Chapter 1195 The Last Day

There were no mistakes. Matou Kariya and Tōsaka Aoi followed Kirei's instructions and came to the church to meet at the time he instructed. The prop of Tokiomi's corpse also played its role. The dead spots were covered up by healing magic, and the stiffness of the corpse was adjusted after death, so no one could tell that the corpse had been dead for more than half a day.

However, since it was not beyond the expected development, there should be no feeling of surprise - but for some reason, after seeing the last scene, I suddenly felt a strange excitement.

If I have to say it, it may be because it is too vivid.

The tragedy just now was not a fake story played by the actors. Although Kirei had guided it, it was indeed human beings exposing their true nature to each other, sparks flew, and the brilliance of human souls burst out. Those were undoubtedly real. That kind of vivid feeling, the feeling of being there, let alone prediction, was not even expected.

Not knowing how to answer Gilgamesh's question, Kirei tasted the sweet fragrance of the wine in his mouth again.

Yes, if there is anything surprising, it is this wine.

"…Why is it so? I have drunk it before…I didn't expect this wine to taste better the more I taste it."

The King of Heroes smiled at Kirei, who was looking at the wine glass with a serious expression.

"The taste of wine can change unexpectedly depending on the different dishes that go with it. Kirei, it seems that you have begun to understand the meaning of expanding your knowledge."


Without thinking of how to answer the smiling Gilgamesh, Kirei put the empty wine glass aside and left his seat. Thinking of what he had to do later, he could not be so leisurely. Aoi, who had collapsed in the chapel, undoubtedly needed help, and he had to prepare to further use Kariya who had escaped.

But Kirei took another look at the empty wine glass before leaving the ceremonial room. Then he finally realized that he still had a little nostalgia for the wine that he had already drunk.

He couldn't help but think - I really want to drink such delicious wine again.


When Waver Velvet returned to the home of the old couple Mackay in Miyama Town, the night sky had begun to turn white.

Walking in the corridor at night for hours. If there is no taxi on the road, you can't go back to town even in the morning. I don't know whether I should be grateful or angry for being lucky enough to meet an empty taxi in such a remote place. The god of luck should favor Rider and Saber when the battle is the most intense. I can only feel sad about this misplaced luck.

After getting off the taxi, Waver sighed for this long night march. At this time, he heard someone calling him.

"- Hey, Waver, come here, come here."

The place where the voice came from was actually above his head.

He looked up and saw that the owner of the house, old man Gulan, who he thought was still asleep, was sitting on the roof of the second floor, waving at him standing at the door.

"Grandpa? What are you...doing?"

"Okay, okay, come up quickly. I have something to tell you."

"Something? Um...why are you on the roof again?"

"Here you can enjoy the scenery that you can't see normally. It's the best place to bask in the morning light."

Such strange behavior can only make people wonder if he is old and confused. To be honest, Waver doesn't want to accompany him. Enduring the cold of the night, dragging his tired steps back, now he just wants to get into bed as soon as possible and let his tired body rest.

"Grandpa...if you have something to say, can you wait until daytime?"

"Don't say that."

Although his tone was calm, old man Gulan was very stubborn.

"Let's go up, kid. That old man seems to want to say something to you."

A rough voice that only Waver could hear said this to him on his shoulder. Rider finally promised to conserve his magic power and remained in spirit form on the way back after the battle with Saber.

"I will check the situation around here, don't mind."

"It's not about whether I care or not..."

Waver was about to refute, but he quickly shut up. Because old man Gulan could not see the spirit Servant, if Waver spoke, it would look like he was talking to himself strangely.

"Everyone doesn't care about my position..."

At the end of the Holy Grail War, Waver could not help but feel angry that he had to accompany this irrelevant old man. However, arguing about this would only make the time drag out longer. Even if it wasn't that, he would be speechless when asked why he came back in the morning. As a result, Waver had to go to the roof where the old man was.

There was one difference between the Mackay family and the neighboring houses, that is, there was a small room and a skylight on the roof. Climbing the ladder extending from the second floor staircase corridor to the roof small room, it was easy to climb to the roof through the skylight. This was not caused by accident, but when the house was built, it was designed to be easy to climb to the roof. Once you get used to it, climbing to the roof is a very easy thing.

Although it is so easy to climb to the roof, you have to endure the cold morning of frost in winter. Waver came out of the skylight and shivered in the north wind. Since there is no shelter at all, the coldness in the wind is far greater than on the ground.

"Sit down. Here, I prepared some coffee. Drink it to warm yourself up."

Old Man Gulan spoke loudly while pouring the steaming liquid from the thermos into the cup. Wearing a down jacket and several blankets wrapped outside, it seemed that the old man was fully prepared to keep out the cold. Weber couldn't figure out why the old man did this.

"Grandpa...since when have you been sitting here?"

"I woke up when the sky turned white and found that you hadn't come back yet. Moreover, you can also look at the spring constellations at this time, so I wanted to look at the sky and wait for my grandson's return..."

Hearing these drunken words, Weber did not make a sound, but drank coffee calmly. He would actually think of looking at the constellations early on. Do people have such leisure time as they get older?

"What's wrong, Webb, didn't you like this place very much when you were a child? You and I saw the stars many times, do you remember?"

"Hmm... It seems so."

While Weber casually talked about the past events he had no memory of, he looked at the scenery in front of him.

Since the foundation is located on the slope of a hill, the entire city of Fuyuki from Miyama Town to the coast can be seen from the roof. The air is crisp and clear, the sea surface is dyed pearly at dawn, and you can visually distinguish the silhouette of sails sailing into the distance.

