It would be fine if all this was just hypothetical and unfounded worries, but what Emiya Kiritsugu was facing now was the cruel reality. Soon he will kill Natalia with his own hands. Now, the A300 is shining with silver wings in the dawn sky.

"...Maybe I've really lost my mind."

Natalya was convinced of the fact that Kiritsugu on the other end of the radio was in a hotel in New York, so she still spoke calmly and unpreparedly.

"If it hadn't been for such a big mistake, maybe I would never have said those words in my life. It seems the time has come. Should I retire..."

"——If you retire, what are you going to do next?"

Kiritsugu still pretended to have a calm voice. With both hands, he began to put the rocket launcher on his shoulders and pointed the missile at the passenger plane.

"If I lose my job - haha, then I might really have to be your mother."

His eyes were filled with tears, but he was still able to correctly judge the distance of the target - within 1,500 meters. It will definitely hit.

"You - are really my family."

Kiritsugu said softly before launching the missile.

Missiles that require manual guidance within seconds. When Kiritsugu aimed his scope at the passenger plane Natalia was on. All the memories about her reappeared in Kiritsugu's mind.

But the pain didn't last long. Soon the missile locked onto the heat source emanating from the jumbo jet. The missile broke away from Kiritsugu's guidance and pounced on its prey mercilessly like a hungry shark.

The missile hit the fuel tank under the wing, and Kiritsugu watched as the plane tilted downwards.

The subsequent collapse was like a sand painting blown away by strong winds - the iron blocks that had lost their aerodynamic force were shattered into pieces, turning into pieces of dust that quietly fell on the sea level. The wreckage of the plane fell against the sunset, flying like confetti at a carnival.

The first ray of dawn that came from the other side of the horizon failed to shine on Natalia's face. Emiya Kiritsugu, who was bathing alone in the morning sun, sobbed silently.

Once again, he saved many people he had never met. When no one knows.

Did you see it, Charlie?

I killed again this time. He killed him just like when he killed his father. I will never make the same mistakes I made with you again. I want to save more people...

If Kiritsugu's actions and intentions were known to others, would they thank Kiritsugu? Will the passengers at the airport who were finally saved from dying under the threat of ghouls praise Kiritsugu as a hero?

"Stop joking... stop joking! Bastard!!"

Holding the bazooka that was gradually cooling down, Kiritsugu shouted loudly toward the brightening sky.

I don’t want fame or gratitude. I just want to see Natalia's face again. I want to call her "mother" in front of her.

This is not the ending I wanted. This is just good judgment. There is no way, no room for rebuttal. Kiritsugu's judgment was correct. Kill those who must die and save those who have no reason to die. What is this if not "justice"?

There is no coming back. Recalling the distant face from before. In the dazzling morning sun, ask yourself with gentle eyes, "What kind of adult do you want to be?"

At that time, Kiritsugu should have answered - if freedom has the ability to change the world, if he has a miracle in his hands, "I will be a partner of justice!"

At that time, Kiritsugu didn't know what the scale called "justice" would take away and what it would bring to him.

"Justice" took away his father, and now he took away his mother. All that is left in the hand is the residual feeling of blood. Even his right to remember him was taken away.

The one you love. Neither the face nor the voice can come back. Instead, they will all appear over and over again in Kiritsugu's nightmares. They will definitely not forgive Kiritsugu for taking his life with his own hands.

This is the "just" choice. The price of pursuing ideals.

Now Kiritsugu can no longer look back. Even if there is only the slightest hesitation and hesitation, what you are pursuing will disappear. Then all the prices paid so far, all the sacrifices, will become worthless.

I will definitely follow the ideal in my heart, and then pursue the realization of my ideal while cursing and hating, right?

Kiritsugu swore silently in his heart.

Accept this curse yourself. Accept this anger. At the same time, I also pray that one day I can shed all my tears and reach that distant and peaceful ideal place.

If the cruelty you bear in your own hands...\\nis the ultimate for human beings.

Then let yourself wipe away all the tears in the world.

This was the last day of Emiya Kiritsugu’s boyhood——

Stepping firmly towards the thorny and rugged road.


Before dawn. Kotomine Kirei was already waiting in front of Tohsaka Residence.

I haven't been here for ten days since I summoned Archer. Three years ago, the mansion where I spent my school years as a trainee magician was a place where I felt more familiar than the church in Fuyuki City.

"Welcome, Kirei. I'm waiting for you."

Even though he was a visitor during unusual hours, Tokiomi Tosaka quickly appeared in front of the door after hearing the doorbell. Maybe he hasn't slept since he left Fuyuki Church last night. Kirei bowed deeply to Tokiomi in the manner of master and disciple.

"Before I leave Fuyuki, there are some things I want to say to you and say goodbye to you."

"This... it's such a rush. It's a pity to say goodbye to you in this way."

Although Tokiomi said this, there was no look of guilt on his face. This is also a matter of course. Tokiomi knew in his heart that Kotomine Kirei was just a chess piece borrowed by the Tohsaka family from the Seido Church.

For Kirei.\\nThere is no reward in the Holy Grail War. It is just a task assigned by the superiors and one has to participate. From this point of view, the current separation between Kirei and Tokiomi is neither rejection nor betrayal, but just Free from obligation. It's just a courtesy to come here to say goodbye.

"I will take a flight to Italy at dawn. First, I need to deliver my father's belongings to the headquarters. I may not be able to return to Japan for the time being."

"Oh... come on in, do you still have time for a little conversation?"

"Yeah. It's okay."

Kirei controlled his inner feelings.\\nHe stepped into the door of the Tohsaka family again.


