A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1145 1145 The King of ‘Ideal’

Chapter 1152 The King of ‘Ideals’

"——But Archer, let's have a drink first, and let's leave the fight for later."

"Unless of course you don't like the wine I brought."

"Are you kidding me? There's no way I can bear to drink the wine now."

At this moment, Archer and Rider couldn't tell whether Saber was friend or foe, so she could only sit silently and watch them. After a while, she finally spoke to Rider.

"King of Conqueror, since you have admitted that the Holy Grail is someone else's property, do you still want to use force to seize it?"

"——Huh? Of course, my belief is 'conquest'...that is, 'capture' and 'invasion'."

Saber suppressed the anger in her heart and asked:

"Then why do you want to get the Holy Grail?"

Rider actually smiled sheepishly, took a sip of wine and replied:

"Want to be human."

This was such an unexpected answer that even Weber said "Ah" before shouting in an almost crazy tone.

"Oh, you! Do you still want to conquer this world - wow!"

After forcing the Master to quiet down with a snap of his fingers, Rider shrugged.

"Idiot, how can you conquer the world with this cup? Conquest is my dream, and I can only entrust this first step to the Holy Grail to realize it."

"Bastard...you actually challenge me for such a silly thing?"

Even Archer was helpless, but Rider said seriously:

"I said, even if we appear in the real world with magic power, in the end we are just Servants and did not originally exist in this world - although it feels a bit ridiculous, are you really satisfied?"

"I'm not satisfied. I want to be reincarnated in this world and live as a human being."


Think about it - Waver originally thought that it was Rider's quirk that he didn't like spiritual transformation and insisted on appearing in physical form. Indeed, although Servants can talk, dress, eat, etc. like humans, their essence is similar to that of ghosts.

"Why...you want a body so much?"

"Because this is the basis of 'conquest'."

Iskandar murmured, looking at his clenched fists.

"Having a body, marching towards heaven and earth, and achieving my conquest - that is my way to be a king. But now I have no body, this is not possible. Without this, nothing can begin. I am not afraid of anything, I I just felt like I had to have a physical body.”

Archer seemed to be listening carefully to Rider's words, and just drank in silence from beginning to end. After careful observation, you can find that he has a strange expression that is different from before. It may be a bit far-fetched to describe it as a smile, but compared with his usual mocking expression before, the smile at this time contains a layer of sinisterness. ruthless.

"It's decided - Rider, I will kill you with my own hands."

"Haha, you are still saying this now. You should be aware of it as soon as possible. Not only the Holy Grail, I also plan to loot your treasure house. You are really too careless to let the King of Conqueror drink such fine wine."

Rider laughed wildly. But at this time there was another person who had not shown a smile even though he had participated in the banquet.

Saber, who attended the banquet, was unable to find any room to intervene in the conversation between Archer and Rider. The kingly way these two people talked about was far from what she believed in, so she couldn't talk to them at all.

Just follow your own will——

This is not what the king should think. Saber, who believes in integrity, sees Archer and Rider as nothing more than tyrants.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, Saber's heart still burns with unyielding fighting spirit.

These two are the only opponents that he cannot lose. The Holy Grail must not be given away to them. Archer's words make no sense at all, and Rider's wish can only be regarded as the wish of a warrior. Moreover, that is just the beginning of all human desires. Compared to their wishes, Saber's wishes could not but be said to be nobler than theirs.

"——Hey, I'm talking about Saber, tell me your wish."

Rider finally turned to Saber. No matter when, the desire in her heart never wavered.

My kingship is my pride. Still raising his head, the King of Knights looked directly at the two heroic spirits.

"I want to save my hometown. I want to change the fate of my country."


"We actually drank together..."

Sitting alone in the underground workshop, Tokiomi Tosaka sighed again at Rider's strange behavior.

"Is it really okay to leave Archer alone?"

The magic communicator brought Kotomine Kirei's slightly harsh words. Tokiomi smiled bitterly and said:

"no way".

"Since it is a meeting of kings, how can he ignore the questions directed at him?"

