Chapter 1202 King and King

The main part of the Fuyuki Civic Hall is the large concert hall covering the first to third floors. Kirei placed the body of the dead android on the stage that had been fully renovated and was just waiting for the first performance.

Inside his soft abdominal cavity, there was a distinct foreign body sensation. Perhaps the Holy Grail that had been mixed into the internal organs was recovering its original appearance. Although Kirei could now cut open the abdominal cavity to take it out, he was not in a hurry. As long as he recovered the soul of one more Servant, the outer shell should automatically collapse and reveal the Holy Grail. He only needed to wait.

Archer confronted Rider on the bridge, and Berserker stopped Saber in the underground parking lot. Everything went smoothly. No one disturbed Kirei now.

He left the concert hall and came to the corridor. Suddenly, the black smoke that filled the air hit his nose. The fire should have started on the battlefield underground. Judging from the depth of the smell, the fire seemed to have spread to all parts of the building. However, all external communication lines, including the fire alarm, have been cut off. As long as the flames do not spill out of the building, they will not be noticed by nearby residents.

With each step, his mood became more and more excited, and he could not help but blurt out the words of blessing.

——Lord, awaken my soul, please guide me on the right path with the help of God. Even if I walk in the valley of death, I will not fear the devil, because God is with me——

He is here. Now I will definitely meet him.

Emiya Kiritsugu is nearby. Just as Kirei longed for his arrival, he was also pursuing Kirei.

The flames have dispelled the darkness, swaying and dancing in various places in the corridor. The heat caressed Kirei's cheeks, but he didn't care. The blood boiling in his heart was hotter than the flames.

Kirei now felt blessed for the first time. The God who had never favored him in his life finally gave him a revelation.

What he pursued was the venting of hatred and the joy of fighting.

——Your rod and whip comforted me. You have prepared a feast for me in front of my enemies, and anointed my head with oil. The overflowing cup of blessing will surely bring me eternal grace—

Tongues of fire rushed up the wall to the ceiling, turning into a signpost leading to purgatory, inviting the two men.

They moved forward silently, moved forward with high spirits, and walked towards the duel field without hesitation.

So, they met in the underground floor—the large prop warehouse directly below the stage.

On the other side of the billowing black smoke, Emiya Kiritsugu saw a slender figure in a vestment.

On the other side of the steaming heat, Kotomine Kirei saw the black coat of his nemesis.

The light of the black key in his hand reflected the light of the magic gun.

Both of them sensed the killing intent, and both had long been aware of the blazing heat.

Then, there was no need for words to communicate.

The two finally looked each other in the eyes, and they understood a conclusion at the same time.

Seven Masters. Seven Servants. Those were just so-called "situations".

To Emiya Kiritsugu, this war is——

To Kotomine Kirei, the entire battlefield of Fuyuki City is——

Everything exists to defeat the enemy in front of them.

In the blazing flames, the swords are leaping.

Three on the left, three on the right, the agent draws out a total of six Black Keys and rushes forward.

The assassin's gun aims at the shadow approaching with the wind.

At this time and place, the final showdown silently begins.


There is a burst of flying sand and rocks, and the "King's Army" rushes over with a shocking momentum.

Despite the enemy, the hero king Gilgamesh is still fearless.

The bright red eyes that look directly at this spectacular scene are full of joy. This is an extraordinary feeling that only a king who enjoys all the glory in the world can understand.

In fact, Archer is secretly happy.

Being summoned to this time and space, he just repeats this farce called war every day. He had long been tired of it, but finally met an "opponent" that he recognized.

The challenge of that Rider was worth his all.

"Dreaming high, aiming to dominate... This passion is indeed worthy of praise. But soldiers, do you understand? The so-called dream will eventually end."

Archer used the key in his hand to open the treasure house in the void. However, he did not unfold the "King's Treasure", but only took out a mere sword.

"Because of this, I will definitely block your way, King of Conquerors."

- Can this weapon really be called a "sword"?

