Chapter 1165 Beautiful Things

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The hatred and anger beyond the limit activated the marking insect in Kariya's body. Chills and severe pain spread throughout the body. Even so, for Kariya now, this is a blessing.

Erode, devour my body. All the magic power generated will turn into a curse on the enemy...

Like a rushing tide, insects crawled out of the surrounding shadows and gathered in one place. This is a disgusting reptile that looks like a maggot and is as big as a mouse. All of these are the teeth that Kariya received from Matou Zouken when he became a Master - weapons to deal with unreasonable wars.

"I can't forgive you... despicable magician!"

I am going to kill you! And dirty inkstones! Kill them all without leaving a trace! ! "

The insect, which accepted Kariya's resentment, twitched and twisted in pain, and then cracked a crack from its back, revealing its carapace and wings with a steely black light.

One after another - the reptiles transformed into huge beetles, buzzing and spreading their wings, flying around Kariya and forming a legion. A large group of them gathered in the blink of an eye. These "winged blade insects" that kept clenching their sharp jaws and making sounds, showing their ferocious nature, adjusted their fighting postures. This is the strongest attack method of Matou Kariya as an insect user.

In front of a large group of meat animals that could eat up a cow in an instant, Tokiomi Tosaka's expression remained calm and composed.

Originally, his level as a magician was much higher than Kariya. Therefore, the secret technique that Kariya risked his life to release was neither surprising nor scary to Tokiomi. He could even calmly laugh at the tricks of fate in a duel with his former love rival.

"——A magician is one who possesses 'power' from the moment he is born. Moreover, one day he will receive 'greater power'. Before he realizes this destiny, this responsibility flows in his 'blood' . This is, being born into the world as the son of a magician.”

Tokiomi said coldly, raised the staff of civilization, and activated the fire technique from the huge ruby ​​inlaid on the head of the staff.

The defensive formation depicting the image of the Tosaka family crest in the air turned into red lotus fire and burned the night air. This is an offensive defense that burns everything it touches. Although this may seem childish in front of an enemy who looks like an amateur, it is not merciful at all.


"Because you refused to inherit the family business, Matou's magic was handed over to Sakura. I have to thank you for this...but I will never forgive you.

This weakness of escaping the responsibilities of bloodline is a despicable act that cannot be compensated for in any way. Matou Kariya, the shame of the devil. Now that I see you again, I can only eliminate you. "

"Stop talking inhumane guy."

"You are wrong. Taking responsibility for oneself is the first condition for being a human being. If you cannot even do this, you are not worthy of being a human being, but a dog. Do you understand? Kariya."

"Insects. Eat this guy, bite this guy."

Facing the swarm of insects, it was the dancing scorching flames.

Tonight's third life-and-death battle has begun.


"Awesome...awesome! It's so awesome!"

Due to his excessive excitement, Ryunosuke Umaso couldn't care less about the sights around him. He was so excited that he screamed loudly and started dancing.

Although Ryunosuke himself was not the only one who gathered by the river to watch the excitement, no one paid attention to his strange behavior. Everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on this strange phenomenon that was not of this world.

There are huge monsters rampaging on the river, and there are UFOs and self-defense force fighter jets bursting out with fierce sparks in the sky.

Everyone would sneer at the banality of this scene, but it is undoubtedly a spectacle that no one has ever seen.

Deserve it! Ryunosuke cheered.

Everyone was so surprised that they opened their mouths and stared blankly at the reality that happened in front of them. They could only watch helplessly as the meaningless idol of "common sense" that they had blindly believed in for half their lives and that the market later regarded as the ultimate truth, creaked and collapsed.

You idiots, did you see that? Until yesterday, you were all living in ignorance. Not willing to give in, right? Do you regret it?

