A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1159 1159 The Nobility of Human Nature

Chapter 1166 The Nobility of Human Nature


Although he was quite interested in this novel way of playing the game at the beginning, after repeated battles with Noble Phantasms and missiles several times, Archer finally became tired of this monotonous air battle.

After several rounds of mobile fighting, Archer's Vimana is now closely following Berserker's F15. As long as the distance is shortened, it will be a perfect attack position. Realizing this, Berserker launched his jet acceleration at maximum power in order to escape pursuit, and at the same time used gravity acceleration to dive vertically.

"Stop struggling pointlessly..."

Archer smiled secretly and sped away in Vimana, chasing after Berserker effortlessly. The two instantly penetrated the clouds and fell towards the brightly lit Fuyuki City ground.

"How about you just dive into that pile of filth, bastard."

Archer deployed his prepared Noble Phantasm in an enveloping manner, restraining Berserker from all sides and blocking his escape route. In this way, the only way out for Berserker was the Weiyuan River directly below—according to this trajectory, he would definitely hit the sea demon that was aiming at the wriggling Caster on the embankment.

In order to minimize the impact of the collision, the F15 raised all flaps and fiercely held the atmosphere in an attempt to decelerate as much as possible.

At this moment, the huge piece of meat that was crawling suddenly disappeared.

Rider shouted loudly at a close range and activated the "King's Force", sucking the huge body of the sea demon into the inherent barrier that spread with his subordinate Servant. Archer and Berserker naturally have no way of knowing this fact. But Archer obviously didn't want to let the proud Noble Phantasm be stained with any dirt, so he dematerialized the Noble Phantasm at the moment of the collision. And Berserker obviously would not miss this opportunity. He did not hesitate to make the magically equipped F15 body creak, and he just bent the nose of the aircraft that was about to plunge into the river, and drew a nearly right-angle track to avoid it. fell.

The machine body whizzed past the water surface, rolling up two curtains of water on the left and right. The moment the black F15 passed by the Servants watching the battle on the river bank, the heroic figure of the King of Knights wearing silver and blue armor was deeply engraved in the eyes of the crazy black knight.


Deep in the black helmet, the eyes filled with countless resentments burned fiercely like red lotus fire at this moment.

From Tosaka Tokiomi's point of view, this battle could not be called a magic duel at all, but just a funny farce.

Tokiomi just maintained the defensive formation silently and had not yet made any move that could be called an attack. Despite this, Matou Kariya on the opposite side was already on the verge of death.

This is completely self-destructive. For Kariya now, the very act of using magic is a fatal act of suicide. Kariya, who was involved, must have known it very well, but he still continued to use techniques beyond his own limits without hesitation, and in the end he had to reap the consequences.

Kariya's current appearance was simply too miserable to look at. All the capillaries in his body were broken, and blood sprayed everywhere. His shaky figure, unable to stand upright at all, seemed to be submerged in a cloud of blood mist. The face that rolled its eyes because of too much pain made it impossible to judge whether the person involved was still conscious.

"You speak so arrogantly...do you become this virtuous when you start using your hands?"

The saddest thing is that no matter how much Kariya tried to injure his life to mobilize his magic power, his attacks were never able to harm Tokiomi even a hair.

A moth flies into a flame - the current situation is simply a reappearance of this old idiom. The swarms of beetles rushed towards Tokiomi's flame array, but they were unable to break through the defense and were all burned without a trace. As an insect user, the very act of challenging the flames head-on is extremely stupid. Despite this, Kariya's attack still did not let up at all. Reducing his own life drove the insects to charge in vain, turning into bursts of flying ashes.

This situation makes people laugh out loud. For this extremely weak enemy, Tokiomi went beyond the limit of contempt and began to feel pity for him. Soon, the flames will burn away all the insects in Kariya. At that time, Kariya himself would probably die of anger because he could not bear the pain. Tokiomi only needs to pay attention to maintaining his own magic and just sit back and watch leisurely. Under his impregnable defense, the winner will naturally be determined.

