A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1134 1134 The horror of the agent

Chapter 1141 The horror of the agent

Even so, the kinetic energy of the 250 Foot-Pound bullets fired 10 times per second continuously impacted Kirei's body like a metal bat. But his muscle armor, which had been trained to the extreme, completely protected his bones and internal organs from the impact. Maiya noticed that Kirei was covered in bulletproof equipment, and immediately threw away Calico and pulled out the survival knife from his thigh.

Contrary to Kevlar fiber's resistance to gun bullets, it has the property of being easily cut by sharp blades. If the gun doesn't work, close combat is the only way to survive.\\n

When the barrage was interrupted, Kirei once again pulled out a new black key in each hand. He launched cross slashes at Maiya from the left and right. However, Maiya was not at all slowed down by her injured right foot. Use the thick dagger blade to bounce back the Black Key's combos.

Although the Black Key's knife is far longer than a dagger, it is still an enhanced throwing knife. In close combat, compared to the Black Key which lacks balance due to its extremely short handle, Maiya's large dagger has an overwhelming advantage due to its flexibility.

"It can be done——!"

Maiya rushed forward with a half-sacrifice gesture. The Black Key should be very difficult to defend against attacks from this distance, and even if it is hit by a counterattack, the chance of being seriously injured is very low.

Kirei also caught the dagger in Maiya's right hand with the black key in his right hand. Probably intending to rely on the length of the blade to counterattack, the shadow of the sword that crossed with the dagger suddenly thrust towards him.

Maiya, who was well prepared for this, easily dodged the counterattack. With just a slight tilt of his head, he avoided the tip of Black Key's knife and broke into the enemy's arms.

But just when Maiya was convinced that victory was close at hand, she was caught by Kirei's unexpected move.

The key to cross counterattack: The right hand of the two crossed - Kirei's hand holding the short handle of the black key should be empty. He released his weapon mid-thrust.

In other words, Kirei’s right hand had no intention of piercing Maiya with the black key from the beginning——

Fingers with protruding veins like a vise grabbed Maiya's right hand.

The towering tall man in black bent his body softly like a snake, and just slipped under Maiya's right arm. The next moment, Kirei held Maiya's right arm from behind his shoulders, just like he would support an injured person on his shoulders.

The agent who used the black keys——I was deceived by this preconceived judgment. In fatal despair, the helpless Maiya finally understood. This movement is Chinese boxing, Bajiquan——

At the same time, Kirei's side body was close to Maiya's waist. He struck Maiya's heart with his left elbow, and at the same time gave a beautiful blow to Maiya's supporting leg with his left foot.

The "Six Big Opens·Top Elbow" was completed very wonderfully. After the hand holding the dagger was caught, all actions were completed in an instant. It is indeed the essence of Bajiquan, a routine that integrates offense and defense.

Maiya couldn't even close her body and fell heavily to the ground. Because of the too strong impact, Maiya even fell into the illusion that her arms and legs fell off completely, and her whole body was paralyzed and unable to move. All I could consciously feel was the sharp pain in my chest from the elbow. You can't go wrong with two or three broken ribs.

Even though it took just one blow to put Kuu Maiya into a state where she couldn't fight. But Kirei was content with that. Now that he knows where Emiya Kiritsugu is, Kirei now has no attachment to her. Kirei clenched his fists in order to quickly deliver a fatal blow to her - at that time, he saw a scene that made him doubt his own eyes.

The embarrassed Maiya was equally surprised. Indeed, it had been agreed upon before, during the duel with Kirei. Irisviel always hides and secretly supports him. But she——Irisviel should not have any fighting means other than magic. Emerging from the trees. Confronted with Kotomine Kirei face to face.

"Ma'am, no!"

Maiya now forgot all the fear and embarrassment she had shown. For her, Irisviel's crisis was a more serious problem than her own danger.

If Kiritsugu now loses his wife - as the one who swore to protect him, there is no crisis more desperate than this.

For Kirei, this situation is somewhat difficult to understand.

