Chapter 1211 Fantasy

But that's not bad either - the Hero King felt very satisfied after touching his unexpected new body.

"Will God allow me to rule this era again and rule the world... Huh, the previous test was boring enough. But it's okay, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, so let's accept the reality."

Although it feels very troublesome, since this is a challenge issued by the gods to him, there is no reason not to meet it. Gilgamesh smiled bitterly at himself as the King of Heroes again.

Through the deep darkness, Kotomine Kirei regained consciousness.

The first sensation was heat, then the smell of burning human fat. Opening his eyes and looking around, the blazing flames in front of him seemed to be scorching the sky.

"here it is……"

He originally thought that after touching the soil again, he entered the mental world of the Holy Grail. But when he saw the naked man next to him, he immediately rejected this possibility.

"Gilgamesh...what happened?"

"You are such a troublesome man. It took me a lot of effort to dig you out from under the rubble."

Kirei tried hard to think through his dazed brain, trying to grasp the entire incident. The last memory he had was of himself kneeling on the ground in the large prop warehouse of the Civic Hall, being shot from behind by Kiritsugu. ——No matter how you think about it, he should be killed immediately.

He tore open the cassock on his chest to examine where it should have been.

Suddenly, the impression of black mud appeared in front of my eyes.


It's an illusion. There are no scars on the chest. Try placing your hand over your heart.

"…Did you heal me? Gilgamesh."

"Well. You do seem to be dead, but you are connected to me by a contract. I gained a body because of the mud, and maybe you came back to life for some reason."

In the end, the black mud that failed to completely erode Gilgamesh reached Kotomine Kirei's body along the magic supply line that once connected Archer to his Master, and became a source of life force that could replace the heart. That's why Kirei was resurrected.

In other words, Kirei now relies on the magic power provided by "all the evil in the world" to survive.

"All Servants have been destroyed, and I am the only one left. Do you understand what this means? Kirei."


Kirei, whose mind has not yet fully awakened, looked into Gilgamesh's red eyes.

"We are the ones who got the Holy Grail, so you just have to open your eyes and watch. If the Holy Grail can really fulfill the winner's wish, then the scene in front of you - Kotomine Kirei, is exactly what you desire."

Guren's Hell. The screams carried by the wind reached my ears. Dancing tongues of fire. Kirei stared blankly at the scene.

"This wish?"

Exactly. If this thing that can fill the inner emptiness at this moment can be called "satisfaction".

"Can disillusionment and sighing...please me?"

Exactly. If the emotion surging in my heart at this moment can be called "joy".

At this time, Kotomine Kirei finally understood the true nature of his soul.

The collapse of everything is so beautiful.

People in pain are so lovely.

The screams in my ears were so satisfying.

The charred remains were so ridiculous.

"……Ha ha."

Unable to restrain his emotions reaching the boiling point, Kirei laughed desperately.

What a sin. What a cruel devil he is.

This kind of world spurned by God is actually full of bright joy.

"Who am I? Hahaha, who am I!?"

Even the heart-wrenching feeling of despair is so sweet. Kirei's body trembled with laughter. His touch from his fingertips to the top of his head was incredibly clear and distinct.

Ah, I'm alive now——

I really exist, right here -

For the first time, I realized, for the first time, I truly experienced the bond between myself and the world.

"Why is it so twisted? Why is it so filthy? Am I really a descendant of Kotomine Rimasa? Hahahaha, impossible! This is impossible! What is this!? Could it be that my father can actually give birth to a dog!?"

Kirei found the truth from a place that was completely opposite to his own beliefs. The result of this irony turned out to be very satisfying.

How many detours have I taken. Is this all a dream?

Praise the preciousness of kindness and sing the praises of divine beauty. It is precisely because of this truth that Kirei wasted more than twenty years of his life. He was completely unaware that his own nature was completely contrary to such truth.

"——Are you satisfied? Kirei."

The priest laughed until he was exhausted and was short of breath but still holding his stomach. Gilgamesh asked in a calm tone.

"No, not enough. This alone is not enough."

Kirei wiped away the tears shed from laughing wildly and shook his head.

"Indeed - I finally got the answer in a life full of question marks. This is a big progress. However, this does not solve any problems. I just skipped the process and method of answering the question and got the answer directly. . Just like this, how can you admit it, and what can you admit?"

If God is the Creator of all things, then "happiness" is the truth for all souls.

But now, a soul that violates morality and yet finds happiness really exists. Kirei had just come to believe that this soul was none other than himself.

This means that the definition of good and evil, and the location of truth, are contradictory. This contradiction cannot be ignored.

"There should be an easy-to-understand reason in the equation that derives this strange answer. No, there must be. What is it... I must ask clearly, I must find it. Even if it takes my whole life, I must understand it."

After laughing crazily, the smile remained on his miserable face like the remnants of the previous laughter. Perhaps he will always keep this expression in the future. Only by accepting the reality of oneself and the world, and being able to face everything calmly, can he smile calmly. Facing Kotomine Kirei's refreshing demeanor, Gilgamesh nodded.

