Chapter 1140 Fake Death

Kiritsugu dodged the attack of the mercury blade. Although it looked unbelievable, the mercury blade only cut the corner of Kiritsugu's clothes.

You only need to see the attack of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid once to master its attack characteristics. Although it looks like a very fast attack, it is relatively monotonous.

When mercury takes the shape of a whip, it is the root that controls it to attack at a very fast speed, while the end has basically no attack power. The power of the blade is basically formed by centrifugal force, and for Kiritsugu who is very experienced in close combat, the trajectory of this attack is very easy to judge. This is also a characteristic of relying on pressure to manipulate mercury. Only the larger part can fully exert its power, while the power of the tip will gradually weaken. The end of the mercury that extends far from the main body to search for enemies does not have the mobility as sensitive as a slashing whip, and Kiritsugu has already analyzed this weakness.

Before the opponent could continue their attack, Kiritsugu had already started to escape. It would be great if the other party chased you immediately, but if the other party did not catch up but stopped to deal with the gunshot wound just now, it means that the provocation just now was not enough.

The blow that penetrated the protective film just now was the first and the last blow at the same time. After realizing the power of the Contender, which is completely different from the short machine gun, Moon Spirit Liquid's self-defense should become stronger. In future attacks, no matter what level of defense, the Contender's power will be able to withstand it. Kayneth will definitely mobilize all his magic power to strengthen Mercury's defense.

If this is the case, it will be difficult to handle.

Kiritsugu endured the pain all over his body while running and replacing the Contender's empty magazine. This time, load the magic bullet into the chamber.

In order to defend against Kiritsugu's next attack, Kayneth would use all his magic power. Just to lure him into alertness, ordinary bullets were used in the first attack.

Kayneth's grave has been dug - all that remains is to wait for him to fall into it and bury him with his own hands.

The magician hunter only showed his true strength this time.


Looking back, this was the first time Irisviel felt "uneasy" since she set foot on Fuyuki's land.

She once again realized the importance of Saber who was always by her side. The quiet confidence and tolerance emanating from that petite body gave Alice Filler great peace of mind.

Kuu Maiya, who is now following her on Saber's behalf, is not untrustworthy as a bodyguard. Kiritsugu also thinks highly of Maiya's abilities, and does not mean to doubt her.

So what's going on with this strange feeling of uneasiness?

There was no dialogue between the two people who left the castle to escape and walked in the forest of enchantment. Indeed, Maiya didn't seem to be the type to enjoy small talk, but that complete silence was too heavy for Irisviel.

Would she respond if you spoke first? There's nothing to lose by trying. The two are now in a safe zone isolated from the fighting. Not in a critical situation where you need to be quiet.

In this case. Just as he was about to muster up the courage to speak - but he didn't know what to say, Irisviel stopped her words again.

There are so many things I want to ask. The encounter with Kiritsugu. Memories of spending time with him. In Maiya's eyes, Kiritsugu's character... he was interested in every question, but Irisviel felt hesitant no matter who he asked.

What she didn't know about Emiya Kiritsugu, Kuu Maiya knew.

If the answer comes from Maiya's mouth. If the impact is strong enough to destroy the image of her husband in Irisviel's mind——

There can be no such thing. There is absolutely no basis for such denial. Because to Irisviel, the nine short years since they met were everything to Kiritsugu.

While walking in circles in worry...\\nThe silence continued. Although the atmosphere was obviously awkward, Maiya moved forward silently without paying any attention to it.

"——I'm really not good at dealing with this woman——"

As I lowered my head and sighed deeply, an alarm flashed through Irisviel's mind.


Maiya looked at Irisviel who suddenly stiffened and stopped with a surprised look on her face.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

"...There is a new intruder. Just a little ahead of us. If we go this way, we will meet."

This is an expected state of affairs. Maiya nodded calmly.

"Then let's go around in a roundabout way. It will be very safe if we go northward from here."