You guys have never tried to think that there is such an interesting and bizarre world waiting for us outside the scope of common sense, never.

me? Of course I know. I not only imagined it, but also looked forward to it, believing that one day I would see something incredible. That’s why I specialize in doing things that go against common sense, and I desperately pursue novelty and excitement every day.

Just like that - I finally found the Dragon Palace treasure chest that I had longed for.

Oh, gods definitely exist. Isn’t the wonderful sight in front of me the best evidence?

In order to appreciate the trembling expressions of the poor lambs, the great genius magician brought these unreasonable and bizarre phenomena to the world, and then snickered secretly. The god I had been searching for finally showed up, and the scary boxes he had placed everywhere spewed flames.

No more boredom, no more time and effort spent killing someone. From now on, people will die one after another without me taking action. They were ground into meat paste, chopped into pulp, blasted into crumbs, chewed up, and died, died, died, until they died. What is the color of the intestines of a blond human, how does a black man's liver feel, and I will surely see those internal organs that I have not seen yet! Every day, every day, countless interesting things happen around the world!

Continuous and endless!

"Ah, God does not exist, God does not exist!"

Ryunosuke made a victory sign, danced and cheered for the victory in life, while supporting his allies who turned into giant beasts and rampaged.

"Come on, Aosu-sama! Defeat them! Kill them! This is the toy box of the gods!——?!"

At this moment, Ryunosuke was suddenly pushed far away by an invisible hand.

As soon as he landed on his haunches he looked around in horror. However, no one was close enough to contact Ryunosuke. Not only that, when the people around him met Ryunosuke's eyes, they all screamed and backed away. It was as if the strange phenomena taking place in the river and in the air were happening right in front of them.

"What's wrong? Hey! What's wrong?"

Just when Ryunosuke was asking the people next to him expectantly what happened, he suddenly felt a warm and slippery feeling in the palm of his hand that was touching his abdomen... Then he looked at his hand in a daze. Hands stained bright red.



Pure red without any variegated colors.

It was a bright and eye-catching color that I had been pursuing.

Ah, that's it - Ryunosuke immediately understood this, and a smile appeared on his pale lips.

This is the real red that I have been pursuing, and I have searched countless places but can't find it.

He lovingly hugged the bleeding abdomen.

"So that's it... No wonder I... can't find it..."

Unexpectedly, what I have been looking for would be hidden next to me...

Just as his mind was feeling unprecedentedly intoxicated and satisfied due to the surge of pituitary hormones, a second bullet pierced his head.

Although everything from the bridge of his nose upwards was blown away without a trace, the corners of his mouth——

There is still a happy smile.

Killed - After confirming this by intuition, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was kneeling on one knee on the deck, lowered the muzzle of the Walther night vision sniper rifle.

He is now about 200 meters downstream from the sea demon that Caster turned into, in the middle of the river close to Fuyuki Bridge. When Caster appeared, Kiritsugu happened to be ambushing near the port. He soon discovered a large, unmanned speedboat near a nearby trestle. After proper preparation, he arrived here on this unauthorized borrowed boat.

Needless to say, Kiritsugu had no intention of attacking the behemoth Caster from the beginning. His goal in this chaos is still to "Hunt the Master".

Although in this dense fog, the effectiveness of the light-increasing sight was greatly reduced due to the large number of particles floating in the air, making it almost useless. But the infrared sight, which is most critical in identifying magicians, was not affected at all. Kiritsugu continued to search for the unique heat release pattern of the magic circuit among the onlookers who gradually gathered on the shore, and it turned out that this was the first person he shot.

Under such circumstances, if someone keeps the magic circuit activated and wanders on the shore, no matter how you think about it, it can only be someone related to the Holy Grail War. The probability that the person just now is the Master is more than 60%. In short, it is right to kill him first.

It is worth mentioning that the two magicians who were fighting in a nearby high-rise apartment were unable to be seen from Kiritsugu due to the angle of elevation, so they luckily escaped the sniper attack.

