A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1153 1153 The Past of the Conquering King

Chapter 1160 The Past of the Conquering King

None of the "reasons" the overlord said were lies.

He was simply heading east. And just wipe out the people who stand in your way.

Just for this reason, he abandoned all the glory and wealth, and how miserable the soldiers who followed him left their homes were.

At first, they felt sad and angry.

And he thought how miserable he was to have to fight for such a stupid reason.

But soon, they suddenly thought that they had lost everything.

What can you see behind that big mountain——

What can be seen on the other side of the sky——

Exploring the unknown world, isn’t this the dream that all men had when they were young?

But as they grow older, in order to consolidate their status and keep climbing up, men abandon their youthful dreams just for the illusory fame. And now, this man has shattered their current raison d'être overnight—and once again ignited the dreams they once held in their hearts.

The men who finally understood this took up their weapons again.

Now, they are no longer heroes or weapons. They are just the teenagers they once were. They picked up the armor and weapons in their hands for the first time and chased their eternal dreams. The hearts that regained courage and hope were beating fiercely, and they followed their path straight towards the kingdom in the east.

In this way, the king's army continued to increase with victories on the way forward.

What an incredible group of people this seems to others.

The defeated heroes, defeated generals, and kings who lost their thrones all came together with the same smile and the same light in their eyes.

Heading towards "Oceanos"——

The men shouted loudly together.

To the east, like the more distant east, move forward!

Until I saw the legendary beach with "that man".

The expedition continues without end.

Crossing scorching deserts, climbing over cold snow-capped mountains, crossing raging rivers, driving away ferocious beasts, and engaging in many life-and-death battles with unknown weapons and tactics of foreign peoples who had never dealt with them before.

Countless soldiers died in foreign lands.

Their eyes disappeared as they stared at the back of the king who continued to move forward.

Their hearing faded as they listened to the sound of waves coming from the distant east.

Even if they died in battle after exerting all their strength, they always had a proud smile on their faces.

Soon - I will be able to return to the scene in my dream, the dusk-filled coast I once saw.

There was nothing there except the sound of waves lapping at the shore, the endless sea as far as the eye could see.

That was a scene that their king had described to them, but they had never seen it in person.

So, this is not the scene in their memory——

Rather, it was a scene that they had longed for in their hearts during their heroic fighting careers.

When the dream of the heroic spirit's memory from that distant time and space ended, the young man seemed to hear the sound of waves.

The sound of the waves may have been echoing in his chest.


Weber just proposed to go for a walk, and Rider agreed without saying a word.

Of course, for Weber, compared with his former capital London, there was nothing particularly interesting about this small Eastern city. He just wanted to find a book.

Although it is most convenient to use the library to find books, it is a bit inconvenient to have a big man like Rider next to you. What's more, it seems unwise to bring Rider's loud voice in a library that requires silence. Besides, when Rider was summoned, he had a history of destroying the library. If he were to be taken with him this time, it would be troublesome if he was recognized and asked to pay compensation.

So I had to go to a bookstore to look for them - local bookstores usually only sell books in the local language, so if you want to find English reading materials, you have to go to large bookstores. However, it can be troublesome to go to a busy city.

It was the first time for Weber to walk on the streets of Fuyuki Shinto in broad daylight like this. Because there was nothing special that required me to come out during the day before, so this was natural. The streets during the day don't have the feeling of being full of monsters everywhere at night. The warm sunlight and fresh air make people feel extremely comfortable.

"I said, what are you doing?"

"Nothing special, just a change of mood."

In response to Rider's careless question, Weber answered with a look of displeasure. It wasn't that he was unhappy about anything, nor was he dissatisfied with Rider's duties. It was just that a meaningless act like changing his mood had nothing in common with Waver's policy.

Anyway - even if it's just for a while, I want to completely forget about the Holy Grail War. This is a fact.

In Weber's mind, there were some changes in the meaning of participating in this Holy Grail War. Although it was only a small change, it occupied all his thoughts, making his spirit depressed and even suffocating.

"——Okay, okay, don't ask why. Besides, haven't you been clamoring to go out and stroll in busy places since the day before yesterday?"

"Well, the joy of being able to feel the lively atmosphere in a foreign market is not inferior to the joy of fighting."

"...It is really pitiful for a country to be involved in a war for such a reason."

Weber muttered helplessly.

Hearing his words, Rider tilted his head and asked as if he was surprised.

"What's the matter, kid? It's like you've seen it with your own eyes."

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Among the Masters who have signed a contract with a Servant, a very small number can experience the memories of the heroic spirit in the form of dreams. Although he didn't know if Rider knew about it, Weber was unwilling to mention what he had dreamed about this morning. No one wants to have others see through the things in their memories, not to mention that for Weber, he didn't intentionally want to see these memories.

After arriving at the bookstore on the commercial street in front of the station, Rider immediately showed great interest in the store next to it. It seems that during this period of time before Weber finishes his serious business, there is no need to worry about what trouble the conquering king will cause.

"Then, I'll go to this bookstore to do some errands first."


"In short, you can do whatever you want, but you are absolutely not allowed to leave this commercial street. Even during the day, you must not be careless. If I am attacked, you must be able to come over immediately."


I don't know if Rider is listening, but his big, shining eyes are completely focused on the surrounding pubs, toy stores, game stores, and snack shops.

