Chapter 1193 Inevitable

Ah, why don’t I still want to sleep today? If it were normal, he would have fallen into a deep sleep by now. Still didn't drink enough. Not drunk enough. Obviously he wanted to quickly forget what happened outside the house, and wanted to skip the time until dawn - someone picked up the wine glass on the table and poured the ice water in the glass over Heye's head.

He fainted for a moment due to the biting coldness, but immediately the alcohol disappeared and he regained consciousness. This time it was a merciless impact on the cheek, and Tsuruno climbed into the blanket on the bed.

He Ye fell into a state of insanity, and even the screams were suppressed in his throat. A ghostly and creepy man was standing there looking down at He Ye.

A dirty, wrinkled old coat. My beard is messy and I haven't shaved it for a long time. If you just look at his appearance, that man looks more like a drunkard in a tavern than Tsuruno who is wearing normal clothes in the room. But his eyes denied all of this. The temperature in that man's eyes has exceeded the range of coldness or ruthlessness, and is full of cold delusions and murderous intentions like a wounded beast. After meeting that gaze, Tsuruno decided to give up exploring the other person's origins and the whole thing, and completely became a prisoner of despair.

No matter who this man is, no matter how he breaks through the extremely powerful protective barrier outside the house, it doesn't matter now. What appears in front of Tsuruno now is undoubtedly the fear itself that he has been relying on the influence of alcohol to temporarily forget over the past week.

"...Where is Irisviel now?"

Tsuruno firmly believed that the question must be answered before he could understand the content of the question. Otherwise you will be killed.

--after awhile. Only then did he realize that he didn't understand what the question meant. He Ye was struck down by deep despair.

"I, I, I..."

He Ye moaned inarticulately, and the man stared at him with cold eyes. He slowly took out the murder weapon from his arms, pressed He Ye's right hand to the floor with the muzzle of the gun, and pulled the trigger.

With a roar that made the listeners lose their senses, Tsuruno's right hand spread out in the air.

A part of his body disappeared inexplicably. Heye was so surprised that he couldn't speak. After a while, a sharp pain made him scream.

"No, no, no, I don't know. I just don't know. I don't know anything! Ahhh! My hands! Ahhhhh!"


For Emiya Kiritsugu, the experience of asking disobedient people to provide information has been enriched to the point where it cannot be enriched. The intuition he had cultivated over the years made him understand that he would not get any answers even if he continued to ask.

Matou Tsuruno's soul was completely decadent. Although he didn’t know what the reason was, Tsuruno had already pushed himself to the edge before Kiritsugu’s visit.

As a result, Kiritsugu was the final blow that completely crushed him. The man in front of him now would definitely not hesitate to betray Zang Yan in order to escape the pain in front of him. At this point, everything humans say is absolutely true.

It seemed that Tsuruno really didn't know anything about what happened in the past few hours.

In other words - the destination for kidnapping Irisviel is definitely not the Matou Residence.

In this tense situation of racing against time, spending several hours to break through the protective barrier turned out to be in vain. Kiritsugu couldn't help but grit his teeth to express regret.

According to the elimination method, the only ones who kidnapped Irisviel were people from the Matou camp. Rider's Master did not have the espionage ability to see through the secret stronghold prepared by Kiritsugu. For Tohsaka, there was no need for him to immediately renege on the alliance he had just formed last night in this form.

In addition to the existing seven groups of Masters and Servants, the possibility of other new hostile forces appearing is very low, but it is not zero. However, at this stage, even such blind speculation will yield no results. Currently, this potential enemy can only be found among the three Masters who still have Servant protection and will need Irisviel in the final stage.

More than four hours had passed since the attack in the cellar began. The passing minutes and seconds mean to Kiritsugu that victory is gradually getting away from him, and there is no time to stop and think seriously.

Kiritsugu didn't even bother to take another look at Tsuruno, who was sobbing due to pain and fear, and left the Matou residence.

In order to enter his next target, the Tohsaka Residence, Kiritsugu spent less than three hours breaking through the magic defense formation.

In terms of technique, it is so ingenious that it is close to a miracle. The barrier set up by Tokiomi Tohsaka was originally designed to deal with magicians. It can be said to be a first-class defense system that specifically protects against magicians. If we attack hard, we can't break it even if it takes a year. It is precisely because Kiritsugu is the kind of person who does not ask for achievements in magic, can see through the traps of magic, and deals specifically with magicians. That's why we were able to break through the barrier in a short time.

But no matter how short the time spent was, it was enough to make Kiritsugu anxious now. Never before has so much time been spent on the battlefield. After finally breaking through the defenses from the inner door to the atrium, and arriving at the main room, Kiritsugu was still tortured by inexplicable anxiety. Although he risked his life and passed through the defensive barrier, just like at the Matou Residence, this did not mean that Irisviel was guaranteed to be found.

Saber, who started chasing Irisviel before Kiritsugu, must have failed. It can still be felt that the circuit supplying magic power is not interrupted, which means that Saber has not suffered any attack.

However, if he was protected safely, Irisviel would definitely activate the sending device and tell Kiritsugu the details of his current location. But now it has not been received, indicating that Saber's tracking is in vain.

After carefully removing the seal on the window and using a glass cutting tool to remove the latch inside, Kiritsugu finally arrived inside the Tohsaka Residence. There were no lights inside and it was silent. Jian Shang is like an empty courtyard where no one lives. But because it is a large mansion, it is difficult to draw a conclusion. As an excellent Master, Tokiomi is much more cautious than the eldest son of the Matou family. If you encounter him accidentally, you must be mentally prepared to fight him. Of course, he will definitely use Archer, and he must also summon Saber. I have to consume the command spell and forcefully summon it again.

