Chapter 1201 "Perfect Knight"

In a corner of the parking lot, a large number of paint cans were piled up because the construction work had not yet been completed. A stray bullet hit here, and the hot bullet ignited the solvent, causing an explosion. The darkness underground was dispelled by the flames of red lotus.

Saber was completely suppressed by the barrage and couldn't get close, so she looked around in search of a way to revive her. What she saw at that time was a light truck parked in the corner parking space.

"--That's the one!"

Saber rushed towards the targeted vehicle, risking being cornered with no way out. Berserker was tracking the escapees while firing randomly with his two-handed machine guns. Saber was one step ahead of the whizzing bullets at the critical moment and rushed behind the truck. She swung the back of the knife upwards and knocked the car into the air.

At this time, the rain of bullets targeting Saber crushed the truck into pieces like a paper model. Saber continued to hide behind the scattered car body, pressed her shoulders against the overturned chassis, and rushed towards Berserker.

Berserker continued to fire, mercilessly shattering the truck body into iron shavings with his machine gun. Although even the heavy truck frame soon met the fate of falling apart, in Saber's view, it was enough as long as the "temporary shield" could shorten the distance to within the range of the sword attack.

"Uh oh oh oh!"

The bullet that penetrated the car grazed her cheek and shoulder. A round struck the tank with sparks, igniting the fuel inside. The already-shattered car body burst into flames. But even so, it didn't stop Saber from attacking.

Less than ten meters away from the enemy, Saber saw the right moment and threw the truck wreckage towards Berserker. The Black Knight did not dodge in the face of the burning iron filings approaching like a ball, and raised one hand in an attempt to crush it with a punch.

——The time has come.


With a high-pitched shout, Saber once again approached the burning truck body with lightning speed, and thrust with all her strength. The sword penetrated the burning iron block used as a blindfold, and the sword tip pointed directly at Berserker on the other side.

Berserker didn't see Saber's activities behind the obstruction at all, and couldn't avoid it at all. It wasn't until the third confrontation that Saber finally hit the enemy with one blow. The tip of her sword felt like a direct hit.


"——Too shallow!?"

Saber's side is also blocked by the shield and cannot look directly at the target. Although the thrust based on intuition did hit the opponent, he was not lucky enough to kill with one blow. Although the front end of the Wind King's barrier accurately hit the black helmet's eyebrows, it failed to break the inner head cover.

The truck body was battered by bullets on the outside and pierced by swords on the inside. This time it was finally broken into two pieces. Although Berserker was not fatally injured, he was stabbed violently in the face and was unable to recover from his staggering backward posture. That was enough space for an additional blow. The balance of victory now favors Saber.

Saber kicked away the burning car wreckage and raised her sword in the upper position. I won't let him go this time. She aimed at Berserker's defenseless head and bet her victory on the next frontal slash.

The posture, speed, timing were all perfect. It was a full blow that was worthy of the name of a heroic sword-wielding spirit, and it was enough to make people sure that the winner was decided. That's why Saber was particularly surprised when the blade of the sword was stopped in the void.

Berserker threw away the machine gun and caught the Wind King's Barrier Blade with his bare hands in front of his eyes. That stunt was incredible in a double sense. Not only because he responded to Saber’s fatal pursuit with an impossible gesture. What's more, it's impossible to see through the invisible Wind King's barrier trajectory. But the Black Knight grabbed the white blade with his bare hands and blocked Saber's attack, as if he knew everything about Saber's sword from its shape to its length.

Saber suddenly realized the fatal danger of being touched by Berserker's weapon, and shuddered suddenly. She pushed aside her inner shock and kicked the Black Knight in the chest with all her strength. Berserker, who couldn't resist and retreated, let go of the sword, allowing Saber's beloved sword to avoid the danger of being eroded by the opponent's dark magic at the critical moment.

The sprinklers on the ceiling reacted to the spreading flames and began spraying a curtain of water. Even though their whole bodies were exposed to the fireproof water pouring down like a torrential rain, the silver and black knights still faced each other without moving.

Questions arose in Saber's mind again that she couldn't ignore.

