A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1144 1144 ‘War’ without Blood

Chapter 1151 ‘War’ without Blood

Irisviel quickened her pace and followed Saber, and the two of them ran through the miserable castle, aiming directly at the terrace outside the entrance. Since the opponent is attacking from the front, we should be able to meet him there.

"The thunder just now, and this useless tactic... the opponent should be Rider."

"I guess so."

Irisviel recalled the powerful power of the Noble Phantasm "Divine Wheel" she witnessed in Warehouse Street a few days ago. Once the divine bull chariot entwined with thunder and lightning—that kind of anti-army weapon unleashes its full power, it can easily destroy the magic array set up in the forest. It would be okay if the barrier was originally intact, but due to the attack by Caster and Kayneth a few days ago, the barrier has not yet recovered from the damage.

"Hey, King of Knights! I came here specifically to meet you, come out quickly, ah?"

The sound came from the hall, and it seemed that the other party had already entered the main entrance. There is no doubt that the enemy is the conquering king Iskandar. Listening to his angry shouts, his tone does not sound like a warrior about to fight.

But Saber didn't dare to slack off at all, and she materialized the silver armor as she ran.

Irisviel and Saber finally walked through the corridor and arrived at the terrace... However, when they saw clearly the enemy Servant standing in the hall through the moonlight from the skylight, they didn't know what to say.


"Hey, Saber. After I heard about the castle here, I wanted to come and see it - why is it like this, huh?"

Rider smiled without any shame, showing his teeth, and then he moved his neck in a serious manner.

"There are too many trees in the yard and it's inconvenient to get in and out. I almost got lost before I got to the city gate, so I cut down some for you. Thank me. The view has become much better."

"Rider. You..."

Saber spoke sternly, but facing this inexplicable enemy, she didn't know what to say next. Rider, on the other hand, frowned in surprise and said.

"Hey King Knight, don't you want to change into a modern outfit tonight? Don't always wear that rigid armor."

If Saber's look in armor is considered rigid, then how should Rider's jeans and T-shirt be judged? If this armor is seen as Saber's pride, the cracks on the thick breastplate seem to hint at its fragility. Here, perhaps we can only say that "the ignorant are invincible".

Weber half-hidden on the Ride. Behind the huge body, he looked up at Irisviel. It was unclear whether his expression was hostility or fear. Needless to say, "I want to go home" and "Hurry up" were clearly written on his face.

Once upon a time, King Iskandar was interested in the culture of the invaded territory and took the lead in wearing Asian-style clothing, which made his followers shun him. Irisviel had heard of this story, but she certainly didn't expect that the reason why Rider in front of her changed into modern clothes was actually Saber in a suit.

What made them even more surprised was that the thing in Rider's hand was not a weapon or anything else used in battle.

But a bucket.

No matter how you look at it, it is a wooden red wine bottle. Rider, who easily held the bottle of wine under his arm, looked like a bartender delivering goods.


Saber, once again at a loss for words, took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

"Rider, what are you doing here?"

"You still don't understand? I'm here to have a drink with you - Hey, stop standing there and lead the way. Is there a courtyard suitable for a banquet? This castle is full of ashes, no way."


Saber sighed helplessly, and the anger that had been accumulated in her chest disappeared. Looking at this seemingly harmless opponent, she couldn't maintain her fighting spirit.

"Irisviel, what should I do?"

Irisviel was equally confused.

She was angry because the forest boundary was destroyed before, but after seeing that smiling face, she couldn't hate it any more.

"He's not the kind of person who would set a trap, is he? Does he really want to drink?"

Rider once said...\\nHe would wait until there was a winner between Saber and Lancer before challenging him. He still abides by what he promised with the pride and self-respect of a heroic spirit, so his sudden appearance tonight is really puzzling.

"Does that man want to adopt a soft policy towards Saber?"

"No, it's a challenge."

Saber, who should have lost her will to fight, now became serious for some reason.


"Yes... I am the king, and he is also the king. If there is a distinction between high and low at the wine table, it is equivalent to a 'battle' without bloodshed."

