Assassin's words are incredible. The Church has a neutral position in the Holy Grail War and is inviolable. If you interfere wantonly in the affairs of the church, the administrator can punish you by reducing the command spell and prohibiting fighting for a certain period of time.

There is no reason to take such great risks to spy on the church - except -

Kirei lost his Assassin and was protected by the church. Has the Master begun to doubt the authenticity of this matter?


Picking up the dead bat body from Assassin's hand, Kirei stared at an even stranger object. Palm-sized electronic parts are taped to the bat's abdomen. Button batteries and a seemingly wireless CCD pinhole camera.

If bats were the magician's familiar, it would be an extremely wonderful combination. Kirei knew that magicians generally despised and rejected the technology of the world. His current master, Tokiomi, is someone who is extremely averse to technology. This magician not only borrows the vision of his familiar, but also mechanically records the entire image. This idea is probably not what ordinary magicians can think of.

"——The ends justify the means. I don't care about the pride of being a magician at all——"

Like lightning suddenly falling from the sky, Kirei's mind flashed to what Tokiomi had said.

right. Although he is also a magician, he only regards magic as an ordinary tool. For use with common electronic machinery. If you were a magician like this - it wouldn't be difficult to do tricks like this on your familiar.

Kirei couldn't tell which magician did it or why he did it. He stared long and hard at the little animal's body. In his mind, this was more meaningful than the fierce battle between the five Servants tonight.


Lifting the iron cover of the entrance and moving it to the side - such a simple thing took nearly an hour. For the already haggard Matou Kariya, this was quite strenuous and strenuous work even if he used all his strength.

Kariya finally made a gap in the iron cover, and the fresh air outside flowed into the disgusting sewer. In this short moment, Kariya felt reborn. Kariya mobilized all the strength in his awakened body, pushed the iron cover aside, and slowly crawled to the surface like a caterpillar. There was no one on the street outside. In the silence of the night, no one noticed Kariya's figure.

It was still Warehouse Street where the Servants had a fierce battle just now, but it was three streets away from the four-lane street.

Kariya is different from other magicians, he is just a quick magician. He won't be as careless or arrogant as other magicians. Even if he was fighting on the front line with the Servant, he didn't have the confidence to directly confront other magicians. Plus his Servant is Berserker. Even if he wanted to give strategic instructions directly next to Berserker.

There's no way Berserker would obey his control.

In this case, it is better to let Berserker throw bombs at the enemy and let him go crazy. Kariya decided to protect himself first and wait and see what happens in a safe place.

Kariya noticed Lancer's aura during the day and tracked it down. At the beginning of the battle in Warehouse Street, Kariya decided not to reveal his presence and sent out the familiar "Sight Bug" obtained from Zouken. He stayed away from the battlefield and sneaked into the sewers to observe the progress of the war underground.

Kariya lay weakly on his back on the cold asphalt and spent a long time trying to stabilize his breathing.

His whole body was covered in blood. All the capillaries burst, and blood seeped out continuously from the split skin.

Kariya had seen on TV how victims of atomic reactor explosions struggled with illness. The current state of Kariya is almost the same as that of the victim. Kariya's body has long been destroyed, but the magic power of the imprinting insects all over Kariya's body has prolonged Kariya's life, allowing Kariya to still squirm.

Kariya couldn't believe that what was left of his body was like this.

Kariya felt as if his body had been eaten away by insects when he supplied Berserker with magic power.

After only one battle, it became like this.

The burden of controlling Berserker was far beyond Kariya's imagination. And Berserker didn't listen to Kariya's orders at all. Berserker is a bloodthirsty beast.

Once he lets go, Berserker will slaughter everything in sight, and just like this time, he won't stop until all his strength is exhausted. If the battle is prolonged, something serious will happen. If Kariya is forced to supply magic power that exceeds his body's limit, he will be completely eaten by the marking insects.

For Kariya, the Servant Battle is a real adventure. If Berserker is not restrained before the limit of what he can bear is reached, his own destruction will be waiting for him.


Kariya thought about the various scenarios of the war and couldn't help feeling that the future was bleak and sighed.

There is still a long way to go to truly defeat Tokiomi Tosaka.

Then finally defeat all the enemies and get the Holy Grail. That is probably in the more distant future.

But to save Sakura, all difficulties must be overcome.

There is only progress. Can't fall down. Even if he has to burn out the last of his flesh and blood, Kariya must reach the far shore. If you can't do it, everything is meaningless.

Kariya forced himself to lift his extremely weak body and stood up unsteadily. I can't sleep here forever.

Berserker received a direct hit from Rider's Noble Phantasm, causing huge damage. It takes a long time to fully heal. There is no doubt that the magic power Berserker needs to restore his body must be extracted from Kariya through the marking worm.

Kariya needs some rest.

His body could no longer stand, so Kariya leaned against the wall to support his body with great difficulty. Shaking and disappearing into the night sky.


Further west in the deep mountainous area of ​​Fuyuki City, the long national highway extends to the west, facing away from the lights of the city. What awaits visitors at the front of the road is an undeveloped forest. Following this road across the county border, the national highway winds quietly ahead.

Although it is a two-way road, there are almost no signs of oncoming cars on the national highway with sparse street lights. The national highway at midnight seems to be forgotten in this silence.

In such a quiet night, a silver beast galloped over.

Mercedes Benz 300SL. "Her" streamlined body full of elegant charm is as stable as a lady, and the roar of the side-by-side six-cylinder engine is as majestic as a beast. And the person who drove this classic car to a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour - what? The person holding the steering wheel was actually as slender as a noble daughter.

