The tall figure in the robes slid in front of the trembling Kiritsugu like the god of death. At this distance, Bajiquan can exert its maximum power. His fist, with the power of the eight directions and far distance, hit the enemy hard...

Kirei stepped forward, and the concrete floor was shaken with a loud bang. The heavy straight punch hit Kiritsugu's chest like a rock. The Vajra Eight Styles, a punch. Its power is equivalent to setting off a grenade in the chest. Kiritsugu's body was hit and flew in the air like hay, and finally hit hard on the pillars standing around. He didn't have time to defend himself. Under the heavy blow of the iron fist, the chest cavity was ruptured, and the lungs and heart were smashed into a pile of meat.

Kirei clenched his fists and felt the touch of death, and at the same time he exhaled slowly. The life-and-death contest was a matter of a moment, and the victory or defeat was decided in just a moment. At the moment of victory, he felt a sense of emptiness that he had never felt before. This was clearly the ending he had been madly pursuing.

The weakness made Kirei's attention dull. He didn't know that the other party would take advantage of this gap to launch a sneak attack, nor did he realize that the next person to taste astonishment would be himself.

There was a sharp pain between his eyebrows, and the burst of deep red covered his vision.

Before he had time to understand what was happening, the sound of gunfire in his ears made Kirei subconsciously raise his arms to protect his head. The 9mm bullet rained down mercilessly. The sleeves made of Kevlar fiber and protective charms barely resisted the shock of the bullets, which made Kirei stunned.

For Kiritsugu, he himself did not expect that he could be resurrected. The moment Kirei approached, he had already realized that he was going to die. In fact, Kiritsugu's heart and lungs had been completely destroyed, and all he could do was to struggle to the end.

But a few seconds before the ischemic brain was about to die due to lack of oxygen, the uncontrollable serious injuries on his body were completely healed. Of course, Kiritsugu himself did not use any healing magic. But Kiritsugu did not doubt this astonishing miracle, and he immediately understood what was going on.

The Noble Phantasm "Utopia Far Away from the World" - the sacred relic that summoned Saber, was given to old man Ahad for safekeeping, and has always protected Irisviel's body. Kiritsugu got it when he parted with his wife. It can prevent aging and has a powerful healing ability. Because it was sealed in the body of Saber's regular Master, Kiritsugu, the "sheath" extracts magic power from Saber according to the contract, and now it can fully exert its effect.

Although Kiritsugu understood its ability, he had never actually confirmed it. So he could not expect that the sheath could actually repair fatal injuries, and now this situation was completely beyond his expectations. Kiritsugu was really admirable for thinking about tactics as soon as he realized his rebirth. He did not open his eyes, and resisted the urge to cough because he started breathing again, and kept pretending to be a corpse waiting for the opportunity to sneak attack.

Unfortunately, the Contender in his right hand still needed to be reloaded. If he really wanted to catch the opponent off guard, he could only use his left hand to pull out the submachine gun in the holster in his arms and shoot at the enemy. However, since Kirei's bulletproof measures were foolproof, aiming at his head was the only way to win.

The awkward posture meant that he could only shoot by feel, and the target was very small. Despite these three obstacles, Kiritsugu, a master shooter, still managed to overcome them. Although the bullet hit the target, Kirei's head was not penetrated, but only the skin on his forehead was scratched. Since the skull is made of curved surfaces, bullets are easy to deviate from the effective angle, so the principle in actual combat is to avoid shooting at the head.

After realizing that the sneak attack had failed, Kiritsugu switched the machine gun to full automatic mode and used airtight suppression shooting to block Kirei's actions. At the same time, he used his right hand to eject the Contender's shell. Although the machine gun's wild recoil was difficult to control with just his left hand, Kiritsugu's right hand still completed a series of operations smoothly. He seemed to have trained himself into a fighting machine.

What was even more admirable was his spirit. While his left and right hands were performing completely different tasks, he still chanted the spell with superhuman concentration.

"Time alter——double accel!"

The time in his body changes. In order to make the most of the tiny gap stolen from his powerful enemy, Kiritsugu is desperate.

