The sound of tearing flesh and screams sounded at the same time.

Weber stared at the man in black who fell to the ground in disbelief.

Exactly when did the attacker sneak up behind Weber - and when did Rider notice it. Rider's initial strike knocked down the enemy's dagger thrown at Weber. It was probably because of this short sword that Rider found the exact location of the enemy. This water tank had become a battlefield before Weber knew it.

What made Webber even more stunned was that the enemy Rider defeated was wearing a white skull mask on his face.

" is this possible?"

This is so strange. Weber once confirmed through the familiar's eyes that the assassination Servant had been killed long ago.

"Now is not the time for you to be surprised, kid."

Rider warned cautiously, still holding the weapon in a fighting stance. As if confronting him who was protecting Waver, two ghostly skull masks emerged from the darkness.

"Why, why... why are there four Assassins?!"

"No matter why, it doesn't matter now."

Even in the face of this unusual situation, Rider's attitude was still extremely calm. No matter how suspicious the whole thing was, fighting was probably all he cared about now.

"One thing's for sure - the guys who thought they were dead were deceived."

Regardless of Waver, Rider, who was protecting him, was calm at the moment. When the two Assassins saw this, they could only gnash their teeth with hatred.

In fact, the fact that things have developed to this point is an irrefutable failure for Assassin.

Originally sent to monitor Caster and his Master Ryunosuke, in addition to the two Assassins who never returned before, there were also these three people patrolling outside the workshop.

If possible, they would have wanted to enter the workshop secretly, but they had to be careful because they didn't know what was going on in the workshop. At this time, Rider suddenly appeared and launched a surprise attack from the front. The three thought this was a perfect opportunity, so they followed them all the way here, hoping to find out the defense status of the workshop.

However, what they didn't expect was that Rider could get inside so easily, which meant that the Assassins had invaded Caster's lair. One of them suddenly felt good, and was blinded by utilitarianism when facing the unsuspecting Rider's Master.

Of course, this was not an order given by their Master Kirei. But even so, if Rider can be successfully eliminated here, Kirei will definitely not blame himself. This thought was tempting to Assassin.

As a result, the three of them took action together and finally staged this failed scene.

The two surviving Assassins glanced at each other while carefully considering Rider's next move. Should we continue this two-on-one battle...

The two of them came up with only one answer. Since the sneak attack failed, it meant that the chance of victory was lost. There is a clear gap between his own strength and Rider's, and there is no way he can defeat Rider just by relying on the two of them. Although I am unwilling to do so, rather than waiting for death here, I would rather retreat and confess to Kirei.

The two immediately understood each other's thoughts and quickly transformed into spirits and disappeared from Rider's face.

"Did they escape—?"

Weber, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, received the answer "no".

"The ones in front are dead and the ones behind will follow - if that's the case, we don't know how many Assassins will come out. This is the most suitable environment for their actions. We'd better retreat quickly."

Rider still didn't put the sword back into its sheath, and pointed at the chariot with his chin.

"Kid, get back to my chariot. Once it starts moving, they won't have a chance to take action."

"Then... we don't care here?"

Weber pointed to the workshop that he still dared not look directly at, and asked gloomily.

"Although we might find something if we investigate... give up. In short, destroy this place first, and you can contain Caster to some extent."

Unlike when he ravaged monsters before, Rider was surprisingly cautious now. He was able to kill so many monsters without any hesitation, but after discovering the assassin who had sneaked in, he must have felt quite threatened.

"Are there any survivors——"

Rider looked around after hearing this, and then replied with a serious expression.

"There are a few people who still have some breath...but like that, it's better to kill them."

Weber no longer dared to ask him what he saw in the dark.

The two returned to the driver's seat of the chariot. Rider holds the reins in his hand, and the roar of an angry bull can be heard in the darkness.

"Sorry, this place is too narrow, but I still want to ask you to burn them to ashes!"

