In the darkness as thick as blood, only one candle flame danced. The beautiful face of Ryuunosuke Usei was reflected in the dim candlelight.

The fingers that were too slender for a man were covered in bright red blood. In front of Ryuunosuke Uyu, who was sitting next to the long table, three rows of raw meat reflecting a bright red light were placed side by side.

It's the intestines. On the long table are human intestines.

Ryūnosuke Uyu looked at the intestines in front of him with very serious eyes, then picked up the tuning fork with his left hand and struck it on the corner of the table. Ding, the tuning fork made a very clear sound.

Before the clear sound of the tuning fork disappeared completely, he quickly tapped various parts of the intestines with his right hand.

at this time--



——A painful sound suddenly came from the darkness.

Ryunosuke listened carefully to the sound, compared it with the remaining sound of the tuning fork, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, then this is 'Mi'."

As he spoke, he marked a point in the intestine with a pin. And many note marks similar to this have been made on the constantly trembling intestines.

This intestine seems to be alive. To be precise, the owner of this intestine is still alive.

On the cross on top of the long table was a girl who was sobbing in pain. A horizontal incision was made on her lower abdomen, and the internal organs that were pulled out were being played with in Ryunosuke's hands.

Even "Aosu" spoke highly of Ryunosuke's idea of ​​making living humans play mournful songs like an organ. In order to prevent the girl who was chosen as the material from dying from excessive blood loss and infection, "Aosu" cast several healing and regeneration magics on her body, and also specially added some treatments to prevent the pain in her brain from being paralyzed.

Ryunosuke had always been very troubled by the fact that the human body would immediately stop life activities after being slightly stimulated. But now with the help of magic, all these previous problems have been solved. Now Ryunosuke can wave his emotional wings freely and express himself as he pleases.

"Very good, then 0NE MORE TIME. 'Duo', 'Come' and 'Mi'~"

Ryunosuke hummed to himself while pressing keys on the keyboard of his intestines. But the painful sounds that followed his movements were very discordant with his tone.


The tuner covered in blood frowned and tilted his head, and once again pressed the tuning fork to the position where he had just used it. The sound of the girl tied to the cross was completely different from the sound of the sign.

If you think about it carefully, although the same location is stimulated, the moans produced are not necessarily the same. This human instrument is flawed in its design and conception.

"Oh...what a failure."

Ryunosuke sighed dejectedly and scratched his head.

Following yesterday's effort to design a human parasol, this time the human instrument failed again. If he continues to suffer setbacks like this, even Ryunosuke will lose his confidence.

But at this moment, Ryunosuke suddenly remembered the words "Aosu" comforted him after he failed to make a parasol yesterday.

"No matter what, only the idea is the most important. Even if the final result is not as satisfying as expected, the act of challenging itself is very meaningful."

Ryunosuke was inspired by "Aosu"'s words. For a young man who has never been understood by anyone and is creating art alone, the inspiration of this sentence is of great significance.

You have to work hard. Ryūnosuke Ubuo regained his energy. It's not okay to be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Anyway, we still have to think forward. It is too early to give up on the production of this human instrument now. If we can find the root of the problem, we may be able to find some solution.

And if you put aside the sound, the girl's painful expression when she was toying with the intestines that had been stripped out of her body also seemed extremely alluring. It would be a pity to lose such a rare expression like this.

The air filled with the smell of blood suddenly seemed heavy. The density of magic floating in the air became thicker. Everything indicates that the owner of this magic workshop is back.

"Ah, welcome back. Master."

The "green beard" Servant, Caster, who gradually appeared in the candlelight, didn't even look at Ryunosuke. The expressionless look on his face was completely different from the happy look on his face when he was singing and dancing before going out. Big change.

It looked like something quite unpleasant happened while going out. Although Ryunosuke was a little worried, he couldn't wait to report the results of his research to Caster.

"Master, I'm sorry. As expected, the instrument can't be made well. But I -"

"--not enough."


Ryunosuke still didn't understand the meaning of "Qingsu"'s sudden words. Caster threw the surprised Ryuunosuke aside, stretched out a hand from inside the black robe, and pressed it like an eagle's talon on the face of the panting girl who was tied to the cross.

"It's not enough! To this extent!"

"Ah, yes. I discovered this too...ah?"

Ryuunosuke stopped in the middle of his words. Caster's spider-like fingers gradually tightened, and the girl's head was crushed like fruit in his hands.

"This this……"

Ryunosuke did not show any dissatisfaction with "Qingsu"'s attitude towards him. Because he understood that "Aosu" was currently in an emotional state, he completely ignored Ryunosuke's existence.

"Damn God, the soul of Jeanne is still bound and refuses to let go! The blasphemous sacrifices are not enough now!"

There was no light of reason in the eyes of "Green Beard" who was spitting and roaring. Although I don't know what happened. But the Joan of Arc he was talking about must be the girl in armor he saw in the crystal ball.

"It's probably the sequelae of the emotional entanglement with my previous girlfriend."

Ryunosuke sympathized with him. Although they didn't get along for long, Ryunosuke knew that the strange-looking demon in front of him was actually a guy with a very pure spirit.

"I must let her know that the so-called gods in this world are just false myths. Saving the world and so on are all deceptive empty words, and the prayers of the Silent Lambs will never be conveyed to the sky!"

"Well, yes. Master I know."