I know that the Einzbern family of demons places too much emphasis on alchemy. Not good at using combat magic. All three Holy Grail Wars were defeated at the prologue. It's all because the Northern Magicians are extremely vulnerable to actual combat. Judging from the circumstances surrounding the recruitment of the mercenary Emiya Kiritsugu, they must have reflected on that humiliating experience.

Then, with the female guard lying on the ground, isn't it the most unlikely situation for Einzbern's Master to appear alone in front of Kirei?

At this stage, Kirei also believed that the silver-haired woman in front of him was Saber's Master. If she dies, then there will be no doubt that the Einzbern camp will be defeated.

This woman should be the king's pawn who must escape even if she has to sacrifice a lot.

"——Woman. You may be surprised, but I didn't come here to defeat you."

In front of the enemy's Master, this is like giving up the fight. Although he didn’t think the other party would believe it, Kirei was prepared to try to negotiate without trying in vain. This was very different from how he had hoped things would turn out. Meeting Kiritsugu Emiya on the battlefield was Kirei's purpose. Compared with this premise, the situation of the Holy Grail War can only be regarded as second best.

Of course, I don’t expect my opponent to believe those words——

"I know, Kotomine Kirei."

——Because I didn’t expect the other party to believe it. So the silver-haired woman's answer made Kirei even more confused.

"I know your purpose. But this is an impossible negotiation. You cannot reach Emiya Kiritsugu... We will stop you. Right here."


To Irisviel, the confused expression on the tall deputy’s face was a good omen. The other party is obviously looking down on himself. The enemy's carelessness is our own chance of victory. I'm afraid, he knew the characteristics of Einzbern's magic and judged that she should be a magician without direct combat ability.

Irisviel pulled out the "special weapon" hidden in the cuff of her coat. At first glance, it doesn't look like any weapon at all, it's an unreliable item. Scattered between the fingers of her hands were bundles of soft, slender wires.

"Madam, this man is the agent - an expert in hunting magicians! He is not an opponent that can be dealt with by pure magic!"

Irisviel smiled quietly back at Maiya who was squatting on the ground and shouting while enduring the pain.

In front of Maiya who was speechless and Kirei who was watching in surprise, Irisviel poured magic power into the wire. The extremely slender metal wires unbundled and began to flow between the fingers of Irisviel's hands like a living thing.

Kirei's understanding was half correct. The family magic that Irisviel inherited is indeed the refinement and creation of materials, as well as its application. And it was impossible for Kiritsugu to instruct her in offensive magic. Originally, in terms of magician rank, Irisviel was higher than her husband. There was no way Kiritsugu could be her teacher in the path of magic.

What he taught himself was not the puppet's way of survival. Instead, we celebrate life with crying, laughter, joy and anger - the meaning of the word "alive".

In addition, what he also taught himself was the determination to "live".

Half of Kirei's perceptions were wrong. Irisviel already had the "combat" experience of using her magic as an attack method. That is what she learned from her husband who has been walking in a fighting life - if you want to "live" with him, you will one day face the test of "survival". She's bound to face battles, too.

"shapeistLeben!" (O wreckage, give you life)

Through two measures of chanting, the magic is woven in one breath. The form manipulation of metal is Irisviel's true skill.

This secret technique is unparalleled.

Silver threads are criss-crossed, forming complex outlines. Complex three-dimensional objects intertwined and combined with each other, appearing like rattan handicrafts, with ferocious wings, beaks, and sharp claws. It was an exquisite silver filigree craft based on a giant eagle.

No, that’s not just a replica—


Letting out a high-pitched scream as if a metal blade had been sliced ​​across it, the silver eagle flew up from Irisviel's hand. That was Home Cruise made live with Alchemy. It is a "weapon" given life by Irisviel, who is now facing a life-or-death situation.

That flying posture like a bullet far exceeded Kirei's imagination. He dodged the attack in surprise, but the razor-sharp beak still grazed the tip of his nose.

After the first blow was missed, the silver-threaded eagle immediately hovered over Kirei's head. This time he jumped down with the claws of both feet. The target is Kirei’s face. However, this is not a one-sided defensive battle for the agent. He was not afraid of the sharp claws and struck the eagle with a very powerful fist.

