A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1143 1143 Lin’s Adventure

Chapter 1150 Rin’s Adventure

Watching the lights fade away, Rin could finally breathe a sigh of relief——


——Rin swallowed the exclamation that almost vomited out.

The sound just now came from deep in the corridor of the house where it was hiding. It was probably the wild cat that came across a can or something like that while going through the trash. But it was hard to tell whether anyone was there.

Looking down at the magic pointer in her hand, Rin gasped.

The pointer remained motionless, pointing to the direction of the sound as if frozen.

There is something there, something emitting strange magic.


Isn't this what you want to find?

What a great start to find the clue so quickly. Rin plans to search all the suspicious places in Xindu and confirm the location of Kotone one by one. And the first place here has already been found by myself.

Okay, then go up and see what's there.

"don't want."

Maybe there are clues related to the sound of the piano, or the sound of the piano is there.

"Absolutely not."

There is no reason to hesitate, otherwise you shouldn't be here at all. Rin doesn't want to leave her friends alone, and as a member of the Tohsaka family, she must use her courage to prove that she is worthy of becoming her father's heir in the future.

"No, no, no, absolutely, no, no, no..."

There was something breathing from deep in the corridor, as if there was a wet breath coming towards my face.

Rin finally realized that this journey of exploration to find a good friend was by no means that simple.

There is no sound of piano in the depths of darkness. Even if she was inside, she probably wouldn't be the same voice as before.

If she really wanted to find something today, maybe Rin's target should not be Kotone but her body.

"don't want--"

In fact, Tohsaka Rin has extremely excellent qualifications as a magician.

She had never seen or touched a demon, but she could tell she was in danger just by feeling it.

To learn magic, you must first learn to accept and recognize death - this is the first lesson for every trainee magician.

The feeling of inescapable, incapable of thinking, just pure and hopeless "death".

At that time, the young Rin realized the nature of magic through this experience.

He couldn't move his whole body and couldn't even scream. The unbearable terror is enough to crush such a young girl.

A strange tinnitus began to ring in her ears, and Rin thought it was caused by the cold despair that pressed in her heart. My own thinking is starting to destroy my five senses.

There was a buzzing sound, monotonous but frantic, as if a swarm of giant flies were attacking me...

And then, a sound louder than tinnitus approached.

After a moment, something like black mist that originally covered Lin's head rushed in.

The thing quickly passed through Rin's head like a turbid current, and instantly plunged into the depths of darkness.

Then...\\nHeart-breaking screams sounded one after another, as if they were screaming when a cat was put alive into a pot and boiled - but it was definitely not the sound of a cat.

This is the limit of what Rin can bear.

His vision began to darken, and his steps gradually became unsteady. The moment he was about to fall, someone caught him.

What was in front of him was a monster with only the left half of his face visible.

That ugly face was embedded with cloudy and dull eyes.

But his right eye revealed deep loneliness and sadness.

It’s as if I’ve seen this look before——

Rin thought before losing consciousness.


Tohsaka Aoi discovered her daughter was missing an hour later.

Perhaps because she was afraid of being scolded by her mother, the child placed a note beside her bed saying that she was going to find her classmate Qin Yin who was missing.

Aoi immediately regretted it. During dinner, Rin mentioned Kotone and asked Aoi about Fuyuki's current situation.

At that time, Aoi thought that she shouldn't hide anything, so she told her clearly - forget about this friend.

She should tell Tokiomi—but this thought was immediately suppressed by her rationality.

Aoi doesn't know magic, but she is the magician's wife after all. She knew that her husband didn't have time to worry about his daughter now. The husband is still on the battlefield and has devoted his life and all his energy to the battle.

The only one who can protect Rin now is himself.

Aoi ran out of Chancheng's house in her home clothes and drove speeding on the national highway at night.

Since we don't know where Rin went, we can only guess the scope of her actions and look for places where she might go one by one.

If you want to take a train starting from home, the first place you go to is Fuyuki Station in Shinto, and then you walk for thirty minutes on your child's feet. The approximate range is...

