A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1186 1179 Absolutely Intolerable

Chapter 1186 Absolutely Intolerable

"Is this the feeling of being a mother?"

When Maiya asked this, Irisviel realized that she had revealed too much about her inner feelings just now, so she smiled sheepishly.

"Maybe so. It may be hard for you to understand, Maiya."

"It's not that difficult. I'm a mother too."


It was such a surprising answer that Irisviel couldn't help but doubt her own ears.

As if she felt a little sorry for surprising Irisviel, Maiya said calmly in a calm tone.

"I actually have experience in pregnancy and childbirth. Although it can be said to be just an accident."

"...Have you ever been married?"

"No. I don't know who the child's father is. On the battlefield, all our female soldiers were raped by male soldiers every night in the barracks... I don't know when it started... In short, shortly after the onset of menarche, I She became pregnant.

The child was not even named, and it is not known whether he is still alive. If he is not dead yet, he must be in a corner of the battlefield, killing him. Children there are armed with guns and going to war from the age of five. "

"it turns out……"

Irisviel couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the tragic story of the past told by the former young female soldier in front of her.

"Are you surprised? But this kind of thing is definitely nothing new in today's world, right? Today's terrorist organizations and guerrillas all know the benefits of using children as soldiers. And there are early successful examples like me "

Maiya spoke quietly, her eyes gradually becoming more and more lifeless. The sadness and anger gradually disappeared from the voice. Perhaps in her memories, the only thing she felt was the boundless despair.

"Madam, maybe for you, the world you saw for the first time is very beautiful, and you envy the happy people living in this world. But for me, I am very envious of growing up in that castle. You. You have never experienced the ugliness and horror of this world.”

Although there was no jealousy in Maiya's emotion, Irisviel felt very ashamed.

Maiya seemed to be aware of Irisviel's feelings, so she continued,

"If this kind of world can really change...then Kiritsugu can achieve all this. No matter how my life is used, I will not hesitate."

But I know nothing but fighting, Maiya whispered to herself. There was absolutely no exaggeration in her words. She had no ideals or wishes, and there was only an emptiness in her heart like burned earth.

Although her inner world is completely different from Kiritsugu's, as warriors...\\nThe two of them are surprisingly similar. Maiya's existence reminded Kiritsugu and also set an example for him. Precisely because of Maiya's presence by his side, Kiritsugu sealed himself within the contradiction, turning himself into a completely ruthless hunting machine.

"You... what are you going to do after Kiritsugu achieves his ideal?"

Hearing Irisviel ask this.\\nMaiya's eyes became confused again.

"——I never thought that I would be able to complete the mission alive. If I could survive, there would be no meaning for me to live. In the world changed by Kiritsugu, there must be no such place. "

In a world without any war, there must be no place for people like me who know nothing but fighting. This is a natural conclusion for Maiya.

So sad. Irisviel couldn't help but blurt out her sad feelings.

"No, it won't be like that. Maiya, you still have things you must do after the war is over."


Irisviel looked into the confused female warrior's eyes and continued.

"You have to find your family and your own name and the whereabouts of your children. These are things that should not be forgotten. These are things that should be remembered."

"is that so……"

Contrary to Irisviel's enthusiasm, Maiya's answer was filled with ruthless indifference.

"If a world without war can really come, then the memories of people like me will be nothing more than a nightmare. Remembering it again will only make me more painful. Do you want me to bring the seeds of hatred to the building that I have finally built? Go to your ideal land?"

"No, your life is not a dream. Those are all facts that have happened. If you bury those memories in the dark past and build peace on it, it is simply a sinful self-deception. I think. A truly peaceful world is not about simply forgetting the pain of the past, but in order to prevent yourself from repeating the tragic fate of the past, and to seriously mourn the pain and sacrifices of the past, and then create a new world of peace.”


Maiya stared at Irisviel in silence——and then her face became slightly cheerful.

"You should have said these words to Kiritsugu earlier. If that were the case, maybe he would have been redeemed by now."

Maiya's emotion brought joy and loneliness to Irisviel's heart.

Maybe - she was on the verge of collapse and would never have the chance to chat with her husband again.

"——Then, Maiya, please convey these words to him. Just say it was me who said it."

Maiya shrugged her shoulders ambiguously.

"I will handle it properly. But that will happen after the battle is over. Don't be careless now."

Although Maiya's answer was indifferent, Irisviel could still hear the ridicule in Maiya's words.

"You are such a person-"

Before Irisviel finished speaking, the underground warehouse suddenly shook violently.

Maiya quickly rushed to Irisviel and hugged her shoulders. He quickly switched to fighting mode, and his eyes became as sharp as sharp blades. He grabbed the light machine gun with his right hand and aimed at the iron door of the underground warehouse.

The underground warehouse shook again. This time, the heavy iron door became twisted under the violent impact from outside. It seemed like someone was banging hard on the door of the underground warehouse outside. This seems to be a terrifying thing that can only be accomplished by mobilizing a crane.\\nFor the two people participating in the Holy Grail War. It wasn't anything to be surprised about - rather than being surprised, it was more like despair that they felt.

Now, if the opponent trying to break into the underground warehouse is really a Servant, then Maiya's weapons will be completely unable to compete with him. And the current situation is not even possible to escape, it is simply the end of the road.

But before fear, the first thing that flashed through their minds was unbelievable doubt.

