Chapter 1206 "The Indestructible Lake Light"

The ejected shells danced in the air, the light of brass glittering.

Kirei pulled out the Black Keys with his left hand, a total of four, which was the limit of what he could use with one hand.

He put the new bullet into the ammunition chamber. The bullet slid in neatly, but this moment seemed so long in the four-fold acceleration time.

Kirei threw the Black Keys, not to the front but to the top. Under the high ceiling of the large prop warehouse, four sharp blades flew in the air like boomerangs. He did not intend to use the Black Keys for ordinary attacks, and his intentions were unclear. And now there was no time to figure out his intentions.

He threw the gun upward to close the ammunition chamber, and Contender once again transformed into the hideous weapon.

Kirei approached, and he used the secret door step again to shorten the distance between him and Kiritsugu. But that was it. Kiritsugu was now able to dodge and shoot at the same time.

The Black Keys fell from above his head. When four sharp blades surrounded him like a birdcage, Kiritsugu finally realized Kirei's tactics.

Blockade action - If you want to avoid Kirei's charge, then no matter which direction you move, there will be a sharp blade of the Black Key waiting for you. Kirei threw the Black Key with the purpose of blocking Kiritsugu's movement from the beginning.

The only way to survive is to shoot before being attacked.

Kiritsugu aimed with Contender. No need to be anxious, no need to panic. Just focus on hitting the enemy in front of you.

Kirei stomped his right foot on the ground and jumped forward. This leap was equivalent to five steps. His left foot would probably be broken when he landed, but it didn't matter, the next attack would decide the outcome. There was no need to be confused, his whole body was fully prepared. His goal was to use the Eight Great Moves - Standing Sky Cannon. A shocking uppercut would definitely smash the opponent's skull.

Will win - both sides were sure.

Will die - both sides understood at the same time.

The fist and the gun with the belief of killing finally completed the final intersection.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei, who were in the middle of a fierce battle, failed to notice the abnormality above their heads.

Right above the large prop warehouse where they were, on the stage of the music hall, Irisviel's cold body was placed.

As a "guardian", she had lost all signs of life, and her internal organs had long since returned to the form of a Holy Grail container, waiting to collect the souls of the remaining Servants.

After Archer's victory, this container finally absorbed the soul of the fourth Servant.

The sealing ritual had disappeared, and due to the gathering of powerful magic power, the aftereffects brought heat to the surroundings.

The beautiful android corpse was burned to ashes in an instant. Not only that, the golden cup that came into contact with the outside air scorched the floor and curtains, and the raging flames swept the empty stage.

On the stage where the fire was getting fiercer, the golden cup floated in the air as if it was held up by an invisible hand. The Holy Grail Advent Ceremony that the "Founding Three Families" dreamed of began quietly without even a priest.

Then——the still tightly closed "door" had an invisible gap as thin as a hairline. Through the tiny gap, something on the other side of the door quietly seeped into the Holy Grail.

That thing looked very similar to "mud". Black, just black, a mud-like "object".

The object that had seeped into the Holy Grail suddenly dripped out, and then another drop, turning into a thin black line, like a crack in a dam, and soon the black waves overflowed the container and flowed to the floor of the stage.

The strength of the stage floor was not enough to bear that pitch-black thing. The mud seeped into the brand-new building materials, corroding, flowing deeper like melted snow seeping into the ground.

The moment the trigger of the magic gun was pulled——

The moment the ground groaned due to the heavy step——

Kiritsugu only had eyes for Kirei. Kirei only had eyes for Kiritsugu.

Until the end, the two of them did not notice the thing that penetrated the ceiling and dripped down.

At the moment of life and death, the bodies of the two men were covered with black mud falling from the top of their heads.


Now, pain is all that is felt.

Whether it is Matou Kariya, a human being, who can feel pain, or the concept of pain that is attached to Kariya, a piece of trash, he can no longer tell. He feels that it doesn’t matter.

Which part hurts and why, why he must experience such pain, these causes and consequences are unknown.

