A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1138 1138 Indescribable uneasiness

Chapter 1145 Indescribable uneasiness


Kirei let out a groan-like murmur from his throat.

That is an impossible contradiction.

A complete subversion of expectations and premonitions for Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya is supposed to be a man of nothingness. It should be someone who has yet to find a reason to fight even as the end of nothingness approaches. That's why Kirei looked forward to it. I think that in Emiya Kiritsugu's heart and in that way of life, there should be the answer he is looking for.

To do that, Kiritsugu must be aloof. He must not be understood or recognized by anyone, and he must become the master of a soul that is isolated from the world - just like Kotomine Kirei.

Kirei put aside the swelling doubts in his heart, as if he wanted to escape from those thoughts, and ran alone in the forest gritting his teeth.


Irisviel opened her eyes dimly when she heard a voice that seemed to be calling her from a distant place.

The familiar face and golden hair shine even more beautifully because of the backlight.

"...Irisviel, cheer up! Irisviel!"


After Irisviel realized that the other person was none other than the girl of the King of Knights, her whole body relaxed due to the peace of mind, and she almost fell into sleep again.

"No! Stay conscious! I'm going to call Kiritsugu right now. Hold on until then!"

"...Kirei...where are the enemies here?"

Irisviel asked in a weak voice. Saber frowned regretfully and replied.

"Escaped. If I had arrived earlier, this wouldn't have happened."

"...Where's Miss Maiya..."

"Although she was also seriously injured, her life was not in danger. Compared to that, your injuries! This amount of bleeding——"

Before Saber could finish speaking, she was speechless due to surprise.

The blood that had been flowing out from the wound on Irisviel's abdomen until just now suddenly stopped. Saber carefully rolled up the torn clothes and took a look. Although it was covered in sticky blood, there were no traces of stab wounds on the smooth skin.

"——I'm sorry for scaring you."

From Saber's arms holding her, Irisviel stood up without any pain, and her cheeks that were supposed to be bloodless had returned to a cherry color. The tragic scene of severe injuries that I just saw was like an illusion.

"Irisviel, what on earth is this-"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Don't worry. Compared with using healing magic on others. It's easy to heal your own injuries... Originally, my body structure is different from that of humans."


Irisviel smiled at Saber, who had her eyes widened in surprise, while silently apologizing in her heart for lying to the knight who trusted her so much.

"Actually, it's all thanks to you. Saber..."

Although Irisviel's body was magically artificial, there was no magic that automatically healed her while she was unconscious. What healed her injuries was a miracle completely different from Einzbern's magic.

The Noble Phantasm "A Utopia Away from Everything" - heals the owner's injuries and even stops aging. The scabbard of the sword Excaliber. A Noble Phantasm used in the past to summon the heroic spirit Artoria in Einzbern Castle. Now it is sealed inside Irisviel's body as a conceptual weapon.

If you think about it normally, this should be the trump card that Master Kiritsugu should equip. However, he used it as insurance for Irisviel to act as a pseudo-Master and go to the front line, and handed this absolute defensive treasure into the hands of his wife. Anyway, if the real owner Saber is not around to provide magic power, the scabbard will not be effective. To Kiritsugu, who planned to separate from Saber from the beginning, it was just useless.

Kiritsugu, who did not trust his Servant, carefully asked Irisviel not to tell Saber about the existence of the scabbard just to be on the safe side. However, Irisviel felt very uncomfortable about forcibly borrowing a Noble Phantasm that belonged to the King of Knights.

Despite this, when the effect is actually confirmed, the power is really surprising. Until Saber arrived, Irisviel was undoubtedly in critical condition. The King of Knights' hand just touched it.\\nThe wound healed instantly, and the lost physical strength was quickly restored. It is indeed a Noble Phantasm called a miracle.

The magic circuit that should have become abnormal after being destroyed by Kirei's brute force has no problem now. This should allow you to use magic as smoothly as usual.

In this case, the priority should be to treat Maiya next. Her coma was not considered near death, but she was seriously injured.

Irisviel looked at the scars on her body that had been mercilessly destroyed, and once again experienced the terror of Kotomine Kirei's man.

That agent is undoubtedly a monster. Whether facing guns or magic, he shattered the collaborative battle between Irisviel and Maiya with just his physical skills.

He must not be allowed to get close to Kiritsugu's enemy—Irisviel bit her lips tightly due to the weight of that existence.

This time it can be said to be a magical victory because of persistence. But that was obviously just a fluke. If Saber had been a little more focused on fighting Caster or Lancer, Kirei would definitely have reached the castle deep in the forest.

This is not the end. Next time, Kirei will definitely challenge Emiya Kiritsugu again.

"But it's not just me who protects Kiritsugu...right, Miss Maiya."

Maiya was anesthetized and lost her sense of pain due to the preliminary treatment of the cure, so her expression twisted in pain became calmer. She has not yet regained consciousness, and the sinister expression on her sleeping face that usually stubbornly refuses to others is gone, just like that of an innocent girl.

He was supposed to hate her. Irisviel is no longer a doll. Because she has the soul to love a man as a woman and as a wife.

But now, Irisviel has to thank Kuu Maiya. Because, it can be said that Maiya told Irisviel what she should do in this war.

"We must win next time. Let's protect him together..."

After making a new vow, Irisviel began to concentrate on healing Maiya's body that was riddled with wounds.


The table was filled with all kinds of delicacies and rows of candlesticks that glowed brightly.

At Mikalt's banquet, the nobles of Erin gathered together. This is the climax of the banquet.

These people who usually advocate force have tried their best to be gentle and elegant today.

Only tonight, they were intoxicated by the elegant fragrance of flowers.

Yes, this is a party for delicate flowers.