Using his accelerated limbs, he leaps up from the ground and jumps back to create distance. The machine gun bullets are exhausted. Kirei adjusts his posture. Kiritsugu throws the machine gun and grabs the 06 bullet with his free left hand. Kirei approaches. At a rapid speed——he loads the bullets into the Contender's open ammunition chamber. Half-closed, aiming——

It is still three steps away from Kirei's iron fist.

The Contender roars again. Kirei has no time to dodge, and no time to pull out the black key.

In fact, Kirei has no intention of evading at all.

While using footwork to approach Kiritsugu, Kirei activates the Command Seal again. Strengthening body functions——accelerating reflexes, increasing the instantaneous explosive power of the right hand flexor, radial muscle, and pronator teres. There is no time to strengthen the sleeves of the bulletproof vestment. The rest depends on his own skills.

Before Contender could fire the bullet, Kirei had already swung his right arm again. The arm that had transformed into a magic weapon drew a spiral, and a tornado suddenly rose up.

This movement turned into entangling power. It was originally a defensive skill that was only used to neutralize the opponent's fists. After injecting the magic power of two command spells, it was used at super speed.

The bullet with an initial velocity of 2,500 inches per second was caught in a spiral of incredible speed. Even so, the 06 bullet still tore the Kevlar fiber sleeve and continued straight, colliding violently with the hardened arm, making a strange sound like grinding stones.

The scattered sparks defied the ordinary laws of physics, and the kinetic energy of approximately three thousand pounds of force per foot succumbed to the supernatural phenomena of magic. Seeing Contender's second bullet being abruptly changed in trajectory and shot into the distance, Kiritsugu suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.

Monster - he didn't know what to use to describe it other than this word. At this moment, Kotomine Kirei's combat power may be able to match those of the desperadoes. What kind of obsession can make a living person hone his body into such a terrifying weapon.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his body, and Kiritsugu groaned and staggered. The body's inherent temporal control has reached its limit due to the continuous activation of it. Blood vessels throughout the body were broken, and the bones of the limbs began to crack due to the unimaginable burden they had to bear.

But Kirei did not take advantage of the situation at this moment. He stood there, motionless as if spying on the other party's next move. A large amount of blood flowed from the torn cassock on his right arm, probably because he used excessive magic power in an unskilled manner. As a price for resisting the Contender's attack, his right arm, which had been strengthened with magic beyond its limit, was severely injured.

The two looked at each other, each thinking about their next move while analyzing the battle situation.

According to Kirei's analysis, Kiritsugu's tactics - magic that can speed up movement, and the resilience to instantly regenerate even if the heart is damaged. That is to say, now I have to admit that even inflicting fatal injuries to the enemy is futile unless the opponent's brain can be destroyed instantly with one blow. On the other hand, the wear and tear on oneself...the right arm was damaged from the muscles to the bones, and with the consciousness of shattering the entire right fist, he could only send out one more blow. In addition, although the wound on the forehead was not deep, the blood flowing out affected the vision of the left eye. Due to the continuous shooting, the bulletproof performance of the cassock was also greatly weakened, and only the personal protective charm was still intact. There are twelve black keys left and eight prepared command spells.

According to Kiritsugu's analysis, Kirei's tactics - the unknown magic power that can incapacitate the origin bullet, and the unique technique Bajiquan. Close combat is very detrimental to yourself. As for its own losses...the machine gun is lost and the Contender needs to be reloaded. The remaining weapons are a dagger and two grenades. The initial severe injury to the chest seemed to have almost healed and would not affect movement, but the damage caused by the inherent temporal control was——

After trying to inject strength into the muscles of his hands and feet, Kiritsugu finally noticed something strange.

Able to move without any hindrance. The bones that had been shattered before were now intact. It was as if he had never been injured - no, the aftertaste of pain could still be felt on his body, but there was no trauma.

"……I see."

Kiritsugu finally understood the true value of this ace in his body. It seems that the "ideal land far away from the world" can not only heal the wounds caused by the enemy, but also be effective on one's own harm. This discovery gave Kiritsugu the greatest confidence as he was in dire straits due to a confrontation with an unimaginably powerful enemy.

That is to say——

"Time alter——triple accel! (Inherent time control triple speed)"

While spitting out the forbidden spell, Kiritsugu boldly jumped towards Kirei. The far unexpected acceleration caught Kirei off guard. The hard walnut blow shattered Kirei's radius and ulna bones, and his right arm was completely destroyed.

