A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1139 1139 Tauren warrior ecstasy

"So, Kayneth... give me this Command Seal, and I will become Lancer's Master for you. Let me win the Holy Grail for you."


He instinctively refused immediately. Now all he has is this Command Seal - never let it go, Kayneth's soul shouted.

Looking at Kayneth with an expression of inexplicable fear, Sora whispered as if coaxing a child.

"You can't trust me? Although I don't have a magic mark, I can still be regarded as a magician of the Sophiali family. As the fiancée of the Archibald family, is there anything wrong with acting on behalf of Rod Elumeroy in the battle?"

"No, but..."

That's true.

Indeed, Kayneth can't even protect himself now. It will be difficult for him to go to the field to participate in Lancer's battle in the future. Moreover, there will be cases like Einzbern planting assassins next to the Master on the side during the Servant battle. If you meet him again, you will really die.

As a magician, Sora's status is far lower than that of Kayneth. But in the Holy Grail War, there were also murderous Masters like Waver who summoned Iskandar.\\n and a murderous Master who seemed to have made a contract with Caster. If reasonable tactics can be adopted, it is not impossible for Sora to win.

To make a Servant obedient, command spells are indispensable. but--

Kayneth remembered. Late that night after the first battle, Sora looked at Lancer with such intense eyes. She had never looked at herself, her fiancé, with such eyes. That look. As if intoxicated in a dream.

It wouldn't matter if she was just admiring a handsome man. That's just a woman's petty problem, and husbands shouldn't dwell on it.

But Lancer is more than just a handsome man.

"...Sora, do you think Lancer will switch his allegiance to you?"

Kayneth asked in a calm tone, and Sora nodded without hesitation.

"He was just summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War. He is pursuing the Holy Grail just like me. Even if the Master is changed, he will still agree to his purpose."


Kayneth said in his heart. Sora may not know that the heroic spirit Diarmuid Odina is not that kind of person.

Indeed, Heroic Spirits are Servants summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War. Not entirely without reason. It is precisely because they want to realize their wishes that they assist their Masters in participating in the fight for the Holy Grail.

Therefore, after the heroic spirit appears in response to its call, the Master will first ask him what his wish is. Why you want the Holy Grail, why you respond to yourself—if you can’t clarify the reason, the two parties will not be able to reach a trusting relationship. If the two parties have different wishes, the Master may be ruthlessly betrayed while obtaining the Holy Grail.

Therefore, Kayneth also understood Diarmuid's wish early on. He asked him what he would wish for if he got the Holy Grail.

But the heroic spirit didn't answer.

No, you shouldn't say that. It should be said that he did not refuse to answer, but refused Kayneth's question.

In other words, "He's not after the Holy Grail."

There is no need for anything in return.\\nI just want to treat the summoner as my master and fulfill my reputation as a knight. This is his wish.

Incomprehensible. If the heroic spirits who go down in history are willing to bend down and become the servants of an ordinary person. Then there must be quite a reason. Free service and the like are simply laughable.

But no matter how he questioned him, his Lancer still stubbornly refused to withdraw his words.

"As long as it allows me to fulfill my duties as a knight, the Holy Grail will be left to the Master alone."

Lancer denies the Holy Grail from beginning to end.

——Looking back, Kayneth may have developed a sense of distrust towards the Servant with whom he had made a contract since then.

How could there be a Servant who doesn't want the Holy Grail?

Then, Lancer is lying, he must have other intentions.

But that's okay, Kayneth thought at that time. As long as you have the Command Seal as an absolute command in hand. He can't betray. In the final analysis, a Servant is just a prop, no different from an ordinary instrument. It doesn't matter if the prop has a secret in his heart, as long as he obeys me, that's enough. Until yesterday. Kayneth thought so.

If he had obeyed Sora - if his words at the time were believed - then it was obvious that he had intentions other than the Holy Grail.