Grania, the daughter of King Cormac Mark Art of Ireland, is to be engaged tonight. The other party is Couard's son, Finn Markle. He is a great hero with supreme wisdom and in charge of healing water. Only he is worthy to lead the unparalleled Knights of Fiona. His reputation rivals that of kings. It is truly a wonderful marriage.

The old hero Finn is accompanied by his son, the poet Ossian, and his grandson, the hero Oscar. and the brave warriors of the Fianna Knights.

"Horse" Gilda Mark Ronan, "Thriller of the Battlefield" Ger Mark Mona, Conan of the Gray Lashes, and the "Glory Face" Diarmuid Odina who was given the highest honor.

Each of them is a heroic knight who loves Fionn and swears supreme loyalty to him. The great hero looks up to the king and is loyal to him with his sword, his spear, and his life. This is the honor of the knights, and the glorious vocation of the knights is eulogized by the bards.

Looking forward to this path.

implement this belief.

Even if he dies on that sacred battlefield one day, he will never waver.

——This thought until he met her on that fateful night.

"Exchange my love for your sacred vows, my dear, please stop this ridiculous marriage. Take me away...to the end of the sky, the other side of the world!"

The girl who spoke to him with tears in her eyes ignited the flame of his love with her eyes.

It was the fire of purgatory that would burn up his body... The hero had already understood it at that time.

But he couldn't resist.

The oath as heavy as a trial, and the path of loyalty that I have followed to this day... which one is the right path? No matter how many times I ask myself, I can't find the answer.

Therefore, what made him make a prompt decision was definitely not the so-called honor.

The hero held the princess's hand and gave up their bright future together.

In this way, a tragic love story inherited from Celtic mythology was staged.


——Through the wonderful dreamland, Kayneth woke up from a deep sleep.

What he saw and experienced were scenes from the distant past, but he didn't find it strange. A Master who has signed a contract with a Servant can sometimes peek into the memories of heroic spirits in the form of dreams.

For Kayneth, he naturally knew the deeds of the heroic spirits he summoned, but he did not expect to be able to feel the scene so truly... The dream just now was indeed from "The Story of Diarmuid and Grania" scene. "But why am I here?"

Kayneth, who was half conscious, looked around.

He was in an extremely quiet and empty place. The cold winter night air is thick with dust.

There were only cold mechanical devices around, no human beings, and he had never been here before.

But he is no stranger here. This is the abandoned factory where Kayneth hid after the Fuyuki Inn was destroyed.

Sort out the confusing memories.

He followed the car all the way to the forest of Einzbern, after the Servants' battle. He faces the duel with Saber's Master alone...

Clench your fists. It was as if he wanted to squeeze the uncontrollable passion in his hands, because he found that he had no feeling in his hands and feet since he woke up, but in fact his hands and feet were not bound by anything.


His whole body was surrounded by doubt and fear, and his body was unable to move. He lay on his back on a simple bed, his chest and waist tightly bound by belts.

If you just can't get up, that's fine, but what if you can't feel your hands and feet at all?

Only his body was tied up, his limbs were not bound in any way, but - there was no feeling, as if they were not his hands and feet.

"——It seems you are awake."

His fiancée's voice sounded from out of sight. It looks like the culprit who trapped him here has finally appeared.

"Sora?! What the hell is this... me? Why am I here?"

"Lancer rescued you from a desperate situation and brought you here. Why, don't you remember?"


Heavy blow. He actually became the target of attack by those half-hearted magicians in Einzbern City.

But he did block the enemy's bullets with the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid, but his memory of thinking he had won was blurred.

The memory was interrupted there, and I seemed to feel a sharp pain - it seemed like this was happening. When he woke up, he found himself lying on his back. Therefore, he could not tell how much time had passed.

Sora placed his fingertips on Kayneth's wrist like a doctor, but he didn't feel like he was being touched at all.

"The magic circuits all over the body showed signs of violence. Almost all the internal organs were broken, and even the muscles and nerves were damaged to varying degrees. It's a miracle that he didn't die on the spot."


"In short, I only had time to regenerate your organs, and my nerves are powerless. Even if you gradually recover in the future, it will be difficult to get up and walk. And -"

Listening to her plain words, Kayneth felt despair approaching him.

Self-injury caused by magic runaway. This is the desperate situation that accompanies every magician at all times.

Although Kayneth always thought that he would not make such a stupid mistake, he knew what it meant.

"Besides - Kayneth, your magic circuit is also finished, and you can no longer use magic."


The man once known as "Prodigy" Rod Elumeroy was in tears.

He had no idea how he could encounter this kind of thing. The whole world was clearly blessing Kayneth. His genius originally destined him to have an unlimited future and glory.

Everything Kayneth believed in was ruthlessly destroyed, falling apart in front of him with a crackling sound. Faced with this ruthless fact and incomprehensible current situation, he could only cry cowardly. Now Kayneth is like a toddler who has just realized what horror is.

"Don't cry, Kayneth. It's too early to give up now."

Sora whispered in a comforting tone while caressing his cheek. Her tenderness towards her fiancé will always appear when he needs her.

"The Holy Grail War is still going on. Kayneth, this is the result of strategy. As long as I am still the source of magic power, Lancer must continue to abide by his contract with us. We have not failed yet."


"If the Holy Grail can really grant all wishes, then it can also heal the body, right? As long as you win, everything will be restored once you get the Holy Grail."


Her words gave Kayneth great encouragement and hope. The motivation given to him by his fiancée. It gave him courage more than anything.

But——Why is there an indescribable uneasiness like the wind at this moment. It quietly passed over his chest.

Perhaps because she saw his doubts, Sora held his right wrist with a motherly smile. He couldn't move his hands, and there were still two command spells on the back of his hands.

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