A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1208 1201 This is Emiya Kiritsugu

Chapter 1208 This is Emiya Kiritsugu

"Then, the remaining three hundred people abandoned the damaged ship and took two new ships to continue sailing. This time, there were two hundred people in one ship and one hundred people in the other. But large holes appeared in the bottoms of the two ships at the same time again. "


"You are grabbed by a hundred people in a small boat and asked to repair the boat first. What will you do?"


A blinding flash of light flashed before his eyes, and as the bomb exploded, a hundred people turned into mud in the sea. This is what Emiya Kiritsugu did. Just like his usual style, he carried out the killing.


"This is wrong...impossible!"

What's wrong?

Two hundred people survived, and three hundred people died - now the scales were reversed.

"No, your calculations are not wrong. You did sacrifice the few to save the many. Okay, next question."

Ignoring Kiritsugu's protests, the game's master continued.

One hundred and twenty and eighty were placed on the scales. Kiritsugu brutally killed eighty people.

Next came eighty and forty. The "Magic Killer" buried forty people, and each of their faces was one he knew, the faces of people he had killed with his own hands.

Sixty and twenty——

Twenty-five and fifteen – the choice continues. The sacrifices continue. The mountain of corpses piled higher and higher.

"This...is what you want me to see?"

Kiritsugu was disgusted by this low-level game, so he asked the thing that called itself "the consciousness of the Holy Grail".

"Yes, this is your truth, the answer from Emiya Kiritsugu's heart, and it is the wish that the Holy Grail must fulfill as a wish machine."


Looking at his hands that were stained red, Kiritsugu screamed.

"This is not my wish! I hope there is another way...so I can only rely on 'miracle'..."

"The method you have not recognized cannot be included in your wish. If you wish to save the world, you can only use the method you have recognized to achieve it."

"Are you kidding! What kind of miracle is this...?"

"It's a miracle. What you expect but cannot realize personally will be realized on a huge scale that humans cannot accomplish. What is this if not a miracle?"

The remaining five people are all the most important people to Kiritsugu. But he still had to make a choice, whether to save two people or three people.

He screamed in despair and pulled the trigger, hitting Noriken Emiya in the face. Natalia Kaminsky's brains suddenly splattered.

"You want to...come to this world and do something like this to all mankind? Is this to realize my ideal?"

"Exactly. Your wish is most suitable for the form of the Holy Grail. Emiya Kiritsugu, you are so suitable for the title of 'all the evil in the world'."

There are three people left, whether to save one or two. Kiritsugu held the hilt of the knife with trembling hands.

The tears have dried up. With eyes as empty as a ghost, Kiritsugu tore Kuu Maiya's body apart. Repeatedly, repeatedly swung the dagger.

Just like that, there were only two people left in the world.

No more weighing on a scale. Equivalent value without calculation. This is the last hope that was obtained in exchange for 498 human lives.

After completing all this, Kiritsugu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to have become a walking zombie, surrounded by the warmth of the stove.

In the nostalgic, calm and warm room, the "wife" and "daughter" burst into smiles.

In other words, this is the stable world he seeks.

No more fighting or hurting anyone. A complete paradise.

"You're back, Kiritsugu. You're finally back!"

With a face full of joy, Ilyasviel hugged her father's neck with her little hands.

In the northernmost city where heavy snow falls, there is such peace.

A life stained with blood finally ushered in such unimaginable warmth.

If such a peaceful children's room was everything in the world, there would be no disputes or entanglements.

"——Right? Do you understand? This is the wish that the Holy Grail fulfills for you."

Irisviel smiled at her husband who was intoxicated with happiness.

Just pray to the Holy Grail.

Pray that my wife will be resurrected and my daughter will be taken back.

In the face of infinite magic, these are all insignificant miracles.

The rest is all happiness. On this planet where everything has been destroyed, the last three humans should be able to live happily ever after.

"...There is no way to find the buds of the walnut tree anymore..."

