Chapter 1159 Doll

Maiya, who was slightly ahead, gradually slowed down the speed of the light truck and finally stopped at the roadside. It seems that we have arrived at our destination.

"Here...hmm. It's such a casual and unexpected place."

After walking down from Mercedes who was following behind, Irisviel's first words were filled with emotion.

The quaint Japanese-style buildings look like they were filmed in a period drama. Even in this town of Miyama, where the passage of history is almost invisible, this building must be considered an unusually rare style. And judging from the vast area of ​​this all-wooden structure, it is a particularly rare example in the history of modern Japanese architecture.

But the sense of desolation emanating from this building is also extraordinary. It seems to have been idle for quite some time. It has been uninhabited for such a long time but looks like it has been constantly repaired, and it can uselessly occupy such a huge space in urban planning without being demolished. I'm afraid this is an allusion.

"From today on, you two will use this place as your base of operations."

Maiya got off the light truck and handed Irisviel a set of keys while speaking in a routine tone.

"Ah, just give this to Saber."

"——Understood. Irisviel."

Since her master ordered her to keep the room key, Saber took the key chain from Maiya without hesitation.

There are many keys on the key chain. In addition to the keys to the front door and entrance, there should also be keys to the back door and other rooms. Most of the keys are in a very ordinary cylindrical shape. There is only one key, and it is a very ancient casting style.

"Maiya, what kind of key is this? It's very different from the others."

"It's the warehouse key in the yard. Although it looks very old, I have confirmed that there is no problem with unlocking it."

Having said this, Maiya seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of apology appeared on her originally cold expression.

"I just bought this house a few days ago, so I haven't had time to make any preparations inside. I'm really sorry. Maybe the environment inside is not suitable for living..."

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can keep out the wind and rain, I have no complaints."

Although it doesn't sound like something that a rich young lady could say, in fact, when it comes to the level of devastation, Einzbern City in the deep mountains and old forests is not much better than here.

"——Then, I'll take my leave first."

Maybe Kiritsugu had arranged some other tasks for her. After Maiya said goodbye, she quickly returned to the light truck, leaving Irisviel and Saber who were still standing in front of the empty house and quickly left.

"So, Saber. Let's start checking out this new home."


After opening the door, what greeted us was the expected desolate scene. The courtyard was covered with waist-high weeds, and the main house was submerged in the weeds, giving it an uncomfortable feeling.

"This is what everyone often calls the haunted ghost house."

Irisviel didn't seem to care about the deserted abandoned house, but instead looked around with interest, like a child entering a haunted house in an amusement park. Seeing her cheerful and childish expression, Saber simply didn't know what expression she should use to face her.

"Oops? What's wrong, Saber?"

"——Nothing. If you don't mind the desolate scene here, that's really great."

For Saber, who had experienced many battles, it was already a common occurrence, so she didn't pay much attention to the desolate scene of this abandoned house. If Irisviel can accept it, then there is nothing inappropriate about using this place as a new base.

"There must be a wooden corridor inside, and then there are tatami mats, and paper partition doors. Oh, hehe, I once said before that I wanted to see with my own eyes what ancient Japanese houses looked like. Kiritsugu must have remembered my words and did this specifically. ”


How could that man, who was as ruthless as a war machine, think of these things about loving children on the battlefield? Although Saber did not agree with Irisviel's words, seeing how happy she was, Saber remained silent.

Just like that, after checking the back room while sneezing through the mountains of dust, Irisviel finally put on a serious expression and started thinking.

"Is it different from your expectations?"

"Yeah. That's enough for me - as a magician's base here, it's a little difficult."

Although Irisviel looks weak, she is actually a very capable magician.

"Although there is no problem in setting up a barrier around here, if you want to set up a workshop... But with the customs and customs of this country, I can't help it. In a house with such an open structure, the magic power can easily escape. Especially Ai Inzbern's technique...ah, it's so disturbing. If possible, I would like to have a room sealed with stone and earth..."

Saber suddenly thought of something, took out the last key that had not been used and said.

"Didn't Maiya just say that there is a warehouse in the yard? Do you want to go there and have a look?"

"——Ah, this place is so ideal."

As soon as she stepped into the door of the warehouse, Irisviel nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Although it seems a bit small, here you can perform the same spells as in the castle. In short, as long as I can build a magic circle, my domain can be fixed."

Maybe Kiritsugu had thought of this from the beginning, so he specifically found this location with a warehouse. After all, traditional Japanese-style buildings with warehouses like this are hard to find.

"Then, let's start preparing now. Saber, would you please bring the materials we put in the car?"

"Okay, do you want to bring them all?"

"Now just bring the medicines and props from the Alchemy series. Well, let me think about it... By the way, bring the red and silver makeup boxes as well."

"As commanded."

Saber carefully took out a particularly light piece of luggage from the trunk of Mercedes. Although Maiya was in charge of packing the luggage, Saber also had an impression of the contents.

When Saber brought the makeup box, Irisviel seemed to have determined the location of the magic circle and pointed to a corner of the warehouse and said to Saber.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Saber, please help me. Draw two overlapping hexagrams six feet in diameter at that place. Take this side as the front."