The rapidly descending eagle could no longer change its trajectory. The fist hit the eagle directly in the abdomen.


However, it was Kirei who made a sound of surprise. When the eagle was hit by the fist, it returned to amorphous silver threads, which this time wrapped around his right fist like a creeper.

Although I immediately pulled it with my left hand, the silver thread even got wrapped up in that hand. The silver thread that had been flying in the air in the form of an eagle just now... this time tied Kirei's hands tightly like handcuffs.


But Kirei is an expert who has fought countless magicians to the death in the past. He just snorted softly and rushed towards Irisviel. Just having your hands sealed is nothing to be afraid of. Just get close and land a kick to decide the winner.

"too naive!"

Irisviel scolded, injecting more magic power into the silver thread. A bunch of silver threads stretched out from the bundle that bound Kirei's hands. This time, it ran like a snake through the void and entangled itself with the nearby tree trunk.

Even Kirei couldn't resist it now. In the moment when he lost his balance and regained his footing...\\nThe silver wire tightly wrapped around the tree trunk, dragging Kirei continuously, and finally tied his hands and wrists firmly to the tree trunk.

Those are mature trees that are over 30 centimeters thick. Even if Kirei wanted to use his strange power, it would be impossible to break it or uproot it. This time he was finally completely blocked from action.

But even so. It was Irisviel's side that gradually lost its advantage under Kirei's strength. Originally, Kirei's hands should have been crushed by the pressure of the silver wire, but the muscles that were trained like steel were stronger than imagined. Her silver thread was almost broken and was in a saturated state on the verge of breaking. In order to strengthen the metal and keep the bond from breaking, Irisviel could only continuously activate all the magic power.

"...Ms. Maiya...hurry up!"

The one who holds the key to victory or defeat——is Maiya who is still leaning on the ground. She was the only one who could give the immobile Kirei the final blow. Don't get close to the opponent's kicking range. A shot to the exposed head would suffice now. It was impossible for Kirei to cover his head with the sleeves of his bulletproof suit like before.

Got a moment of respite. The injured Maiya regained feeling in her hands and feet. Groaning from the pain of her broken ribs, she slowly moved closer to the discarded Calico submachine gun.

Victory or defeat is a contest of perseverance measured in seconds - even though she gritted her teeth due to the pain in her magic circuit, Irisviel still encouraged herself like this.

Maiya picked up the gun and fired, as long as the strength of the silver thread was maintained until then. That would rule out Kotomine Kirei. The biggest threat to Kiritsugu...

It can be said. At this time, the two women still misjudged the horror of people like church vicars.

Irisviel, who had no knowledge of Chinese boxing, thought that simply tying her hands to a tree would render Kirei unable to fight back. She had no choice but to think like this. But a boxer who has mastered the secret sect is covered with deadly weapons. For example, just those feet pressing hard on the ground——

"Boom", the deafening sound made Irisviel speechless.

The tree trunk that Kirei was tied to was shaking violently. It was like being hit with a full-strength punch. So the current sound——it was made by hitting the center of the tree with all the strength.

There was a clear blow again. This time she couldn't help but doubt her ears. She heard a spine-chilling cracking sound.

Can't see the situation clearly. But Irisviel, who controlled the silver thread, understood through touch. There is now a huge crack in the tree trunk that Kirei is tied to. It was right near where the silver threads were entangled—right below Kirei's hands.

With the back of his hand close to the bark of the tree, Kirei was punching the trunk with all his strength.

Although Irisviel couldn't possibly know it - the power of a boxer's fist was not just generated by the force of the wrist. Multiply the power of the feet on the ground, the rotation of the waist, and the twist of the shoulders.\\nConcentrate the total instant explosive power of the whole body into the fist. For those who are proficient in this principle, the effects ultimately exerted by the movement of the arms can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket compared with the power emitted by the whole body. If necessary, it is not impossible to place the fist close to the target and use only the "jin" of parts other than the arm to exert full striking power - this is the stunt commonly known as "inch Jin".


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