A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1141 1141 The ‘grocery store’ where corpses are piled up

Weber, who silently prepared the reagents, felt as if he was back in the Clock Tower Elementary Department, and suddenly felt a hint of unhappiness in his heart. As a Master who has Servants to participate in the Holy Grail War, why should he do such boring and repetitive tasks here?

Weber sighed melancholy.\\nWebber dropped the prepared reagent into the test tube labeled A.


The reaction was unexpected, as rust-colored turbidity suddenly appeared in the colorless and transparent water.

"What's this?"

Rider stood behind Weber and observed the demonstration progress with relish, as if appreciating the beginning of the scene. It would take too much time to explain everything one by one, but Weber was afraid that he would disturb his experiments by asking endless questions, so he had no choice but to answer.

"The traces of the remnants of the technique are the traces of magic left in the water."

The water in the A label is taken from the mouth of the river. It can still have such a big reaction in such a location.\\nIt means that the situation is abnormal.

"It seems that someone has performed magic on the upper reaches of the river - that is, near the mouth of the river. As long as you go upstream, you should be able to grasp the specific location."

"...Kid, you thought the river water was abnormally turbid from the beginning?"

"How is it possible, but there happens to be a tributary of the river in the city. It is only natural to start the investigation from the water."

Investigating "water" is a shortcut to grasp the magician's location, because "water" follows the absolute principle of "water flows downwards". If you are judging by the wind direction, you must also spend time surveying the mountains. Compared with this, finding the downstream of the water vein is the easiest way. The same goes for land with rivers.

Since there are many investigation methods, it is natural to start with the simplest method... But it seems that Weber has taken the right path, and it seems that the goddess of luck is on his side.

Then, he added reagents to the river water in the test tube in order. The closer to the upstream, the stronger the reaction. Weber was stunned by this conclusion, which almost meant that someone had set up a workshop in the river and drained the water into the river with ulterior motives. That kind of magician is simply not good enough - but such idiotic magicians do exist. After Weber was called to Fuyuki Church this morning, he learned the details from the priest who was the overseer.

"But even to reach a conclusion using this means ... I don't feel happy at all."

Guessing the enemy's actions and competing against each other - this is the "magic competition" in Weber's imagination. But now he was investigating like a policeman, which was simply what an incompetent mortal would do. Although he had the results in hand, Weber still had a lingering sense of humiliation in his heart.

The water in the "P" test tube has become like ink. If the color of the water sample becomes darker later, it can be easily concluded.

But first, the water sample in the "Q" test tube must be analyzed.


The water was still as clear as ever, and no matter how much Weber shook it, there was still no reaction.

Weber unfolded the map and pointed to the places marked P and Q.

"Rider, do you see anything here and here? A drainage ditch or a water injection port."

"Oh.\\nI saw something really big."

"By the way, as long as you follow that direction, you should be able to find Caster's workshop."


Rider stared at Weber with a strange serious expression.

"Hey.\\nLittle devil, are you a very good magician?"

This was surprising, so Weber only took his words as a mockery of himself, snorted and turned away.

"This is not a method used by good magicians, it is just a method that must be used. You are laughing at me."

"What are you talking about? If you can get the best results by using the worst strategy, then the so-called best strategy is nothing special. I am praising you. As a Servant, I don't often praise others."

He smiled heartily and patted the short Master on the shoulder. Weber became increasingly unhappy. He was about to reply to him, but he was afraid that this Servant would delve into the secrets of magic, so he had to swallow his anger.

"Very good, we even found his hiding place. Kid, let's just rush over and beat him up."

"Wait a minute! The enemy is Caster. What fool would rush towards him blankly?"

For a magician, the workshop can be said to be the center of magic. Therefore, before entering the workshop, you must be fully prepared.

In particular, Caster, who is known as the hero of magic, also has class special skills and an increase in "position creation" ability. Since the opponent can maximize any terrain condition in the shortest time, in terms of defensive capabilities, Caster can be said to be the most important opponent among the seven Servants. Therefore, attacking the workshop from the front would be tantamount to suicide unless it was Saber.

Weber had told Rider the above principles, but the giant man seemed to have never considered them carefully. At some point, he had materialized the sword of Alexander, tapping the scabbard on his shoulder.

"I said that the formation is constantly changing during battle. If you don't rush forward quickly and kill the enemy, it will be too late to regret it after he escapes."

"...Why are you so positive today?"

"Of course, my Master finally allowed me to see decent results, so of course I will take the enemy's head in return. This is just a little bit of the Servant's wishes."


After hearing what he said, Weber completely lost any room to refute. Perhaps interpreting his silence as acquiescence, Rider smiled boldly, put his hand on Master's shoulder and nodded.

"Don't give up before you start. Anyway, give it a try first. Maybe you can gain something?"


Could it be that the soldiers of the conquering king fought to the end of eastern Asia in this way? Weber thought so and couldn't help but feel great sympathy for the ancient soldiers.


——In the end, they did gain something.

The depths of the sewers that Weber found were an alien world. Water-dwelling monsters with countless tentacles lived in narrow pipes, waiting to strangle poor intruders.

Of course, even in the face of this terrifying situation, Conqueror King Iskandar had only one countermeasure.


The "Divine Wheel" running wildly through the sewer pipes ravaged the monsters like an excavator carrying thunder and lightning. The crushed and burned monster monster fragments filled the sewer with body fluids, and Weber could hardly tell the difference between the before and after.

If the driver's seat he shared with Rider hadn't been wrapped in a protective force field, Weber would have been choked by the monster's blood foam at this moment. But even so, he still used magic to protect his respiratory organs, and even blocked his sense of smell, otherwise the stench in the sewer would definitely stun him.

