A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1171 1171 ‘Fetal Movement’

Chapter 1178 ‘Fetal Movement’

After saying these words, Kirei once again understood what drove him to where he is today.

It was a long time ago, when Kotomine Kirei was not Tohsaka Tokiomi's lackey, and he was constantly provoking disputes for his own sake.

"Since you have reflected so much, why are you confused?"

Archer asked coldly.

Upon hearing this, Kirei looked down at his spread hands, and then covered his face as if he was about to sigh.

"I have an ominous premonition that I will perish when I get all the answers."

If the expectations placed on Emiya Kiritsugu are not realized——

And if nothing else could be discovered from Matou Kariya’s end—

At this time, Kirei had no way out and could only face it. He could only try to face what he had discovered in the death of his father and his wife.

It's better to just turn around and leave. Until the end, as Tosaka Tokiomi's obedient disciple, he left obediently. In this way, at least the scene will look better.

From now on, forget everything, ask nothing, want nothing, and live a life of inaction like grass and trees. No matter what is lost, at least you can find peace by doing this.

"-Don't think about those boring things, idiot."

Archer's reminder interrupted the idea that he was almost ready to implement.

"If you could change your way of living so easily, you wouldn't be so troubled. If you are used to asking questions while living, you will die with questions in the end. You won't get the answer, and you won't be able to rest in peace."


"Perhaps I should bless you. After a long journey, we are finally reaching our destination."

"...You actually bless others? Archer."

Archer nodded, his face still devoid of any warmth, even shining with innocence and joy like a child observing an anthill.

"I just said that observing human karma is the most interesting entertainment. I am fully looking forward to the moment when you meet your destiny."

The King of Heroes said boldly, and Kirei smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

"Is it really happy to live so persistently for the pursuit of 'pleasure'?"

"If you are envious, you can try to watch it alive like this. When you understand what pleasure is, you will not be afraid of death."

The phone rang in the vestry outside the corridor. Kirei seemed to have expected it and did not show any surprise. Instead, he walked out of the room and picked up the receiver. After a few words, he immediately hung up the phone and returned to the room.

"--what happened?"

"It's a call from the staff of the Holy Church that originally belonged to my father. Now you must report everything to me."

Seeing that Kirei's expression was unusually relaxed, Archer frowned and asked.

"Is there any good news?"

"That's right. This news is quite decisive."

After saying that, Kirei hesitated for a moment as to whether he should say it, but in the end, he chose to confess.

"After the meeting just now, I sent people to follow the people in the Einzbern camp. I told them that this was my father's instruction before his death, and they did it. Thanks to this, I found the current whereabouts of those three people. Hiding place.”

Archer couldn't help but be stunned for a moment after listening to Kirei's words.

Then the King of Heroes burst out laughing and he kept clapping his hands.

"——What, Kirei——you are really——! Haven't you made your decision long ago?"

He is still using his position to detect the movements of the enemy camp, so it is impossible for him not to participate in the battle. While Kirei was depressed, the strategy had already made real progress.

But he hadn't been mentally prepared - just a few minutes before.

"I was confused and thought about giving up. But in the end - King of Heroes, as you said - people like me can only live with doubts."

Kirei said as he rolled up his sleeves and checked the command spell on his arm.

On his left upper arm, there are two command spells, command spells that can make Kirei form a contract with the Servant again.

And on the entire right arm is the command spell recovered from his father's remains. Countless command spells with yet to be determined contract partners can not only be used to bind Servants, but can also be used to refine highly practical non-attribute magic power. In other words, they can be used as simulated magic seals. Apart from the fact that they are consumables, the magic possessed by Kirei now is comparable to that of the famous magic families who have accumulated seals from past generations. To continue participating in the ongoing Holy Grail War, Kirei was more than prepared.

The road ahead has no righteousness, no false reputation, and the battle that only belongs to Kotomine Kirei is about to begin.

In order to fill his own emptiness, in order to confirm his empty capacity - he will ask Emiya Kiritsugu, ask Matou Kariya, and ask the Holy Grail, which is the wish machine.

"Hahahaha—but Kirei, although it's a bit abrupt, I have a few questions."

Archer smiled arrogantly, his blood-red eyes filled with mischief—and evil at the same time.

"If you really decide to participate in the Holy Grail War, then you will become Tokiomi Tokiomi's enemy. In other words, you are now in the same room with the enemy's Servant without any defense. This is not very bad. ?"

"That's not the case. I still have a way to survive."


Archer narrowed his eyes with interest.

Kirei said calmly.

"Since I am now hostile to Tokiomi-sensei, there is no need for me to hide his lies anymore - Gilgamesh, let me tell you the truth about the Holy Grail War that you don't know."

"……What did you say?"

Archer frowned in confusion upon hearing this. Kirei told Tokiomi the truth about the Holy Grail War.

"The miracles that appear 'inside' this world cannot be used 'outside' the world. The fight for the wish machine is just a cover. The 'Founding Three Families' have other purposes.

The ceremony originally held in Fuyuki was an attempt to use the souls of seven heroic spirits as sacrifices to open the way to the 'root'. The promise of 'miracle achievements' is just a bait to attract heroic spirits. But as a result of the unilateral spread of this 'bait', the current Holy Grail War has lost its original meaning, leaving only an empty shell. "

This is a secret that only Matou, Tohsaka, Einzbern and those related to them know. The foreign Master and all Servants do not know this truth.