Following Rider's roar, the sacred cow started running.\\nIt was destroying everywhere in the bloody workshop. Wherever its thunderous hooves struck, nothing but complete destruction was left. The nightmarish artworks collected by Caster and Ryunosuke were destroyed in an instant.

Weber remains a sombre witness to the utter devastation. The trainee magician believed that this would not bring any results.

Rider touched Weber's head with his big hand and said.

"Destroy this place and Caster will have no place to hide.\\nHe will be exposed to the broad daylight. The day when they will be dealt with is not far away."

"Okay - got it - stop it! Hey!"

Weber felt humiliated and his expression became more gloomy. Rider smiled boldly, controlled the reins and ran towards the sewer.

It only took a few minutes to escape from the narrow tube to the surface of the Jiyuanchuan River. The cold and crisp outdoor air made Weber feel so friendly, and his nervous nerves finally calmed down.

"Ah, what a terrible place - I really want to have a drink tonight to get rid of my blues."

"...Let me make it clear first that I won't drink with you."

In other words, he doesn't know how to drink. He was watching Rider drinking.\\nHe always felt that the smell of alcohol made him feel nauseous.

"Hmph, I don't care about a chick like you drinking with me. Ah...\\nIt's boring, isn't there a place for me to get drunk... Oh, that's right!"

Rider tapped his palms excitedly.

Although Weber didn't know why Rider was so excited, he had a feeling that it was definitely not a good thing.


Tohsaka Rin was ready to wake up.

Since she is the heir of a demonic family, she is destined to take a different path from ordinary girls.

There was a perfect example right next to her, the greatest, handsomest, gentlest grown man she had ever known.

In her opinion, her father Tokiomi was close to a perfect figure. Although there are many girls of the same age who admire their father, Rin believes that no daughter can love her father as deeply as she does.

When I grow up, I want to be a singer, and when I grow up, I want to be a beautiful bride. Rin's peers may have this wish, but Rin's wish is different.

Career is only secondary. Her biggest wish is to become a great person like her father.

That is to say, you have to choose the path that your father took, and choose to accept the fate that your father accepted. In other words - passing on the demonic bloodline of the Tohsaka family.

But this is just a wish, not something that can be realized just by wanting it. First, the consent of the master, the father, must be obtained. Her father has not expressed to Rin his intention to entrust the family to her in the future, and she is a little uneasy at this point. Perhaps his father has not admitted that he has the qualifications to become a magician.

But even so, her desire has not changed, so she is proud of the realization she has made.

Of course, Rin also knows far more about what is happening in Fuyuki City than her classmates. Although she doesn't understand as deeply as her parents do, she already knows more truth than most people on the street.

Seven magicians, including the father, are at war.

Deadly and bizarre threats lurk in the streets at night.

Because she knew a certain truth, Rin felt an even greater sense of responsibility.

Yesterday and today, my friend Qinyin didn't come to school.

The head teacher said she was home sick, but that was not the case in the class rumors.

Even if Rin called her home, her parents would not pay attention to Rin.

The child abduction incidents that have occurred one after another in Fuyuki City cannot be solved through simple search activities. Even if the police are called, it will be difficult for the child to come back. The teachers at school, Kotone's relatives and friends must not realize this, only Rin does.

Kotone has always trusted Rin. Whether it was when she was bullied by the boys in her class or when the librarian forced her to give her a job, Rin would always step in to help her. It is a pride for Rin to be so trusted and respected by his classmates. "Always be classy" - every time you help her is a good opportunity for Rin to practice her family's teachings.

Now. Kotone must also be waiting for Rin to save her.

In fact, she could ask her father, a magician, for help, but his father is one of the participants in the "war" and has not called in the past few days since he went to Miyama Town Hall last month, and her mother also strictly ordered not to do so. to disturb father.

It's like the way you say, "Never go out at night."

Rin has always obeyed her parents' words, but she can't just sit back and watch her friends in danger.

And - only one night when you can't sleep.

In fact, at that time, Rin only had a partial understanding and his thoughts were not yet mature.