Breathing hurts. Heartbeat hurts. Thinking hurts. Remembering hurts.

There is nowhere to escape, and there is nothing he can do. It seems that he had similar feelings before, but he can’t remember. Maybe he has given up on himself.

The bugs are crying in his body. The bugs are twisting their bodies in pain. The culprit who caused him pain is also making his last struggle at this moment.

Berserker. It must be because of that black ghost. At this time, Berserker is fighting, and because the amount of magic power he needs far exceeds the amount that the Master can provide, he goes berserk. The bugs are in pain because too much magic power has been sucked away, so they bite Kariya’s internal organs and struggle non-stop.

But there is no other way.

Berserker must fight, that's what the priest said. I no longer remember his name, but they have made an agreement. He promised to give the Holy Grail to Kariya, so Berserker must fight.

The Holy Grail - it's the only thing that means everything to Kariya at this moment.

As long as the Holy Grail is obtained, the battle will be over. As long as I have the Holy Grail Sakura, I can be saved.

There seemed to be other things, but it was too painful to recall them. Those must be things beyond the scope of thinking.

Kariya didn't even know where this place was. He was originally in the cold darkness, but now he felt strangely hot, and it was difficult to even breathe. It seemed like he could smell something burning, maybe his body was burnt, but it didn't matter. My body can't move anyway, and the most important thing now is Berserker's battle, and rescuing Sakura.

Sakura——Ah, I really want to see her again. I really want to see that child.

But Rin couldn't do it and couldn't see her again. I can’t see her again—no, why is that?

It hurts just thinking about it. The brain, consciousness and soul are being squeezed.

Something is wrong. It seemed like something important had happened. has a problem.

Although he noticed something strange, Kariya's thoughts were soon involved in endless pain again.

it hurts--

There is only pain. Uncomfortable——

I don't know how many times he was knocked into the air.

I don't know how many times he was knocked to the ground effortlessly.

Saber has given up counting because she has lost count.

The strongest sword-wielding Servant, who made this up at random - now she is like a small boat in the storm. Facing the black sword wielded by Berserker, she could only give up resistance and was attacked, unable to even make a decent counterattack. She doesn't even feel bad about it. The heart that was silent in despair had long lost any fighting spirit. She is no longer the heroic knight king known as the incarnation of the dragon. This is so tragic and deplorable.

He was supposed to save Irisviel. They had vowed to raise the Holy Grail together. She couldn't bow her head here, she knew it very well.

But, can't win. Facing that man and that sword, it was impossible to win.

"Indestructible Lake Light" - paired with King Arthur's "Sword of Oath to Victory", the supreme sword that people obtained from the elves.

The sword was dyed pitch black, and the magic power full of resentment in his body caused the sword to become a berserker's sword.

He was originally the unique "perfect knight" who was admired by everyone. He was the flower blooming on the steep peak of chivalry. His figure and style were once the treasures of all those who aspired to be knights.

And he gave himself over to madness. His red eyes rolled with hatred, and he roared like a beast.

He yelled, I hate you.

He shouted, I curse you.

How on earth can we avoid the sword he swings with hatred?

Can't face it. His vision was blurred by tears, and his legs were bent weakly. All Saber could do with all her strength at this time was to protect her body before receiving a fatal blow.

Sir Lancelot. Knight of the Lake.

Now that I think about it, there are actually many clues that can reveal his true identity.

He once concealed his name to protect the reputation of his friends and participated in horse racing in disguise. Even though he fell into a trap and faced the enemy's sharp blade with his bare hands, he won the victory with only the use of elm branches with his superb martial arts.

But even if she noticed it, Saber would definitely not admit it. He who was admired by everyone could actually be reduced to a Berserker - how could he be the "Knight of the Lake"?

Saber originally believed that they were friends. Even if they meet each other for some unavoidable reasons, their hearts are still the same. One side is the courtier who embodies chivalry, and the other side is the king who embodies chivalry.

But is this bond just her naive fantasy?