The first thing Aoi thought of was the Citizen's Park by the river.

The quiet park at night is easily reminiscent of a cemetery.\\n

In the deserted square, the dim light of the street lamps made the darkness and silence somewhat terrifying.

The night air in Fuyuki City has obviously changed. Aoi, who lives with a magician and is accustomed to many strange phenomena, immediately discovered this.

Aoi glanced at the bench where she usually sat when she brought Rin to play. This could only be said to be a vague feeling.

However, the little figure wearing a red coat that he was looking for was there.


Aoi shouted and rushed over. Rin lost consciousness and was lying motionless on the bench.

Aoi picked her up and felt her even breathing and warm body temperature. From the outside, she didn't appear to be injured, and she seemed to be just asleep. Aoi finally shed tears of relief.

"That's great...really..."

Who should I express my gratitude to? Aoi, whose mind was filled with joy, finally calmed down. Suddenly she found someone staring at her. Turning around, I saw someone looking at the mother and daughter from behind the plant behind the bench.

"Who's there?"

Aoi shouted in a stiff tone. Contrary to what she expected, the figure stood upright in the light of the street lamp.

It was a man wearing a large cold-weather coat and a turban covering his face. His left leg seemed to be injured and he was not walking smoothly.

"I think if I come here, I'll definitely be able to wait for you."

This mysterious man finally opened his mouth and murmured. He seemed to be a terminal lung cancer patient who found it painful to even breathe, breathing heavily. But the tone was unexpectedly elegant and soft.

Although his voice was ruined, Aoi thought the voice was familiar.


The figure stood still. After hesitating for a moment, he finally took off his turban and revealed his true face.

The lifeless, withered white hair, and the left half of his face were stiff and expressionless. This was a very scary face.

Although Aoi tried to suppress her timid screams, she failed. Kariya smiled sadly with the right half of his face that was still free to move.

"This is Matou's magic. It sacrifices the body and corrodes life... Only at this cost is the ultimate magic."

"What? What's going on? Why are you here?"

Aoi kept asking her childhood sweetheart in front of her in confusion. But Kariya didn't answer any of the questions, but continued the topic in a gentle tone.

"But Sakura is fine. Before she becomes like this... I must rescue her."


This is a taboo word that the Tosaka family has never mentioned for a year. The uncontrollable pain of parting struck Aoi's heart at this moment.

Sakura - Tohsaka's daughter who was sent to the Matou family.

But put it this way, wasn’t the last time Kariya, Aoi and others met exactly one year ago?

"All Zouken wants is the Holy Grail. He promised to let Sakura go as long as I help him get the Holy Grail."

The "Holy Grail" in Kariya's mouth made Aoi feel a chill for no reason.

God forbid he heard wrong, Aoi prayed sincerely, but Kariya extended his right hand as if betraying Aoi's heart. The three command spells were clearly engraved on the back of his hand.

"So, I will definitely... don't worry, my Servant is the strongest and will not lose to anyone."

"Ah - why -"

Horror, sadness, and mostly confusion left Aoi speechless.

Kariya returns to Matou's house and leads the Servants to participate in the Holy Grail War.

This means that her husband and childhood sweetheart are about to start an extremely bloody fight.


Kariya ignored Aoi's lament and misunderstood the meaning of the tears in her eyes.

"Now Sakura doesn't even want to have hope. So... you have to take that child's place. Aoi, you have to believe for her and pray for her. Pray for my victory and Sakura's future."

The empty left eye of the deceased stared at Aoi like a curse.

The right eye of the gentle old friend stared at Aoi like a beggar.

"Yanye, you..."

Want to die?

Do you want to be killed by Tokiomi?

Aoi couldn't ask such a question, despair was deeply rooted in her heart.

Aoi lowered her head and hugged Rin tightly. This is the only way to escape the cruel reality.

Aoi closed her eyes tightly, and remembered Kariya's gentle and painful voice in her ears.