It is really too weird. There is a hilt and a guard, and the length is similar to that of an ordinary long sword. But the most critical "blade" part is far from the traditional sword. I saw three sections of cylinders tightly connected, and the blunt blade was twisted into a spiral. The three cylinders were slowly wound together like a chain, and they swirled and extended alternately.

Yes, it can no longer be called a sword. Something that was born long before the concept of "sword" appeared in the world could not have the shape of a sword. It was made by God before he created humans, and it is the manifestation of divinity that witnessed the creation of the world.

The three sections of the cylinder like a millstone echoed the movement of the celestial sphere, rubbing and rotating with each other with weight and force that rivaled the movement of the earth's crust, and the expansive magic power rolling out was simply immeasurable.

"Come, put an end to your endless long dream, and I will personally show you the laws of the world."

Archer's arm was raised high above his head, and the initial sword began to slowly speed up. Every lap faster, faster...

After witnessing all this, Rider, who instinctively felt the danger approaching, raised his reins and urged Bucephalus.

"Let's go!"

It doesn't hurt to give the initiative to Archer. But he was only allowed to deliver one blow. Before he could take any follow-up actions, the "King's Army" would trample the golden silhouette to death.

The key, then, is how to survive the first blow. The opponent was Archer, who was proud of his unparalleled treasure. He must have a reason to bet on this attack.

Anti-army treasure?

A treasure against the city?

Or is it a sniper-type anti-personnel weapon? If the opponent plans to capture the thief first and capture the king first, then kill the charging Rider in one fell swoop...

"Boom" roared with the sound of a hurricane, and expanded magic power burst out from Archer's sword hilt.

"Wake up, EmumaElish. The stage is set to suit you!"

EmumaElish - In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, he is the god of "heaven" and "middle" in charge of the earth and water.

The "Sword of Oblivion" as he called it was the original sword that witnessed the creation of the world in the age of mythology. The task assigned to its blade was to split the chaotic sky and earth in half and give it a precise shape.

Now, the proudly whirling Divine Sword whips up gusts of strong wind, and is preparing to repeat the miracle of creation. The golden hero king declared proudly.

"Look carefully - this is the 'star that opens up the sky and the earth'!"

The sky is screaming and the earth is roaring.

The expanding magic beam shook the laws of the universe and surged out.

Archer swung his sword down, not aiming at anyone at all.

There is no need to target anyone anymore. What the blade of the deviant sword cuts apart is by no means limited to any "enemies".

In front of Rider, who was galloping on his horse, the earth cracked open, revealing a bottomless abyss.


Rider immediately sensed the danger at his feet, but the momentum of the galloping Bucephalus was too strong and no one could stop it.


Seeing that the fate of falling into the abyss was inevitable, Weber gritted his teeth and swallowed the scream. Having said that, this danger was simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of the horse and rider he dismounted.


With a wave of Rider's reins, the horse's hind hooves kicked hard and leaped high into the air.

That jumping and floating in the air made people sweat deeply. Just when Weber thought that this moment would last indefinitely, Bucephalus had once again set foot on the land on the other side.

There was little time for them to breathe. When Weber saw the tragic situation of the following cavalry, his face turned pale.

The Praetorian Guards, whose mounts were inferior to those of Bucephalus, failed to cross the chasm and fell helplessly into the abyss of hell like an avalanche. Although the cavalry at the rear stopped at the last moment and escaped, the tragedy had just begun.

"Boy, hurry up!"

Rider shouted, hugged Weber and tightly grasped Bucephalus' mane.

Just when Shenma, sensing the crisis, retreated to a safe place, the cracks in the ground widened, swallowing up the surrounding land and the cavalry.

No - not just the earth. The cracks extended from the ground level to the void, distorting the space, causing the atmosphere to flow up, and the strong winds blowing everything around to the end of the void.

"This, this is..."

Even the Conqueror King was shocked and speechless by this scene.