"How's it going? Isn't the view nice?"


For Weber, it was a panoramic view of the battlefield. He had no time in his heart to appreciate this beauty.

"I first set foot on this land because of a business trip... When I discussed with Masa and decided to bury the bones in Fuyuki, she also asked for two things. The house was built on a hill deep in the mountains, and it must be visible from the skylight. Climb to the roof...But that guy Chris still can't forget Toronto. Those guys just don't want to be raised as Japanese."

Mr. Gulan, who was immersed in memories, looked across the sea and towards the hometown where his sons had left.

"...Do you like Japan so much?"

"That's right. But if this is the reason for quarreling and breaking up with my be honest, I regret it..."

The old man sighed as he cherished his lonely years.

"Sitting on the roof like this and watching the stars with my grandson is a dream I have always had. Although I never expected it to come true."


There was an obvious sense of incongruity in the expression mixed with a wry smile, which made Weber startled.

As if to fool him, Old Man Gulan shook his head quietly and said.

"My real grandchildren have never accompanied me on the roof. Martha is also afraid of heights. When I look at the stars, I am always the only one..."

What struck Weber more thoroughly than the sense of crisis and embarrassment was the feeling of shame.

"I said, Weber, you are not our grandson, are you?"

The hint was lifted - and by this kind old man who had no magical qualities.


"Well, who are you? It doesn't matter who you are. Although Martha and I have always believed that you are our grandson, this thing is incredible. However, after living for such a long time, the incredible things in the world are still incredible no matter how you think about it. ...In short, your behavior is much gentler than our grandson."

"...Aren't you angry?"

Weber asked quietly. Old Man Gulan said with a complicated and calm expression.

"Well, it's natural to be angry. However, Martha has been smiling happily recently, which was impossible before. From this point of view, I want to thank you instead."


"Moreover, it seems that you did not move in with any ill will towards us. Both you and the man named Alex are both rare and forthright young people nowadays. Why do you do this? I couldn’t understand things even if I wanted to.”

According to Weber's judgment, the old man was now defenseless and too slow. The guinea pigs in Clock Tower Academy are smarter than him.

Why don't you hate yourself, why don't you blame yourself. For Weber, who only knew the small world of the Magic Association, the old man's tolerance was something he found difficult to understand.

"Or maybe it's because I don't know anything about you that I can make this request... If possible, I hope this relationship can last for a while. Leaving me alone, Martha probably doesn't feel anything is wrong, whether it's a dream or not. Or what, the time spent living with our gentle grandson is a rare treasure for us.”

Weber couldn't bear to look at the old man's appearance, he looked down at his hands.

These are the hands that will one day create mysteries. I must have such a talent - even if others deny it, at least I firmly believe in this possibility.

But what is the result?

Even the basics of hypnotic suggestion are not well completed. Whether it was bad luck or an accident, these excuses are useless. Even for this kind-hearted old man who begged him to "coax us a little longer.", his technique could not maintain satisfactory results.

If it's that man, just smile and drink and have fun, and you can achieve your goal.

Not only did Weber Velvet's magic fail to achieve such an effect, he himself accepted the other party's warmth.

In addition to regret, there is also a hint of humor - yes, I am just a clown.

Weber stared into the void, unaware of his surroundings, and fell into deep thought. Now, he fully understood the mood of those guys who laughed at him in the Clock Tower. Weber himself joined those guys in laughing at his own stupidity.

Although he said this, he couldn't laugh. Ghulam Makeki and the Masa couple were not expecting comedy.

They were making sincere requests to Weber in their own way. Looking back, this was the first time that I was not treated as an object of ridicule.

"...I'm sorry, I can't make a promise to you. I can't even guarantee that I can come back here safely next time."

"So, you are doing something life-threatening?"


Saber's Noble Phantasm flashed cold light in front of her eyes, it happened half a day ago. Weber would not forget the abyss of death he saw at that time so easily.

Old Man Gulan was silent thoughtfully for a while and nodded heavily.

"Although I don't know how important that kind of thing is to you... But I hope you listen to what I say. After living for most of my life, I look back on my life and find that nothing can compare with life."

This argument runs counter to the reason why Weber gambled his youth.

The so-called magic path can only be started after making the determination to die - only by burning one's life can one reach the highest state. This is the direction he has been working towards so far.

However, if you want to find a way of survival that suits you, what this calm old man said may be the truth.

Weber stared at the morning glow with a speechless sense of loss.

He didn't know yet that at this moment, the Fourth Holy Grail War was approaching its final day.


This day, as the day when an unprecedented celestial phenomenon occurred, has left a deep memory in the minds of people in Fuyuki City.

The north wind that had been blowing for days suddenly stopped like a dream, and the heavy and turbid air disappeared under the scorching summer sun, which was extremely hot out of season. The hot and humid weather, which even the weather forecast experts could not explain, only appeared in the area centered on Fuyuki City. The citizens had a strange premonition and became commotion.

The urban guerrilla incidents, brutal murder cases and missing children that have occurred one after another still cannot be solved. The lifting of the curfew is still far away. The day before yesterday, there was an industrial wastewater disaster in Weiyuanchuan - a series of strange things that have happened in recent days. It affects people's fragile nerves. For people who are already exhausted, climate abnormalities are a sign of an upcoming greater disaster.


The blazing sunlight gradually changed the angle of the shadow. Emiya Kiritsugu sat in the shade of the tree, staring at the surroundings without sleepiness.

It had been more than forty hours since he last slept, and he was still tense.

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