While striking hard with his right arm, Kiritsugu also pulled out the dagger from his waist with his left hand. He concluded that no matter how much of a threat Kirei's boxing skills would pose to him, as long as he had three times the speed to guarantee it, victory would still belong to him. Originally, inherent time control was a suicidal act, but with the protection of the Saber scabbard, it can now be fully utilized as a tactic.

Kirei avoided the upward thrust of the dagger when it was unsheathed, and used his left arm to block Kiritsugu's subsequent downward slash and return slash. However, Kiritsugu took advantage of these three attacks to approach Kirei's left side, preparing to use the invisible point of Kirei's left eye as an opportunity to attack. As long as he stayed on the left side of the enemy, Kiritsugu would have every chance of taking advantage of his opponent's blind spot.

Kiritsugu's sharp blade was approaching, but Kirei did not turn around, instead using his left half of his body to resist. There was no point in turning around, as his broken right arm was unable to resist Kiritsugu's dagger. So although using his left body to resist put Kirei in a very disadvantageous position, there was no other way.

The dagger gleamed with cold light and struck continuously without interruption. Ordinary people could not see Kiritsugu's movements clearly, and could only capture the lightning-like afterimage left by the dagger. But Kirei resisted and resolved them one by one with his left hand. Kirei was frightened by Kirei's ability to calmly respond to attacks at three times the speed. Several attacks were clearly out of sight of the enemy, but the agent's left arm effectively resisted as if it had eyes.

"Could it be that this is - 'Ting Jin'!?"

Kiritsugu only had a vague impression of this word. When a person's kung fu reaches a certain level, he will not use vision to capture the enemy's movements, but will judge the opponent's next action based on the moment when his arms contact each other.

Then attacking from a blind spot would be meaningless. Since the attack range is limited, it doesn't matter if Kirei can't see it. With this man's skills, he is no longer someone who can seize the initiative with speed alone.

With every blow of the dagger, his arms, legs and heart would scream in pain. The side effects of the inherent time control were also tearing Kiritsugu's body mercilessly, and at the same time, the "Utopia Far Away from the World" was repairing the damage. Regardless of the situation when Saber herself used it, the "scabbard" only played a healing effect in Kiritsugu's body, that is, it could only invalidate the "injury" itself. The severe pain of breaking bones was constantly ravaging Kiritsugu's nerves.

But even so, Kiritsugu still didn't hesitate, because there was no need to hesitate. As long as the body could maintain its functions, there was no need to care about what he felt. Kiritsugu relied on the effect of the holy sword's sheath for everything, and he desperately accelerated against the time of the outside world.

"Uh oh oh oh!!"

Dying and resurrecting at the same time. Kiritsugu screamed in pain, aiming at the enemy in front of him and swinging his dagger. Blood vessels were repeatedly broken and repaired, and blood mist was sprinkled between his movements.

Suddenly, Kirei changed his footwork and somersaulted to the left. He thought that the enemy had reached the limit of his strength, but unexpectedly, he hooked one of Kiritsugu's legs from the inside with his foot. This kick technique is called "locking step", and Kiritsugu staggered immediately. After barely standing still, Kirei's heavy blow approached. But because his center of gravity was tilted backward, it was inevitable that he would be hit.

Then - from his throat full of blood foam, Kiritsugu squeezed out the spell again.

"Time alter - square accel!"

The exploding pain boiled his consciousness, and Kiritsugu flew backwards, turning in the air at the same time, escaping from Kirei's attack range, and threw the dagger in his left hand with all his strength. Faced with this unexpected acceleration, Kirei was unable to dodge even with his powerful hearing. The dagger tore through the air and flew toward Kirei's thigh, piercing the Kevlar fiber and piercing deeply into the human body.

Kiritsugu maintained a four-fold acceleration, and continued to leap backwards as if equipped with a thruster. In the blink of an eye, he and Kirei had opened up a distance of more than ten meters. Kirei took advantage of the situation to pull out the Black Key and throw it, but Kiritsugu easily avoided it and began to reload the Contender.

Pulling down the switch, the gun body opened.

Kirei rushed forward, not caring at all about the dagger still stabbed in his left leg, and even though the sharp blade enlarged the wound while running, it did not give him any hesitation. ()

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