A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1194 1187 Boring Soap Opera

Chapter 1194 Boring Soap Opera

The raging fire of hatred in his chest, the physical pain and entanglement, and despair burned it all to ashes. For Kariya now, this is the holy elixir that can defeat any belief in salvation and heal wounds.

The memory of not being able to avenge him in the last battle only further aroused Kariya's inner anger.

There is only one thought in his mind, which is to personally subdue Tokiomi, who took away Aoi and abandoned Sakura. The only thing he thinks about now is the moment when he defeats Tokiomi. Only in this way can we forget the elusiveness of the Holy Grail and the fear of failure. Only by completely becoming an automatic machine driven by anger can Matou Kariya be liberated from the bitterness in his chest. There was even a smile on his lips. Now I don't feel scared even if Berserker is not around. If Tokiomi's heart could be dug out and covered with his blood - nothing else would matter to Kariya now.

His shoulders kept shaking and he breathed out a breath as thick as a wild beast. Kariya came to the door of the church, his whole body filled with murderous intent. Slowly opened the door.

The soft candlelight illuminated the chapel. Contrary to the warm atmosphere, the air was as stagnant as if it was frozen, and the silence was terrifying. Kariya felt a feeling similar to that of a tomb and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the moment he saw the back of the head of the person sitting in the front row of the believers' seats, his whole body was immediately filled with overflowing anger.

"Tosaka, Tokiomi...!"

The call was full of murderous intent, but no one answered. Kariya interpreted this silence as the magician's arrogant attitude, so he continued to stride forward, shortening the distance between himself and Tokiomi.

"Tokiomi, do you want to kill me? But you are too naive. I will get up countless times before I let you get the retribution you deserve..."

But Tokiomi still turned his back to Kariya without any warning, without any reaction. Kariya slowly slowed down due to anxiety and alertness.

He couldn't have deliberately placed a doll of Tokiomi just to fool Kariya. But when he looked closer, whether it was the breadth of his shoulders, the luster of his well-managed curly hair, or the shape of his ears that could be seen, there was no doubt that it was Tokiomi Tosaka. Kariya would never mistake the look of this hated enemy, because Kariya had already engraved his appearance in his mind.

After reaching within reach, Kariya stopped. There was still no movement from Tokiomi. Kariya's heart was filled with inexplicable confusion, restlessness and hatred, and he stared at Tokiomi's back.


Reach out.

The day before yesterday, the defensive fire blocked all his attacks. Thinking of that burning feeling, he instinctively wanted to avoid physical contact with Tokiomi.

Even so, Kariya was still driven by the urge to roughly grab Tohsaka Tokiomi's neck, which was only a few centimeters away from him. Finally, his trembling fingertips came into contact with the neck of the bow tie that was elegantly decorated. .

With just a slight touch, the balance of the corpse leaning on the believer's bench was broken.

His weak limbs were like puppets with strings attached to them. Tohsaka Tokiomi's cold body collapsed like a building block and rolled into Kariya's arms.


The chaos and impact it brought to Matou Kariya at that time was simply equivalent to hitting someone in the head with a big hammer.

The corpse with a deathly expression, as empty as a cicada's slough, was undoubtedly his own, and his appearance was clearly that of Tokiomi Tohsaka. At that moment, Kariya could only admit the fact that Tokiomi was dead.

The arrogant sneer that once looked down on him, the cold tone and mocking words that pretended to be attentive, all the memories about Tokiomi Tosaka filled Kariya's mind, causing his consciousness to be divided and confused. That kind of chaos blew away all the entangled emotions, motivations and impulses in Kariya's heart that started with Tokiomi.


Standing blankly on the spot holding the mute corpse, Kariya felt a hole suddenly appear in his heart. Yan Ye was very shocked by this.

This hole was so big that the outline of Matou Kariya's personality collapsed and became unrecognizable.

It was only then that Kariya realized his mistake, although it was already too late. Because I had never thought about what it would be like to lose my enemy Tokiomi Tosaka, that's why I felt so empty and overwhelmed after Tosaka died. Perhaps due to the uncontrollable mental turmoil, Kariya no longer understands why he wants to fight Tokiomi, and what expectations he has for participating in the Holy Grail War. All of a sudden, he can't remember these important things.



——For a new visitor who had just stepped into this chapel, it was not until that nostalgic gentle voice came from behind that Kariya realized at that fatal moment that someone had entered the chapel.

Kariya turned around with a confused expression on her face. Why was Tohsaka Aoi standing there? What was the whole story? She couldn't figure it out at all. If he thought about it seriously, he would definitely think that if no one called Tohsaka Aoi, she would not appear in this chapel at all. In addition, there was only one person who could place Tokiomi's body in this chapel in advance - and by tracing further, it would not be difficult to guess the suspect who killed Tokiomi.


Kariya's thoughts were so confused that he could only utter some meaningless syllables, which were just the sound of his moans. He staggered back a step, and Tokiomi's body, which he was holding in his arms, fell to the floor of the chapel like a cloth bag. Aoi looked at the desolate look on her husband's body. She didn't move for a long time, just staring intently.


Aoi didn't say anything and slowly approached Tokiomi's body as if being sucked by a magnet. Kariya was inexplicably overwhelmed by her momentum and took a step back. After walking a few steps, he encountered an obstacle behind him. As if to judge him, standing majestically there was the altar of the chapel.