Who actually knows that this underground warehouse is where Irisviel is hiding?

If it is detected by the familiar's scouts or clairvoyants, the defensive barrier can be detected. Without any prior investigation, the Servant was directly sent to find his hiding place so accurately. Could it be that the enemy already knew this place?

The third shock. Before the iron gate was destroyed, Zhou Tong's earthen wall could no longer withstand such an impact and collapsed first.

Along with flying dust, the iron door fell to the inside of the warehouse. The blood-red color of the setting sun shines outside the door.

And the huge figure standing among the rubble and dust was undoubtedly Servant Rider, the Conqueror King Iskandar.

Maiya could only desperately hold on to the light machine gun in her hand.


As evening was approaching, Saber had a vague idea that today's ambush would not be in vain again. She was irritated by the thought.

Based on the information received from Archer's Master Tohsaka Tokiomi, Saber came to Miyama Town. The residence of the old couple Gulam Makeki was indeed found there. The old woman appeared in front of Saber after hearing the doorbell. According to the old woman, her grandson and his friends had indeed stayed here these days. The old woman seemed to have mistakenly thought that Saber was also her grandson's friend, so she easily told the truth without any suspicion.

Saber used her words to figure out the clothes of the two people, and there was no doubt that the two people were Rider and his Master. But it's a pity that I can't feel any Servant's aura. In a house of this size, if there is a Servant hiding inside, he should be able to detect it even from the entrance.

According to the old woman, the two men went out this morning and never came back. It is doubtful how he sensed Saber's arrival and escaped, but it is hard to imagine that the arrogant conquering king would take such a cowardly method of escaping. If he wanted to win, he would definitely attack from the front.

In the end, Saber came to the conclusion that the reason for missing her was just a coincidence. She politely bid farewell to the old woman and decided to keep a lookout a little further away from the house, waiting for Rider and the others to return.

Of course the old woman wouldn't know the truth. Although they were deceived by Weber Velvet, this family was ordinary people who had nothing to do with the whole incident. There is no reason to get involved in the Holy Grail War. Rider must have taken this into consideration.

In order to stop Caster's atrocities and prevent Fuyuki City from falling into crisis, Rider was able to temporarily put the battle of the Holy Grail War on hold. Based on this, Saber made a judgment: the conquering king would never violate the proud actions taken by a true heroic spirit. When the Rider comes back and finds Saber, he will definitely choose a place suitable for a Servant battle to have an upright duel.

Realizing that she was attracting attention just by walking around, Saber decided to sit on a chair next to the nearest bus stop and wait. From then on, the surveillance began. But several hours passed and there was still no movement, until now.

Although it is not in a position where he can directly see the Machachi house, Rider will definitely smell the Servant's scent and find Saber as soon as he returns. He is not the kind of opponent who would resort to means such as escaping or sneak attacks. He will definitely cater to Saber's intention of challenging her and lead her to a suitable place for fighting.

Although it seems a bit strange to say it, Saber has 100% trust in Rider as a Servant. Although their views are incompatible, there is no doubt that the heroic spirit will act based on his pride as a king. We will only challenge openly and openly, and will never plot or betray. Because Rider will never choose despicable strategic methods that damage his reputation.

Saber's uneasiness comes not so much from her opponents as from her allies.

Her Master, Emiya Kiritsugu, was staring at Rider's Master with completely opposite intentions and fighting strategies. Even at this moment, he might be watching Saber from a distance as a bait to lure Rider in. There is nothing wrong with thinking like this, and you really need to be mentally prepared for this. Kiritsugu must have decided that the moment when Rider went all out to confront Saber was the best opportunity to assassinate the Master.

Thinking of this, Saber couldn't help but feel heavy.

Kiritsugu might as well just target Archer and Berserker's Masters and start a duel between mages.

That would be fine. Kiritsugu was not completely independent, but only achieved victory through Machiavellian tactics. The reason why Kiritsugu wanted to get the Holy Grail. He has his valid reasons. The mentality of wanting to win in a more secure way is not incomprehensible.

But in the duel with Rider's conquering king Iskandar, Saber has a bottom line that she is absolutely unwilling to give in to.

Not as a Servant, a fighting tool for the Holy Grail, but as a fair duel between heroic spirits with a strong sense of pride. If this were not the case——Saber would never be able to untie the grudge left in her heart during the "Holy Grail Question" a few days ago.

Iskandar unabashedly promotes his tyrannical kingship, and he promotes it in the brutal form of the "King's Army" and is proud of it. If he is not defeated with the "Sword of Victory" that is also a symbol of the Knight King's ideals, Artoria's royal path will be broken and end.

Rider's special treasure is so powerful that people can't help but tremble all over just thinking about it. Even if Saber maximizes the power of her Noble Phantasm, there is no guarantee of victory.

What kind of result the duel between the Noble Phantasm of the enemy and the Noble Phantasm of the city will bring is beyond the scope of human imagination. If he had to pay such a high price to bet on victory, Emiya Kiritsugu would definitely think it was a stupid act and laugh at it. But for Saber, the Holy Grail should be something that can be fought for while adhering to one's own ideals. Since someone threatens her foundation as a king, it is absolutely intolerable for Saber to try to circumvent this problem and obtain the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail will choose the King of Knights only if it guarantees the pride of being the King of Knights.

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