Chapter 1183 Parting

"Because there are spiritual Servants around me, it is not unreasonable to let down our guard."

Hearing Kirei's sarcasm, Archer laughed loudly.

"Did you learn to joke so quickly? Kirei, you have made great progress."

Kirei asked Archer with a serious expression.

"Do you really have no objection to this? Hero King Gilgamesh?"

"Before I get tired of you. After I lose interest in you, you will end up with the same fate as the wreckage lying here. You are the one who should be enlightened."

Although the other party's answer was very sharp, Kirei still nodded without showing any sign of wavering.

Indeed, this guy is a dangerous character who cannot be entrusted with his life. This can be said to be a contract with the devil. A tyrannical and cruel Servant who has neither benevolence nor loyalty, and is even difficult to judge the interests of others.

But——that’s why it’s just right for me.

For Kirei, those guys who flaunted benevolence, righteousness and morality in the past did not bring him real answers. Now, this heroic spirit who has no connection with benevolence, righteousness and morality can become Kirei's target in future battles.

Kirei opened his sleeves to reveal the command spell engraved on his wrist, and then chanted it majestically.

"Your body is mine, and my destiny is your sword. In the name of the Holy Grail, follow my will——"

"I swear. Your offerings are all my flesh and blood. Kotomine Kirei, my new Master."

The channel for the supply of magic power was opened the moment the contract was concluded, and the command spell in his left hand, which became effective again, radiated light again with a burst of pain.

The contract ended, and now, the strongest and most evil group in the fight for the Holy Grail was born here without anyone knowing.

"Then, Kirei. Shall we begin?... You will command and kick off this farce. As a reward, I will give you the Holy Grail."

"No problem. King of Heroes, you will definitely find fun in it. Enjoy the joy of this battle until you find the answer you expect."

The eyes of red pupils filled with joyful light and black pupils filled with emotion intertwined.


In the cool morning air, Emiya Kiritsugu had already appeared in front of an abandoned house in Miyama Town.

As an old building that has been built for more than decades, it has not undergone any repairs or transformations. There are even earthen warehouses built in the previous era left in the yard. It was here that he bought Irisviel as a preliminary base. The place. Considering that the city of Einzbern outside the city has also been attacked by the enemy, it is definitely not meaningless to buy this hidden place.

Saber is not here. I can feel Serrant's presence through the command spell, but now I don't feel it at all. She is probably on her way to Rider's base now, and Kiritsugu, who realizes this, plans to catch up.

It would be easy for a trainee magician like Waver to assassinate him once he knew his hiding place - but that would only happen after Saber had lured the enemy Servant away. Last night, Kiritsugu also followed Tosaka Tokiomi, who came out of Fuyuki Church alone, all the way to Tosaka Prefecture, but he never got a chance to make a move. He could feel that Archer was monitoring the situation here somewhere. If he rashly attacks his Master under such circumstances, it would be tantamount to committing suicide.

Although the location of the target had been determined, Kiritsugu did not go directly to the scene. Instead, they arrived at this abandoned house as a temporary base first.

It's not his intuition, but a sign of many factors combined... I'm afraid this will be his last chance to communicate with his wife.

Now that three Servants have been killed, Kiritsugu is very clear about the state of Irisviel as the "container" of the Holy Grail. If his heart was very fragile, he would definitely not come here.

Meeting his wife now is a test and a punishment for Kiritsugu.

As a sacrifice for the Holy Grail that he pursues, he needs to sacrifice the life of the woman he loves deeply - he must face this reality and not show even a trace of wavering.

If he can overcome this test, then Emiya Kiritsugu will definitely be able to overcome all inner entanglements and no longer have any hesitation. He will definitely hold the Holy Grail in his hand as precisely and surely as a machine.

Therefore, this is the final and greatest test for oneself, which is called a combat weapon.

If he couldn't withstand meant that all the ideals in this man named Emiya Kiritsugu were just that.

Kiritsugu stood in front of the underground warehouse door and knocked several times to open the door. Soon Maiya opened the heavy iron door from the inside.

Before he said a word, Kiritsugu noticed the change in Maiya.

Maiya, who always had a cold and vacuous gaze, now had a nervous look in her eyes, as if she was shaken by Kiritsugu's appearance.

"...Are you here to visit Madam?"

Kiritsugu nodded wordlessly, and Maiya lowered her head and whispered.

"Her condition now..."

"I know, I understand everything."

No matter what he said, Kiritsugu had to see the scene in this underground warehouse with his own eyes, and he had already been mentally prepared for it. Knowing this, Maiya said nothing more and moved out of the way, and then headed towards the underground warehouse. walked outside.

In a corner of the dark underground warehouse, Irisviel lay quietly in a magic circle filled with pulsating magic. This figure evoked Kiritsugu's memory.

The same goes for the first encounter between Kiritsugu and Irisviel. He was brought by the Ahad patriarch to Irisviel, who was sleeping in the sheep trough at the deepest part of the Einzbern family's workshop.

As the container of the Holy Grail - a device with only a few years of use, why should it be given such a beautiful appearance? I felt really incredible at the time.

Is this guy the Holy Grail? When she asked the old magician next to her, she suddenly opened her eyes while she was sleeping. Looking into his eyes through the amniotic fluid floating in front of him, Kiritsugu's eyes were filled with deep crimson and completely seduced him. Even now, he still can't forget it.

Now, it's almost exactly the same as then.

Irisviel opened her eyes, looked at each other with Kiritsugu, and then smiled softly.