Whether it was a sense of obligation or the so-called rebuke of conscience, she was unknowingly led into a field that she must not enter. But she herself didn't realize it at the time.

Compared to Tosaka Residence, which has a strong barrier, it was much easier to sneak out of Zenjo's room.

Climb out of the bedroom window, slide along the balcony pillars into the courtyard, and then get out of the wall through the small door.

It only took less than five minutes to run out, but when I came back, I couldn't use the same route. Sliding down from the patio pillars is as easy as climbing up.

When she thought that she couldn't hide it if she went out privately tonight, and her parents would criticize her severely later, Rin told herself that she was not sneaking out for any shameful reasons, but because she was a member of the Tohsaka family and had to do this. made. When you go back, you must take Qinyin with you. No matter how much my parents scolded me at that time, I must still be proud of myself.

There are three types of equipment.

The most reliable thing is the magic pointer given by his father on his birthday. No matter in terms of appearance or structure, this is just an ordinary compass, but it does not point to the north, but to the direction where strong magic power is emitted. Rin has experimented before, and neither wind nor water can change the movements of some subtle magic powers. If there is any abnormality, this thing is undoubtedly the most useful.

What remains are two crystal pieces that Rin refined during his gem magic training. She selected the best two of the finished products she made. If the magic filled in it was released all at once - although she had never tried such a dangerous thing - a small explosion would probably occur. It can be used as a self-defense weapon in case of danger.

With the equipment and her own strength, Rin believes that she will be able to find Kotone and bring her back.

If someone asks, no problem, I will definitely nod.

If someone asks, is it really okay, then I may nod a little depressedly.

And if someone asked if it was really possible to guarantee that there would be no mistakes - I probably wouldn't dare to answer at that time.

This question actually makes no sense to Rin. If someone really wants to ask, the first question should be whether Kotone is okay. If Kotone can never come to school again, can Rin survive? If it is this kind of question, she will definitely be able to answer it immediately without hesitation.

Gathering up courage and self-esteem, Rin told herself that she was not one of those timid ordinary kids. She pushed away the cowardice in her heart and walked towards the nearest station. Fuyuki Shinto is just one stop away, and I have enough change in my hand to pay the fare.


The night air in Fuyuki has been missing for a long time, and the cold winter breath is just the right amount to cool down the burning skin.

Rin innocently thought that it would be great if she could find Kotone before the last train. But then there are only two hours left, which is totally not enough time.

Anyway, investigate Xindu first. If you go to Miyama Town, the magic pointer will keep pointing to Tohsaka Residence, and if you go there, you will probably be discovered by your father.

It wasn't late at night yet by adult standards, but there were very few people on the streets. On weekdays when I go home, the road is full of office workers in a hurry. Even at night, the streets are still crowded.

After opening the magic pointer cover, Rin was confused by the pointer's reaction.

"...What's going on?"

The needle that usually only shook slightly was now spinning rapidly. It was the first time she had seen this phenomenon. The needle behaved like a small animal, which cast a shadow over Rin's heart.

However, just standing is not the answer. Several adults who passed by just now had already cast surprised looks at Rin who was alone, so it was better to leave first.

There are even fewer people in the distance. Is this really the Fuyuki City that I'm used to seeing every day? Rin felt a faint chill coming over his body.

In fact, Fuyuki City has already issued a curfew. There have been a series of murders and abductions recently. Yesterday, a series of terrorist bombings occurred in Xindu and the harbor area. The police called on citizens to avoid going out at night, and smart people followed this instruction.

However, even if there is no curfew, I am afraid that there will still not be many citizens who like to travel at night. Nowadays, there is something bad hidden in the darkness of Xindu. Human instinct should be aware of this.

"——Ah, sure enough." The red police lights lit up in front of her, and Rin hid in the shadow of a building in fear. Police patrol cars drove slowly looking for any citizens walking alone on the street. If they see themselves, the police will definitely not let them go. In that case, he wouldn't be able to save Qin Yin. ()

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