A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1209 The symbol of the end of the 1202 world

Chapter 1209 The Symbol of the End of the World

Saber didn't expect the enemy's appearance.

This citizen hall is the last gathering place for all the surviving Servants. Even if other enemies attack each other, one cannot naively hope that they will all die together. There is one battle left, and the enemy is undoubtedly Rider or Archer.

However - Archer's intact armor and the aura of his calm and abundant magic made Saber grit her teeth.

There was no doubt that this golden Servant was unscathed. Not only is there no damage, it can be said that there is no consumption at all.

If Saber, who was severely damaged in the battle with Berserker, wanted to defeat Archer, she could only pin her hopes on her opponent suffering considerable losses in the fierce battle with Rider. But at this moment, Archer in front of him could not see any trace of the scars left by the battle.

Unexpectedly, the conquering king failed to avenge his sword... Is this Servant who still doesn't know his true identity really that powerful? ?

Just now that the last glimmer of hope was gone, a burst of angry flames suddenly rose in Saber's heart.

It doesn't matter what winning tactics are. Saber just felt it was unforgivable. She couldn't forgive that there were still people standing between her and the Holy Grail to this day.

"...Get out of my way..."

Saber's deep voice was filled with resentment. Crazy obsession turned her once clear emerald eyes into a cloudy yellow-brown.

"The Holy Grail... belongs to me...!"

The numerous scars on her body could not stop Saber from moving. She roared and slashed at Archer with her sword, but as soon as she took a step forward, her left leg was immediately pierced by the Noble Phantasm projected from the air.

Saber immediately fell to the ground, but gritted her teeth to prevent herself from moaning. Looking around, I saw the "King's Treasure" weapon groups appearing in the air one after another. All of them had their sharp blades pointed at themselves and could be fired at any time.

As long as the master gives the order, countless original Noble Phantasms will be fired at Saber, and she has truly become the target of public criticism. Since her left leg was pierced before, Saber couldn't even avoid it.

"Saber... the way you fell into arrogance and obsession and crouched on the ground makes you even more beautiful."

Archer's blood-red eyes looked at Saber who was in a desperate situation but still trying to make a final struggle with an uncomfortable emotion.

"I don't know why you are obsessed with the Holy Grail that can achieve miracles. Saber, your very existence as a woman is already a rare 'miracle', isn't it?"

Archer's tone was unusually calm, as if he was not facing a dangerous enemy at this moment. This calmness made Saber, who had no way out, even more alert.

"what are you saying……"

"Throw away the sword and be my wife."

In this scene, under this situation, Archer's words caught Saber off guard. Because it was so unexpected, she was stunned on the spot.

"...What, what did you say...what are you going to do!?"

"Even if you don't understand, don't you feel happy after hearing this? No one else, but me, recognized your value."

Perhaps Archer is the only one who thinks this conclusion is natural. The golden Servant raised his head proudly and stared at the woman he fell in love with for the first time in front of him.

"Abandon your boring ideals and vows. Those things will only bind you and bring you misfortune. From now on, you just need to crave me and live under my protection. In this case, I swear in the name of the King of All Things , will definitely give you all the happiness in the world.”


His arrogant tone was enough to once again ignite the anger in the confused Saber's heart.

"Are you trying to compete with me for the Holy Grail for such a ridiculous purpose?"

The second Noble Phantasm exploded as it passed by the tip of Saber's nose, roaring from above. The aftermath of the impact alone blew her away.

"I'm not asking about your will, but I'm telling you my decision."

Archer's face showed bloodthirsty pleasure, as if he was enjoying Saber's angry resistance.

Originally, this proud heroic spirit did not regard his opponent as an equal competitor. Enemies only deserve to be played with and humiliated, and he likes to watch them surrender to him. Saber's desperate counterattack was just an ordinary sideshow to Archer.

"Okay, let me hear your answer. Although the answer is already in front of you, I am curious about what kind of expression you will use to say this yourself."

