Chapter 1187 The Breath of Death

Because of this, if Kiritsugu continues as if he intervened in the duel with Lancer, this Holy Grail War will be completely collapsed for Saber.

Even if she achieved the final victory through such despicable means, Saber would never want to take the Holy Grail that was the fruit of victory.

If Rider sets up a barrier and protects his Master in the barrier before fighting. Then there will be no interference. But Kiritsugu was also very aware of Rider’s methods. If he had played any tricks before the "King's Army" was launched...

Saber sat curled up in her chair and gritted her teeth. I felt annoyed that I couldn't decipher Emiya Kiritsugu's actions. A strong enemy is present.\\nBut he is unable to concentrate his full strength, which makes Qian even more anxious.

While waiting uneasily, the biting north wind became even colder, making Saber even more anxious and restless.


Just as Saber feared, Emiya Kiritsugu was indeed there.

About eight hundred meters away from her. On the roof of a six-story apartment in a public housing complex across the street.

Unlike those cluttered buildings, the rooftops of apartment buildings. Since there is no need to consider the user's use, the structure is quite unique, although it is a bit difficult to enter.\\nOn the other hand, once you enter, you will rarely encounter other interference. Once you hide behind the water tower, you can't see it even from downstairs, making it an excellent location for sniping and ambush.

Even if there is tobacco smoke and smell, no one will notice it here. Being able to enjoy cigarettes that bring energy and energy to his heart's content, Kiritsugu's mental burden is much less than Saber's from this point of view.

The sniper rifle scope supported by a tripod was pointed at the door of Makaki's house.

There is also a specially prepared portable observer that can clearly see Saber's every move while sitting in front of the bus stop.

It was difficult to alternately use two telescopes for observation without any rest in between. Since I couldn't rely on Maiya's help, there was no other way. I entrusted the protection of Irisviel to Maiya until the end. Unable to escape. From now on, Kiritsugu can only rely on Kiritsugu to "hunt" enemies.

Kiritsugu started to monitor the Makaki house a little later than Saber. Seeing Saber, who could clearly sense the Servant's aura, doing nothing, it was obvious that Rider was not at home. In this case, the Master will definitely not be here either. That Master was not bold enough to stay home alone in this situation. Once an enemy Servant is found wandering at the door, Rider will be summoned immediately.

Unlike Saber, Kiritsugu took the situation that the prey he had spotted not staying at the base more seriously. It happened that Kiritsugu and the others found out about the existence of the Koran.\\nThe morning after they left home and failed to return home, this timing was too coincidental. Although there is no definite evidence, it is still relatively high that Weber Velvet noticed the enemy coming and fled in a hurry.

Even so, Kiritsugu still waited there with a glimmer of hope, thinking that this was also a question worth thinking about.

If Weber returns to the Makaki house again, he will definitely use a time bomb to blow up the whole house. If he had escaped, he must have found another stronghold by now, and the probability of returning to this home is very low.

Just like when Sora was used as bait to lure Kayneth into taking the bait, the strategy of using the old couple to lure Waver into a trap no longer seemed applicable.

Kiritsugu spoke highly of Weber's approach of ignoring the fortress's warning and choosing ordinary homes as his base. Compared to the Gosan family and Kayneth, they built exaggerated workshops in places that were easy to find. Weber's strategy was far superior. It is difficult to say that a magician who can make such a judgment would show sympathy to the family where he temporarily lives. To Weber, the Makakis were nothing more than abandoned pawns.

The two thoughts that he was wasting precious time and that it was taboo to act too hastily clashed in Kiritsugu's mind.

On the one hand, I felt despair over Waver's return, but on the other hand, I couldn't completely abandon the possibility that his departure was just a coincidence. The important reason was that it was hard to imagine that the young magician could be one step ahead of Kiritsugu in the intelligence war. of.