"One day, we can come here to play like before. Rin and Sakura will be like before.\\nBe a pair of good sisters... So, Aoi, don't cry anymore."

"Kariya, wait—"

But Kariya didn't respond to this last call. He dragged his crippled left leg slowly away. Aoi didn't have the courage to catch up. Now she can only hold her daughter and cry alone.

Mother's tears fell on Rin's face, who was sleeping soundly.


In the darkness, several Assassins walked silently, rushing to report everything they found to Kirei.

"Is it appropriate to just leave Tokiomi Tosaka's daughter alone?"

"——It doesn't matter. Let's go and monitor Berserker's Master."


Although they agreed, none of the Assassins could figure out what role this kind of surveillance would play in the Holy Grail War.

Starting yesterday, strange conditions have been added to Master Kirei's orders. That is, the Assassins who monitor the five hostile Masters are required to carefully observe the Master's private life, hobbies, appearance, etc., and report them. Therefore, the surveillance density of the Assassins currently scattered throughout Fuyuki must be greatly strengthened. In the darkness of this night, Hassan must be hiding everywhere to monitor the Master's intentions.

In short, since it is an order, you must obey it. Although it is troublesome, it is not difficult, so there is nothing to refute.

Assassin ran through the night and continued to track Matou Kariya.


Darkness fell once again in the forest of Einzbern.

The night was still dark and quiet, but the traces of fierce fighting scattered everywhere were still clearly visible.

The castle that was specially brought in with maids from the country to be tidied up was also severely damaged in the battle between Emiya Kiritsugu and Rhodes.\\nErumeroi. Even if you want to make some repairs, the maids responsible for the chores have already returned home. Irisviel sighed as she walked through the corridor, trying to ignore the ruined scene.

Fortunately, there were still a few bedrooms that had not been attacked by poisonous hands, and Kuu Maiya was resting in one of them. Although Irisviel had cast healing magic on her, Einzbern's healing magic was originally a considerable burden on the injured, because it evolved from alchemy and did not heal the injured. The body is regenerated, but new tissue is refined through magic power for transplantation.

This is the only way to do it now. If the other party was an artificial human, that would be no problem, but now we are treating humans. According to modern medicine, it is equivalent to a major surgery like organ transplantation.

The exhausted Maiya was in a comatose state, and it would take a long time to recover before she could regain consciousness and move her body freely.

Thinking that she was being protected by Saber, Irisviel felt even more sad for Maiya who was seriously injured. But considering his importance in the Holy Grail War, there is no doubt that he must be protected first. This is an indisputable fact. I feel heartbroken because my companion is seriously injured. I have to say that this is my childish sadness.

Kiritsugu left immediately after sending the injured Maiya back and has not returned yet. He didn’t even tell Irisviel and Saber where he was going—probably to pursue Kayneth Archibald, who had escaped. The reason why she failed to snipe the enemy magician was Saber, and Irisviel had already noticed this. But Kiritsugu didn't get angry or blame Saber, but just left her coldly and left. I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt Saber’s pride, but in short, the gap between the two is getting wider and wider, and it’s already difficult to bridge.

Irisviel, who was worried about the relationship between her husband and the King of Knights, sighed deeply. Suddenly a roaring sound sounded in her ears. Not only that, the roar that tore through the night also put a huge burden on her magic circuit, and Irisviel almost fell down on the porch from the dizziness.

The roar came from close range thunder, and the ensuing magic shock meant that the barrier in the forest outside the city had been attacked. Although the barrier is not something that can be easily destroyed, the spell has been destroyed.

"What's going on...a frontal breakthrough?"

A pair of strong arms held Irisviel's shoulders. Those were the arms of Saber, who had appeared beside her immediately after discovering the mutation.

"Are you okay? Irisviel."

"Well, I was just shocked. I didn't expect such a random visitor to come."

"I'll go out to greet you, and you stay with me."

Irisviel nodded upon hearing this. Staying with Saber who went to fight her meant that she herself had to face the enemy. But the battlefield is the safest place for Irisviel, because the strongest Servant is right next to her.

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