Chapter 1188 "You are going to die here"

I will definitely have to witness the death of others here again.

Holding the pistol in his waist, he tiptoed into the cellar where the iron door was broken. There was no murderous intent or any dangerous aura. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the residual heat of the battle had cooled down.

The little figure curled up on the floor, his breathing so shallow that it was almost imperceptible, motionless, and his slowly cooling body temperature made people unexpectedly feel nostalgic.

Because I already knew that this situation would happen sooner or later.

He only saved this girl's life. Her heart had died the moment she met Kiritsugu. She still survived the baptism of bullets and smoke. She felt not grateful but overwhelmed by this luck.

She no longer felt any value or joy in being alive as a human being again.

Therefore, the life you picked up must be returned to the master who gave it to you - the girl had closed her eyes and seemed to be telling Kiritsugu this. That was the encounter eleven years ago.

Kiritsugu also accepted her idea.

There is a certain premonition that this girl will die in the near future. Kiritsugu killed his biological father and adoptive mother with his own hands. So he knew very clearly that the girl standing next to him would soon be on the point of no return.

But even so, the more tools you can use, the better. Sooner or later, she will lose her usefulness and be abandoned. If she can save the lives of two or more people, it will be a happy outcome... Kiritsugu gave this girl a name and a nationality. Pass on your skills and knowledge to her. That was the beginning of Kuu Maiya, a person whose final fate had been decided.

Because of this, there is no need to sigh here and feel lost - this is the natural and unquestionable end.

But despite this, I don't know why my knees are still shaking. My throat felt blocked and my chest was so tight that I couldn't breathe.

Picking Maiya up, she slowly opened her eyes, her empty gaze wandering around, and then she recognized Kiritsugu's face.


Not knowing what to say to her, Kiritsugu bit his lip in confusion.

Thank you, or words of comfort, have no real effect. If he could say something meaningful to her at this time - it would be to tell her "you are going to die here".

Tell her, you don't have any tasks anymore. No need to worry anymore.

If he was simply using her as a tool, Kiritsugu would definitely be able to say something like this.


However, no sound came out from his dry throat. Just stood there blankly, lips twitching.

Seeing Kiritsugu's expression, Maiya shook her head slightly.

"...No. You can't cry..."


Until Maiya pointed it out, Kiritsugu didn't realize that the tears were about to overflow from the corners of his eyes.

"You... have to save your tears for Madam... if you cry here. No... you are very fragile. If you... cry now. Absolutely not..."


I must have made some kind of fatal mistake. It was only now that Kiritsugu felt it painfully.

Functioning as a tool, and ultimately deciding that such a fate is acceptable - just like Emiya Kiritsugu always did, and he always thought Kuu Maiya was like this too.

But she said those words to herself.

Shouldn't she have some different way of living or dying?

"This morning. It's not easy for you... to become the Kiritsugu you were before... If you are shaken by such a trivial matter, it won't work..."


Indeed. It was in this place that I once held a different woman in my arms and figured out my own life path.

A moment's wavering can subvert faith.

The right approach can achieve absolutely impossible miracles.

He told himself this. Only half a day passed.

"—Maiya, don't worry."

Kiritsugu stared into Maiya's eyes that were gradually losing their luster, and said in a suppressed voice.

"Leave everything to Saber. Maiya, your mission...has been completed."

Although she had lost her usefulness, Emiya Kiritsugu's device would still continue to operate without any hindrance, and Kiritsugu had promised her this.

So there is no need to hold on.

There is no need to endure the pain, and there is no need to continue thinking. You can let everything go.

Hearing this extremely cold declaration, Kuu Maiya nodded gently.


no answer.

Any corrections or negative words will never be uttered again. Lying in Kiritsugu's arms was a body that had turned cold.

Rider's escape place was obviously towards the new capital.

Perhaps because she kept jumping from high places to high places, Saber kept seeing Rider's back appearing on top of the mixed-use apartment and the advertising tower. The reason why he didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts may be because he completely despised the foot power of Saber who was following him.

In this case, it means that he underestimated the enemy too much.

As Saber's fighting spirit surged, the two-wheeled beast let out a brave roar as the throttle was completely released. The roar of the V-shaped four-cylinder l400cc engine is like a lion made of steel - like a large carnivore roaring wildly, violently shaking the silence of the night.

Probably in order to maximize Saber's riding skills, the mobile tool prepared by Emiya Kiritsugu was not four-wheeled but two-wheeled. Compared with a "controllable" motor vehicle that can be "controlled" by sitting on the seat and being restrained by a seat belt, it is easier to control the center of gravity by becoming part of the vehicle body. Only by "riding" the motorcycle with the body completely exposed can the Servant be fully utilized. enhanced technology.

Of course, assuming that it is used as a Servant that transcends ordinary people, its performance does not matter if it ignores the limitations of ordinary operators. It was originally a mock-up car body construction plan that seemed to have no practicality, but Kiritsugu actually put this design into practice.

As the basic body, it uses the most powerful powerful drive YAMAHA.\\nV-MAX. The performance of the l200cc engine, which can already be used to its maximum, has been further improved. In addition, the drive system has been comprehensively strengthened, turning it into an alien monster with an output of 250 horsepower. That is what Saber is currently riding. The silver mount you ride on.

Of course.\\nAfter all kinds of excessive strengthening, the structure of a two-wheeled vehicle can no longer be expected to function normally. Due to the excessive torque, the tires cannot produce enough friction with the ground and can only rotate continuously. Once the brake is pressed, the front wheel will jump up, possibly knocking the person riding it over.