"I refuse! I absolutely won't-"

Before she could finish speaking, Archer's rapidly falling Noble Phantasm pierced Saber's already injured left leg again. Archer couldn't help laughing as he heard Saber moaning from the severe pain.

"Because you are too shy to say it? It doesn't matter. I will forgive you if you make mistakes every time. You must first learn to suffer before you can appreciate the happiness I give you."

The group of Noble Phantasms floating in the air shook their sharp blades menacingly, gradually approaching Saber.

Uncontrollable anger boiled Saber's mind. Rather than being slaughtered in humiliation, it would be better to fight back against the enemy with one's life.

There was no other way. If he gathered all the remaining strength in his body, he might be able to squeeze out the magic power to launch the final attack "Sword of Promised Victory". It was not surprising that a Heroic Spirit with unfathomable strength like Archer could defend against the attack of the city treasure. But at this moment, he was careless because he was sure that he would win, and he never thought that Saber would launch a counterattack.

However - if Saber wanted to launch a counterattack against Archer from the current position, the attack would directly affect the Holy Grail on the stage. Even if Archer completely withstood the attack and turned into charcoal, the Holy Grail would inevitably be destroyed at the same time. In that case, all efforts would be in vain.

"What should I do...!"

Saber was immediately in a dilemma when faced with a dilemma, but at this time, she noticed the third figure appearing in the auditorium.

There was no semicircular box protruding outward on the wall at the height of the second floor. Under the light of the fire, a ghost-like silhouette wearing a long windbreaker appeared—he was the true Master who had signed a contract with Saber—Emiya Kiritsugu.

In despair, a ray of hope appeared.

Kiritsugu still had the power to force the Command Seals in his hand. If he could use the magical power that could make the impossible possible, he might be able to break the deadlock.

As long as Kiritsugu understood Saber's current situation, he would most likely use the Command Seals. Fortunately, Archer did not notice Kiritsugu's existence.

Kiritsugu raised his right hand, revealing the Command Seals engraved on the back of his hand.

What kind of order would be issued was entirely up to Kiritsugu. But Saber had made up her mind that no matter how weird the tactics he planned to use, she would try her best to implement them. As long as she could resist Archer, no matter what means were available.

Even if his order was to abandon the pain and do her best, Saber could ignore the pain of the flesh and exert the maximum strength in her body until her body disappeared. If he ordered her to teleport to the side of the Holy Grail, she would be able to escape from her current extremely unfavorable position. Perhaps Archer could be defeated by precisely adjusting the "Sword of Promised Victory" without harming the Holy Grail. This is the Command Seal. If the Command Seal is used with the consent of both the Master and the Servant, no matter how impossible it is, it can be accomplished. Saber now placed everything on this last hope, because only it could bring about a shocking reversal of the current situation.

——Emiya Kiritsugu ordered Saber with the Command Seal——

The low words shook Saber's body from the depths of her soul. This familiar voice announced clearly and firmly.

——Use the Noble Phantasm to destroy the Holy Grail——

How to explain the meaning of this sentence, how to understand it, Saber's mind suddenly went blank.

"... What...?"

The whirlwind that rolled up dispersed the flames around. From the center of the Wind King's barrier that was lifted, the figure of the Golden Sword appeared.

Even though Saber's brain refused to understand, her body as a Servant still faithfully accepted the command of the Command Seal. The sword began to weave beams of light, completely ignoring the will of the sword wielder.

"What, what's going on——What are you going to do!?"

Even Archer was dumbfounded at this moment. He originally thought that because he had his back to the Holy Grail, Saber would never fight back against him.


Saber roared, and that was a scream she made with all her strength. The golden sword raised high suddenly stopped in mid-air.

As the legendary Knight King and also a Servant at the most excellent class, Saber's special magic resistance can even barely resist the restraint of the Command Spell. She used all her strength to stop herself from swinging the sword. Power and suppression, two opposing forces collided violently in Saber's body, and her slender body seemed to be torn apart at any time.

This severe pain and unimaginable suffering reminded Saber of the scene when Diarmuid Odin died. She now had a personal experience of the depression and humiliation tasted by that tragic Heroic Spirit.

