A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1210 1203 Wang Lai admitted, Wang Lai allowed. Wang Lai carried

Chapter 1210 The King admits, the King allows. The King carries the whole world on his shoulders.

The "vessel" taken from the Einzbern android is only the key to open the hole, and also the control device to keep the hole stable. Kiritsugu, who was unaware of this secret, made a fatal mistake. He should not have ordered Saber to destroy the Holy Grail, but should have asked her to use the "Sword of Victory of the Oath" to burn the hole in the sky. Due to the loss of control of the "vessel", the black sun began to dissolve and the hole gradually shrank, but before it was completely closed, it was completely impossible to stop the black mud from flowing out from the inside of the hole.

Originally, it was just an attributeless power used to create a breakthrough to the "outside world", but due to Kiritsugu's previous mistakes, it was stained with the black curse without any omission.

The black mud was filled with the curse of "all the evil in the world". It had the destructive power to burn all life, and at this moment, it fell from the top of the Municipal Hall like half of a waterfall.

Archer, standing in the audience seats on the first floor, could not find a way to escape this baptism.

"This... this is...!?"

The surging black waves swept away the helpless Golden Servant. No, not just swept away, he disappeared the moment he touched the black mud. Archer's body was decomposed and absorbed by the black mud in the blink of an eye, and became one with the surging mud.

The tsunami-like black mud engulfed the first-floor audience seats. Kiritsugu, who was standing in the box and escaped, stared blankly at all this. The curse waterfall falling from the sky did not stop. The black mud turned into a river through the entrance of the hall and flowed out of the building, spreading to the surrounding blocks.

So, the killing began.

People were sleeping soundly, and the death mud that smelled the breath of human life turned into a burning curse and attacked their pillows.

Burn down the house, burn down the courtyard. Whether it was the sleeping people or the people who woke up and tried to escape, they were all burned to ashes without exception - it had been waiting inside the Greater Holy Grail for sixty years, as if celebrating this brief release, and mercilessly deprived all the lives it touched.

It was later determined that there were more than 500 casualties and 134 buildings burned down. This huge disaster, whose cause was still unknown, left an indelible mark on the hearts of the citizens of Fuyuki City.

Soon the hole in the sky disappeared, and the black mud stopped pouring out. But the mud brought a large-scale fire, and the people who could not hold on turned into charred corpses one after another. The night sky was painted with the grand red lotus fire, and the ground was endlessly performing a banquet of death.

Escaping from the gradually collapsing civic hall, Emiya Kiritsugu witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

The life that was on the verge of destruction was so similar to the scene that tormented him in the nightmare. But what was in front of him was undoubtedly reality.


She had a dream, and the world in the dream was burning.

The girl trembling with fear opened her eyes wrapped in a duvet.

The bedroom guarded by the warm fire of the stove was still so peaceful and safe. The cold night outside the window would never pose any threat to the girl lying in bed.

Even through the thick glass window, the cold wind could still be heard outside the window, and the cold wind quietly penetrated into the house through the cracks in the window. It must be this sound that made her mistakenly think that she heard the cries of the people who were burned to death.

——What's wrong? Ilyasviel——

The mother said this and gently stroked her cheek. The voice and touch of her mother who was always by her side made her feel relieved.

The girl and her mother were both designed based on the personality of a magician called "Winter Saint". So the girl has her mother and aunt in her heart. Even the earliest "Original Yustesa" is recorded in the girl's heart.

So, even if she was sleeping alone in a duvet at night, the girl would never be lonely. As long as she called, she could hear her mother's voice at any time and see her mother's figure at any time.

"Mom... I had a terrible dream. In the dream, Ilya turned into a cup."

Looking at her mother's soft silver hair and gentle eyes with peace of mind, the girl continued to tell her nightmare.

"Ilya put seven very big things inside. Ilya was about to break. I was very scared but couldn't run away. At that time, I heard Yustessa's voice, and a big black hole appeared above my head... Then, the world became less. Kiritsugu looked at the world and cried."

Yes, I also dreamed of him. The father who was said to be in a distant foreign country, handling a difficult job.

When she thought of this, the girl suddenly realized that the nightmare just now seemed to symbolize something bad, and she became uneasy again.

"Mom... Will Kiritsugu be in trouble? Will he be scared alone?"

Looking at the girl who was worried about her father, the mother smiled gently.

- It's okay. That person will definitely work hard for Ilya. In order to prevent Ilya from having such terrible memories, he will definitely fulfill our wishes-

"... Yes, yes, yes."

She knew that the man was a very competitive person. So after he completed that important job, he would definitely come back here immediately. The girl counted the days on her fingers. Although it was cold to sleep alone, even so, her mother would still be by her side. She was not alone—until the day she could properly understand this contradiction.

The girl waited in the city forever locked in the snow. The agreement she exchanged with her father was the most precious treasure in her heart.


The sunset sky was bloody.

The land in front of her was also bloody.

The corpses lying on the ground were the people who once believed in a girl and supported her as king and sang triumphant songs for her.

They were divided into two factions due to the instigation of the traitor, and they regarded each other as enemies and killed each other, and then fell together on this battlefield. King Arthur's final place, the foot of Camlan Hill.

Waking up from the dream on the other side of time and space, kneeling dejectedly on the blood-stained hill again, Altria stared blankly at the desolate scene.

In order to change this ending, she entrusted her soul after death to the "world" and embarked on a journey to seek miracles.

Originally decided not to return here, originally believed that she would never see this scene again. But at this moment, the girl still knelt on this land.

But this is not the end. It is just a point in the endless cycle of the journey.

After being freed from the contract of the Servant, the Heroic Spirit named Altria did not go to the "Throne of Heroic Spirits", but was brought back to Camlann Hill, because her destiny had not yet been completed, and she had to make a break in this place.

