A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1203 1196 A Man's Tears

Chapter 1203 A Man’s Tears

This is not optimism, nor is it despair. What filled his heart was the excitement that almost burst out of his chest.

So strong. That guy is too strong. That hero can even split the entire world in half, and is undoubtedly the strongest opponent in the world.

Because of this, that man was his final enemy.

He is the last obstacle in the world that is higher than the Hindu Kush and hotter than the Makranre Sands. In this case, what reason does the Conqueror have for not challenging it? As long as we break through this final hurdle, the end of the world lies ahead. My unattainable dream is waiting to be realized before my eyes.

"There is glory beyond that" - it is precisely because it is so far away that it has the value of challenge. He sings and shows his domineering power in order to support his subordinates behind his back.

The King of Heroes, who blocked Iskandar's path, calmly looked at the challenger and released the treasure in his treasury. Twenty, forty, eighty - the group of Noble Phantasms shines brightly and spreads out in the sky. Under that dazzling light, the Conqueror King recalled the eastern starry sky he had looked at in the past.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

The conquering king trembled with joy, roared loudly, and galloped forward together with his beloved horse.

Dots of Star Rain roared proudly and gradually approached, ravaging every inch of skin one after another and mercilessly. But this pain is nothing compared to the pleasure of running.

It is impossible to reach any "end" - I have also been secretly depressed in my heart. How stupid, what a gaffe.

The "end" he dreamed of was standing in front of him. After crossing so many hills and crossing so many rivers, the end point is now in sight.

Then just step over it.

Step over that enemy.

One step, another step. As long as he keeps repeating this process, the tip of his sword will surely be able to touch that unreachable figure.

The swords fell like a constellation of stars, and under the soul-stirring lust, the Conqueror King's body suddenly tilted.

When he realized it, he was moving forward with his own feet. I don’t know where Bucephalus the horse went or where he fell. Although he really wanted to stop and pay homage to his close friend who had completed his final mission, it was precisely because of this that he couldn't stop. Every step forward now is the best feast dedicated to the deceased.

The old enemy of gold pretended to know everything and said something. But he didn't hear it. Even the sound of the golden blade breaking through the wind that passed by his ears could no longer reach his ears.

All he could hear was the sound of the sea.

Far away at the end of the world, lapping at the empty shore, there is the sound of the waves at the end of the world.

Ah, that's it. Understanding all this, he felt relieved.

——The throbbing in my chest is the waves of the endless sea.


He ran selflessly on the shore. The splashing droplets are very comfortable on the toes. The soles of his feet were stained bright red, perhaps just from the blood flowing from his abdomen. But so what? Now, he saw the sea in his dream. What happiness could be better than this?

The unhurried King of Heroes is already right in front of him. One more step - one more step forward. The tip of the raised sword could split that guy's head in two.


Accompanied by the sound of shouting, the Celtic sword swung down.

That ultimate moment of certainty of victory, that moment that should have passed by in a blink of an eye, somehow lasted as if it was frozen forever. It’s like time itself has stood still——

No, in fact it is not time that stands still, but himself.

At the moment when the sword edge was about to touch the enemy, the Conqueror's hands, feet, shoulders, waist and even the blade of the sword were all bound by strong chains.

The Lock of Heaven - a secret treasure among the secret treasures of the King of Heroes, a chain that even the Bull of Heaven cannot break free from.

"——You guy...always come up with some weird things..."

No regrets, no confusion. Some are just the self-mockery of struggling to survive and falling short, and the wry smile at the corner of the mouth stained with blood.

The Celtic sword failed to reach the opponent. All that was left was the fact that Gilgamesh's deviant sword penetrated Iskandar's chest, and the feeling of the sword turning around in his heart. What a strange sword. The Conquering King said as if his colleagues were not his own concern.

"——Have you woken up from your dream, King of Conquerors?"

"...Ah, um. Yes..."

This time, it failed again. The unfinished dream sadly ended like this. But if you think about it carefully, this should be worth betting your whole life on, and it is only a once-in-a-lifetime dream.

Recalling the past, the dream I had when I was far away in Asia Minor - in this far east place, came to my mind again. Iskandar recited the past, which was full of ups and downs, with a smile on his face.

Since the same dream can be repeated twice, there is nothing incredible about having it again.

That is to say——

It’s almost time to start your next big dream.

"This expedition also... made my heart surge..."

Iskandar narrowed his eyes, which were getting blurry in the blood mist, and hummed with satisfaction. Seeing the satisfied look on his face, Gilgamesh nodded solemnly.

"King of Conqueror, I accept your challenge at any time."

For this powerful enemy who had been pierced by the rain of Noble Phantasms all over his body but still had to rely on the Heavenly Locks to block his way forward, the King of Heroes bestowed upon him the supreme praise - the heartfelt praise.

"Until the end of time, every inch of this world will be my courtyard. So I guarantee you will never be bored."

"Oh...that's, that's great..."

Finally, Rider complied calmly and disappeared quietly.

In terms of time, this battle is really not that long. By the time the heroic spirit on horseback galloped to the other side of the bridge, the attack and defense were over in just a few seconds.

But for Weber, who had all this imprinted on his eyes, this heavy and long time was comparable to his entire life.

It’s unforgettable. No matter how much he deceives himself, he will never forget that scene. The scene that happened in front of him in just a few seconds has become a part of his soul and can never be separated.

Webb was left alone where he had been dropped, standing motionless. Although he knew in his heart that he must move, it seemed that if his body moved, he would definitely lose strength and fall to his knees.