There was no longer a white snowy scene outside the window, only swirling black mud remained. Looking at this scenery, Kiritsugu muttered to himself. At this time, Ilyasviel smiled and shook her head at him.

"Well, it doesn't matter. As long as Ilya can be with Kiritsugu and mother, it's enough."

Touching the head of the daughter he loved most in his arms, Kiritsugu burst into tears.

"Thank you...Dad also likes Ilya the most. This is the only thing, I swear, it's true..."

His hands didn't stop moving. As if they were not controlled by the brain, like a programmed machine, Kiritsugu pressed the muzzle of the Contender's gun against his daughter's small chin.

"-Goodbye, Ilya."

The girl's head exploded with the sound of gunfire.

Kiritsugu's tear-stained cheeks were stained with pieces of flesh with silver hair.

Irisviel screamed. Her eyes widened, her hair disheveled, and she yelled wildly and selflessly.

"What-what did you do!?"

Kiritsugu pinned down his wife, who rushed forward like a fierce ghost, and grabbed her slender neck with his hands.

"The Holy Grail is something that shouldn't exist..."

Regardless of what is inside this body, the personality of Irisviel that coexists with the body still exists. The despair and pain of her daughter's murder, as well as her hatred for the husband who killed her daughter, are undoubtedly Irisviel's true feelings.

Kiritsugu stared directly at her, accepting the fact, and at the same time strangled his wife's neck with all his strength.

"...What are you doing...why are you rejecting the Holy Grail, and us...my Ilya...why are you doing this!?"

"--because I--"

The sound squeezed out of the throat is so empty, like a gust of wind blowing through the hollow. No sadness, no anger. Of course, there was nothing left in Emiya Kiritsugu's heart. He gave up the miracle he pursued, and also gave up interests that were completely contrary to his original intention. It was impossible for him to have anything left in his heart at this moment.

"I want to - save - the world."

There is only one thing, and that is the belief that is carried out to the end. But why does this sentence sound so empty?

Irisviel stared at Kiritsugu, her white face already turning red. The crimson eyes that had always looked at him with love and longing were now stained with curses and resentment.

"—I curse you—"

Elegant and slender fingers grasped Kiritsugu's shoulders. Black sludge flowed from the five fingers that were deeply sunk into the flesh.

"Emiya Kiritsugu...I curse you...pain...regret until death...absolutely, I will never forgive you..."

"Ah, whatever."

The sludge stained with hatred flows through the blood vessels to the heart and penetrates into the soul of this man who has lost everything. But even so, Kiritsugu didn't let go, and he even forgot the meaning of the tears on his cheeks. He said while strangling the woman in black skirt.

"It doesn't matter. I said—I'll carry you."

The trembling hands broke the woman's cervical vertebrae.

Again, the scene changes.

——Invaded the deep spiritual illusion, only looking back, I realized that it was only a blink of an eye.

When Kiritsugu came back to his senses, he realized that he was standing in the original large props warehouse.

The right hand is still holding the Contender, which has not yet pulled the trigger. What was in front of him was Kotomine Kirei, who was kneeling motionless and unconscious.

Kiritsugu looked up at the ceiling, staring at the black soil that was still dripping down and covering the ground. Kiritsugu got wet with the dirt at the same time as Kirei, so he should have seen the same thing at this moment.

If the soil really spilled from the Holy Grail - the Holy Grail should be above it, on the stage of the auditorium, and it is certain that the Advent ceremony is still going on.

We must seize the time.

Kirei regained consciousness and wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Kiritsugu's gun on his back.

Kirei, who immediately understood the situation, smiled bitterly at the dramatic ending. After such a brutal life-and-death battle just now, I didn't expect that the key to the final outcome would be the accidental factor of who wakes up first.

Or, could it be that the person who ends the nightmare first by his own will will wake up first.

"...It's so stupid that I can't understand it. Why reject it?"

A low voice filled with anger and hatred. This was the first time that Emiya Kiritsugu heard Kotomine Kirei's voice directly.