"Ah - Kiritsugu -"

Irisviel reached out and stroked Kiritsugu's cheek.

Just such a simple action requires a lot of physical strength for Irisviel now - her cold fingers twitched slightly, indicating this fact.

"——Isn't it a dream? Are you really——coming to see me again——"

"Ah, yes."

It was easier than I expected, and I could still say the words smoothly. The same thing happened when he shot down Natalia. Words and actions have absolutely no influence on each other. No matter how tangled your heart is or how messy your emotions are. Both hands can complete the task very accurately.

Can win - I firmly believe this.

Now Emiya Kiritsugu has everything ready. The reliability of its functions can all be guaranteed.

Strength as a human being was never something Kiritsugu considered. No matter how confused or painful he is, it cannot affect his work. For Kiritsugu, his sense of purpose is implemented systematically and he can work without any interference at all.

From this point of view - it is precisely because I have a fatal flaw as a human being that I am the most perfect device.

"I...feel very happy..."

Irisviel gently stroked the cheek of the man who could only be called a machine and spoke softly.

"Being able to fall in love with you... marry you... have a husband, have a daughter, for several years... you have given me everything I want... I have no regrets anymore, everything in this world, everything I am already happy..."

"...Sorry, there are still many, many promises that have not been fulfilled."

I once said that I would take you away from the castle where it is winter all year round. Go and see the flowers blooming outside, go and see the sparkling ocean.

I once promised you that sooner or later I would take you out to see all this.

Looking back now, that was such an irresponsible agreement.

"No, it's already good. Yeah."

Irisviel did not complain about those unfulfilled vows and smiled slightly.

"Give all the happiness that I haven't felt... all the rest to Ilia, your daughter - my most important Ilia."

At this time, Kiritsugu finally understood the reason why Irisviel could smile so strongly even though she was on the verge of destruction.

"You must take that child with you."

A mother who puts her hope in her children has no fear.\\n

That's why she smiles and faces her own demise without fear.

"Let that child see for me all the things I haven't seen...let her see. The cherry blossoms in spring, the white clouds in summer..."

"I see."

Kiritsugu nodded.

This is a meaningless act for a machine that only knows how to capture the Holy Grail, another completely meaningless agreement.

But even so, as a human being I still nod.

But after he obtained the Holy Grail and fulfilled his long-cherished wish to save the world... the machine that had completed its mission would turn back into a human again, right?

By that time, he will definitely remember his promise to his wife. Then, fulfill your responsibilities as a father and love your children well.

That is something in the near future, and it will be possible in just a few days.

But - not now.

"This... must be returned..."

Irisviel put her hand on her chest tremblingly, and then concentrated all the magic power in her body on her fingertips.

Suddenly, a golden light emitted from her hand, which had nothing at all, and enveloped the entire warehouse in a layer of warm light.


Kiritsugu held his breath and looked at everything in front of him. The light gradually turned into an outline, and then turned into a shining metallic object that fell into Irisviel's hands.

Golden scabbard.


"This... is something very necessary for you. It will definitely be useful in the final decisive battle..."

Irisviel's voice sounded even weaker than before.

This is also natural. Irisviel, who was hiding in the magic circle in the underground warehouse in order to slow down the speed of her destruction, personally sealed the last miraculous Noble Phantasm that protected her - "Away" as a conceptual weapon in her body. "Earthly Utopia" was separated from his own body.

"'s okay. Maiya is here to protect"

"……I see."

If you analyze it calmly.

Originally a Noble Phantasm possessed by Saber, the "Utopia far away from the world" can play the role of supplying magical power to Serrant. And now that Irisviel can no longer participate in frontline battles with Saber, it makes no strategic sense to continue to equip her with the "Utopia Far from the World."

Even if this Noble Phantasm can slow down the speed of her destruction, it will not be of any help to the overall situation.

——The most correct decision now is to take back this Noble Phantasm.

Kiritsugu took the golden scabbard, then placed his weakened wife's body on the cold floor, stood up and said.

"Then, I'm leaving."

"Well - take care."

The farewells were brief.

Emiya Kiritsugu turned around and walked out.

Maiya, who was waiting outside, gasped when she saw Kiritsugu coming out of the underground warehouse.

Of course, she didn't know the true meaning of the shining Noble Phantasm currently in Kiritsugu's hand. In fact, what surprised Maiya was the change in Kiritsugu himself after coming out of the underground warehouse.

"We're going to kill Rider's Master today. Saber has already gone there first, right?"

"…Yes. This morning, not long before you came here."

"Very good - Maiya, I will continue to leave you to guard Irisviel."

"As you, Kiritsugu?"

Just when Kiritsugu was about to walk out of the door...\\nMaiya stopped him in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Maiya looked at Kiritsugu's turned eyes. After staring for a while, he sighed slightly and then lowered his head and said,

"Finally, it's back. That expression you had before."


After responding in a low voice, Kiritsugu continued to walk out the door without looking back.


After a day that was completely unbelievable. Weber finally believed in the significance of the current situation.

After getting up in the morning, Weber told the old couple that he would be back late today, and then hurried to Xindu without even eating breakfast.

Although it wasn't the busy time for work yet, perhaps because there were too many people traveling between Fuyuki and neighboring towns, the bus leading to the station seemed to be full.

While Weber was unaccustomed to being crowded by crowds of people, he felt the noise of people around him. But for Weber now, it actually makes him feel a little stable in his emptiness.

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