However, you must not touch your knees to the ground now. Absolutely not.

The golden Archer stared at Weber with cruel blood-colored eyes, and slowly came closer. Never look away. Although his body was paralyzed with fear, he still knew this. Just look away and your life is gone.

Archer stood in front of the boy who was trembling but looking at him firmly, and asked in a voice without any emotion.

"Boy, are you Rider's Master?"

I thought it was impossible for my throat, which was gripped by fear, to make a sound, but when I was asked about my relationship with "him", the rigid restraint was instantly released. Weber shook his head and replied in a hoarse voice.

"No. I am——that person's subordinate."


Archer narrowed his eyes and looked at Weber carefully from head to toe. Only then did he realize that there was no command spell coming from him.

"——That's it. But boy, if you are a true loyal minister, shouldn't you avenge the dead king?"

Regarding the second question, Weber also expressed his true feelings in an incredibly calm voice.

"...If I challenge you, I will die."

"of course."

"I can't do that. The king gave me an order to 'live'."

Yes - he cannot die. As long as Wang's last words are still echoing in his heart, Weber will do everything possible to get out of this desperate predicament. Even if the enemy's Servant is right in front of him, he has no way to defend himself, and the situation is so desperate that everything is over - he will never give up. The oath made at that time must not be violated.

In a sense, the suffering that Weber is suffering at this moment is much more cruel and painful than the optimism of accepting his fate.

Facing the inevitable death, the boy's body was trembling involuntarily, but his stubborn eyes told his unyieldingness. Gilgamesh silently looked down at his weak body and nodded slightly.

"Loyalty is where righteousness lies. Don't let his efforts be put to shame."

The opponent is not the Master, but a harmless bastard. There is no need for him to take action anymore. This is the decision of a king.

The golden heroic spirit turned around and floated away. Weber could only watch him go away silently. It wasn't until the figure completely disappeared from sight, and the cool breeze blew across the river, sweeping away the tense battlefield air, that the young man finally realized that he was left alone in the quiet night, and that everything was over.

This miracle of survival made his knees tremble again.

That Archer did intend to kill Webb before he changed his mind. The murderous aura that was as natural as breathing had silently declared this fact. If Weber had looked away, slumped to the ground or hesitated even a moment in answering, he would have been killed.

Although he only saved a small life, this was also an affirmation of him by the King of Heroes. Dare to face fear and save a life. This is a battle and a victory in itself. It was Webber Velvet's first solo victory.

It was an ugly and insignificant battle that had nothing to do with heroism. He couldn't make anyone surrender, and he couldn't win anything. He survived the situation and that was it.

But Weber was still happy and proud of it. At that time, in that situation, you can get that kind of unexpected result. The preciousness of this can only be understood by Weber. No matter how rude he looked to others, he had no reason to be ashamed of it.

He obeyed the king's command. Witnessed it all and survived it all.

I really want to be praised. Whether it's the thick palms, or the thick branches, or the broken voice that doesn't know what politeness is. This time, there is no need to hide anything anymore. He could finally stand up proudly and show off his achievements to that man.

But - in this dark night where everything was silent, only Weber himself stood alone. There was no one around him anymore. Just like himself eleven days ago, Weber is now left alone in this numb and lifeless corner of the world.

This battle belongs only to him. Although he overcame the difficulties alone, no one noticed this, and no one came to praise him.

But is this fact cruel - no, never.

As for words of praise, he had already received them just now. The greatest king in the world has recognized him, promoted him, and listed him as one of his subjects.

It was just a matter of reversing the order of events.

He had already received the praise from the distant future. He only needed to spend the rest of his life to achieve merits commensurate with the praise.

Yes. At that time, because of that sentence, he was no longer alone.

The moment he understood this, his years as a young man ended.

Then he knew for the first time that tears could sometimes burst out without humiliation or regret.

At this moment, on the empty bridge, Weber Velvet looked down at the dark river and let his tears wet his cheeks.

Those were hot and cool, manly tears.


--A woman was crying.

Her beautiful cheeks were becoming increasingly haggard due to sadness, and tangled wrinkles were carved on her eyebrows. The woman was crying silently.

She blamed herself.

She was ashamed.

As a sinner who shouldered all the sins in the world, she could only wash her face with tears all day long.

Everyone in the world pointed fingers at her - an unfaithful wife, a treacherous princess.

The fools who were blinded by the glorious legend did not know the truth, but just surrounded her and scolded her.

They did not even know that her husband was not a man at all.

In this world, only her noble face made "him" give his true heart.

However, all "he" could recall were her tears full of distress and melancholy.

Yes, "he" hurt her.

Love -

Being loved -

This is the source of the fall.

Even if it was her, she must have given up everything at the beginning and was very optimistic.

To save the war-torn country, there must be an ideal king - and by the king's side, there must be a noble and virtuous queen. This is the ideal form of rule for everyone.

Compared with this great ideal, a woman's life is insignificant.

Even if the king is not a man, even if this marriage is a marriage between two women that conceals gender and is not worthy of the name, this sacrifice is necessary to maintain the national justice.

Even so, "he" still wanted to save her.

When he first went to the palace and was met, "he" secretly swore in his heart that he would go through fire and water for this woman, and would not refuse death.

When she realized that it was "his" feelings that made her suffer, everything was too late.

She had fallen hopelessly in love with "him".

She had given up her happiness as a woman, and love was the biggest taboo.

Even if this love was not allowed, if she made up her mind, there should still be a way to bear the sin and persevere to the end.

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