Irisviel, who was in a trance while using her "clairvoyance" magic to examine the appearance of the intruder, did not answer immediately.

A tall man wearing jet-black monk robes and full of intimidation. The short hair and serious appearance are exactly the same as the photos in Kiritsugu's collection.

"...This is Kotomine Kirei."

What surprised Irisviel even more than this was the change in Maiya's expression when she was informed of the news.

She is a woman who is as expressionless as ice at all times, making it impossible to see any emotions. I thought she must be as cold as ice in her heart——

Irisviel saw Maiya’s “expression” for the first time. Mixed with anxiety and anger. What I spied there was a sense of crisis that was completely different from terror. What she was afraid of was probably not Kirei as a person, but the situation where Kirei appeared here at this time.

When she noticed this, Irisviel realized it. Although it was abrupt, Irisviel understood the inner thoughts of this woman, Kuu Maiya.

"Ms. Maiya, the order you received from Kiritsugu was to ensure my safety, right?"

"Yes, but-"

"But what? Are you thinking, 'That man is the only one who must never be allowed to go to Kiritsugu's place?"

After Irisviel pointed out her thoughts with a slightly evil smile. Maiya was speechless for a moment.

"Madam, you..."

"It's a coincidence. I also have the same opinion as you."

Kirei Kotomine. The man who is probably the biggest threat to Kiritsugu. It was obvious from the way Maiya reacted just by hearing his name.

Even though Irisviel was a Holmcruss (an artificial human), she fell in love, achieved that relationship, and even became a mother. In this way, she gained a super-sense that dolls cannot understand, but humans have - that is, "woman's intuition."

"Kirei will be stopped by the two of us here. Is that okay, Miss Maiya?"

After hesitating for a moment, Maiya nodded with a curious expression.

"I'm so sorry. But please be aware, ma'am."

"It's okay. Don't worry about me. You perform your duties. It's not an order from Kiritsugu, but what you think is necessary."


In retrospect, maybe I had already noticed it. That’s why I’m afraid to confirm.

Now Irisviel understands. The reason why he avoids not because he is afraid of her, but because he is afraid of knowing her heart.

Afraid of the fact that "he is not the only woman who cares about Emiya Kiritsugu".

Irisviel couldn't help but laugh in the excitement of approaching a fight to the death. Maiya took out the Calico submachine gun and glanced at her with a surprised expression.

"--What's wrong?"

"The human heart is incredible."

She could risk her life for Kiritsugu—a woman with such determination would have someone else besides herself.

It should obviously be such a shocking answer. Now——that fact makes people feel extremely reliable.

It is not difficult for Kotomine Kirei to speculate on the Einzbern camp's next course of action.

The other Masters all target Caster, and Caster targets Saber. Then there is no need to take special action. Staying in position, fully prepared for an attack, and waiting for the enemy to attack is the best strategy.

If you think about it this way, there is no need to look for it. The Einzbern Forest on the outskirts of Fuyuki City—should not be ignored. There was no mistaking the fact that Emiya Kiritsugu was still there.

Of course, Kirei had no intention of joining the battle. The east side of the forest has a high chance of becoming a battle location. Because generally speaking, enemies coming from Fuyuki will invade from that direction.

Therefore, Kirei waited at the outer edge of the west side of the forest to wait for the battle to begin. And they placed their bets on the opportunity to surprise the castle from the opposite side if the battle started on the east side as expected.

The spiritual form of Assassin was released in the forest as a scout. Assassin, who has the "Aura Cutoff" skill, can penetrate deep into the barrier and invade without being noticed. Not close to the castle though. It is still possible to observe the battle movements from the outside of the forest.

And then - as expected, the conflict between Caster and Saber started on the east side of the forest. And luckily, Einzbern only allowed the Servant to fight alone, and the Master himself stayed behind closed doors. Assassin's report is an excellent opportunity for Kirei.

If Emiya Kiritsugu was a hunting dog hired by Einzbern, he would be protecting the defenseless Master away from the Servant. Now is the chance to corner it.