In other words, before she was summoned as a Servant, she was not the kind of regular Heroic Spirit that turned into a real death in reality.

At the last moment, she exchanged a contract with the "world" in the hope of obtaining the Holy Grail, and the price was to turn her soul after death into a guardian - this is the truth about the Servant named Altria.


The contract can only be fulfilled if the Holy Grail is obtained. In other words, if Altria does not obtain the Holy Grail, the time of this land will stop forever. Forever, even death cannot do it. Before obtaining the Holy Grail, she can only continue to participate in the battle to seize the Holy Grail on the other side of time and space.

Therefore, Altria's time was frozen before she died. Unless she obtains the Holy Grail, she can only return to Camlann Hill again and again. Repeated over and over again, this scene will forever blame her and torment her.

On the Hill of Death, she still maintained the action of the moment when she made the contract.

With tears all over her face, her gauntlet soaked with the blood of the enemy, and the gun in her hand pierced the heart of her own flesh and blood.

Mordred, the son of tragedy who was a traitor but inherited his own blood. Because of the entanglement of love and hate, he lost everything, and the picture was frozen at the moment when he killed his own flesh and blood with his own hands——

The will of the "world" was called by miserable pain, and the moment when the contract was made with the hero seeking miracles——

This is the cage that forever binds Altria, who has lost time.

In the time that has lost its meaning, in the moment that is equivalent to eternity, she looks at the battlefield under the sunset, waiting for the next call.

She is always right. She firmly believes in this. Despite this, she still ignored the fire that led to the tragedy in front of her, just as she ignored Lancelot and Guinevere's pain.

She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't understand why she couldn't figure it out - this was the limit of King Altria.

Then, could it be that the tragic situation of Camlan Hill was not a trick of fate, but the inevitable result of King Altria's governance?


She couldn't help sobbing.

She recalled those long-ago days. Recalling the girl who never paid attention to the men competing with each other in the lively arena, but just faced the sword pierced into the rock alone.

What was she thinking at that time?

With what kind of determination did she reach out and grasp the hilt of the sword?

The memory has long been blurred, even if the tears blurred her eyes, she couldn't remember it.

Then - her fault must have been committed on that day.

She let the tears on her face flow freely. In this place where time does not flow, no matter what she thinks or does, it will not be recorded in history. Here, she doesn't have to give herself the title of king. So, it doesn't matter if she shows weakness, it doesn't matter if she loses face.

With such thoughts, she was looking forward to the ideals that could not be fulfilled, to the people who could not be saved.

Towards everything that disappeared because of her being the king.

“…I’m sorry…”

Although she was so choked up that she could hardly speak, she still couldn’t resist the urge to apologize. Although she knew that her apology could not reach anyone, the girl still repeated her confession.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I, someone like me…”

One day, after crossing the endless battle, she will finally get the Holy Grail. At that time, all the mistakes she made can be erased by miracles.

Such a self——should not be called a king at all.

Knowing that before being summoned next time, the girl will confess in tears in the moment called eternity, in the reproach called rest.

Suffering in endless punishment.

Feeling cowardly about the sin that cannot be repaid.


——A vortex rolled up.

Sin, the evil of this world, flows, amplifies, chains, changes, and rolls up a vortex.

Gluttony, lust, desire, depression, anger, laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance, jealousy, invade again and again, sprouting and rolling up a whirlpool.

Rebellion, intimidation, adultery, destruction, seven deadly sins, coercion, theft, escape, false accusation, arson, insult, disrespect, alienation, abduction, bribery, abortion, suicide participation, gambling, corpse abandonment, rioting, abandonment, perjury, possession of stolen goods, kidnapping, violence, all crimes should be sentenced to death, capital punishment, reject and deny all hatred, kill, kill, kill, never allow, kill, kill, kill, never agree, kill, kill, kill, good, just like that, kill, kill, kill, right, kill, kill, kill, promise, kill, kill, kill, no, no, what, kill, kill, kill, only this one thought, so boring——


The sound of the curse swirled. There was something here that shouldn’t exist. Amidst the negative curses, a voice shouted “Yes!”

Impossible. There was no right or affirmation in this vortex of resentment and curse. Because the universe determined that everything was ugly and hateful, so this word could not appear here——

——But the voice once again clearly declared, that’s right.

That’s right, the world was originally like this. Since the facts are in front of us, why sigh again? Why are you surprised again?


The voice of curse asked.

What is right?

Who admits it? Who allows it? Who will bear the sin?

Facing the heavy bomb from the dark head——the answer was a loud laugh.

Stupid question. There is no need to ask this.

The king admits it, the king allows it. The king bears the whole world.


The mud asked, what is the king?

But when it asked the question, it found that it was contradicting itself.

In this place where "individuals" are absolutely not allowed to exist, the mud believes that there are others in its body. Something that cannot exist has appeared here.

That is——the king——the absolute controller, the unique existence.

His name is——the hero king "Gilgamesh."

"It's me!"

Accompanied by the flying foam, the black mud broke apart. The foreign matter that could not be digested by all the resentment appeared from the black mud.

In the burning ruins, he stood on the ground again.

The body with perfect golden ratio is no longer the spirit body as a Servant, but a real flesh body. The black mud that denied all life turned the impurities mixed in its body into crystals and discarded them, but as a result, a certain heroic spirit realized his wish to return to the world in a physical body.

Even standing in the middle of the burning hell, the majesty emanating from the king made the surrounding flames dare not approach. Gilgamesh generously exposed his statue-like naked body and sneered impatiently.

"——They actually used such a thing as a wish-making machine to fight to the death. This side show is really helpless."

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