Chapter 1189 “Enjoy it”

"——Okay. Then just run until you are about to burn out!"

Saber roared loudly in the howling wind, and then further released the throttle.

The speedometer has exceeded three hundred kilometers per hour and is still climbing slowly.

The light of the headlight is not like the light that should be on the ground, and can even shine high into the sky.

"Rider, hey, she...couldn't she have already caught up with us?"

Weber noticed this situation first and pointed under the driver's seat. Rider glanced down in the direction Master pointed and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Huh? Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Saber. This saves me the trouble of looking for her... I said, boy, can something like a motorcycle be so fast?"

"That's a motorcycle?"

Weber's vision could only see that it was a light spot, and even if he tried to break his head, it was not the speed of a motorcycle that he could understand within the scope of his common sense.

"No, how is that possible... However, according to Saber's technology, it is indeed possible. If you think about it, maybe..."

"Hmph, you dare to challenge me, who has the reputation of a cavalryman."

Rider smiled ferociously as if he was happy.

"Haha! It's so interesting. Since that guy has followed me, there is no need to go to that strange forest... In this case, I will have a good fight with her."

Rider grabbed the reins of the sacred bull and suddenly slowed down the chariot.

"Hey, are we landing?!"

"My mind changed. I decided to compete with the little girl using an ordinary 'wheel'. In order to pass through the forest ahead, there is still a long way to go. This is simply the most suitable battlefield!"

Weber originally wanted to protest why he had to give up his advantage in the air and fall into the opponent's trap, but Weber remembered the power of the "Sword of Oath of Victory" he saw the day before yesterday. According to the characteristics of Saber's Noble Phantasm, the further the distance, the more dangerous it becomes. Close combat that can limit the destructive power of the enemy's Noble Phantasm would be safer.

"Okay, that's it. You have to be careful!"

"Hahaha! Boy, you finally understand the meaning of fighting. Don't worry! I am the only one who dominates the world. No one can stop me!"

Fortunately, there are no ordinary vehicles on the national highway at the moment. Although the winding asphalt mountain road is not suitable for fighting, there is no need to worry about hurting unrelated people.

Two hundred meters in front of the approaching Saber. The "Shenwei Wheel" finally landed and marched proudly on the road to deal with the pursuit of challengers.


There are three pairs of eyes above the distant building watching Rider's flying Noble Phantasm appearing above the new capital and Saber tracking him.

One person's eyes showed a satisfied look. There is a pair of eyes that are very tired, and there is a person - full of frantic and violent energy. Can they still be called human eyes?

"I didn't expect the real Rider to show up... This is really a good show. Matou Kariya, you often bring luck to your companions on the battlefield."

Kotomine Kirei said with a hint of sarcasm. While patting Kariya's shoulder to express his appreciation. Kariya stared at him suspiciously with his only intact right eye.

" you think it's worth wasting two Command Seals for such a trivial matter?"

Kariya looked at his right hand that had lost two command spells with some dissatisfaction. Kirei said to him with a smile.

"There is no need to worry. Kariya, as long as you are willing to help me, you don't have to worry about wasting the command spell - come on, stretch out your hand."

Kirei grabbed Kariya's withered right hand with bulging veins and muttered the incantation in a low voice while moving his hand along the traces of the command spell. The dimmed command spell immediately regained its light after a little processing by him, and returned to its previous three-way shape.

"You really--"

"Didn't I tell you, Kariya. I accepted the task of supervision, so I have the power to redistribute the command spells kept by the church at will."


Unable to guess the other party's true intention, Kariya stared at Kirei intently, and then glanced at his Servant with a sigh.

The huge figure standing behind him turned out to be Rider, the conquering king Iskandar. Whether it was the crimson cloak, the red curly hair, or the burly body—everything was the same as the chariot driver who was running towards the outskirts of Fuyuki City with Saber just now. The only difference is the blood-red, creepy eyes filled with resentment... There is no doubt that this is the unique feature of a mad Servant.

The thick arms held the slender body of Irisviel, who was unconscious and still sleeping. The "Rider" here is the real culprit who kidnapped the "Guardian of the Holy Grail" from the cellar guarded by Kuine Maiya and tricked Saber into pursuing him to the new capital.

"...Already. Berserker."

Kariya nodded, and the Conqueror King's huge body turned into a dark cloud of mist as if burning, and he returned to his armor-clad figure full of ominous aura. The dark aura that imitates Rider's appearance is wrapped directly around his hands and feet, hiding the subtle parts of the black armor.

Kirei groaned as he saw Berserker returning to his original form.

"This kind of transformation ability... is a pity for a Berserker class Noble Phantasm."

"This guy was originally able to transform into many heroic spirits who established military exploits for others. Because of his madness, his ability to 'disguise' deteriorated."

The black mist wrapped around Berserker's body originally not only had the function of hiding his appearance, but it was also a Noble Phantasm that could imitate anyone and deceive the enemy's ears. Since Berserker was deprived of his rationality, this ability has been unable to be used. Kariya used the power of the command spell to reappear this ability, making it possible to disguise himself as a fake Rider, but this ability can only be used once.


The crazed black knight glared fiercely at the headlights of the motorcycle Saber was riding as it receded toward the east with eyes full of hatred. The bone-deep hatred caused his shoulders to tremble constantly, and his armor made a creaking sound, but he did not make any other derailed actions. That was because of the second command spell Kariya used - the absolute command to "abduct Irisviel and let Saber escape".

In order for Berserker, who is extremely obsessed with Saber, to act according to his own ideas, he must be restrained with powerful instructions.

Those seemed to be very unbearable shackles for Berserker. Although the task had been completed, the Black Knight was like a broken machine, with his limbs spasming and stubbornly resisting this order.

