Chapter 1130 ‘Hunting’

The curse effect of Diarmuid's Yellow Spear is obvious. Saber, who had one of her hands sealed at the beginning of the battle, was already in a very unfavorable situation, judging from the fact that the remaining six Servants were still fully alive. Therefore, for the current Einzbern camp, the top priority is to eliminate Lancer, who is the source of the curse, as soon as possible.

So Kirei set up a net near Kayneth's stronghold, waiting for the attackers to arrive.

But in the end, the person waiting here was not Emiya Kiritsugu but someone else. However, Kotomine Kirei was certain that this person acted according to Kiritsugu's instructions. Therefore, the woman he is fighting against now must be the key to finding Emiya Kiritsugu.

You can't kill her, it's best to capture her alive. In short, as long as she can talk.

It doesn't matter even if her limbs are broken.

After making a cool judgment in his heart, Kotomine Kirei slowly approached the place where the woman was hiding. The opponent should already be using his bare hands. The disassembled sniper rifle could not be assembled so quickly, and the downed pistol was also far away. The outcome has been decided.

But what stopped Kotomine Kirei was an unexpected obstacle.

A puff of white smoke suddenly appeared between him and the prey, completely blocking his sight, and the pungent smell mixed with chemical reactions rushed into his nose.


What suddenly appeared in front of Kotomine Kirei was a smoke screen released by a military smoke grenade.

And at the moment Kirei's sight was blocked by the smoke screen, Maiya quickly ran away.

Although Kotomine Kirei chased the sound and threw the black key, he failed to hit the target. The intuition of the agent who had experienced hundreds of battles told him that he could not act rashly in the current situation.

Kotomine Kirei held the black keys with both hands, not daring to slack off and paying attention to the movements around him, waiting for the smoke to dissipate. In the building exposed to the strong wind, the thick smoke dissipated in only a few seconds - but these few seconds were enough for the woman to escape from the scene.

He was alone, and after finding that he was the only one left in this deserted building, Kirei took back the black key with a snort. He had no intention of continuing to catch up.

Kirei picked up the smoke bomb from the ground and examined it. It is a hand-thrown model of U.S. military equipment. There is nothing special about it, it is just something that anyone can get as long as they have certain connections.

This was not thrown by the woman, because once he found out that she was taking action, he would immediately throw the black key to stop her. This was thrown in front of him by another person in order to help the woman escape.

Of course, there should be no other people in this building. But if this is the case, then the smoke bomb should have been thrown in from outside the building.

Kirei walked to the edge of the floor and looked down despite the strong wind blowing up his monk's clothes.

Now that the Fuyuki Hyatt Regency Hotel is in ruins, there is no other building around that can compare to this building. It is at least one hundred and fifty meters from the ground to this location. This location is difficult to accurately target even with ranged weapons. Not to mention this hand-thrown smoke bomb. Throwing this up from the ground is simply a big joke.

But after all, Kirei was the agent who had hunted down many heretical magicians. I have become quite accustomed to facing enemies that are beyond the ordinary. There was nothing to marvel at in this degree of weirdness.

Somewhere underground, there is a magician who can stop him.

As long as this is confirmed, tonight will be regarded as rewarding.

At the same time, Kirei felt the aura of the alien hidden next to him.


"Yes, that's right down there."

Wearing a jet black robe, Assassin knelt before Kirei and materialized. This Assassin was the one who had requested the report from the three Assassins who had just been monitoring Irisviel and Saber in the forest near the national highway.

"Didn't I tell you not to materialize indoors?"

"I'm really sorry, but I have something very urgent that I want to inform you about..."


After a night of continuous fighting to the death, the sky in the east gradually turned white. At this time, Kirei contacted the Tohsaka Prefecture in Miyama Town through the magic communication machine. He and his father, Kotomine Ri, were preparing to hold an emergency countermeasures meeting.

"Oh? Will you be able to find out Caster's whereabouts soon?"

Tokiomi's voice showed satisfaction and praise. Kirei and Assassin's actions finally had the desired effect. Although my Servant encountered some difficult problems, the disciple's progress was going very smoothly.

"The opponent is worthy of being a magician. Even my Assassin would find it difficult to enter the opponent's 'workshop' without being noticed. However, the approximate location of the opponent has been determined, and Assassin is currently working on him around there. By surrounding and monitoring, as long as Caster appears outside the workshop, we can grasp his actions one by one."

"In other words, Caster is not staying in the workshop but is actively active outside?"

"Yes. That's because..."

Thinking of Tokiomi's attitude after the report, Kirei hesitated a little. What Caster and his Master do may have very serious consequences.

"...The two of them went to the city next to Miyama Town and captured the sleeping children back to their stronghold. A total of fifteen people were captured until dawn. Although most of them were carried out relatively smoothly - but among them Three of the cases were discovered by the parents of the children, which caused a commotion, and they ended up murdering the children’s entire family.”

Kirei, who could clearly feel Tokiomi's anger on the other side of the communication machine, quickly continued before he could speak.

"Caster used magic without any scruples, and did not clean up or tidy up the scene afterwards. Now, according to his father's instructions, the staff of the Holy Church are cleaning up the traces of the scene. However... I am afraid that Caster and his Master will not do anything in the future. There will be no change in behavior.”

"...What on earth are they thinking! Who is that guy? That Caster's Master."

"Judging from their conversation that Assassin overheard - the Master had been carrying out similar murders before summoning Casfer. Although it is not certain yet, this man looks similar to the wanted serial murderer. It’s a person.”


Tokiomi gasped heavily.