Saber also knows some basic magic, so she can complete Irisviel's request effortlessly.

Although she understood the content of the instruction, she was not clear about the purpose of Irisviel asking her to do this.

"Then help me mix some of the mercury, please. The ratio must be strictly as I say, be careful—"

"Irisviel, I have a question."

Finally, Saber couldn't help it anymore and expressed the question she had been hiding in her heart since this morning.

"——You seem to have been trying to avoid contact with anything today. Is this my psychological effect?"


"Whether it's driving a car or holding a key... you may not care about this level of things, but you don't even do the most critical magic circle production yourself. It seems there must be some reason. If what I said is wrong Please correct me. Is there anything inconvenient for you today?

Irisviel seemed a little embarrassed and looked around. Saber continued to ask.

"If you feel unwell, you should tell me in advance. After all, I am responsible for protecting your safety, and I need to make some preparations for this."

"...I'm sorry. But I really didn't hide anything from you."

Irisviel sighed helplessly, then turned to Saber and stretched out her hand.

"Saber, now let me shake your hand with all my strength, okay?"

"Huh? Okay."

Although she didn't understand the reason, Saber still reached out and took Irisviel's hand. Fingers that were too beautiful and slender for a human gently held Saber's hand——and then trembled very softly, without even feeling any pressure.


"I'm not kidding you. I really tried my best just now."

Irisviel said with a helpless smile.

"Just opening my fingers is already exhausting all my strength. It is impossible to hold or hold anything. Driving a car is even more impossible. When I wake up in the morning, I am exhausted just by changing clothes."

"What happened? Are you injured somewhere?"

Saber asked in surprise, but Irisviel just shrugged indifferently.

"It's just that the body is a little uncomfortable, and the touch is blocked. Although closing one of the five senses will greatly inhibit the spiritual power, it will not have much impact on other actions. This kind of accommodation and convenience is also a feature of artificial humans. One of the advantages.”

"It's not that simple! Don't force yourself if you feel uncomfortable. You should see a doctor."

"Don't worry, Saber. Have you forgotten? I'm not an ordinary human being. Even if I have a cold, I can't see a doctor - this discomfort is just a flaw in my structure. It doesn't matter, don't use it now If you worry too much, I will adjust it myself.”


Although he cannot fully understand it, if he continues to ask questions, the fact that Irisviel is a "created" artificial human will be nakedly exposed in front of his eyes. So Saber had no choice but to give up. Because she knew very well that what Irisviel was most proud of was that she was "not just a made doll."

"Ah, in that case, I have really troubled you, Saber. Like today, driving a car, making a magic circle, etc. I need your help with these, my Lord Knight."

"——These are all things I should have done. I asked questions I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry."

"Okay, okay. Then, let's make the magic circle quickly now. As long as I can take a good rest in this magic circle that connects to the earth's veins, my condition will get better."

"Yes. Then, please tell me the steps to make it."

So, the two started making temporary workshops in the warehouse. After Saber refined the mercury according to Irisviel's instructions, she began to concentrate on making the magic circle of the Einzbern spell. The two of them were like sisters with a harmonious relationship, busy together in the warehouse, and there was a peaceful atmosphere around them.

But Saber could never imagine that the happy time spent with Irisviel in this warehouse and their smiles would be her last beautiful memories of this noble princess.


From the far west, the army swept in with billowing dust. From the beginning, no one dared to underestimate this invading army.

Long before the arrival of this army, rumors about its power had swept across the entire country like a strong wind. In a small country called Macedonia in distant Greece, after usurping the throne from his biological father, the young monarch swept the entire continent of Corinth in an instant.


It is said that his ambition even crossed the strait and attempted to get involved in the Persian Empire.

Of course, none of the brave men who are loyal to protect the glorious motherland will bow before the invaders. The warriors risked their majesty and honor as soldiers to attack Iskandar's army. However, the high morale of the enemy troops that appeared in front of them made them extremely frightened and trembled with fear.

It was neither for the will of the gods nor the call of righteousness. It was just to satisfy a tyrant's desire to conquer. But why did these soldiers have such high morale and such strong fighting spirit? Even these warriors who risked their lives to protect the country could not compete with them.

However, this was not what really shocked these defeated generals.

Standing in front of his captives, young Iskandar spoke like a mischievous child - Your country is not what I want. I will continue to move toward the east.

So is this country just a bridgehead for his continued aggression? ——No, of course not.

So does his ambition even cross the plains of Iran and want to conquer distant India? ——No, it is farther east than that.

Seeing that the subjects of the foreign country could not guess his intentions, Wang said loudly.

"My goal is the end of the world. My journey is the farthest edge of the East. I want to see 'Oceanus' (Oceanus, the God of the Sea in Greek mythology) with my own eyes. I want to be there Leave your own footprints on the sand of the endless sea.”

Of course, no one believed what he said, just treating it as empty words that he concealed his true intentions.

But this man really returned all the control of the occupied areas to the local nobles, and continued eastward with his army. After watching his figure go away blankly, the defeated generals finally understood.

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