But for Tokiomi, who followed the noble path of magic, the greatest displeasure was to continue to expose the ugliness of the misguided and corrupt magician to his eyes.

"Intensive einascherung——" (Give our enemy a harsh cremation)

As Tokiomi chanted two verses, the fire snakes in the defensive formation slowly snaked towards Kariya. Kariya wasn't even defensive. For this magician who is now learning and selling, it is doubtful whether he has any knowledge of counterattack spells.

"Kill... kill you... you... Tokiomi... Zang... Zangyan..."

Although he was burned alive, Kariya didn't even scream. He just kept repeating the curse in a low voice. His body, which had been eaten away by insects from the inside, may no longer feel pain.

Just as Kariya was twisting in pain to shake off the flames covering his body, he accidentally broke the guardrail. He just rolled off the eaves and fell into the darkness of the alley.

Finally, Tokiomi wiped away the insects that were still entrenched around him with flames. He disarmed the defensive formation and sighed while adjusting his clothes.

Corpse - there is no need to confirm it anymore. Even if the other party is still alive, he will definitely not live long. Next, just wait for Berserker, who has lost his Master, to disappear naturally.

According to Tokiomi's original expectations, the Matou family would give up this Holy Grail War and remain on the sidelines. But now, the other party suddenly sent Kariya, a laggard who had been expelled from home, as a temporary master, which is really puzzling. Until the end, Tokiomi was unable to understand Kariya's reason for joining the war.

Tokiomi didn't want to be bothered by this victory that had no sense of achievement and left only an endless unpleasant aftertaste. He simply forgot about it and turned to the river to observe the battle started by Caster.

Thanks to Rider's ingenious plan, the huge body of the sea demon disappeared without a trace from the river - but even if they couldn't see its appearance, the Servants and magicians present could still clearly feel that the monster was in another dimension. The aura that rushes through the barrier.

"……what to do?"

In order to break the silence at the scene, Weber spoke.

"Although this can buy some time, if we don't take the opportunity to find a way, it will still be of no use. Let me tell you, Einzbern, don't you have any good ideas?"

"That's what I'm saying -"

Before Irisviel could finish her words, a light electronic sound suddenly came out of her arms at an inappropriate time. She herself was startled and quickly took out the source of the sound.

This mobile phone was given to her by Kiritsugu just in case. No need to say who called. But according to the predetermined principle, it will not be used for contact. In addition, the situation at the scene was so urgent that Irisviel suddenly couldn't remember the method of use that she should have memorized by heart.

"Well, may I ask - how to use this?"

She couldn't help but ask Weber who was standing aside. Webber, who was angry because his conversation was interrupted, snatched the cell phone that kept ringing from Irisviel's hand, pressed the answer button and put it to his ear. Although Weber is also a magician, he does not come from a famous family, but he still has some experience in the use of these commonly used machines.

"——Is it Ellie?"

A deep man's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, and Weber panicked. Originally, I just pressed the answer button and returned it to the owner, but I picked it up on a whim.

"No, I am not……"

"?——That's right. You are Rider's Master, right? Just in time, I also have something to say to you."

"W-who are you?"

"It's not important. Your Servant made Caster disappear, right?"

"...That's it."

"Then let me ask you, when Rider removes the inherent barrier, can the things inside be allowed to fall to the designated place?"

Although I couldn't tell what the other party's intentions were, in this situation where every second counts, it would be a waste of time to ask further. While recalling the basic rules of the inherent barrier that he had learned in the Clock Tower, and combining the nature of the "king's military power" that he had witnessed with his own eyes, Waver answered cautiously.

“Although there is a certain range, I think it is only about a hundred meters in radius at most, but it should be feasible.

After all, Rider has the upper hand again. "

"Okay. I will launch the signal flare later, and you will release Caster directly below the signal. Is that okay?"


The problem is how to contact Rider who is inside the barrier, but he also said that he would leave a messenger for him. It seems that Rider also realized the necessity of joint action within and outside the barrier.