Perhaps hearing Saber's words, the Conqueror smiled and nodded.

"Haha, it's good to understand. Since we can't fight with swords, let's decide the outcome with wine. King of Knights, I won't let you go tonight, so be prepared."

"Interesting. I accept."

Saber responded resolutely, exuding a fierce fighting spirit as if on the battlefield. Only now did Irisviel realize that this was not a joke, but a real "battle".


The banquet was held next to the flower bed in the castle atrium. The battle last night did not affect this place, and it does not look shabby for entertaining guests. At this time, no one cared about the cold outside.

Rider brought the wine bottle to the atrium, and the two Servants sat face to face and faced off leisurely. Irisviel and Waver sat side by side, speculating on the development of the situation, and realized that this meant a temporary truce, and all they had to do was watch from the side.

Rider smashed the lid of the barrel with his fist, and the rich aroma of red wine suddenly filled the air in the atrium.

"Although the shape is strange, it is a drinking vessel unique to this country."

Rider said as he proudly poured wine with a bamboo-handled spoon. It's a pity that no one could point out this common sense mistake on the spot.

Rider drank the wine in his spoon first, and then spoke.

"I heard that only qualified people can get the Holy Grail."

The serious tone calmed the surrounding atmosphere. This man actually spoke in such a tone, something felt wrong.

"And the ceremony to select the qualified person is this war in Fuyuki - but if you just watch, there is no need to shed blood. We are both heroic spirits, and if we can recognize each other's abilities, then there will be no need for me. Just tell me."


Saber took the spoon from Rider without hesitation and took a spoonful of wine as well.

Saber's slender body always makes people worry about whether she can really drink, but judging from her boldness in drinking, she is not inferior to the giant Rider at all. Rider let out a happy sound of praise upon seeing this.

"So, first of all, you are going to compete with me to see who is stronger? Rider."

"Exactly, a real contest in the name of 'King', but in this case it wouldn't be called the 'Holy Grail War', it would be better to call it the 'Holy Grail Question and Answer'... In the end, who can win between the King of Knights and the King of Conquerors? How about becoming the 'King of Holy Grails'? This is the perfect question to ask the wine glass."

Rider changed his serious tone and smiled mischievously. Then he spoke again as if talking to himself.

"Ah, speaking of which, there is another person here who calls himself 'King'."

"——The joke ends here, bastard."

As if in response to Rider's unclear words.\\nA dazzling golden light flashed in front of everyone.

The sound and light made Saber and Irisviel's bodies immediately stiffen.

"Archer, why are you here..."

Saber asked sharply, but it was Rider who answered her calmly.

"Ah, when I saw him on the street, I asked him to drink together - but I was still late, Jin Guang. But unlike me, he walks on foot, so I can't blame him."

Archer, who was wearing armor, looked at Rider proudly with his ruby ​​eyes.

"It's a shame that you chose such a poor place to hold a banquet. You just have this taste. How can you apologize for making me come all the way?"

"Don't say that. Come on, have a drink first."

Rider smiled boldly and handed the spoon full of wine to Archer.

I thought he would be irritated by Rider's attitude, but unexpectedly he simply took the spoon and drank the wine in it.

Irisviel thought of the "challenge" Saber mentioned before.

Archer, this golden heroic spirit whose true identity is unknown, calls himself "King", so it is impossible for him to refuse the wine offered by Rider.

"——What kind of bad wine is this? You actually use this wine to fight between heroes?"

Archer said with a look of disgust.

"Really? I bought it from the market here. It's pretty good wine."

"You think that because you don't know anything about wine, you bastard."

A whirlpool of virtual space appeared around Archer who scoffed. This was a precursor to the strange phenomenon that could summon the Noble Phantasm. Weber and Irisviel only felt a chill in their bodies.

——But what appeared next to Archer tonight was not weapons, but a series of drinking utensils inlaid with dazzling gems. The heavy gold bottle was filled with colorless and clear liquid.

"Look, this is the 'wine of kings'."

"Oh, I'm so touched."

Rider didn't mind Archer's tone and happily poured the new wine into three glasses.