Facing Archer, whose combat strength is still unclear, although Saber tried his best to avoid a direct conflict with him, the current situation was very urgent and there was no room for strategic and tactical choices. Even so, we must at least confirm Irisviel’s current location before starting the battle. If an unknown enemy controls Irisviel now, Kiritsugu will definitely fall into the enemy's trap if he confronts the Matou family or the Tosaka family. It's infuriating that caution now has to be taken to account for this possibility.

Suddenly, as he stepped into a dark room, Kiritsugu's sense of smell caught something that he couldn't ignore.

The smell of blood. Not a long time has passed yet. There is no doubt about this.

Focus your magic on your eyes and use night vision. You can immediately see the interior decoration design clearly. It looks like a living room. The tea set on the table is also a set for two people.

There was clearly a large amount of blood in the center of the plush carpet.

Kiritsugu carefully inspected the completely dried blood. Although it was not a splash of blood, the amount did not look like blood caused by a minor injury. From experience, it can only be thought that it is the blood stain left after someone was stabbed.

Out of caution, Kiritsugu searched the other rooms as well. But the purpose is no longer to grasp the situation but more to find the people who live here.

As a medium and the starting point of magic, the most important element in magic is blood. In his own territory, blood is freely shed without any intention of casting a spell. Of course, if this is the unique hobby of this magician, that is another matter. However, according to Kiritsugu's prior investigation, Tohsaka Tokiomi was not a careless person.

When I arrived at the basement workshop without any trouble, my premonition turned into certainty. Needless to say, if you are at home, even if you are not at home, the magician will not allow others to enter his workshop at will. It seems that Tokiomi is not only not at home, but also in a state where he cannot even grasp the current condition of his own house.

To further confirm, Kiritsugu took out the test liquid in the eye drop bottle from his pocket. It is refined based on body fluids that are specifically designed to lure men into nightmares. It is especially sensitive to men's blood and old waste and can be identified in detail.

First, the reaction of the test solution was confirmed in the washbasin, and then the blood stains in the living room were identified. It was obvious that the reaction results were consistent. Only one person can shave at this washbasin these days.

The man's blood stained the living room carpet...

By now it is certain that Tohsaka Tokiomi is either dead or missing.

Faced with the emergence of this unexpected plot, Kiritsugu tried his best to remain calm and began to examine the situation.

There were no signs of a fight in the room. The two teacups placed here indicate that this is for entertaining guests. Tokiomi must have been seriously or fatally injured after talking freely in this room with the person he was entertaining as a guest. It seems that revenge against magicians is not exclusive to Kiritsugu.

But what was Tokiomi's Servant doing at that time? How could he just sit back and watch his Master do nothing. But there is another possibility: Tokiomi as a Master has lost its use value to Archer. Archer conspired with the next person to make a contract to kill Tokiomi. This statement also makes sense.

Kiritsugu felt his heart twisting at the heavy answer he had obtained after much reasoning.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's friend was treated as a guest, and it was not surprising that Tokiomi exposed his flaws.

Archer's new Master has now regained the Command Seal - that is to say, someone who lost the power of Servant and Master in the past is still alive.

No need to think about it, there is only one person. Moreover, if you get a new Senvant and participate in the Holy Grail War again, kidnapping Irisviel and taking control of the "Holy Grail Instrument" is the natural action you should take.

Just like this - Kiritsugu finally understood that the confrontation with Kotomine Kirei was inevitable.


Although it was late at night, the church on the hill was still brightly lit.

Standing in front of the resting place designated by God on earth, some contradictions and sadness stopped Matou Kariya in his tracks.

The simplicity of human beings who are easily soothed and feel at ease by the formal comfort of a place of prayer. Although on the one hand I sneer at this, on the other hand I can't help but sympathize with this kind of human beings who want to find a spiritual refuge even if they know that things are deceptive and false.

If someone told himself that all the hardships that people endured in this world were just tests from God, Kariya would definitely be able to stretch out his hands and strangle God and his messengers to death. But if someone asked whether ordinary humans who were not gods could be redeemed - looking at his body that was gradually decaying, Kariya could only remain silent.

One step after another, he slowly moved closer to the Holy Grail. However, the marking bugs in his body were eroding his body at a speed several times faster than he could get close to the Holy Grail.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the chirping of swarms of insects devouring flesh and bones. The pain caused by the marking bugs that slowly eroded his body had become as natural a part of Kariya's body as breathing and the beating of his heart. Consciousness often becomes very blurry, and when I wake up, I become very indifferent to the passage of time.

The optimistic view of giving up everything that I swore I absolutely didn't need slowly eroded my heart like water seeping through the cracks.

How many more times can we fight?

How many more days can I live?

If you want to get the Holy Grail with your own hands and save Sakura, the only way to rely on it is to hope for a miracle.

In this case, shouldn't Kariya pray? He knelt down to pray in front of the huge cross that towered from the roof to the ground, looking down at him in a detached way.

"Are you kidding...?"

In response to the humiliating cowardice that controlled him, Kariya couldn't help but curse and curse to encourage himself.

I didn’t come to the church at this time just to get some foolish salvation. Might as well say just the opposite. Kariya came here tonight to get the blood of his enemies. If Kotomine Kirei is to be believed, Tokiomi Tosaka must be waiting for Kariya's visit in the chapel now. It was not for the purpose of confession or worship, but just to vent his resentment that Kariya stood in front of the altar.

In the duel with Tokiomi, who had been defeated once before, Kotomine Kirei had already prepared for himself the opportunity to avenge himself that he would have never had. Tonight is the last chance to kill that damn magician. You must not be careless.

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