"No problem - I think...probably."

By the way, who was he talking to? He must be from the Einzbern camp, and judging from his tone of voice, it sounds like he is nearby and monitoring the activities here.

"One more thing. Tell Lancer here——that Saber has an anti-fortress treasure in her left hand."


Weber, who was increasingly confused, couldn't help but ask, but the other party had simply hung up the phone, leaving only the busy tone ringing empty.

"——What happened?"

Lancer felt Waver's meaningful gaze and asked doubtfully.

"How could it be...the other party asked me to convey something to you. It said that 'Saber has an anti-fortress treasure on her left hand' or something..."


Lancer was very shocked, and Saber was also extremely embarrassed, and their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

"Is what he said true? Saber."


Although the two people present tried their best to avoid this problem, being so secretive was not the answer after all. Saber calmly nodded silently.

"Can that Noble Phantasm... be able to kill Caster's monster with one blow?"

"Maybe, maybe-"

Saber nodded again, looked directly at the Heroic Spirit of the Spear with firm eyes, and continued.

"Lancer, the weight of my sword is the weight of my honor. The wounds I suffered in the battle with you are an honor for me, not a shackles.

Just like you said in the forest, if this left hand can be exchanged for Diarmuid Odina to come to help, it will really be equivalent to thousands of troops. "

Even if Lancer feels guilty now, it won't help the situation. As a partner who jointly adheres to chivalry, Saber hopes that Lancer can face his fateful duel without any worries.

Lancer didn't answer. He just narrowed his eyes and stared at the river as if he could see the sea demons fighting Rider's army in the barrier in the distance.

"—Hey, Saber. I don't think I can forgive that Caster."

Although Lancer spoke intermittently and his tone was very calm, his beautiful and devilish eyes were full of firm determination.

"He takes pride in making people despair and takes pleasure in spreading terror. Before I became a knight, I swore that I would never let 'evil' run rampant!"

Lancer stuck the red gun in his right hand on the ground and held the middle of the remaining yellow gun tightly with both hands. At this time, Saber, who immediately understood what this self-esteemed spear hero was going to do next, couldn't help but be stunned and speechless.

"——Lancer, don't do this!"

"Is it Saber or Lancer who must win now? No! Neither! What must win now is the 'chivalry' we all believe in - am I right? The heroic spirit Arturia. "

Lancer smiled nonchalantly, shouted—and broke one of the twin spears that was his Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

The powerful curse power condensed in the "Destroyed Yellow Rose" burst out into a whirlwind and dispersed in the blink of an eye. Considering that this is a legendary Noble Phantasm, the way it disappeared was too easy and too short-lived.

Who would have thought that a Servant's self-destruction would be a Noble Phantasm that would serve as a sure-fire weapon for victory? Not only Saber, but also Irisviel and Waver were shocked and speechless by Lancer's actions.

"Our desire to win is entrusted to the sword of the King of Knights. I beg you, Saber."

A strong thought stirred in Saber's chest, making her "left hand" clenched into a fist. After being freed from the curse of "Destroyed Yellow Rose", the wound on the King of Knights' hand healed immediately. She responded with passionate strength, her silver wrist armor making a crisp sound, trembling slightly with excitement for the coming battle.

"I promise you, Lancer—I will bring victory with this sword!"

The wind king's barrier has been released, and the golden sword appears in the roaring storm. The dazzling sword illuminated the surrounding darkness as if it was promised victory.

"That's King Arthur's..."

Witnessing this noble treasure with his own eyes, Weber was stunned with surprise.

Just like seeing a ray of light in the long dark night, all the anxiety and uneasiness that had been lingering in my heart were swept away by this ray of light.

Yes, this is the knight's ideal.

This is the whole crystallization depicted in the hearts of people who, despite being on a bloody battlefield and in an endless hell full of terror and despair of death, still firmly praise the "nobility of human nature" and disappear in infinite brilliance. .

"We can win..."

Irisviel's voice trembled slightly with joy, and she hummed selflessly.

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