That's fine as long as they haven't figured out the true strength of Hero King Gilgamesh. Fortunately, tonight they were engaged in a wine table fight throughout. As long as he doesn't draw his sword and start a fight, Archer won't reveal the "king's treasure" easily.

Being able to grasp the situation in the distant Einzbern in his own workshop was naturally due to the report of Assassin who was hiding there. It was only through Kirei's transfer that Tokiomi could understand so clearly. After Rider destroyed the forest barrier, Assassin also maintained his breath blocking state and successfully sneaked into the city.

The Holy Grail War has entered its fourth night, and Tokiomi has not yet stepped out of the Miyama Town mansion. He had been staying at his residence for several days to inquire about the status of the Holy Grail War. As for the situation of some temporarily hidden Masters, he has already almost investigated it.

Right now, what he is paying attention to is Iskander, the Rider Conqueror King, and his Master, Weber Velvet.

These two people have never fought against other Servants.\\nTokiomi knows very little about their information. What's even more serious is that Assassin's mistake exposed the fact that Kotomine Kirei and Assassin were still alive.

Therefore, Kirei specially asked Assassin not to get close to Rider easily. However, even if the breath cutting skill is used, its effect is still limited. Despite Rider's careless appearance, he actually has more keen senses than other Servants. When eavesdropping on the conversation between the three of them this time, Kirei also specifically asked Assassin not to be discovered by Rider.

"By the way, Kirei. The difference in combat power between Rider and Archer...what do you think?"

"I think the key point is whether Rider has a trump card that is more powerful than the 'Divine Wheels'."


That's the problem. Compared to the other four Servants, only Rider made them the most uneasy.

The Master who controlled Berserker has consumed a lot of power. Caster is facing threats from all sides and even the workshop has been destroyed. These two groups of people can just wait for them to fend for themselves.

Gilgamesh will not lose to the injured Saber. Although Lancer is still unscathed, his original Master has withdrawn due to serious injuries. He was no longer afraid of being commanded by a low-ranking magician.

In other words, there is no need to send Assassin to monitor the four groups of people except Rider.

"...Now, we still need to try that."

"I see. I understand."

Needless to say, Kirei on the other side of the communication machine already understood Tokiomi's intention.

In order to grasp the precious information, Assassin can now be sent to test.

Rider and his Master were having a banquet without any defense. Now was a good opportunity for a surprise attack. At this time, what matters is not victory, but the difference in combat power between the enemy and ourselves. It would be best if Rider could be dealt with smoothly. Even if he couldn't, it would be enough if he could be forced into a desperate situation and forced to use his strongest trick.

"It will probably take about ten minutes to gather all the Assassins."

"Very well, give the order. Although this is a big gamble, luckily we won't lose much even if it fails."

To Tokiomi, the Assassin was just one of the means used to seize the Holy Grail, a tool that could be thrown away after use. This understanding is also fully reflected in his disciple Kirei Kotomine.

After Tokiomi finished speaking, he changed his sitting position and poured another cup of tea into the cup. He happily smelled the fragrance of black tea and waited for the results of his orders.


After Saber finished speaking resolutely, everyone was silent for a long time.

The first person to feel confused in the silence was Saber herself.

Even though her words were full of momentum, the other party was not someone who bowed her head easily. Even though these words are unexpected, they are also very easy to understand.

Clear and clear, nothing strange about it. This is her way of being a king. Whether it is a compliment or a refutation, someone should raise it immediately. But - no one spoke.

"—I said, King of Knights, I must have heard wrong."

Rider finally broke the silence, and for some reason, his face was full of confusion.

"You mean to 'change destiny'? In other words, to overturn history?"

"Yes. No matter how difficult the wish is to come true, as long as you have the almighty Holy Grail, it will surely come true——"

Saber asserted proudly. By now, Saber finally knew why the atmosphere between the two people was so strange - the scene suddenly became cold.

"Ah, Saber? I want to confirm... The destruction of that 'country' should have happened in your time, right? Was it when you ruled?"