The illusion of the Wind King's enchantment has no effect on Berserker. He was obviously familiar with the sword guarded by an invisible sheath. In other words, this means that he originally knew himself before becoming a heroic spirit.

In Warehouse Street and Miyokawa, this black knight showed abnormal obsession and attacked Saber. If that is not the Master's instruction, but the resentment of this crazy heroic spirit...

The more he stared into the black mist, the blurry the details of the armor became. This means that Berserker is surrounded by an illusory guardian similar to the Wind King's barrier, making it absolutely impossible to see through the true face of his heroic spirit. But Saber had to be convinced at this moment - there was no doubt that he was a certain knight she knew.

"... Judging from your skills, you must be no unknown knight. Let me ask you!"

Saber made up her mind and shouted loudly to the enemy who was facing each other through the mist.

"Since you recognized me as Artoria Pendragon (Pendragon), the King of Britain, and challenged me, you should report your origins out of the honor of a knight! The challenge of concealing your identity is like a conspiracy!"

The sound of pouring water was mixed with the crisp metallic sound of "click, click, click". Although it was very slight, the sound that penetrated his ears was so cold that it made people feel chilling. There was no doubt that it was coming from Berserker - his armor was trembling under the black mist.

It was the sound made by the armor that completely covered the limbs vibrating slightly like water waves and hitting each other.


Saber finally noticed the source of the strange moaning sound that seemed to be crawling across the ground.

The sound, like being crushed and sobbing, originated from the depths of the black helmet. Berserker's whole body twitched, showing his uncontrollable emotions.

Laughter——When Saber understood this, an indescribable chill ran through her body.

She had no speculation or basis, and just relied on the guidance of her sixth sense to understand that she had made a fatal mistake in her previous questioning.

Unfortunately she noticed it too late. The words that would evoke the worst curses for her had already been uttered by herself.

The black mist covering the Black Knight's body swirled and began to shrink. In the pouring water mist, the dark armor finally revealed the true face of Lushan.

It was a perfect armor that was neither gorgeous nor vulgar, but could perfectly combine functional beauty with gorgeousness.

The craftsmen did their best to cast it with meticulous attention to detail, making it look both majestic and sophisticated. Even the countless scars on it have become sculptures that highlight his illustrious military exploits, adding to his bravery. That's the ideal battle attire that all knights can't help but envy.

Saber knew the brave man who once wore that armor and galloped into the battlefield. He was the most dazzling unparalleled swordsman on the Round Table of Camelot, the most outstanding knight and the most loyal warrior.

"You are - how could -"

I really hope I'm wrong. He is the ideal embodiment of the original appearance of "Knight". That majestic appearance can never become a dark figure corroded by a mad curse.

The black knight smiled ferociously as if he was mocking Saber's idea, and stretched his hand to the hilt of the sword in the scabbard. The sword was neither picked up nor looted. This heroic spirit who had always concealed his name finally revealed his own Noble Phantasm.

Saber could only stare helplessly as he slowly pulled out the sword from its scabbard.

It was unmistakable, the design of the blade was identical to her own sword - a mark of elven writing proving that it had been forged by inhuman hands. The reflection of the sharp blade in the moonlight was like a shining lake. It is an infinite sword that will never be destroyed by any blow.

Only he who is praised as the "Perfect Knight" is qualified to own that sword, and its name is also called "Indestructible Lake Light" - that is more evidence of the true name of the holder than self-reported family name.


The cry of complaint echoed in the black helmet. At this shock, the mask that had been cracked by Saber's previous blow shattered.

A blackened face emerged from the shattered mask.

The beauty that used to be the envy of countless women was gone. He was so thin and haggard because of the hatred in the past that he looked like a ghost, with only his eyes full of hatred shining. That's because the curse eventually resulted in the loss of everything, and the appearance of a living dead.


Saber felt her knees weaken. The unyielding King of Knights lost himself in despair and fell to his knees on the wet floor as if he could not bear the weight of the water drops hitting his shoulders and back.

——Even as a hero, you will end up losing the minimum glory——

In the past, someone had told her this.

So, did the curse already begin at that time?

" are so..."