Although he later received an alert from Assassin and learned that Rhodes Elumeroy was also heading towards the castle, Kirei did not hesitate. On the contrary, he was even a little anxious. If Emiya Kiritsugu is killed by Kayneth's hand, Kirei's goal will not be achieved. To meet Kiritsugu face to face. Kirei was prepared to have to conflict with Kayneth in the worst case scenario, and quickly moved forward in the forest.

In addition, depending on the situation of the war, Einzbern may abandon the castle and flee. At that time, of course, the opposite direction of the eastern battlefield where the Servants were fighting should be used as an escape route. In that case, there would be a possibility of encountering Kirei.

Just in case, Kirei started preparing for battle in advance - because of this, he was able to react tactfully to unexpected murderous intent.

While sighing, he leaned down to avoid the thunderous rain of bullets above his head. When attacked by unexpected machine gun fire, sometimes even skilled veterans would be demoralized and lose their judgment. But there is an exception for the agents of the Holy Church. Kirei didn't even shed a drop of cold sweat.\\nHe calmly deduced the situation.

The enemy is a man. Judging from the sound of the gunfire, it is a short submachine gun with a caliber of less than 9mm. Because pistol bullets lacking penetrating power do not have the power to penetrate tree trunks. The threat level in the forest is lower than that of sniper rifles.

Kirei judged the enemy's position from the direction of the gunfire and threw two black keys. But contrary to the expected reaction, all I heard was the sound of the blade hitting the tree trunk.


From the side of the surprised Kirei, the murderous edge struck again.

Another shot came from the left. Although he dodged at the last moment, this time it was more dangerous than the previous shooting. The previous judgment that the enemy was alone slightly delayed his reaction.

The second shooting was in a completely different location. It would be too fast to move. However, if there are two gunmen from the beginning, crossfire with good timing should indeed be able to take care of Kirei.

When I was confused, I felt four breaths again this time. Kirei quickly took a stance with two black keys in one hand, a total of four black keys, and a new intuition flashed in his head.

"So - it's an illusion?"

It's not impossible. I have already penetrated quite deep into the forest boundary. The composition of the barrier includes illusions, and if there is a magician nearby who can manipulate magic, it is possible to target Kirei personally and cause confusion.

Is the invisible sniper really alone? Is that the same person who operates the illusion? Or is there someone else responsible for the backup...

No matter what.\\nUntil I find a way to break the illusion. You can only follow the enemy's rhythm. Kirei waved four black keys and instantly threw them at the auras in all directions.

——As expected, there is no feeling of hit anywhere.

While Kirei was getting anxious because of the fruitless development, he was clicking his tongue. He was hit directly by a bullet in the back.

The third shot wasn't even breathless. It should be said that the first two shots were feints to confuse Kirei. Originally, since one could control the illusion trap that emits murderous intent, it was theoretically possible to seal away the real murderous intent.

Before he could even scream, the tall man in monk's robes struggled with his feet and fell on his back. There was no convulsion or groan of pain.

Did he accurately penetrate the spinal cord and kill him instantly? With this judgment, Maiya stood up from the sniper spot, aimed Calico at Kirei who was lying on his back, and cautiously approached him.

"——Miss Maiya, you can't!"

Irisviel, who sensed the trap earlier, sent warning words, but it was already too late.

Kirei remained on his back and did not get up. A handful of hidden black keys were thrown with just a wave of his arm. The black key that flew from low orbit tore Maiya's right calf. Taking away her opportunity to make the next move.

Kirei jumped up like a spring-loaded machine and suddenly began to charge towards Maiya. Maiya pulled the trigger without fear.

But Kirei just used his hands to protect his head and didn't dodge at all. The monk's robe is made of thick Kevlar fiber all the way to the sleeves. Moreover, it was framed with a protective charm specially made by the church agent without leaking. A 9mm caliber pistol bullet cannot penetrate even at extremely close range.

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