At first, Kiritsugu did not regard Waver, who appeared as Rider's Master, as an opponent at all. Later, through additional investigation, we learned some about his origins, but at that time, Webber Velvet only regarded him as a trainee magician who became the Master by accident. He came to the conclusion that he was no different from ordinary people who didn't know magic.

Of course, Kiritsugu is not the kind of person who directly links experience and ability. Kiritsugu still remembered that he was already a ruthless assassin when he first debuted, and he did not consider himself to be a rare example.

However, based on the performance of Waver Velvet observed several times on the battlefield - it is difficult to say whether he can become a stronger opponent than Kiritsugu.

When I still didn’t get an answer, I started to feel inexplicably anxious...

A sudden severe pain burned the base of his little finger, and Kiritsugu's back stiffened.


Since he truly regarded Kuu Maiya as his assistant, Kiritsugu cast a spell on one of her hairs and buried it in the subcutaneous tissue of her little finger. At the same time, Maiya also buried a piece of Kiritsugu's hair in her fingers. If one party's magic circuit is extremely stagnant - that is, if the vitality is weakened to the point of death, the hair entrusted to the other party will burn, warning the other party of the existence of the crisis.

That was set in consideration of the worst-case scenario where it was no longer possible to use radio or familiars to convey information, which meant that it was just a signal that "it's too late." Now, launching at this time, what does this mean...

Feeling embarrassed at first before being shaken, Emiya Kiritsugu mobilized all his brain cells and began to think about the current situation and countermeasures.

Maiya is on the verge of death - which means that this means Irisviel is in crisis hiding in the cellar. The ins and outs and reasons of the incident are now unknown.

The priority now is to provide assistance as soon as possible - the only available method is the fastest - the command spell on the right hand.

"Command my puppet in the name of the Command Seal!"

Kiritsugu clenched his fists and recited the incantation quickly like an automatic machine.

"Saber, get back to the cellar! Now!"

The magic power of one of the Command Seals engraved on the back of Kiritsugu's hand awakened, and light burst out.

It is no exaggeration to say that this was a surprise to Saber.

It was immediately clear that he had become the subject of some intense magic. In the next moment, she was completely deprived of any awareness of the surrounding space, and was sent to "movement" without any sense of direction or world.

That is the legendary ultimate spell specific to "Servant Control". The extreme speed that almost caused the collapse of all laws of cause and effect. In a fraction of a second, she had broken through the distance in space like the speed of light and completed the instantaneous movement between two different points in space.

Having said that. She is indeed a sword-wielding heroic spirit that has been specially processed to "fight". Although she had just been "transported" from the chair next to the bus stop to a completely different place, once she realized that this was the familiar cellar, she immediately understood that the strange phenomenon just now was caused by the activation of Kiritsugu's command spell. In addition, some kind of emergency must have occurred that required the Servant to rush to the guard base immediately. In the few microseconds from the time she completed the space breakthrough to the time she arrived on the ground in the cellar, Saber had already completed her transformation from a disguised suit to a silver armor.

The state of affairs - without asking anyone, it's clear.

An iron door broken by rude force. The figure of Irisviel that was supposed to be lying in the magic circle disappeared, replaced by Kuu Maiya's body covered in blood, rolling on the ground as if it had been abandoned.


Saber quickly ran to her side and frowned when she saw the depth of her wounds. The injuries sustained in the Einzbern Forest were incomparable to this. What he suffered this time was a serious injury that would have been life-threatening if rescue was not received as soon as possible.

As if feeling the Servant's shining aura, Maiya slowly opened her eyes.


"Maiya, cheer up! I'll bandage you right away. It's okay-"

But Maiya pushed away Saber's extended hand.

"Hurry... chase quickly, outside... Rider will..."


Saber was more surprised by Maiya's reaction than being sent to this place by the Command Seal.

Maiya must have realized how serious her injuries were. He must have fully understood that he was on the verge of death. But this taciturn assassin's assistant was more concerned about the safety of the kidnapped Irisviel than his own life, and urged himself to prioritize rescuing Irisviel.