Kariya felt a chill in his back at his persistent thoughts. Before he fell into an uncontrollable rampage, Kariya forcibly cut off the supply of magic power to Berserker. After losing the magic power to maintain its form in the real world, the Servant immediately returned to the state of a spirit body. Irisviel's body, which had lost its support, was roughly thrown to the ground on the roof. Due to this impact, the sleeping doll let out a small groan of pain, but still did not open its eyes. Since being forcibly taken away from the magic circle where she was resting, Irisviel's consciousness has become even thinner.

"Is this woman really the 'vessel of the Holy Grail'?"

"The correct term is this doll. If one or two more Servants are finished, their true colors will appear... I will prepare the ceremony for the coming of the Holy Grail. Until then, this woman will be mine for the time being. Keep it."

The man in cassock picked up the weak woman's body, and Kariya expressed a silent question with his eyes.

Kirei noticed his gaze and just responded with the same leisurely smile as before.

"Don't worry. I will definitely give you the Holy Grail according to our agreement. Because I don't have to pursue that wish machine."

"Before that, you seemed to have promised me something, Father."

"Ah, that's that thing... Of course there is no problem. You can just come to the church at midnight tonight. I will be ready for you to meet Tokiomi Tohsaka then."


What is this priest planning? - He has never been able to figure out his true intention, which makes Kariya's heart very uneasy.

Although he once worshiped Tokiomi Tosaka, he parted ways due to his participation in the Holy Grail War and became a hypocrite to the Master. However, from the perspective of the Matou family, who also participated in the last Holy Grail War, the collusion between the Tohsaka family and the Holy Church has long been understood. In this case, it is self-evident that this person who has the dual identity of the overseer's son and the agent of the Holy Church summoned Assassin as Tokiomi's lackey.

He suddenly ran to knock on Matou's door at noon today and said that he planned to discuss establishing an alliance. According to him, Tohsaka was responsible for the death of supervisor Kotomine Rimasa. As a son, he must avenge his father, so he wanted to use Matou's hand to kill Tokiomi.

Although I knew his statement was suspicious.\\nBut the conditions put forward by Kotomine Kirei were too tempting for Kariya.

Not only did he plan to trap Tokiomi, but he also investigated the place where Einzbern, who kept the "Holy Grail", was lurking. This man, who secretly inherited the supervisor's power to keep the Command Seal, could be said to have the power. The most important trump card in the second half of the Holy Grail War.

For Kariya, who was isolated and helpless with Barserker as a time bomb and could not even trust his relatives, his help was worth thousands of troops, and he immediately felt at ease. However, the premise is that you must believe everything this man Kotomine Kirei says.

Kotomine Kirei was able to ensure that the dolls of the Einzbern family were in his hands, and even replenished the consumed command spells without hesitation... Even so, Kariya still couldn't completely believe the leisurely and contented figure in front of him. smiling priest.

This man's attitude seemed too relaxed. Maybe it's the confidence that comes from holding the most important and decisive secret. But if he just looks at it this way - it means that he really lacks the sense of crisis when facing a battle and the tension of needing to consider strategies.

If I had to explain it, that smile was closer to that of a child having fun playing games. He formed an alliance with himself in the name of betraying his mentor and avenging his father. It was obvious that the priest "enjoyed" this situation...

"The two of us appearing at the same time are too eye-catching. Kariya, please go back first."

"……And you?"

"I still have some little things to do - don't forget it, Kariya. It's midnight tonight. Your wish will be fulfilled there."

The priest seemed to be more concerned about the whole matter than Kariya himself, and warned Kariya again in a tone full of expectation.

Kariya stared at his smile with suspicious eyes again, then slowly turned around and walked towards the stairs of the roof.

Without any care, Kotomine Kirei listened carefully to the footsteps of his allies as they receded. After confirming that the footsteps had completely disappeared, he came to a corner of the roof again and moved his gaze to the discarded materials where many rain shields were placed.

"——I've already sent people away. I don't know who you are, but it's time to show up, right?"

This voice contained an indescribable majesty.\\nAfter a period of silence, a creepy and suppressed laughter sounded, seeping into the cold night air.

"Oh. Have you noticed it? He is indeed an agent of wars of all ages. He is much sharper than that kid Kariya."

A shapeless shadow emerged from the darkness. At first glance, Kirei thought it was a chilling collection of insects—but the bright moonlight immediately drove away this illusion. It turned out to be a short, thin old man who walked out quietly. .

"Agent, you don't have to worry. I'm not your enemy. I'm a family member of the little guy you're working with."

Since he called himself that, a quite a person appeared in Kirei's mind.

"Is it Matou Zouken...?"

"Exactly. You actually know my name. It seems that Tohsaka's education for his disciples is very complete."

The old magician tilted the corners of his wrinkled mouth, revealing an inhuman smile.

The density of darkness that permeated the mountain road was no longer comparable to that at dusk. It seemed that it was already night.

The darkness was as black as ink, and the light of the headlights tore through the darkness. Saber is still driving the steel beast with all her strength.

I had walked this road before when I was sending Einzbern out of the city. When I went there, Irisviel was driving, and when I came back, it was Saber who held the steering wheel of the Mercedes-Benz to confirm the distance. Although it was only two round trips, it was enough for Saber. Saber has an excellent memory. She can clearly recall the width of the road, the slope of the road, and even when she needs to turn.

Saber saw Rider's "Divine Wheel" descend from high in the sky and land in the distance. The King of Conqueror didn't know why he didn't continue to escape, but landed on the ground, as if he was planning to respond to Saber's challenge of riding on the ground.

His heroic demeanor seems incompatible with using a sneak attack to kidnap Irisviel, but this may be the conflict between Rider and his Master. It is not surprising that the actions of a Servant bound by a contract often bring about many contradictory results.

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