However, the Japanese race may not be able to understand this kind of thing. This uncivilized country, which did not even have a constitution a hundred years ago, simply wants to rely on science, technology and economic development to compete with Western countries. It is simply a shameless attempt to squeeze into the ranks of civilized countries. It's really hard to explain to them.

Kayneth tapped his fingers on his head, which had a slight headache due to disgust, and sighed anxiously.

In fact, he was not the kind of narrow-minded person who would get so angry over such a trivial matter. There was something else that made him anxious.

The wide-screen color TV in front of him suddenly stopped the late-night program and began to broadcast emergency news. An unexplained explosion occurred on Warehouse Street in the Wangan area of ​​Fuyuki City, and the announcer was broadcasting live from the scene of the accident.

Fire engines arrived at the scene about four hours ago, based on reports from nearby residents who heard the explosion. Although there are no reports yet, the police who have begun conducting on-site verification must be showing off their findings. How can ignorant ordinary people make correct judgments about things that are beyond their knowledge?

The Holy Church as an overseer is not simple either. Calculating the time, all the concealment work had been completed within less than thirty minutes before Kayneth lifted the barrier.

All the truth now only exists in the memories of a few people who were present at the time. One of them is Kayneth. Servant, Master of the Lancer Heroic Spirit Diarmuid Odina.

The long-awaited opening of the Holy Grail War. And fully prepared for the first battle. However, in terms of results, there is a considerable gap between the results and expectations.

From an early age, Kayneth Archipelud was superior to other children. No matter what kind of problem, no one can find a more perfect solution than Kayneth, and there is no opponent who can win the competition with him.

And his efforts did not go beyond a conventional sense of purpose. I simply believe that my research results will be better than others at a certain time and place. That's all.

Therefore. As a young boy, Kayneth had already accepted the fact that he was considered a "genius". This is universally acknowledged. No one has ever doubted his title of "genius", and there has never been anything that threatened his status as a "genius". So he doesn't need to be proud or arrogant, he just enjoys the title of "genius" as a matter of course.

For him, he never hit a wall or worried about his limits. In the world of young Kayneth, he was the master of everything. There is not even any need to doubt this knowledge. He is a gifted magician genius. He is also the legitimate son of the famous Archipelud family. Not only has he inherited the imprint of magical achievements passed down from generation to generation, he also possesses a talent that is rare in the world to match. All the "facts" make Kayneth's various honors seem natural. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Kayneth to have such confidence in things that he cannot do without his own strength in the world. This is not Kayneth's own conceit. It was the consensus of everyone around him.

Even among the numerous and remarkable research results of the Clock Tower, if anyone mentions the "famous Rod Elumeroy" who is at the forefront of breaking bamboos, everyone will nod in praise. But Kayneth, who was used to hearing the title of "genius" and had always been the envy and jealousy of others, had no sense of satisfaction or achievement. All of this is just the "inevitable result" of life for him.

This has been the case in the past, and it will certainly be the case in the future. This is a sacred and inviolable "life agreement", and there is no doubt about it for Kayneth.

Therefore, for him who has predicted the entire world - if a very rare and almost impossible "accident" occurs, it will be chaos that Kayneth will never tolerate, which is a violation of God's order. Insulting and blasphemous.

For example——

The Servant, Saber, who was clearly in her grasp, let her escape so easily. It's simply unbelievable.

"Lancer, come out."

"——Yes, ready for orders at any time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the beautiful heroic spirit bowed his body respectfully and appeared in front of Kayneth. For Kaynes, the chief instructor of the Spirituality Department, there is no obstacle to directly communicating with spirits, and it is very familiar. But direct face-to-face conversations like this are rare.

In short, if the Servant appears directly in front of him, Kayneth can observe the subtle changes in the other person's expression while talking to him. For this format, it is more appropriate to say that it is a question rather than a dialogue.

"Thank you for your hard work tonight. It gave me a good taste of the strength of the famous Diarmuid Audina double spear."

"You have done me a favor, my lord."

Lancer responded calmly and calmly. He was neither proud of the words of praise, nor showed any explicit joy, nor did he appear dissatisfied. He just accepted it rigorously and humbly with the attitude of a knight.

However, in Kayneth's opinion, this is definitely not Lancer's true appearance, but that he has something hidden.

"Ah, you must answer the questions I ask you truthfully... What are your plans?"

"...You, what do you mean?"

Lancer still maintained a very cautious attitude towards Kayneth's sudden questioning tone.

"Lancer, you swore to me as a Servant, right? You will do your best to help me win the Holy Grail War. Right?"

"Yes. Exactly."

"Then why are you still so careless?"

Even after being scolded by Kayneth, Lancer didn't show any anger or embarrassment, he just lowered his head seriously. Maybe he himself had anticipated this questioning.

"...I only do it for the honor of the knight. I don't treat fighting as a child's play."

"Oh? You still don't admit it?"

Kayneth snorted with a snort of contempt, and then asked.

"Then let me ask you.\\nWhy should you let Saber go?"

"that is because--"

"You have had an overwhelming advantage more than once, but you didn't take action twice in a row. Do you want me to use the Command Seal to control you?"


Lancer didn't give any answer this time, just remained silent.

"I'll say it again. I saw everything about tonight's battle. That's why I can ask the question. Lancer, do you think fighting is 'fun'?"

Looking at the knight who bowed his head and remained silent in front of him, Kayneth sneered and continued.

"Are you that happy? The battle with Saber. Are you not even willing to kill her?"