Aoi knelt on the ground and picked up Tokiomi's body. Kariya had no way to retreat and could only look at Aoi silently. Kariya couldn't understand why Aoi did that - no, he didn't want to understand. Why didn't she look at her childhood sweetheart but kept staring at Tokiomi's body? Why was her face covered in tears. Yanye didn't want to think about these reasons, so he didn't speak.

He clearly remembers the oath he once made - in order to prevent the woman he loves from crying, he would not hesitate to give up his life, so he has been fighting until now -

If that's the case, who is the woman crying in front of him?

Just accepting the fact that she is Aoi is enough to make Kariya collapse.

She didn't look at Kariya. He simply ignored him as if he were nothing, and kept looking at her husband's body with tears in his eyes. This tragic heroine exists as an axis of rotation at the center of the world. Kariya, who was ignored by her, was as insignificant as the dust on the stage or the scratches on the painting, and his existence had no meaning. Kariya had the illusion that the place where he stood and his existence itself had been obliterated, and he felt deeply afraid of this illusion. I felt the urge to shout loudly to get her attention. However, my dry throat couldn't even squeeze out a single word.

When Aoi finally raised her eyes and looked directly at him, Kariya finally understood - sometimes ignoring is a kind of mercy. If I disappeared from this world at that time, I would be saved.

"...This is equivalent to handing the Holy Grail into the hands of the Matou family. Are you satisfied? Kariya."

Although the voice was familiar, the tone was something I had never heard before. As a childhood sweetheart with a gentle nature, she has never hated or cursed anyone in front of Kariya.

"I-but, I-"

Why must she be blamed like this? Tokiomi Tosaka is the source of all evil. Everything would have gone smoothly without that man.

Why did this guy die here? This question was what Kariya wanted to ask first.


But the woman didn't give Kariya a chance to speak at all and continued to ask.

"Aren't the Matou family satisfied with taking Sakura away from me? Why do they have to kill this person in front of me... Why? Why do they hate us so much?"

not understand.

Why does this woman have the same face as Aoi, use Aoi's voice, and pour out a surge of hatred and murderous intention towards Matong Kariya?

Logically speaking, Kariya saved Aoi. In order to return the future of her beloved daughter Sakura to herself. Why should she be resented instead? Who is this woman?

"It's all because of this guy, it's all his fault-"

Kariya pointed at Tokiomi's body with trembling and feeble fingers, and shouted with all his voice.

"If it weren't for that man - no one would be in misfortune. Aoi, Rin, and Sakura - all would be happy -"

"What a joke!"

The woman whose face was already as terrifying as a ghost shouted.

"What do you know! You...have never loved anyone at all!"


There was a crackling sound.

The fatal cracking sound made Matou Kariya collapse.

"I have--"

the person I like.

A warm, elegant woman who is more important to him than anyone else, his only hope is that she can be happy.

He would not hesitate to lose his life for her sake. It was precisely because of this thought that Kariya had been enduring the pain that was worse than life until now. Be patient, be patient with all your might, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient. Therefore, he will never allow anyone to use poor excuses to deny his efforts. For whom on earth am I enduring such pain that is worse than death? In this case, I might as well just die. Lie, lie, lie, I do have someone I like, I do have—

"I have someone I like……"

Kariya said in a voice that sounded like a rolling machine, while using more force with his hands.

To negate all her words. To deny her words again. To make that mouth compare. So the throat that makes the sound must be tightened tightly.

The woman kept opening and closing her mouth to get oxygen. She looked like a fish just caught from the pond. Even so, she still looked like she was scolding Kariya, which angered Kariya even more.

She had to be silenced, everything had to end. Everything up until today has been meaningless. This cannot be allowed to happen.

Up to now, only going crazy is the only way to save Matou Kariya, and it is also the last barrier to redeem him. Despite this, he still failed to grasp the minimum salvation at the last moment - the look of this earth-colored and breathless woman was too similar to the face he cherished most in his heart. No, that was her, Kariya finally realized.


Aoi's throat was relieved from the slip of Kariya's weakly lowered hands.

She suddenly fell to the floor and remained motionless after passing out. Kariya has even lost the calmness to judge whether she is still alive. In his opinion, she is just a corpse like Tokiomi.

"Ah, ah..."

Only now did he start to stare at the hands that had just strangled Aoi's neck. These ten fingers had just strangled something that was more important to him than anything else and the whole meaning of his existence. They looked as stiff as someone else's hands. However, there was no doubt that it was impossible to hide that it was him. own hands.

Just like bugs. The two trembling hands were very similar to the floating insects crawling across Sakura's skin.


Start scratching the already ulcerated face.

He scratched his dry hair with his hands.

It was impossible to tell whether the sound that burst out of his throat was a scream or pain.

Losing the last of his rationality, and now only left with the escape instinct of the beast, Kariya staggered and ran towards the outside of the chapel.

A dim night sky without a single star greeted this man who had nothing left.

There is a secret in the Fuyuki Church chapel that only the priest knows.

The wall connecting the chapel to the sacrificial chamber inside actually did not function as a separation at all. All the things and sounds that happen in the chapel can be clearly seen through the vestry.

Therefore, Kotomine Kirei sat in a very comfortable position on the chair in the sacrificial hall and watched the tragedy performed in the chapel from beginning to end, without missing any details.

Seeing his thoughtful profile, the golden Servant standing next to him asked.

"Although this is a boring soap opera, it's already a good script for the first time I've written it - how about it, Kirei? What do you think?"


Kirei looked up at the sky silently and took a sip of wine from the glass in his hand.

This feeling is incredible. Although the plot is roughly as described by myself, this time it is reproduced by flesh-and-blood people.

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