"This time, the only magician who wants to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the 'Founder of the Three Families' is Tokiomi Tosaka. He wants to kill all seven Servants to activate the 'Great Holy Grail'. Yes, kill all seven. Understood. ——That's why Tokiomi-sensei was so stingy about the consumption of Command Seals. In the battle with other Masters, he could only use the last remaining one. He would use it after everything was over. Order your Servant to commit suicide."

Archer listened without saying a word and asked in a low voice with an unusually cold expression.

"...Are you saying that Tokiomi Tosaka's loyalty to me was all deceiving me?"

Kirei understands what a teacher is like. So, he shook his head slowly.

"He does have the utmost respect for the 'Hero King Gilgamesh'. But for Archer as a Servant, it is completely different. In other words, you are just a symbol, with the same meaning as statues and portraits. If it is placed in the most conspicuous place in the gallery, everyone who passes by will pay respectful attention - but if this symbol is removed when the collection is changed, then it will be despised.

In other words, after all, Tokiomi-sensei is a complete 'magician', and the Servant is nothing more than a prop to him. He calmly told me that even if he worshiped heroic spirits, he would not have any illusions about idols. "

After hearing Kirei's narration, Archer nodded heavily as if he suddenly understood, and then showed the same evil smile as before. There is cruelty in tolerance, and absoluteness in boldness. Everything can be judged based on just one sentence from him. He is the smile of an absolute king.

"Tokiomi—I finally discovered your value now. That boring man can actually make me so happy."

If you look at the implication behind his words, this is a completely miserable statement that can freeze your blood.

"King of Heroes, what are you going to do? Even so, do you still want to show your loyalty to Tokiomi-sensei and execute me for my betrayal?"

"Yes, what should I do? Although he is unfaithful to me, Tokiomi is my magic power supplier after all. And where can I find a perfect Master——"

After Archer finished speaking, he suddenly stared at Kirei with a cold expression.

"Ah - it seems that there is another Master here who has obtained the Command Seal but lost his Servant."

"That's what you said."

Kirei smiled at Archer's explicit temptation and nodded.

"But I don't know if that man is qualified to be favored by the King of Heroes as a Master."

"No problem. Although the jade is slightly flawed, it still has a bright future. Maybe it will make me happy."

--that's all.

The final Master and Servant, chosen by fate, exchanged smiles with each other for the first time at this moment.

In the darkness sealed in the deep underground, "it" is lost in the abyss of shallow sleep.

What I dreamed about in my light sleep were countless unorganized and far-fetched "wishes" that were entrusted to me a long time ago.

wonderful world. Beautiful life. A soul without flaws.

Because such a desire is so strong, all other sins must be entrusted to one place, and this is the desire of weak people.

By answering that "prayer", "it" once saved a world.

There is no sin but me. No flaws but me.

I am the only one who deserves to be hated. I am the only one who deserves to be hated.

By doing that he saved the world and gave them peace.


"It" is not a saint who saves people and saves the world. There is no praise, no reverence, no praise, only contempt, only curse, only contempt... I don't know when even the name when he was a human was taken away, leaving only the title of his "way of existence", which eventually became a name passed down from generation to generation. concept.

Until now, everything has become a dream of memories that has been baptized by the years.

How much time has passed since then?

At this time, "it" was sleeping peacefully on the bed, thinking blankly.

It feels like there has been some complicated evolution. Yes, just about sixty years ago. It was almost an instant ago.

Because the thing happened suddenly, I didn't fully understand it - when I came back to my senses, "it" was already in a place as warm as a mother's placenta.

The infinite darkness sighs in the deepest part of the earth.

It used to be an "egg"-like place where infinite possibilities were hidden. One day, a seed-like "it" entered and took root here. From that day on, it became the abdominal cavity that nurtured the darkness that did not belong to anything. It literally became the womb that nurtured "it" to maturity.

From then on, "it" slept slightly, while like a baby receiving nourishment from the mother's placenta, it reliably absorbed the magic power flowing in from the place of spiritual veins. "It" is growing steadily while waiting for the opportunity to come without anyone noticing.

Waiting for the day when I can leave this hot and deep darkness and be born.

Suddenly, "it" pricked up his ears and listened to the sounds coming from nearby.

Just now, someone did speak.

"...all the evil in this world...doesn't matter...happy to accept..."

Ah, someone is calling me.

The self is called together with the blessing.

Respond to him. Now, it must be possible.

The magic vortex that had already expanded to an extremely large size in the darkness gave "it" a definite shape.

Countless "wishes" placed in the distant past should probably come true now.

"Existence" as prayed for

"Do" everything that is desired.

The pieces of the puzzle have all come together.

The gears of destiny are meshing with each other and are now accelerating and turning bravely with the goal of completion.

The rest - just wait for the birth canal to open.

While "it" was dreaming in a light sleep, it made a cry that would dye the world the color of a red lotus...

"It" is also repeating fetal movements in the unknown, dark underground.


"Kelly, do you know how this island got its name?"

Xia Li asked while holding the steering wheel leisurely.

The boy named Kelly, who was sitting in the passenger seat, shook his head and squeezed out the word "no" from his mouth, as if he was afraid that the violent jolts of the vehicle would cause him to bite his tongue.

The small truck the two of them were riding in was so old that it seemed to be a product of the era when horse-drawn carriages had just been abandoned, and it was not running on asphalt roads but on gravel roads. Even bullock carts had to slow down on this road. Now they felt like they were sitting in a boat drifting on the sea during a storm.

Don't look at it. This car is as old as a pile of scrap metal that is about to be scrapped. even so. This is also one of the only three or four valuable motor vehicles on ALIMANGO (ALIMANGO means big dragon crab) island - a fishing village with only more than 300 households. There were not many families on Arimago Island who originally needed motor vehicles.


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