The mysterious serial murderer "The Devil of Fuyuki City" has been reported continuously since this month. Using cruel methods that are rare in recent years, there are four cases related to him in the city alone, and it is said that the last one was a very cruel murderer who brutally murdered the entire family in their sleep. Although the police in Fuyuki City have set up a special task force. All police forces in the surrounding jurisdictions were mobilized to seize the time to solve the case.\\nHowever, there was still no progress, and it was still at the stage where even the appearance of the suspect could not be confirmed.

For Tokiomi, it was a huge headache for him to have such a serious incident happen during the Holy Grail War, and this should be the same for all Masters. The Holy Grail War must be fought in secret. This is a constant rule for all participants. No one would be welcome to cause a conspicuous situation in this place at this time.

Originally, all magicians were bearers of sacred rituals. No one will make magic known to the public, everyone just studies their own magic in secret, and those stupid guys who cannot completely keep their secrets will be quickly eliminated by the Magic Association. As long as it is related to confidentiality, the Magic Office has always been resolute and thorough. All magicians fear this.

So - let's say that a magician is on the front page of social news every few days, and not only that, but as a Master, he is also being led around by his Servant. The combination of these two points is simply a very serious situation.

"...Have you obtained detailed information, information, or anything else about those two people?"

"Judging from the names they call each other, Master's name should be 'Ryuunosuke', while Caster is called 'Aosu'."

"'Green Beard'? So Caster's real name is Count Gil de Rey?"

"It's possible. This man is known for his indulgence in alchemy and black magic."

Judging from the popularity of that legend, it is not surprising that he was summoned by the Holy Grail as a Servant. It's just that his nature is completely different from that of a heroic spirit - it would be more appropriate to call him a "vicious spirit".

"Judging from their conversation, this Master named Ryunosuke not only has no knowledge about the Holy Grail War, but he also seems to have no awareness of being a magician."

"This is also very possible. Maybe by chance, a person with no magic skills can form a contract with the summoned Servant... Then the Master will only become the Servant's puppet."

"No, that's..."

Kirei recalled the conversation he heard through Assassin's ears and continued.

"...Anyway, Caster's own words and deeds are beyond the scope of normal understanding. He always says that the Holy Grail is already in my hand, and that Jeanne must be saved, etc., which is completely misleading.

I personally think that neither Caster nor his Master paid attention to the Holy Grail War at all. "

Hearing Kirei's words, Tokiomi sighed deeply as if he wanted to vent all the anger in his heart.

"A Servant who goes berserk due to insanity and a Master who has no control over the situation? Why on earth would the Holy Grail choose such guys?"

There is nothing surprising about the fact that Servants attack humans. As a spiritual Servant that feeds on magic power, it not only obtains magic power from the Master, but can also gain strength by absorbing human souls. Incompetent Masters who cannot provide enough magic power to their Servants will sometimes make up for the lack of magic power by providing sacrifices to their Servants.

Even in this Holy Grail War. This situation of offering sacrifices was also expected by Tokiomi. This is understandable. Magicians are outside the rules. You can ignore ethics and right and wrong. Even if innocent ordinary people need to be sacrificed, as long as it is done secretly and covertly, it will be tacitly allowed.

However, such a blatant killing and causing such a big commotion cannot be allowed.

"You can't let this kind of thing go unchecked, right? Tokiomi-kun."

Father Li Zheng, who had an ugly expression on his face, interrupted.

"Caster's actions have clearly hindered the progress of this Holy Grail War. This is against the rules."

"Of course, in the past, I was responsible for keeping magic confidential, and I would never let him go."

The Tosaka family has been the secret owner of the Fuyuki area for generations - that is to say, the Tosaka family is responsible for managing the spiritual veins and monitoring abnormal situations here. This is a task directly entrusted to them by the Magic Association. This is also one of the reasons why Tohsaka, as one of the "Founding Three Families", provided his jurisdiction as the stage for the Holy Grail War.

Therefore, Tokiomi, not only as a Master aiming for the Holy Grail, but also as a former local administrator, had to stop Caster's actions.

"I'm afraid that those two people were responsible for the consecutive missing children after the four murders."

Kirei explained his opinions calmly.

"The number of reported missing children alone is seventeen. And judging from the situation monitored this morning, plus the children they arrested, there are at least more than thirty people.

Their actions may become even more severe in the future. Father, it is necessary to stop them as soon as possible. "

"Well, the problem has reached a point where warnings and punishments cannot be solved. Now the only way is to get rid of Caster and his Master."

"But the problem is that to deal with Servants, we can only rely on Servants as well, but my Assassin can't take action now."

Kirei's statement makes sense. How could Assassin let him appear again so quickly as a hidden strategy?

Father Risei thought silently for a while and made suggestions to Tokiomi:

"Slightly changing the rules is within my authority as the supervisor. Let's put aside the fight for the Holy Grail for the time being, and how about mobilizing all the Masters to fight against Caster?"

"Oh? you have any good ideas? Father."

"For the Master who killed Caster, I can provide him with some help that will benefit future battles. For other Masters, they don't want to see the outcome of the entire Holy Grail War being affected because of Caster's rampage. Bar."

"——I see. The purpose of the game has become hunting. Isn't that right?"

Counting the Servants whose hands were injured in the chaos last night, not a single Servant has actually been eliminated. If everyone targets Caster like this, Caster's fate may be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind.

"But, as a reward for defeating Caster, the favorable conditions provided to the winner...will it eventually become an obstacle for us to obtain the Holy Grail?"

Regarding Tokiomi's question, Father Rimasa smiled and answered:

"Of course, it would be bad if someone else gets it. But the person who can deal the final blow to Caster, who is being chased by the hounds and has no way to escape, must be Archer."

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