Saber was perfectly driving this physically uncontrollable horse to run at full speed. The secret to her ability to control the motorcycle so freely lies in her proud fighting skills and the sheer power of her magic. The magic jets bursting out from Saber's back drove the crazy car body to fly on the road, using all the horsepower for acceleration.

This is not so much about using skills, but closer to using greater power to subdue beasts. For the short Saber, facing a super-heavy motorcycle weighing more than 300 kilograms as an opponent, she could only maneuver in a dangerous position. Saber was almost lying on the engine covered by the resin pressure pump. While holding the steering wheel, her whole body was forced to bear the violent vibration caused by the large displacement. That posture was like a child desperately lying on the back of a beast.

However, this test was not particularly painful for Saber. The harder this steel behemoth was to tame, the more it aroused the fighting spirit and excitement in her body.

The feeling when driving a Mercedes-Benz is simply incomparable to the feeling of speeding like this now. right. This feeling is indeed very close to the feeling of riding a horse.

Although she is driving the product of modern technology, her spirit has now returned to the nostalgic ancient battlefield - she has restored the soul of a knight who charges towards the enemy with a spear.

"If it's this speed, I can't tell—"

The distance from the Rider in front slowly widened. This is the difference between a route that jumps from building to building and a route that only travels on pavement.

But there is no need to feel anxious. Indeed, in terms of instant acceleration and maximum speed, the Servant's agility surpasses that of this V-MAX. But this steel beast can maintain speed as long as there is fuel. If it is a long-term tracking battle, this will be a big advantage.

The streets of Miyama Town are a big shackle for those who are driving and tracking on the ground. Moreover, the running characteristics of this V-MAX, which was completely modified in pursuit of extreme acceleration, are no different from those of drag racing cars, and it has almost no rotation. However, Servant's superb skills even overturned the theorem of physics that "it is impossible to turn when driving at high speed". This theorem made no sense in front of them.

Saber has completely mastered the characteristics of the machine. When it is about to turn, it not only does not slow down but opens the throttle valve, injecting the excess rotation torque into the wheels behind. Just like this, the rapid acceleration that even tipped the entire car body caused the front wheels to float. Saber used the instantaneous explosive force released by magic to force the car body to tilt, thus completing the change of direction. It was like using a strong and huge force. The force causes the straight direction to be reversed.

Rider seems to have crossed the Weiyuan River and entered the new capital, and he can no longer be seen. However, Saber did not panic, but looked far into the night sky to search for the other party's whereabouts.

Rider must have known that Saber, who was chasing after him, would not give up easily. Now that he was holding Irisviel, he couldn't hide by turning his body into a spirit. From the moment he escaped to the new capital, Rider had only two choices. Either hide to avoid Saber's pursuit, or ride on the "Divine Wheel" to instantly widen the distance from the pursuer. Judging from Rider's character, Saber thinks he will choose the latter. So even if he is not found now, there is no need to be anxious. Because if it were a flying Noble Phantasm like the Kamui Wheel, it would emit huge amounts of magic power, so it would be absolutely impossible to escape from Saber's eyes.

"The crux of the matter is that tracking from the ground is very difficult -"

It would be better to simply deduce the destination of the "Divine Wheel" based on its flight direction as soon as you see it appear, and then get there first. It is not so much a competition of manipulation technology as it is a test of the tracker's sensitivity and tracking technology.

Everyone on the road looked at the V-MAX in amazement as it continued to overtake the vehicle in front at an alarming speed. Saber didn't care about the eyes of the people around her, focusing all her attention on the old enemy above her. Obstacles blocking travel can be sensed through the direction of airflow. Even with your eyes closed, you don't have to worry about bumping into anything.

"--found it!"

Saber's spiritual power, which was close to the vision of a beast, sensed the fluctuations of magic power in the air. As if to avoid the attention of ordinary people, the "Divine Wheel" did not make a thunderous sound and slowed down. But there is no doubt that that feeling is the magic vibration caused by Rider's Noble Phantasm.

The direction is east. It seemed that he was planning to escape through Shinto and outside Fuyuki City.

Saber thinks that the other party is lucky. In this case, just use the wide national highway to fully utilize the machine's acceleration.

I jumped across the bridge in one breath and came to the six-lane road. Saber opens the throttle more boldly to drive V-MAX forward.

Due to the drive of this unscrupulous driver, the tachometer needle had already exceeded six thousand revolutions - at that moment, the engine made an unexpected sound.

The roaring bass of the engine suddenly transformed into a deafening high pitch, and the sound became even more violent, violently tearing through the silence of the night sky. The current acceleration is completely different from just now.

The flying speed turned Saber and the car body into ejection projectiles, and the surrounding night scene swished past like a shooting star.

That was the moment when the real magic power hidden inside that steel beast awakened. It uses modern high-tech design and V-shaped propulsion device structure... When reaching the high-speed rotation limit, the four-cylinder engine structure can immediately become a two-cylinder structure, and the air intake volume is instantly increased to a large extent to reach the limit. Acceleration, this is the special structure of V-MAX. Originally, a device using two turbochargers would not be able to have such a structure, but this design has completely transcended the scope of motorcycles.

Bearing the air resistance close to water pressure, Saber couldn't help but smile invincibly while holding on to the car body with all her strength.

This car has clearly transcended the basic principle of the machine as a "human tool". This is a freak produced by advanced modern technology. That kind of loneliness and sadness...\\nIt even makes people feel a kind of sympathy that goes beyond sympathy.

Allowing this machine to fully realize its value is something that only a non-human Servant can do. This car—it must have been brought to life so that Saber could drive it tonight.

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