Although the victory was successfully achieved, Kiritsugu's expression was very unhappy after he turned back to confirm the situation. No matter how you look at it, the battle situation between Saber and Rider, who are fighting fiercely to stop the sea demon's advance, is not going well.

Even if he just shot and killed Caster's Master himself, it would still take a certain amount of time from the interruption of the supply of magic power to the disappearance of the Servant. If Caster reaches the shore before that and starts "preying", everything will be over. At that time, the only way to stop the sea demon from getting a new supply of magic power is through physical methods.

And now, the undead monster that can regenerate infinitely is about to advance to the shallows of the river bank.

Although the despair that hit her heart made Saber grit her teeth, she remained undaunted and continued to wield her sword without any fear or surrender.

No matter how deep the blow cuts, the wound will heal intact in an instant without any effect. Everything was in vain - no, at least it slightly slowed down the progress of the sea demon. But when I think about the coming ending, this is nothing more than a death struggle.

If I could use my left hand...

Although she knew it was useless to think about it, Saber couldn't help but think about it. Even though Rider and Lancer used such powerful Noble Phantasms, they were unable to defeat this monster. No matter how numerous we are and how we ravage it, there is no point if all wounds will regenerate instantly. To defeat the monster, you can only destroy it in one blow, leaving no scraps of flesh left - what is needed now is not an anti-army Noble Phantasm, but a city-defense Noble Phantasm.

But for the current Saber, the "Sword of Contract Victory" that can take on such an important task cannot be used. The unfavorable condition of her left hand was the reason she vowed to have an open showdown with Lancer. When he was in the Einzbern Forest, Lancer stepped forward and took the initiative to assume the "left hand's duty". The King of Knights must repay his kindness even at the risk of his own honor.

"Hey! Saber! This is not an option. Let's retreat for now."

A call to Rider in the tank above his head. Saber said angrily.

"What nonsense are you talking about! If you don't take it from here -"

"That's what you say, but there's nothing we can do! Listen to me first and retreat. I have my own way."


As a last resort, Saber struck with all her strength and followed Rider back to the shore where Lancer and Irisviel were. Just as Saber kicked off the water and jumped back to the embankment, Rider's chariot also landed from the sky to the ground with thunder.

"——Okay everyone, no matter what countermeasures are taken in the future, we must first gain time."

Rider said straight to the point without any delay. Even the famous Conqueror King was not as calm and composed as usual this time.

"I'll use the 'King's Force' to drag that guy into the barrier first. But even if I use all my elites, I'm afraid I won't be able to solve it... At most, I'll just trap it in the inherent barrier."

"What to do next?"

Rider gave a very straightforward answer to Lancer who had questions.

"have no idea."

However, it can be seen from his serious expression that Rider is definitely not joking.

A stop-gap measure to buy time—even the Conqueror King’s secret strategy can only go so far now.

"After dragging such a big thing in, my barrier can only last for a few minutes at most. Heroic Spirits - please be sure to come up with a winning strategy during this time. Boy, you also stay here. Bar."

Before he finished speaking, Rider put Weber down from the driver's seat.

"Hello? Hello!"

"Once the barrier is deployed, I will not be able to understand the situation in the outside world. Boy, if there is any situation, just concentrate on summoning me, and I will leave a messenger for you."


Even though it was during the alliance, in Waver's view, it was undoubtedly an extremely dangerous and foolish act to separate from one's Servant in front of two other Servants. Having said that, in this case, no matter how careful you are about the betrayal of your allies, it will be of no use. Although he was trembling inside, the young man nodded reluctantly.

"Saber, Lancer, I'll take care of you next."



Although both of them agreed verbally, their expressions were very ugly. Everyone present understood that Rider's decision could only be made on an emergency basis and would not solve any practical problems.

Even so, Rider completely trusts the heroic spirits he likes. Once the decision was made, there was no hesitation at all, and he drove the chariot towards the huge sea demon without looking back.


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