"The closer you are to leave, the more reluctant I am to leave you. No matter what, I hope you can inherit your father Risei's legacy and continue to help my Tohsaka family realize their long-cherished wish..."

Although there is no one else in Tokiomi's mansion now except Tokiomi, the reception room is still spotless and kept very tidy. Maybe some low-level spirit was manipulated to do the cleaning work, but he was still able to maintain such composure even in such a fierce battle. You are truly worthy of Tokiomi.

"It's a pity that your action against the Einzbern family failed, but I can understand that your starting point was good. Maybe this is the agent's behavior, but I hope that you can be timely before and after the action. Report the situation to me so that I can be better prepared.”

Tokiomi's tolerant attitude made Kirei lower his head even further.

"I'm really ashamed that I caused so much trouble to you, mentor, at the last moment."

Kirei raised his head, saw the sincere and sincere look in Tokiomi's eyes, and said to himself.

"It is true that we met because of the Holy Grail War, but no matter what, I am very proud to have a disciple like you."

Hearing this, Kirei couldn't control his emotions and couldn't help laughing. But Tokiomi, who had no idea of ​​his disciple's intention, still said sincerely.

"Although talent cannot be forced, your serious cultivation attitude as a seeker, even as a teacher, I deeply admire - Kirei, from now on, just like your father, you will continue to ensure that How about I fight for the interests of the Tohsaka family?"

"It's what I asked for."

Kirei smiled slightly and nodded. And Tokiomi, who had misunderstood his disciple's personality and inner world in the past three years, now also misunderstood the meaning of Kirei's smile. So he said even more happily.

"You are a reassuring person. I want my daughter to learn more from you. After this Holy Grail War is over, Kirei, you can guide her as Rin's master."

Tokiomi then took a letter that had been placed on the corner of the table and handed it to Kirei.

"...Teacher, what is this?"

"Although the writing is relatively simple, it can be regarded as something like a suicide note."

Tokiomi said this with a helpless smile.

"In case, although the probability is very low, it is possible, if something unexpected happens to me. I am writing here to hand over the head of the Tohsaka family to Rin, and you will be her guardian until she comes of age. As long as Submit this letter to the 'Clock Tower' and the association will naturally take care of the rest."

This time, Kirei finally went beyond just being perfunctory with words, and seriously accepted the responsibilities entrusted to him by Tokiomi from the bottom of his heart. After all, Kirei is also a priest. It is his duty to discharge honestly and firmly the responsibilities entrusted to him by others.

"Please leave it to me. Even if my disciple's abilities are limited, he will definitely do his best to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of your daughter."

"Thank you, Kirei."

Although the words were short, one could hear the deep gratitude contained in them. Tokiomi then took a black slender wooden box placed next to the letter and handed it to Kirei.

"Open it and take a look. This is my personal gift to you."

Kirei opened the box and found a beautiful dagger neatly placed inside the velvet-decorated interior.

"This is--"

"The Sword of Azoth. It is crafted from ancestral gemstones. It can be used as a gift after being filled with magic power - use this as proof that you have practiced the Tohsaka family's magic and graduated from the apprenticeship."


Kirei took the dagger in his hand and looked at it carefully. His eyes fell on the sharp blade of the dagger and did not move away for a long time.

Kirei's completely expressionless face, in Tokiomi's opinion, must be an expression filled with gratitude.

"My mentor... I can never repay you for your care and high hopes for me."

"You are the best reward for me, Kotomine Kirei. This way I can participate in the final battle without any worries."

Tokiomi said with a clear smile, and then stood up from the sofa.

At this time, Kirei thought that this was exactly what fate had arranged.

If all of this was an accidental gathering, then why did Tokiomi Tosaka give this dagger to Kotomine Kirei at this time and at this place? Doesn’t all this indicate that this was inevitable?

"I'm really sorry for taking you so long. Can you still catch the plane -"

——Now.\\nTokiomi, who was facing the exit of the living room, turned his back towards Kirei without any precautions. Is this also a coincidence?

"No, you don't have to worry, mentor."

——Or is this inevitable, is this destiny? No matter how much you pray or hope, is it just to lead everything into the abyss of betrayal?

Kirei laughed loudly, more cheerfully than ever.

"Originally, there was no flight schedule."

Even Kirei himself didn't expect that he could smile so heartily. And the short sword in his hand stabbed the unsuspecting back in front of him first.


The sword of Azoth, which was a proof of friendship and trust, passed through the gap in the ribs and pierced directly into Tokiomi's heart. As a battle-hardened agent, this strike was unmistakable. There was no murderous intention at all, and there was no warning at all. Perhaps even Tokiomi, who was stabbed, couldn't understand what the pain in his chest meant.

Tokiomi staggered forward, and when he looked back he only saw Kirei with a hearty smile and his blood-stained hands - but until the end, there was no look of understanding in Tokiomi's eyes. With a lifeless, confused expression, he collapsed on the carpet.

This magician must have stubbornly believed that his understanding was correct until the end, and refused to accept the real facts. A person who has always believed in the path he has chosen and moved forward without hesitation every time - until he fell into an endless abyss and still did not wake up.

Next to Tokiomi's body, which was gradually losing its warmth, a burst of bright aura suddenly surged, and the shining golden Servant materialized in front of Kirei.

"Hmph - what a disappointing ending."

With a look of contempt in his red eyes, Archer tapped the body of his former Master with his toes.

"I was still expecting him to come up with a counterattack before he died. Look at his blank expression. He didn't realize his stupidity until the end." ()

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