Saber looked at the figure in front of her who had lost all her former dignity and dignity and had fallen into the seat of madness and completely changed. Tears welled up in her eyes and she just asked.

"...Do you hate me so much, my friend...Even if you become like that...Do you hate me so much, Knight of the Lake!"

That is the girl who maintained her honor until the end and fought hard for her honor——

The moment of defeat.


In the silence, a burning smell hit my nostrils, and there seemed to be a fire somewhere in this huge building.

Emiya Kiritsugu slowly walked into the middle of the deserted hallway with decisive and light steps.

He relaxes the muscles of his body moderately and does not apply excess force to any part. On the other hand, nerves are like mirrors that are quieter and clearer than the surface of a frozen lake, reflecting the panoramic view of the surrounding area. Sharper than hearing, clearer than vision, without any blind spots. He turned into a probe that would immediately detect any slightest movement, wandering around in the darkness.

Kotomine Kirei should be somewhere in the Fuyuki Civic Hall, waiting for Emiya Kiritsugu's arrival.

Judging from the results, the ambush plan planned by Kiritsugu had indeed failed completely. But he felt no remorse. Because he was finally able to grasp the true identity of Kotomine Kirei, an enemy full of mysteries, which was a great gain. It was precisely because Kiritsugu's various predictions had come to nothing that he relied on the elimination method to arrive at the answer.

In short, the man had no interest in the Holy Grail.

Normally, all Masters would fight in pursuit of the Holy Grail. This preconceived notion has blinded Kiritsugu until today. Because of this, Kirei's actions that had nothing to do with the Holy Grail puzzled Kiritsugu.

However, Kiritsugu saw clearly Kirei's strategy in the Holy Grail descending ceremony tonight and found that he had made a fundamental mistake.

Kirei's preparations for using the Fuyuki Citizen's Hall as an altar were extremely inadequate. This fragile fortress is inherently inadequate as a magic fortress. He took no defensive measures. Even if time is tight, at least simple traps and barriers should be set up. Besides, if there was really no time to prepare, how could he have made the move to summon other Servants for a decisive battle? To put it a hundred steps back, even if he really knew nothing about magic as a defensive method, why would he choose the location least suitable for defensive warfare among the four spiritual veins?

Thinking of this, Kiritsugu could only think that for Kotomine Kirei, the arrival of the Holy Grail was secondary. That man chose the Fuyuki Civic Hall simply because it had the lowest possibility of being ambushed. Rather than successfully delivering the Holy Grail, he hopes to gain favorable dominance in the final battle with the Master.

Kotomine Kirei's goal is not the Holy Grail, but the bloodshed in the process of achieving it. That reason cannot be explored, nor does it need to be explored. It is enough to understand who the agent is targeting.

Kiritsugu slowly held Thompson. Contender's gun handle felt the solid walnut wood against his fingers, and he thought about the man's face that he had only seen in photos.

Now even if I think about where and how I formed a bond with Kotomine Kirei, it is just a vain attempt. Kiritsugu's life was not so comfortable that he could say that he had never made enemies with anyone. An outsider who broke into the Holy Grail War purely because of his personal grudge against Kiritsugu—that possibility could only be ruled out based on probabilistic reasons. Although the possibility of an outsider surviving to the end of the Holy Grail War and directing a farce that disrupted the direction of the Holy Grail's ownership was extremely unlikely, the reality was right in front of him, and Kiritsugu had no choice but to accept it as fact.

Emiya Kiritsugu has never sought the truth or answers to things. For him, the only thing worth caring about is "the situation."

He just vowed in his heart to save more people. There is no distinction between high and low in the lives saved. The scale by which sacrifice and relief are weighed has nothing to do with reason or circumstance. This is how he survives. He would never be foolish enough to inquire into the meaning of his actions.

Therefore——Kiritsugu no longer had any fear or sense of crisis that he once had towards Kotomine Kirei.

Once he knew what his purpose was, the man was reduced to a mere obstacle that hindered Kiritsugu's progress. No matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as it is someone you must challenge, it is no longer an object of affection. There is no fear, no hatred, neither contempt nor mercy, only one thing to consider. That was the only function Kiritsugu gave to himself as a killing machine.

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