Saber was still very wary of Archer who didn't know the details. She looked at the wine in the golden bottle with some hesitation, but she still accepted the glass that was handed to her.

“Oh, delicious!!”

Rider took a sip and immediately opened his eyes in praise. Now even Saber's curiosity was aroused. Originally this was not a competition to see who was more honorable, but a competition over drinking.

When the wine flowed into her throat, Saber felt a strong swelling feeling in her head. This was indeed a good wine that she had never tasted before. It was strong and clean, mellow and refreshing, and the strong fragrance filled her nose, making her whole body feel erratic.

"Great, this is definitely not wine brewed by humans, it must be drunk by gods."

Looking at Rider who didn't hesitate to praise him, Archer smiled leisurely. At some point he also sat down, swaying the wine glass in his hand with satisfaction.

"Of course, whether it's wine or swords, I only keep the best things in my treasure house - this is the king's taste."

"You're kidding, Archer."

Saber shouted. The calm began to be broken by the tense atmosphere.

"I'm tired of hearing you boast about hiding your wine. You don't look like a king, but more like a clown."

Archer looked at the gunpowder-filled Saber with a sneer.

"It's outrageous. A guy who doesn't even know how to drink doesn't deserve to be king."

"Okay, you two are so boring."

Rider smiled bitterly and signaled to Saber who still wanted to say something, then turned around and continued the previous topic.

"Archer, your best wine can only be matched by the most precious cup - but unfortunately, the Holy Grail is not used to hold wine. Now we are conducting a Holy Grail question and answer to consider whether each other is qualified to obtain the Holy Grail. First, you must tell Why do you want the Holy Grail? Archer, as a king, you should find a way to convince us that you are qualified to get the Holy Grail."

"I really can't stand you. First of all, we are going to 'compete' for the Holy Grail. Your question is far from this premise."


Seeing Rider raise his eyebrows in surprise, Archer sighed helplessly.

"Originally, it should have been my property. All the treasures in the world originated from my collection, but after a long time, it was lost from my treasure house, but its owner is still me."

"Then you are saying, have you ever owned the Holy Grail? Do you know what it is?"


Archer flatly denied Rider's question.

"This is not what you can understand. The total amount of my property even exceeds the scope of my own knowledge, but as long as it is a 'treasure', then it must belong to me, that is very clear. You actually want to take my treasure , you should still be a little self-aware.”

Now it was Saber's turn to be speechless.

"What you said is similar to Caster's. It seems he is not the only insane Servant."

"Hey, what should I say?"

Unlike Saber, Rider muttered as if in agreement. At some point he picked up the wine bottle and poured wine into the glass without hesitation.

"Speaking of which, I think I still know your real name. There is probably only one king who is more arrogant than I, Iskandar."

Irisviel and Waver immediately listened attentively, but Rider changed the subject.

"So Archer, does that mean that as long as you nod and agree, we can get the Holy Grail?"

"Of course, but I have no reason to reward rats like you."

"Are you reluctant to part with it?"

"Of course not, I only reward my subjects and people."

Archer smiled mockingly at Rider.

"Or Rider, if you are willing to surrender to me, then I will give you one or two cups."

"...Ah, this is impossible."

Rider scratched his chin, as if he felt that the other party's conditions were too high, so he simply turned his head away.

"But Archer, it doesn't matter to you whether you have the Holy Grail or not. You're not fighting for the Holy Grail just to fulfill any wish."

"Of course. But I can't let go of the guy who took my treasure. This is a matter of principle."

"That is to say——"

Rider drained the glass of wine.

"What does that mean? Is there any reason?"

"It's the law."

Archer replied immediately.

"The rules I established as the king."


Rider seemed to understand what he said and sighed deeply.

"What a perfect king, able to implement the laws he has set. But, I still want the Holy Grail. What I do is grab it if I want it, because I, Iskandar, am the conquering king."

"Not necessarily. As long as you commit a crime, I can punish you. There is no room for negotiation."

"Then we can only meet on the battlefield."

Archer and Rider nodded at the same time with a serious look on their faces.

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