While fighting against the powerful magic, Saber stared at Emiya Kiritsugu standing in the box and shouted.

"Why!? Kiritsugu - why you!?"

Impossible. He couldn't possibly give such an order.

Emiya Kiritsugu was so eager to obtain the Holy Grail, so why did he refuse it at this moment? Did he want to let the ceremony that his beloved wife had sacrificed her life to achieve be completely wasted?

After realizing that Saber's unusual behavior was the effect of the Command Seal, Archer finally noticed the existence of Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Do you want to ruin my wedding, bastard!"

The group of Noble Phantasms originally aimed at Saber suddenly turned together and aimed at the box where Kiritsugu was.

But before the Noble Phantasms began to attack, Kiritsugu raised his right hand again and gestured to Saber below him on the back of her hand - there was still the last Command Seal left on it.

——Using the third Command Seal to order again——


Seeing that her pride and hope were about to be wiped out in an instant, Saber screamed with tears.

——Saber, destroy the Holy Grail——

This was an absolute force that was completely irresistible.

The huge force of the double Command Spells ravaged and squeezed Saber's body, while drawing out the remaining magic power in her body and weaving it into the light of destruction.

The released beam of light crossed the entire auditorium and hit the Holy Grail floating on the stage. Archer swiftly avoided the attack, but because the beam of light was too dazzling at such a close distance, he was unable to launch an attack on Kiritsugu in time.

The golden Holy Grail that had once been part of Irisviel's body quietly lost its form in the blazing heat of the flash, and then disappeared. Saber closed her eyes, not daring to look at this scene directly——Now, the last hope was shattered. Her battle was over.

In this case, how could she open her eyes and witness this tragic scene?

In fact, she never opened her eyes again. The Noble Phantasm that was forced to exert its power against her will had completely exhausted Saber's remaining magic power, and she could not even maintain the physical form of a Servant. Saber had lost the strength and will to stay in this world. Of course, this was also because the Master, as the contracted party, did not intend to leave her behind.

Keeping the posture of swinging the sword, Saber began to leave the world, and soon, her entity also disappeared.

At the moment when she gradually lost contact with the real world, the last feeling that flashed through Saber's mind was the mystery of the character of Emiya Kiritsugu.

A lovely father who doted on his daughter, a warrior who wanted to save the world, a killer who despaired of justice, he showed various contradictory fragments of human nature, but in the end he betrayed everything and denied everything.

Until the end, for such a man, Saber could only be sure of his coldness and ruthlessness in his heart.

Until the end, he and she were unable to understand each other and build a trusting relationship - no, perhaps it should be said that until the last moment, she realized that she actually did not understand his true thoughts at all.

But, this is understandable -

In the gradually disappearing consciousness, Saber laughed at herself.

How could she understand a man who had no intersection with her except giving her three orders? Such a person once could not even read the letters of the people around him.

All of this was probably a long and subtle punishment for being tortured by the "king who does not understand others' hearts".

Although Saber left the world with scars all over her body and failed to realize her ambitions, it was perhaps a kind of compensation for her not to have to witness the tragedy that followed.

The beam of the "Sword of Victory of the Oath" that destroyed the Holy Grail blew up the ceiling of the stage and split the entire Civic Hall in two. The building, which had already been burned beyond recognition, could not withstand such a blow. The upper structure was destroyed, and the roof, which lost its support, fell into the auditorium like an avalanche.

Then, through the pillar-like rubble, Kiritsugu saw "it" in the exposed night sky.

The black sun - the symbol of the end of this world that he had seen when he came into contact with the black mud.

At that time, Kiritsugu could not see clearly that its entity was actually a real "hole". It is the space tunnel hidden in the altar of the advent ceremony and the underground of Mt. Yuanzang on the east side of Miyama Town, which is connected to the magic circle of the "Great Holy Grail". It has absorbed the energy of the earth veins for sixty years, and now it has received the souls of six heroes. The inside of the Holy Grail is filled and turned into a huge magic vortex. This is the true form of the black "hole".

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