After exiting the complex defense formation, they thought they had arrived at Caster's lair—unexpectedly, they were greeted by a large number of familiars, and other than that, there were no magic disguises or traps. According to the standards of a magician, this is just a workshop. Even if it is protected by many guards, it is just a "encirclement".

And these large numbers of miscellaneous soldiers are nothing more than a piece of cake for a Servant with a Noble Phantasm.\\nFrom Rider's point of view, destroying them is as easy as clapping his hands.

"Hey kid, is the so-called attack on the magician's workshop so boring?"

"...No, it's strange. This time Caster may not be considered a magician in the true sense."

"Ah? What does this mean?"

"For example - you inherited the name of a devil at birth, or you hold some magic book or something, but you don't know much about magic, but you are just said to be like that. If a magician summons such a heroic spirit , then his abilities should also be limited."

After being stunned by the screams of the monsters for several minutes, Weber finally analyzed Rider loudly in a voice that could cover the noise.

"Anyway, if this was really a workshop, it wouldn't be so carelessly discharging waste. A real magician wouldn't make such a mistake."

"Well, that's it... hmm? We're almost at the end?"

The density of the wall of monster flesh blocking the direction of their advance had weakened, and finally, they jumped into a wide space. The surroundings were still dark, and there seemed to be no sign of air movement, but there was no longer the sense of oppression in a narrow space.

"——Well, it seems Caster is not here by chance."

The Servant, who could still see normally even in the dark, muttered, as if blaming Waver in a low voice for letting the enemy go, but Waver didn't notice.

"What is this? A water tank or something..."

He wanted to use something for lighting, but then he thought, if there is an ambush in the dark, wouldn't this just let the other party know his position? Now it is better to use magic to enhance the vision.

"...Ah, kid, you'd better not look at it."

The bold Rider said in a rare cautious tone, and of course, Weber became angry immediately.

"What are you talking about! Since Caster is not here, then at least we have to look here for any clues."

"That being said, forget it, kid, you are no match for him."

"So annoying!"

In anger, Weber stepped down from the bridge to the ground and activated the dark vision technique, and his eyes suddenly lit up like clouds opening and the sun rising. The scene that was originally shrouded in darkness gradually became clear.

Until he understood the situation around him, Webb had forgotten that he had blocked his sense of smell during the battle in the sewers. When he stepped on the ground, the sound of water produced by his soles was regarded by him as ordinary sewage.


Weber Velvet is a magician, and because of this, he is always mentally prepared to face any weird scene.

He knew that the Holy Grail War he was currently participating in was an extremely cruel killing, and he had no time to feel any sadness. If you are not mentally prepared to face a mountain full of corpses, there will be no hope of victory.

So Weber decided that no matter what kind of death he faced, he would never waver. Fuyuki is a battlefield, and seeing dead bodies is normal.

Even if there are a huge number of corpses.\\nEven if the corpses are damaged beyond human shape - but they are just corpses. He would not allow himself to grieve or frown at such a scene.

In Weber's imagination, the corpses were at best reduced to wreckage, and at worst destroyed to pieces. And the scene that was unfolding in front of him now was far beyond his imagination.

Metaphorically, this is like a grocery store.

There were furniture, clothing, musical instruments and tableware, as well as some picture-like objects with no apparent purpose. Through those works, you can see the author's unique style and enthusiasm.

The producers of these works must have a deep love for the material and the process of making it.

The author must advocate violence. Although the murderers who were burdened with heavy blood debts also advocated violence, the corpses in this bloody space did not look like those left by the murderers.

None of them are "destroyed wrecks", they are all works, works of art. Human lives and bodies are meaninglessly discarded during processing - this is the killing that occurs here.

This unique style of killing and using death as a work of creation far exceeded Weber's acceptance range. He couldn't even stand and fell to the ground full of blood, vomiting loudly.

Rider got off the chariot, stood next to Weber and sighed deeply.

"I told you not to look at it."

"Shut up!"

In the whisper of the giant Servant, his frustrated reserve finally disappeared.

A ball of anger welled up in his chest, anger without reason. He knelt there, hating his own cowardice. And this cowardice was displayed in front of his Servant, which was the most unforgivable humiliation.

"Beast--actually playing tricks on me--beast!"

"This isn't the time for you to be cool, idiot."

Rider sighed as he spoke, but instead of blaming Weber, he continued in a calm tone.

"Okay, let's stop here. If there is anyone who can't even frown after seeing this thing, then I will beat him. But your judgment is still commendable, kid. Leave Caster and his Master until Solving it later is actually the right decision. I don’t want to meet them at all now, it makes me sick just thinking about it.”


Even if Rider commented like this, Weber couldn't feel happy from the bottom of his heart. The reason why he targeted Caster was because he wanted to obtain the additional command spell mentioned by the priest. Of course, Rider didn't know about this, and no Servant would be happy because the number of Command Seals that bound him increased.

Everything Rider said just now had no ill will towards Weber. But Weber still felt extremely disgusted and afraid of this Servant.

He doesn't have the respect for himself that other Servants have for the Master, but always thinks of himself as an idiot. That would be fine if it was just that. What is even more unforgivable is that this man who rarely praises Weber seems to have misunderstood something at this moment.

"Beat... what are you beating me for? Idiot! Aren't you yourself the same... just standing there as if nothing happened! Who else should be embarrassed besides me!"

After Webb finished vomiting, he cursed loudly. Rider grinned in confusion when he saw the look on his face as he gritted his teeth.

"Me, I just feel that now is not the time to be afraid, because my Master is in danger."


Before Weber had time to doubt his ears, Rider took action in a blink of an eye. His huge body moved swiftly like a bird of prey, slashing hard at the darkness with his blade. ()

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