"...Do you think there will be any benefits to accepting that thing?"

A voice hoarse and exhausted to the point of hollowness. This was also the first time that Kirei Kotomine faced Emiya Kiritsugu's voice.

Both came into contact with the thing in the Holy Grail and understood its true identity. Kiritsugu's exchanges with the thing claiming to be the Holy Grail Consciousness were all seen by Kirei. Kirei couldn't understand Kiritsugu's choice anyway.

"You guy... gave up everything, sacrificed everything, and finally got to this point! But why do you refuse what is so easy to get!

“That thing would come at a huge sacrifice for a not-so-worthwhile outcome—that’s all.”

"Then give it to me!"

At this moment, Kirei felt hatred from the bottom of his heart for Emiya Kiritsugu, a man who might have been very similar to him in the past, but now was completely opposite to him.

"Things that are unnecessary to you are useful to me! That thing...if such a thing will appear, then I will definitely be able to give it the answer without thinking!"

Kirei understood Kiritsugu's intention. Kirei knew exactly what this man who had made up his mind and even killed the person he loved most to reject the wish machine was going to do next. And he didn't allow him to do this. For this, he was willing to gamble his life so far.

"Please, don't kill it! It longs for the birth of its own life!"

Not even being allowed to turn back, the priest prayed passionately. The assassin stared down at him with cold eyes.

"Ah, you are so--incredibly stupid."

Your finger slides towards the trigger, and the firing pin shoots the gfield sniper rifle bullet out of the chamber.

A flash of fire and roar.

With one precise shot, Kiritsugu shot Kotomine Kirei's heart from behind.


Saber walked in the flames burning like hell.

The wounds that Berserker had inflicted on her were far beyond the range that her self-regeneration ability could heal. Her shiny silver armor was stained with black stains by Berserker's countless attacks. Her bloodless skin was as pale as white paper. Her knees were weak, her ankles were trembling, her breathing was rapid, and every step she took was accompanied by a pain that almost made her lose consciousness.

Even though it was difficult, Saber did not stop moving forward.

She still had responsibilities and a promise that she had to fulfill as a king. In order to fulfill this promise, there was only one way left, and that was to obtain the Holy Grail. So she had to move forward, spurring her scarred body and gritting her teeth to move forward.

Finally she reached the first floor. Passing through the entrance and pushing open the door, what appeared in front of her was an empty music hall. In the center of the stage in front, the Holy Grail, shining with dazzling golden light, was floating in the flames.


At a glance, it was clear that this was undoubtedly the Holy Grail that she longed for.

The body of the android was restored to a golden container made of inorganic matter. Saber had no idea of ​​the process, but she could already sense what was happening from the scene before her.

She was the "guardian of the vessel" and was determined to hand over the Holy Grail to Kiritsugu and Saber. If the "vessel" could be taken away by others, she would definitely stand up and defend the Holy Grail with her death. However, Irisviel was not present at the ceremony, and the Holy Grail was about to descend under the control of an invisible hand.


Recalling her voice and smile, Saber choked and bit her lips.

She swore to protect her with her sword, but failed. She broke her oath.

Just like she failed to save her beloved motherland

Just like she failed to relieve the pain of her friends.

Self-blame and humiliation tore her heart apart. What flashed through Saber's mind was the city covered with snow all year round, and Irisviel's words when they exchanged the oath.

—— Saber, get the Holy Grail. For you and your Master——

"... Yes, at least I will keep this promise. Only this promise..."

is everything that supports Saber now.

At this moment, she still clings to the sword in her hand, still breathes, and her heart still beats. All this is for one reason.

Saber took a firm step forward. At this moment.

"——Too slow Saber. Even if I am bitten by a mad dog, I shouldn't have to wait so long."

A desperate golden figure stood in the middle of the aisle between the audience seats, blocking Saber's way.


"Hehe, don't make such an expression. I know you are coveting my treasure, but you'd better restrain yourself. Such an explicit expression is really tasteless, like a dog that has been hungry for a long time."

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