"...No conquest, no invasion."


"Oh what! It's really..."

Afraid of drawing attention to himself if he delayed for too long, Webb thrust his wallet into the thick palm of the Conqueror.

"You are not allowed to steal anything, and you are not allowed to eat the King's meal! If you want something, just spend money to buy it! Do you want me to use the command spell to tell you again?"

"Hahaha! Don't be so nervous. Macedonian etiquette is common to civilized people in any country."

Not sure if he really understood what Weber meant, Rider dropped this indifferent answer and disappeared excitedly into the crowded and noisy crowd of shoppers. Looking at Rider's disappearing figure, Weber could only sigh helplessly. Although he still felt uneasy, Rider, despite his careless appearance, was very adaptable to foreign cultures. His gentle treatment of the old Makaki couple last night was the best proof.

Although if all the money in the wallet he just handed over to Rider was spent by him, about half of all the funds prepared for the Fuyuki Holy Grail War would disappear, but instead of letting Rider cause any unsolvable trouble, spend It would be very cheap if this money could be avoided. As long as we can obtain the Holy Grail, there should be no problem even if we don't have the money to go back. To be able to grow from a carefree character to a person who regards money as dirt, Weber must be somewhat mature.

For Weber - even if he really found the book he wanted, he had no intention of buying it back. Reading it directly in the bookstore is enough. Because if Rider knew about the book he wanted to read, he would definitely be questioned about the reason. So Weber was not willing to take the risk and buy it back.

Perhaps because there are so many foreign residents here, the foreign bookshelf contains not only tourist guide manuals and vulgar paperbacks, but also a wide variety of other books. Although Weber did not expect to find it, contrary to expectations, he found the target easily. Weber immediately began to quickly browse the contents of the book.

Once I hold the book in my hand, I immediately lose track of time. This is a characteristic that hasn't changed in Weber since he was a child. He has the confidence that he will not lose to anyone in his ability to read and understand books. But in the Clock Tower, his talent is just a librarian-like ability that is very convenient when investigating books. So whenever he saw nonsense and incomprehensible technical explanations in the book, he always thought with disgust that if he had written it himself, it would have been more concise and clear.

But these unpleasant memories were quickly driven out of consciousness as he turned the pages. The content of the book Weber is reading now is very gripping, attracting readers' thoughts to gallop to the distant other side.

I don’t know how long it took, but Weber has been immersed in a state of selfless reading.

Suddenly, Weber felt the sound of unusually heavy footsteps, so he immediately pretended to be calm and put the book back. Looking back, I happened to meet Rider's eyes, who was looking towards the foreign bookshelf.

"Oh! I found it, I found it! Such a small thing is hidden among the bookshelves and is completely invisible. It is really troublesome to find it."

"Ordinary people are smaller than a bookshelf! You stupid big guy - by the way, what did you buy again?"

Rider was holding a disturbingly large paper bag with one hand. He seemed to like the contents inside so much that he couldn't wait to open it and show it to Weber.

"Look! It turns out that "Admiral's Strategy IV" is released today, and I bought the limited edition of the first edition! Wow, hahahaha, my lucky numbers are indeed not in vain!"

Seeing Rider buying something that was 10 times more idiotic than the most idiotic thing he could think of, Weber couldn't help but feel a headache.

"I said, if you just buy the software for such a big thing..."

In the middle of speaking, Weber suddenly realized that the large paper bag in Rider's hand was too large for a piece of software, so he immediately realized that the conqueror had also bought the console.

"Okay, kid! Let's go back and play together. I even bought an extra controller!"

"Let me tell you, I have no interest in such vulgar games."

Hearing what Weber said, Rider immediately frowned resentfully and sighed deeply.

"Oh, I'm talking about you. Why do you like to indulge in your own little world...Don't you want to find a little happiness?"

"Don't bother me! How can a magician like me who explores the truth have free time to do these meaningless things? I don't have extra brain cells to spend on video games!"

"——Huh? So, you have extra brain cells to spend on this book?"

As Rider said this, he took out the book from the bookshelf that Weber had just stuffed back. This move was completely unexpected by Weber, causing him to nervously retort loudly.

"That's not true! How did you know this was the book I just read?"

"Only this one is inserted into the bookshelf backwards, so a fool can't see it - Huh? "Alexander The Great"... isn't this my biography?"

Weber immediately wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. The feeling of embarrassment now was even more serious than when his mentor Kayneth laughed at his thesis.

"You are really a strange guy. Compared with such records whose authenticity cannot be distinguished, isn't the person standing in front of you more reliable? If you have any questions, why don't you just ask me?"

"Ah! Okay, I'll ask you, I'll ask you!"

Weber half-cryed, snatched the book from Rider's hand and turned to the page he cared about more.

"Historical records say that you were a very short person, so why do you look like such a big, stupid person now?"

"I'm short? Where did you see that?"

"Look at this! It is said that after you conquered the Kingdom of Persia, you sat on the throne of Dareios. As a result, your feet could not reach the platform. In the end, there was no way to replace the platform with a table for you. !”

"Ah, you mean Dareios? There's nothing we can do about that. I'm really short compared to that tall man."

The Conqueror King laughed loudly and clapped his hands when he heard Weber say this name, and then looked to the sky with a nostalgic expression as if he was remembering an old friend.


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