He is a heroic spirit that cannot be trusted, after all, something like that happened to him before his death. Elope with the monarch's fiancée. Isn't he just a treacherous minister...

"The Command Seal...can't be given to you."

Kayneth asserted.

"Command Seals are magic that is different from magic circuits. I can use it even now. I am... still Lancer's Master!"

Sora smiled meaningfully and sighed.

With this sigh, the gentle smile on her face was slowly peeled off.

"Kayneth, it seems you still don't understand...you still don't understand why we must win."

There was a crackling sound, like a crack of dead wood.

Sora had held Kayneth's right hand tenderly just a moment ago, but now she easily broke his little finger.

There was still no pain, but this lack of feeling only deepened Kayneth's fear. Then, she broke off all four remaining fingers on his right hand, without any resistance from him.

"Kayneth, my medium's healing skills are not yet able to forcibly take away the command spell. It can only be done with my consent."

The expressionless Sora's tone was as gentle as before, and then, as if she was teaching a child who had done something bad, she continued in a steady tone.

"If you are still unwilling...then I will have to cut off your right hand. Okay?"

Outside the abandoned factory, the forest grows lushly in the quiet darkness.

After cooling down his excited head in the cold air, Sora shouted to Lancer who was patrolling.

"Lancer, come out, I have something to tell you."

The heroic spirit Diarmuid immediately responded to the call and materialized beside her.

Inside his respectfully drooped eyelids are his black eyes that show arrogance and flamboyance. The lightweight leather armor that is easy to move further sculpts the shape of his lean body like a raptor.

This person had appeared in front of him countless times, and every time he could only sigh secretly. But now, some feelings seemed to be heating up inside her body.

"Is there anything unusual outside?"

"It's safe now. Although there seems to be the aura of monsters sent by Caster, they won't find this place. Lord Kayneth's barrier is still strong."

Sora nodded in relief. Since Lancer was indeed patrolling seriously just now, he should know nothing about what just happened.

"By the way, Master Sora, how is the situation of Master Kayneth?"

"It's not good, although I've taken some measures...his arm is broken, and his legs probably won't work either."

Lancer lowered his head sadly. This loyal heroic spirit seems to be blaming himself for Kayneth's injury.

"If I could have discovered the situation more keenly... the master would not have been in such a desperate situation..."

"It's not your fault, it's Kayneth's fault. He wanted to win the Holy Grail War too much."

"No, but..."

Seeing Lancer hesitate to speak, Sora made up his mind to speak to him.

"He is not worthy of being your Master, Diarmuid."

Lancer was silent, he raised his head and looked at Sora. She accepted his compelling gaze as if nothing had happened, and then raised her right hand.

On the back of his right hand, two command spells that should have been in Kayneth's hand were engraved.

"Kayneth gave up the fight and handed over the rights of Master to me. From tonight - Lancer, you are my Servant."


The handsome heroic spirit lowered his head silently, and after a moment, he finally said.

"I have sworn allegiance to Lord Kayneth and Lord Sora, but I cannot promise you that."


Contrary to expectations, Sora suddenly panicked.

"Originally, you were the Servant who was summoned by me to manifest in this world, but now the Command Seal is in my hand. I am the master you should obey!"

"It has nothing to do with who is summoned, or who holds the Command Seal."

Lancer lowered his head apologetically and continued seriously.

"Before I became a Servant, I was just a knight. There is only one master that I can be loyal to. Lord Sora, please forgive me."

"...Am I not qualified to be your Master? Diarmuid."

"That's not what I meant-"

"Look into my eyes and talk!"

After Sora's scolding, Lancer finally slowly raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. Lancer didn't expect that there were tears in her eyes at this moment - this reminded him of the most painful memory for him.

Once, he also looked at a woman who was crying to him in such a cold wind.

"...Lancer, fight with me, protect me, support me, and get the Holy Grail with me."

"I can't do it. Now that Lord Kayneth has given up fighting, the Holy Grail has no meaning to me."