He has never forgiven and cannot accept it. After he died, he was still cursing such an ending and such a tragic fate with resentment.

Lancelot and Guinevere fell in love - Artoria did not regard this irreparable injustice as betrayal. All this was caused by the king's concealment of his gender. It is Guinevere who must bear this contradiction for life.

Arturia understood the weight of this sacrifice and expressed her gratitude to him. At the same time, there is also guilt in the play. But she was even relieved that she was in love with her man, Lancelot. This man who has the same ideals as Wang will not put the country into crisis, and she believes that he will share the responsibility with her. And in fact, he did so. Although he was in the trouble of embarking on an unjust path, he still supported Guinevere and the king secretly.

The reason why it was exposed as a scandal, forcing the two to stand in opposing positions, was also planned by the traitors who hated Camelot. Because Lancelot could not sit back and watch his beloved woman be killed, Arturia had to execute him as a king.

No one is right, and it is precisely because everyone is right that the tragedy occurs.

In this way, Arturia always fought with her head held high as a king until the end.

Therefore, when facing the blood-stained battlefield on that hill, she could argue with God about the unfairness of fate.

If you implement the path you strive for but cannot get the correct result, then God must be at fault.

Then if there is a Holy Grail that can achieve miracles, she can always hold her head high. It is because of her belief that she will fight.



Under the tireless onslaught of Wuhua Lake Light, Saber's holy sword groaned. This sword of light that promised victory has long lost any meaning in the hands of its owner who has lost his fighting spirit. Berserker kept scolding Saber who was unable to fight back and was just defending. At this moment, he has completely released his true strength, and his swordsmanship is not comparable to his previous level. Even if Saber is not injured at this moment, she may not be able to resist that powerful momentum.

But facing the fierce attack of the opponent and the pain of her hands and feet that have long been paralyzed, Saber is not moved at all. The enemy's powerful strength and ruthless attack that are several times higher than hers are gradually disintegrating her spirit.

Ah, my friend... Is this what you mean?

Are you so desperate about fate? Are you cursing the king and country that have brought you despair with hatred?

We originally had the same dream and both sacrificed our lives to save the country.

If our aspirations are the same, then why do you hate me so much? Do you regret it?

——Redemption alone cannot lead——

No. Tell me it's not like that.

Lancelot. Only you. I hope you can understand. Because you are the ideal knight of people.

I hope you can nod your head and agree that what I did is completely right...

——Abandoning the people who have lost their way and wanting to be a saint alone——

"Stop it!!"

Saber used her last bit of rationality to block the heavy black sword and shouted with all her strength.

"... Stop it... Please..."

With sobs, her knees fell to the ground.

I can't move anymore. I've reached my limit. I can't defend against the next attack.

Perhaps, this is the only way to redeem myself.

Since he is so unwilling and hates it so much——then there is no other way to compensate except to use my body to receive the sword he brought back.

Just as Saber decided to give up resistance completely, Berserker suddenly stopped.

Saber and Berserker had no way of knowing that, just a few seconds ago, the Crest Bug inside Matou Kariya, who was hiding in the mechanical room of the underground parking lot, had stopped moving. In order to keep Berserker in the real world, Kariya's limited mana was absorbed in large quantities, and the demand for mana doubled with the release of the final Noble Phantasm. Finally, the Crest Bug was exhausted due to the heavy load.

And the reserve mana that could have allowed the Servant to stay in the real world for several hours even when the Master was not around was also consumed in ten seconds due to Berserker's rampage. At this moment, the mana that drove this killing machine suddenly dried up, causing Berserker to stop urgently as if it had malfunctioned.

In the abrupt silence, Saber's hand clearly felt Berserker's gradually disappearing heartbeat. Holding the hilt tightly in her hand, the sharp blade of her beloved sword pierced through the black armor.

This result was too ironic, who could have predicted it?

In this short moment, the victory and defeat were decided. Saber felt ashamed of her shallow greed, and she couldn't help crying.

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