From the perspective of others, they might be full of praise for Lancer's bravery and skill in fighting. But from the perspective of Kayneth as a Master, he was just brave and good at fighting but had no effect - this made him very angry.

The holy relic originally planned to be used to summon his favorite heroic spirit Iskandar was stolen by his unscrupulous disciple Webber Velvet.

However, this Waver was completely out of proportion to Iskandar's power. In the end, he was unable to control his Servant, causing Iskandar to go berserk. It was because of Weber's incompetence that the situation fell into a state of chaos, destroying Kayneth's Lancer's chance of winning... Kayneth had never encountered so many difficulties.

All of this was caused by Weber alone, but it was useless to be angry against a person who was not in front of him now. The best thing to do is to keep this anger in your heart and vent it out to Weber together when you face him. Kayneth is very practical, calm and cold about this "outer rage".

But in contrast, Kayneth has no way to control the "inner anger". For Kayneth, who has always been envied by others and lives a life without failure and setbacks.\\nHe or his subordinates—— Even just a little bit - anything that doesn't meet your expectations is absolutely not allowed. This person who was born with smooth sailing and has never encountered setbacks is very vulnerable to failure.

Therefore, for Kayneth now, compared with the fault of his enemy Webber who hindered his victory and the fault of Lancer who could not bring him victory, the latter makes him even more angry.

"...I'm so sorry. Master."

Lancer, who noticed Kayneth's anger, bowed his head deeply and apologized in a serious voice.

"I promise as a knight that I will bring you Saber's head. Please believe me no matter what."

"There is no need to reassure me! This is the natural result!"

Kayneth, who was gradually getting agitated, suppressed Lancer's apology with an angry voice.

"You swore to me. You will bring the Holy Grail to me, Kayneth Elumeroy! In other words, you will destroy all the other six Servants. This is the same meaning. This is the whole The main premise of the battle! And what you are saying now...are you vowing to win only for Saber? This is quite different from the agreement at the beginning. Are you making a mistake?"

"——I think it was you who made the mistake, right? Rod Elumeroy."

It was neither Lancer nor Kayneth, it was the voice of a third person. In the bedroom inside, a woman appeared who had heard the conversation between the Servant and the Master from nowhere.

Although she has red hair that looks like burning fire, she gives off the impression of an extremely cold beauty of ice and snow. She looks slightly younger than Kayneth, a pretty woman who seems to be about twenty years old. At first glance, you can tell that she is a sentimental and noble young lady. And the majestic temperament exuding from her stern eyes makes her look like a queen.

Her eyes, which seemed to be scolding her subordinates, were focused on only one person - Kayneth.

"Lancer has done a good job. It was your misjudgment of the situation."

"Sora, what are you talking about..."

With Kayneth's character, it's unbelievable that he didn't explode at this time. But all this is because this woman is very special to him.

Sola Nazelay Sofiari. Kayneth's mentor - the daughter of Sophia Li, the authority on séance. And she is the goddess of destiny who fulfills Kayneth's glory - that is to say, she is Kayneth's fiancée.

The wedding of two famous families, the Archibald family and the Sophialy family, the pairing of a peerless genius and the daughter of the head of school, was a widely circulated story in the Clock Tower. Although Sophia's family magic seal was passed down to her eldest brother who inherited the family business, Sora did not have a high status as a magician.

But she also has the magic blood that has been passed down from generation to generation in Sophia's family. The combination of Sora, who possesses a magic circuit of a higher level than ordinary people, and Kayneth, who is known as a "genius", will definitely bring an even better next generation to the Archibald family.

But - even if it seems like a brilliant future in the eyes of others, for the person involved, it may not really be that happy.

Sora, who looked at her future husband with contempt, and Kayneth, who looked ugly because he felt humiliated. The appearance of these two people now does not give people a feeling of emotional harmony.

"Kayness, if you ask me, Lancer's decision was very correct under the circumstances. At that time, he had no choice but to join forces with Saber in order to compete with Berserker."

Although he did not personally watch the battle in Warehouse Street, Sora still grasped everything that happened there through his familiar. It's not just for fun. Although she does not have a magic seal, she has been influenced by magic since she was a child as a member of the Sophia Li family, a famous magic family. Regarding battles between mages such as the Holy Grail War, her knowledge is no less than that of Kayneth, the Master.

No, or judging from her understanding of combat, she was very dissatisfied with Kayneth's actions as Master.

"Lancer's 'Demon-Breaking Red Rose' is a very effective Noble Phantasm against Berserker. If Saber's assistance is added, the black Senrant will be defeated easily. This is a very good opportunity to eliminate the enemy. "

"...That's because you don't know how scary Saber is."

Kayneth, who gritted his teeth because he had nowhere to vent, retorted in a hoarse voice.

Although her fiancée has an extremely keen analytical vision, after all, Sora is not his master or his commander. As Master, Kayneth was determined from the beginning to stick to his own judgment and fight. Moreover, as a man being accused by a woman who is his fiancée, it is even more damaging to his self-esteem.

"I learned about Saber's ability through the Master's clairvoyance ability. It was a very powerful Servant. Her overall ability was completely superior to Diarmuid's. I had a great opportunity to defeat her but I missed it!"

" you really understand the characteristics of your Servant?"

Sora snorted coldly and said to the stubborn Kayneth.

"Do you think the 'Destroyed Yellow Rose' is just for show? Compared to Saber, who has been seriously injured and cannot be cured, isn't Berserker, whose body was still unknown at that time, more of a threat?" ()

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