Sora was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and almost said something he shouldn't have said. But she endured it, and after her mood calmed down, she continued the previous topic and spoke in a calm tone.

"If you are still a knight of Kayneth, Lancer, you must work hard to win the Holy Grail. His current physical condition is like what I just said. Only a miracle can make him heal, and the only thing that can help him now is the Holy Grail. Isn’t it?”


Lancer was silent again, but this time the silence amounted to acquiescence.

"If you feel guilty about him, if you want to regain Rod Elumeroy's prestige, then you must offer the Holy Grail yourself."

"...Lord Sora. Are you saying that as Lord Kayneth's partner, you only want to seize the Holy Grail for Lord Kayneth's sake?"

"Y-yeah. Of course."

Facing Lancer's calm gaze, Sora answered unfluently.

"Are you willing to swear? Swear that you will never have second thoughts."

She really wanted to cry at this moment. She really wanted to scream and throw herself into the arms of this handsome man and tell him her true feelings.

But if she did this, this proud heroic spirit would definitely reject her. I couldn't tell him what was on my mind, at least not yet.

"——I swear. As the wife of Kayneth Elumeroy, I dedicate the Holy Grail to my husband."

She took the oath firmly. Lancer's expression finally softened upon seeing this. He nodded quietly.

Perhaps the expression on his face at this moment was so indifferent that it couldn't even be considered a smile, but to Sora it meant supreme happiness. She finally made him face her with a smile.

Really, it doesn't matter even if it's a lie - Sora thought of her secret again.

As long as you maintain a bond with this man, it doesn't matter what form it is. For this reason, she did not hesitate to tell despicable lies. She won't let anyone blame her, yes, absolutely - she can't be hindered by others.

He is not human, he is just a frothy miracle brought about by the Holy Grail. But even so she wouldn't change her mind.

Looking back on the past, her heart seemed to be frozen as cold as ever since she was sensible. Because Sora, who was born late into a famous demonic family that already had a legitimate son, did not need the so-called feelings of a woman.

The girl's existence value only comes from the refined demonic blood called Sophia Li in her body. In other words, when she first came to the world, she was destined to be used only for political marriages.

She has no grievances or doubts because she does not have the right to choose in her life. So she could only obey the marriage arranged by her parents for her. The girl's cold heart. I never had any emotion about calling that man my husband.

But it's different now.

My heartbeat has never been beating so hard.

Thora Nazelay Sophiali's heart has been thawed. She knew the heat in her chest was the product of her passionate love.

After Sora returned indoors, Lancer continued to patrol outside. Servants don't need to sleep. As long as the Master can provide sufficient magic power, fatigue will naturally have nothing to do with them. Therefore, they cannot temporarily forget something through sleep.

Lancer couldn't help but sigh as he recalled Sora's words.

The sad and tearful expression crying to him was superimposed on the image of his "wife".

Princess Grania——

It was she who made herself bear the sacred oath and flee from the glorious seat of hero. But even so, he didn't hate her.

Even if she was just attracted by his handsomeness and was temporarily carried away by the so-called love affair, the choice to run away from the engagement party was still an extremely important decision for her. The blood relationship, the glory of the princess, and the destined glory and wealth... She put all these behind and eloped with him. She should know what this means, and maybe one day in the future she will doubt her original feelings. But she still chose the path of falling in love with him without fear.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he was the real victim, but he never thought so. Because he was more heartbroken by her situation than his own pain.

The so-called oath is not just a simple oath. It contains trials and entanglements. So he always blamed himself for not being loyal to Finn, but admired Grania for being able to resolutely implement his beliefs, so he loved her deeply until the end.

Naturally, the road to love between the two was quite difficult.

Fenn, dazzled by jealousy and anger, immediately ordered his men to hunt down the two like an angry beast. Diarmuid protected the princess while resolutely not fighting with his former companions. After the pursuers brought in from outside by Finn's allies arrived, he finally took action helplessly. ()

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