"Yes! So I can't forgive myself."

Saber's tone became firmer upon hearing this.

"So I am very unwilling and want to change that ending! Because I caused that ending..."

Unexpectedly, someone burst out laughing. It was a vulgar laughter that ignored any understanding, and this laughter came from the mouth of Archer, who exuded golden light.

Faced with this great humiliation, Saber's face was full of anger. The thing she cherished the most was actually laughed at by Archer.

"...Archer, what's so funny."

Not minding Saber's anger, the Golden Heroic Spirit laughed and answered intermittently:

"——Self-proclaimed king——Praised by all the people——How can such a person still be 'unwilling'? Ha! How can this make people not laugh? What a masterpiece! Saber, you are the best clown!"

Next to Archer who was laughing non-stop, Rider also frowned and stared at Saber with some displeasure.

"Wait - wait for the King of Knights first. Do you want to deny the history you created?"

Saber, who has never had any doubts about her ideals, will naturally not be intimidated by him at this moment.

"Exactly. Is it surprising? Is it ridiculous? As a king, the country I dedicated my life for has been destroyed. What's wrong with me mourning?"

She was answered by another burst of laughter from Archer.

"Hey, did you hear Rider! This little girl who calls herself the King of Knights... actually said something about 'sacrifice for the country'!"

Archer was answered by Rider's silence.

To Saber, this was the same insult as being laughed at. "I don't understand what's so funny. As a king, you should naturally stand up and work hard for the prosperity of your country!"

"you are wrong."

Rider firmly and seriously denied her words.

"It's not that the king sacrifices himself, but that the country and the people dedicate everything to the king! Don't get it wrong on this point."

"What did you say--"

Saber couldn't hold back her anger anymore and she shouted loudly.

"——Isn't that a tyrant! Rider, Archer, it's a huge mistake for you to become kings like this!"

"Indeed. But we are not only tyrants, we are also heroes."

Rider replied calmly, without even moving an eyebrow.

"So Saber, if a king is dissatisfied with the results of his governance of the country, it only means that he is a foolish king, worse than a tyrant."

Unlike Archer who constantly laughed at Saber, Rider fundamentally rejected her.

Saber frowned and retorted in a sharp tone:

"Iskandar, you...the empire you created was eventually split into four parts. Are you really not reconciled to this? Don't you want to do it all over again to save the country?"

"In no mood."

The King of Conquerors replied immediately, puffing out his chest and looking directly into the stern eyes of the King of Knights.

"If my decision and my ministers lead to such a result, then destruction is inevitable. I will mourn and shed tears, but I will never regret it."

"how come……"

"Not to mention trying to subvert history! Such stupid behavior is an insult to all humans in the era I built!"

Regarding Rider's proud words, Saber denied:

"You only say this based on the glory of the warrior. The people will not think so. What they need is salvation."

"You mean they want the king's salvation?"

Rider shrugged and laughed.

"I don't understand! What's the point of this kind of thing?"

"This is the duty of a king!"

This time it was Saber's turn to speak proudly:

"Correct rule and correct order are what all subjects expect."

"Are you the 'right' slave then?"

"You can say so. Only those who devote themselves to their ideals deserve to be king."

Without a trace of doubt, the young knight king nodded.

"People can understand law and order through the king. What the king embodies should not be something that will disappear with the death of the king, but something more noble."

Looking at Saber who was still resolute, Rider on the side shook his head as if he pitied her.

"This is not the path people would choose to survive."

"Yes. Since you are born a king, you cannot expect to live like an ordinary person."

In order to become the perfect monarch and the embodiment of ideals, she was willing to give up her body and throw away her personal feelings. The life of a girl named Artoria changed completely the moment she pulled the sword out of the rock. Since then, she has become synonymous with undefeated legends, hymns and dreams.

There have been pains and troubles, but they contain the glory of victory. Her unchanging belief still supports her arm holding the sword.

"King of Conquerors, someone like you who only cares about yourself will not understand my beliefs. You are just an overlord who is blinded by desire!" Saber shouted sternly.


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