Of course Ryunosuke, who echoed, didn't know what "Aosu" meant, and he had no intention of pursuing it further. For Yu Sheng Ryunosuke, he thinks it is very vulgar to intervene casually in other people's emotional problems.

"It is not enough to blaspheme God! We must also prove to the world the incompetence of divine power and the hypocrisy of divine love! We must prove that God does not have the ability to exercise judgment! No matter how evil you do, you will not be punished by God. Is that so, Ryunosuke?”

"Ah, God and so on are just boring tricks of those stupid people's beliefs. Compared with that false god, the master seems much cooler."

"Then let us blaspheme even more violently! We will pile up the blasphemous sacrifices, and then display this scene in front of her."

Regarding "Aosu"'s declaration, Ryunosuke hesitated slightly.

"Hmm. That means...does it have to be better than what it is now in terms of quality and quantity?"

"Yes. That's right! As expected of Ryunosuke! You understand what I mean very well."

Seeing that Ryuunosuke completely understood what he meant, "Aosu" immediately patted his shoulder with a smile on his face and said. Ryunosuke has long been accustomed to his drastic changes in mood.

But Ryunosuke was not interested at all in the change of policy he just mentioned.

"Ryunosuke, how many children are there in prison now?"

"...There are eleven people alive. Three of them died after playing for a while."

"Very good. Let's start with those eleven people first, and use them as sacrifices quickly. After taking care of them, we will catch new children to replenish them before tomorrow morning."

"This... is such a pity."

After all, mass murder is not in Ryunosuke's taste. At best, he just enjoys the art of killing, not a killing machine. The feeling of not experiencing the killing at all.\\nThe act of simply piling up corpses is no different from war or natural disasters. It is a waste of life. Only by killing people one by one can you appreciate the beauty of life.

"Qingsu" noticed Ryunosuke's dissatisfaction, so he smiled like an angel.\\nHe said to Ryunosuke as if he was enlightening a disobedient child.

"I say Ryunosuke. Now is not the time to be stingy. All life in this world is our property, so you have to have this attitude and have a heart as broad as a king. Please waste it as you like. . Please remember that your wealth can never be spent. Only in this way can you be worthy of my Master."

"Like a king?"

Yes. Ryunosuke is quite wealthy.

Ryunosuke has no interest in money or anything like that. For Ryunosuke, the only thing with consumption value is human life. And with the help of "Green Beard", he will not be punished by the law no matter what method he uses to kill people. He is free to kill at any time, place and in any way he wants. It's just that these rights were given to him by "Green Beard".

If you can do whatever you want with everything in this world, it has the same effect as owning these things yourself. Even the Pope and the President of the United States cannot compare to this. Ryunosuke Ubu is now the richest man in the world.

"However, I still think there should be some planning in the way it is used."

"Ryunosuke, you have been too deeply poisoned by this capitalist society. Living in this era, you will inevitably have such thoughts, but you have to know that for nobles, waste is a virtue. People with wealth , have the obligation to show their wealth to the world. And only by doing so can the light of wealth be shown and make it meaningful."


"Qing Xu" convinced Ryunosuke with just a few words. This master of death and decadence once again received a new enlightenment.

Anyway, let's just follow what "Qingxu" said tonight and focus on getting rid of those children first. Maybe we can find some fresh ways to play in this short period of time. Ryunosuke thought this and became eager to try.

even so--

Although he accepted "Aosu"'s statement, Ryunosuke still couldn't forget the figure of the girl who had just been used as a human instrument in his mind.

Her face, which was crushed to pieces by the "green beard" and can no longer be seen, was originally very cute.


Looking down from the 32nd floor, the topmost floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Fuyuki City. There is no taller building in the entire Fuyuki City.

However, this title of the tallest building will probably give way to the soon-to-be-completed Metropolis Center Building. Because Xindu is still a city under development, and this Hyatt Hotel is one of the first buildings to be built.

With the continuous development of Xindu in the future, there will be more and more new hotels. However, the Hyatt Hotel, which boasts the highest level of facilities and services in Fuyuki City, will not give up this status to others. Not only hotel managers and service staff think so, but even hotel guests are impressed by Hyatt's high-quality service and business model.

But even if he lived in such a luxurious suite, the depressed mood of Kayneth Elumeroy Archibalud, who was sitting on the leather sofa by the window, did not ease at all.

In his opinion...\\nThe tackiness in this room is nothing more than a "collection of waste." It's just a gloomy house, expensive furniture, and luxurious daily necessities. For Kayneth, who was born into a noble family, what he couldn't bear the most was to dress himself up in luxurious clothes with tacky things to pretend to be noble. And that's what this hotel room looks like now. There is no historical background and no cultural heritage. It's just a pigsty decorated with luxurious surfaces.

The pursuit of this despicable feeling is not limited to this hotel. The entire tiny island country called Japan is full of ugly feelings that make Kayneth's nerves unpleasant.

Even the trivial Hong Kong can give people a very local folk customs feeling. But the current Fuyuki New Capital has no local customs at all. Looking at the night view of the city from a height like this, you can't even tell which city in which country you are in. It's just a collection of tacky things - if you want to ask what this city is, in Kayneth's opinion, it's just like a garbage mountain.

This easternmost island country would be much more interesting than it is now if it still retains the simple style of its original remote fishing village...

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