The sword of disobedience wielded by the King of Heroes pierced not only the earth, but the entire world, including the sky, with that blow. Its attack can no longer be described in terms of whether it hits or not and how powerful it is. Soldiers, horses, sand, sky - everything that relied on the severed space was drawn into the whirlpool leading to nothingness and disappeared.

While Bucephalus was holding on to his four hooves and resisting the pressure difference of the vacuum, the hot sand earth generated by the "King's Army" was cracking and falling apart all the time, just like the sand that was about to run out. Flowing like a stone into the abyss of nothingness.

Before the sword fell, everything was just a meaningless chaos——

After the sword was swung, new laws separated the sky, sea and earth.

The turbulent power that created the world rushed out, which had already exceeded the scope of the city's Noble Phantasm. Everything visible and invisible fell apart under this unparalleled power. This is the true face of the "Anti-realm Noble Phantasm" that makes the King of Heroes claim to be a transcendent.

The sky fell, the earth cracked, and everything returned to nothingness. In the endless night, only Archer's deviant sword shines brightly. Its light is like the opening star that illuminates the new world, announcing the end of destruction.

Neither Rider nor Webber were able to witness this. Rider's unique barrier is maintained by the total magic power of all summoned heroic spirits. Before the entire world disappeared completely, the barrier that lost half of the troops had already cracked, and the distorted laws of the universe returned to their proper form.

Then, as if waking up from a dream, Bucephalus carrying the two men landed on the Fuyuki Bridge at night.

On the other side of the bridge, the golden Archer stood in front of them with a smile. The positional relationship between the two sides has not changed at all, and the entire battle situation seems to have been traced back to the beginning.

The only thing that could confirm the change was the deviant sword in Archer's hand that was still spinning and roaring.

The fatal change that cannot be ignored is that Rider's ace "King's Army" has disappeared.


Seeing his Master looking up at him with a pale face, the tall Servant asked solemnly.

"So, there's something important I haven't asked you yet."


"Webber Velvet, are you willing to serve me as my servant?"

Weber's whole body was shaking with excitement. Then, tears poured out like a flood from a dam.

Although I knew it would never be possible, I still secretly looked forward to this problem. There is no need to think about the answer at all. It is hidden deep in my heart like a treasure.

"You are-"

The boy who was called by his first name for the first time ignored the tears on his cheeks, puffed out his chest and answered unwaveringly.

"——You are my king. I swear to serve you and die for you. Please guide me forward and let me see the same dream."

Hearing the other party swearing like this, the domineering king smiled slightly. This smile is the ultimate praise and reward for my subordinates.


Just when he was feeling happy and elated - Weber's body really took off.


The king lifted the young man's short body from Bucephalus' back and slowly placed him on the cement road. After losing the support of the horse's back and returning his vision to its original height, Weber once again realized his shortness and was filled with doubts.

"It is your duty as a king to show where the dream is. And it is your duty as a minister to witness the end of the dream and pass it on to future generations forever."

On the saddle that seemed so high and unreachable, the Conquering King smiled heartily and gave the order resolutely.

"Live, Weber. Witness all this, pass on the way of survival as a king, and pass on Iskandar's galloping heroic appearance."

Bucephalus neighed loudly to express his encouragement - was it the king who was about to die, or the ministers who had a heavy responsibility on their shoulders?

Weber leaned down and never raised his head again. To Iskandar, this was a sign of approval. No words are needed anymore. From today until the end of time, the king's heroic figure will guide his subjects, and they will be loyal to this memory. Before such vows, separation becomes meaningless. Under Iskandar's command, the bond between the king and his subjects has transcended time and space and has become eternal.

"Come, let's go to war, Iskandar!"

The Conquering King clamped his horse's belly and began the final gallop. I saw him glaring angrily at the enemy who was taking his time, and let out a roar of tearing silk.

He is a strategist and naturally knows that the outcome has already been decided. However, "that" and "this" are completely different things. The Conquering King Iskandar had no choice but to charge forward towards the golden heroic spirit.

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