"Hey, hello? It's pretty fast, right? This."

Irisviel said as she held the steering wheel with a proud smile on her face. Saber, who was sitting on the assistant's seat with a nervous expression, could only force out a smile and nodded.

"It's... it's really unexpected... that the driver is... highly skilled..."

"Really? I have specially trained to become so skilled."

Although she said this, judging from her unfamiliar gear-shifting techniques, she was still far from a skilled driver.

"Of all the toys that Kiritsugu brought to Einzbern, this one is my favorite. I've always just walked around in the castle courtyard, but this is the first time I've driven in such a vast place like this. .a!"

"A toy..."

If you say this about skateboards and bicycles, there would be no objection. But for such a mechanical device with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour on a winding road, this statement seems inappropriate. Something that could cost your life if something went wrong would normally not be called a toy.

Although it is a classic car from more than 40 years ago, it has an ML98 engine with a displacement of 2996cc and a top speed of 260 kilometers per hour. Irisviel's violent behavior was just a prelude to the potential capabilities of this car.

It is said that Kiritsugu specially prepared this car in Einzbern City so that Irisviel and Saber could have a means of transportation after they entered Fuyuki City.

For half a month, the car had been parked in the hotel's underground parking lot, and now they were driving the car toward the Einzbern family's villa.

"Well, wait a minute Irisviel. You were never driving on the left just now, right?" (Japan's traffic rules are different from China's, you all drive on the left)

"Ah, yes."

Irisviel nodded casually as if she had made a very small mistake, and then turned the steering wheel to change the driving route.

For Irisviel, who had never left Einzbern City since she was born, it was certainly the first time to drive on the road like this. Saber had been paying attention to her gaze since just now, and it was obvious that Irisviel had no idea about road signs. Although it is a legal requirement to drive on the left side, Irisviel seems not to even know this.

Fortunately, she could still understand the meaning of the traffic lights, but she only slowed down slightly when she saw the red light. Even though it was late at night with relatively light traffic, it was already a miracle that we could reach our destination without incident.

"...The Einzbern annex is nearby, haven't you arrived yet?"

"It's said that it's only an hour's drive away. If you get there, you should be able to see it."

For Saber, she just wants to end this dangerous journey as soon as possible. It was lucky that there were no vehicles coming from the opposite direction on the national highway late at night.\\nHowever, the national highway is very curved and is still very dangerous for high-speed vehicles. Saber's blood was filled with the tension of a battle situation. As a Servant, she has extraordinary reflexes and strength. If there is any danger, she can quickly pick up Irisviel and escape from the car. But in that case, this legendary car with a current price of more than 10 million yen will definitely become a terrible piece of iron filings, and this is not in line with Saber's always frugal economic outlook.

"...It would be great if we hired a driver specifically."

"That's not possible. It's not that there's no point in hiring a driver, but it's too dangerous. After all, once you enter Fuyuki City, you may be attacked by other Masters at any time, and it's not Saber's fault to involve innocent people. It’s something you don’t want to see.”

"That's true..."

Which one is more dangerous, being attacked by other Masters on this mountain road, or Irisviel's driving skills? Just as Saber was thinking about this question half seriously, she suddenly felt a murderous aura coming over her.



Irisviel, who was suddenly bewildered by Saber's warning, asked blankly.

Saber didn't bother to explain to her. She leaned over to the driver's seat and grabbed the steering wheel with one hand. Then she stretched out her left foot and pressed the brake to the bottom.

The reason why Saber was able to make an instant decision and control the rampaging machine was because of her riding skills as a Servant. She is fully familiar with the operation of all known and unknown ride props.

Fortunately, the car was traveling in a straight line between sudden stops and the car did not spin violently.

Sades' tires skidded on the asphalt, emitting a puff of white smoke. On the car that was sliding due to inertia, Saber once again confirmed the source of the aura she just felt.

Yes, this must be the Servant's aura. If you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

"Saber, that's-"

The front end of the road is illuminated by Mercedes' headlights. A figure with a strange posture appeared. Irisviel immediately screamed when she saw this scene.

The tall figure in front of him seemed to ignore the danger of the speeding car and stood calmly in the middle of the road.

A luxurious gown with an ancient style, the dark texture is dotted with blood-like crimson patterns. The unusually large pupils make people easily think of nocturnal animals. And even if we exclude these strange places, if such a person appears at such a time and place, he must not be an ordinary passerby.

The inertia of the car body was offset by the friction of the tires, and Mercedes finally came to a stop. The distance between the car body and the figure in front is less than 10 meters.


Saber quickly analyzed the current situation and then said to Irisviel.

"You should get off immediately after I get off the bus. Don't stay too far away from me."

If the other party was a Servant, a car with a steel tube frame would be as fragile as a cardboard box to the other party. If you stay in the car, you will be defenseless. In short, it is better to move to a position where you can defend yourself against the opponent's attack.

Saber opened the car door and walked into the cold night. The night wind rustled the trees, and the air was mixed with the smell of burnt tires due to friction.

The figure in front of him was different from any he had seen before. If it's a Servant she hasn't met yet, it should be Caster or Assassin... Saber thought.

Saber and Irisviel, who still don't know what happened in Tohsaka Mansion that night, can certainly not rule out the possibility of Assassin, but the Servant in front of them neither ran away nor hid, but stood in front of them openly. It shouldn't be Assassin. Using the elimination method, we can only come to one conclusion: the figure in front of us is Caster.

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