward to for Ryunosuke.

"I'm starting to look forward to it for some reason, Aosu-sama."

"Yes! Yes!"

Caster shook his hair, cried and laughed, hugged the crystal ball tightly with both hands, put his forehead on the surface of the cold crystal ball, and stared desperately at the girl's face emerging from the ball with his hot eyes.

"Woohoo, 'girl', my holy virgin...I will go to see you right away. Please wait for me no matter what..."

A moist smile, like a snake sighing, kept rippling in the darkness.


After watching the whole story of the war, Kotomine Kirei ordered Assassin on the battlefield to return and cut off the visual and auditory sharing device.

Kirei's senses were cut off, and he returned to the basement of the headquarters church from the night breeze that smelled of moisture and the feeling of looking at the battlefield.

Father Risei appeared at some point and stood beside Kirei. He seemed to be listening to Kirei reporting to Tokiomi the situation on the battlefield. As soon as the war ended, Risei began to perform his duties as a public supervisor and quickly sent orders on his mobile phone.

"——Shenming 2nd Alley, right, Haibin Warehouse Street. The damage is huge...Ah, yes. Use urban guerrillas to deal with the battlefield. Follow Plan D and leave on-site appraisal——"

The staff of the Holy Church, who can only act under Risei's instructions, have already been scattered throughout Fuyuki City on standby. They had made sufficient preparations in advance to deal with all kinds of troubles caused by the Holy Grail War.

They had already communicated with the police and the local government in advance. Maybe there will be a page in tomorrow's morning newspaper that completely distorts and whitewashes the tragedy of Warehouse Street.

Glancing sideways at Risei who was busy giving orders, Kirei mentally analyzed the relationships between the characters revealed in tonight's battle.

Elumeroy, the elite magician of the Clock Tower, lost the sacred relic of the heroic spirit Iskandar that once fell into his possession.

Tokiomi's spies also reported this. Iskandar participated in the Holy Grail War as a Rider-class Servant, and the boy who seemed to be his Master had an unusual relationship with Lancer's Master.

That is - first of all, there is no doubt that Lancer's Master is Elumeroy. After he was robbed of the holy relic by a boy named Waver, he also obtained the holy relic of the heroic spirit Diarmuid.

When Matou summoned Berserker, Matou Zouken had reported this matter to his father, Risei, who was also the manager. Of course, Kirei and Tokiomi didn't take this matter seriously, but they didn't expect such a powerful Servant. Berserker's strange ability to seize the enemy's Noble Phantasm made him a natural enemy for Tokiomi's Gilgamesh.

If the situation develops in Tokiomi's favor...it is first necessary for other Servants to repel Berserker. The best person for this task is Lancer. Diarmuid's Noble Phantasm "The Red Rose that Breaks Demons" is the decisive magic weapon to block Berserker.

Caster and Master, who still exist like a mystery, did not show up in the end. But considering Caster's rank, there is nothing surprising. The true names of all Servants except Berserker have been revealed. Moreover, both Saber and Berserker, who were very threatening, were defeated by the masters. Saber's injury in particular would have a great impact on the subsequent war. Gilgamesh flaunted his Noble Phantasm and got into trouble, but his true name was not revealed. And no one noticed that Assassin was still alive. Judging from the current situation, Tokiomi Tosaka is in an absolute advantage.

Kirei calmly analyzed and sorted it out in his mind, but there was no excitement in his heart.

According to the intention of the Holy Church, Tokiomi Tosaka won the final victory. Kirei's mission is to guide Tokiomi to victory, and he doesn't see how many obstacles he will encounter. It was a boring mission with nothing to look forward to. This is also a summary of these three years.

"——But, Kirei-sama."

Kirei sighed coldly, and a black figure came in silently next to him. The woman wearing a skull mask and black clothing——is not Assassin who is responsible for the reconnaissance mission in Warehouse Street.


"Yes. I found something strange outside the church, and I came here to report it."

Assassin respectfully handed over the bat's body as he spoke. The head had been twisted off. He might have died not long ago and still retained a little body temperature.

"——Is it a familiar?"

"Yes. Although it is outside the barrier, it is obviously placed there to monitor the church."


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