"But, in that case——"

Just when she was about to reply, Saber suddenly realized.

This woman is also a knight. Although it is different from the way he expresses his pride, the courage to risk his life for the mission he is shouldered is the chivalry that Saber deeply believes in.

You must guard Irisviel in the cellar until the last moment—Kuu Maiya must have sworn to Kiritsugu and Irisviel. In order to entrust Saber with the promise that she could not fulfill to the end.\\nShe was willing to sacrifice her own life.

"...I, it's okay... Kiritsugu will be here soon... so... hurry up..."

Saber gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

If calculated rationally - every minute and every second that Saber spends worrying about Maiya, Irisviel may be heading towards a desperate situation.

There was still a glimmer of hope that Maiya might be rescued by Kiritsugu who arrived later. However, the fate of Irisviel who was taken away. If Saber doesn't catch up immediately, there's no guarantee. Judging from the shooting marks left in the cellar, there was no doubt that it was the Servant's fault. The pursuit is only possible by Saber, who is also a Servant.

"——Maiya, you must persist until Kiritsugu comes. I will definitely save Irisviel."

Maiya nodded and closed her eyes as if relieved.

Saber connects Maiya's vow with a new one. There was no time to hesitate any longer.

He ran out of the cellar like a hurricane and jumped onto the roof. He looked towards the darkened distant sky to search for the enemy.

Since it was a very fast instantaneous movement caused by the command spell, the attacker must have left here not long ago. The enemy is not far away yet. Even if it cannot be sensed through breath, it can still be discovered through visual inspection.

Saber stood on the roof and used the Servant's super vision to look far into the distance, scanning the surroundings - and immediately caught the enemy's figure without any effort.

About half a kilometer away... it stood majestically on the roof of a mixed-use apartment that looked like a commercial street.

Strong build, flaming curly hair and a crimson cloak. There was no doubt that it was Iskandar, the Rider Conqueror King whom he had encountered many times on the battlefield.

"No way - is it really Rider?!"

Regarding Maiya's witness statement just now, Saber still has a little doubt.\\n

It is unbelievable that the conquering king, who was always known for his staunchness, would resort to such despicable methods. However, what he was holding on his thick wrists was the unconscious Irisviel. After seeing this scene, he could no longer doubt it. Although I don’t know how they guessed Saber’s new base. There is no doubt that it was this Rider who just attacked Maiya and seriously injured her.

Rider appeared openly as if he was luring the enemy in, and as soon as he made eye contact with Saber, he immediately turned around and disappeared on the other side of the building.


Saber took a stance and planned to continue chasing, but her opponent was Rider - the "heroic spirit of the cavalry". Saber couldn't help but smack her lips.

It would be easy to catch up if he kept jumping across the street like this. But the premise is that the other party also walks like Saber. If Rider escapes on his "Kami Wagon" midway, Saber won't be able to catch up, no matter how strong her legs are.

But Saber also has riding skills. Instead of using a flying Noble Phantasm to reach the destination, it is necessary to be able to travel at long distances at a speed that exceeds the mobility of walking.

If it were before, Saber would definitely give up because she couldn't catch up... But I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, but Maiya gave her a new "mount" yesterday.

Feeling deeply grateful to Emiya Kiritsugu for his foresight and careful preparation for everything, Saber got on the "horse", removed the magic armor that hindered riding the "horse", and got on the horse parked in the courtyard of the abandoned house. 's mount.


Emiya Kiritsugu is very sensitive to the breath of death.

Maybe it's because he has witnessed the death of others countless times. Eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear. But even so, waiting for the moment when life disappears from the body, you can still feel something coming quietly.

Especially the moment when you feel the "joy" of those things, it must be the final moment when you are helpless and watch others unable to save their lives.

So the moment Kiritsugu stood in the silent cellar, he already felt despair and gave up.

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