"You guys really don't feel bored... Well, I, Gilgamesh, will watch how you carry out your fearless belief in seeking the truth."

Kirei looked around again, savoring the beautiful scenery brought to him by the Holy Grail.

The amount of black mud that set the entire block on fire should not be enough to compare with the amount left in the Greater Holy Grail. When all the mud is released, what kind of hell will be revealed in front of us?

Yes - its existence is as unethical as Kirei's. Thinking back now, Kirei had expectations when he saw that illusion. If such a "thing" really came into being and proved its existence, perhaps other explanations unrelated to ethics and morality could be deduced.


"All the evil in the world -"

Thinking impatiently, Kirei spat out the name.

He must find it again, must witness its birth and its value of existence again.

- Suddenly, Kirei found a figure emerging from the other side of the leaping flames.

His windbreaker, which was fanned by the heat, was torn in several places. It was covered with black stains. The man walked unsteadily like a sleepwalker, wandering on the burning streets.

He was Emiya Kiritsugu. Although he didn't know what happened, it seemed that he had lost Saber and survived the fire.

In contrast to his undomineering footsteps, his terrifying momentum when he looked around was like a wailing ghost wandering in a burning hell. It was obvious that he was looking for something, and he was not afraid of dying in the sea of ​​fire to find it.

Did he find out that he failed to kill Kirei, so he chased after him——

Just as he was thinking this, the two of them looked at each other. Kirei accepted his empty gaze without flinching.

"Then let's fight——"

Although the injuries on his right hand and left leg were still the same, Kirei did not think he would lose at this moment. He once again recalled the unwillingness when the previous battle was decided. He would not give up until he got his revenge.

But things did not develop as Kirei expected. It was as if Kirei was transparent in Kiritsugu's eyes. He looked away as if nothing had happened and continued to look around, and left aimlessly.


After being poured with a basin of cold water on his fighting spirit, Kirei realized that he felt an unspeakable depression in his heart when he came to his senses.

"Huh? What's wrong Kirei."

It seemed that Gilgamesh did not notice Kiritsugu's figure before. Kirei shook his head silently, as an answer to the King of Heroes.

Emiya Kiritsugu's expression was obviously strange. His once sharp eyes disappeared, and his eyes were as lifeless as an empty cave. He must not have been able to recognize the things right in front of him with his absent-minded look. So, perhaps he didn't notice Kirei's gaze on him at all.

That man had become a walking corpse, and it was no longer worth considering him as an enemy. Kiritsugu, who brought disaster upon himself in order to save others, was a true loser. He must be looking for a survivor who could give him some comfort. It was simply stupid. With his current state, he would soon disappear in this sea of ​​fire. There was no need to think about it anymore. This person was no longer meaningful to him.

——Kirei explained to himself in his heart, and at the same time, he put aside the distress in his heart.

Even if he really became a walking corpse, even if he was just a wreckage.

Even so, that Emiya Kiritsugu actually ignored Kotomine Kirei and left on his own. This fact brought him a great sense of humiliation.


Sometimes a broken machine not only stops functioning quietly, but in rare cases, it can unexpectedly continue to function by chance.

Kariya was able to crawl back to the Matou residence in Miyama-cho, which was one of the rare cases.

In the past few months, Kariya's body was actually in a very dangerous state. If it weren't for the magic power refined by the Crest Worm, he would not be able to move at all. And when the Crest Worm died due to the Berserker's rampage, Kariya should have been able to wait for death quietly.

But despite this, Kariya stood up from the ground in the basement, escaped from the collapsing municipal hall, and then walked through the burning streets and the long night road that crossed Fuyuki City. This was a miracle that was achieved without the help of the Holy Grail.

However, Kariya at the moment could not realize how rare such examples were, nor could he express gratitude for the mercy of God.

He had long lost track of time, and his mind was already in a state of confusion. He could not even remember how he had escaped tonight. His severely injured body could collapse at any time, and even his spirit was almost exhausted. Only the belief of "saving Sakura" kept Kariya going here.

Standing in front of the familiar staircase filled with a rancid smell, facing the darkness below, Kariya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just below this staircase, in the darkness of Hayakura, Sakura was imprisoned. Just a little bit more, just a little bit more.

As expected, no one blocked his actions. Zouken, who was monitoring Kariya's movements through the engraved worm, must have thought that he had died on the battlefield in the new capital. For Kariya, who was eyeing the opportunity, this was a good opportunity that could not be missed. The worm in Kariya's body was dead, and it was killed by Berserker. It surrendered before Kariya, and Kariya defeated the worm.

Then this time - this time he would definitely be able to rescue the imprisoned Sakura and take her away.

Kariya walked down the stairs. Although he didn't know whether he was walking, crawling, or rolling, he knew that he was moving downward. The commotion of insects rang in his ears. They were angry because of the invasion. He had to hurry, before Zang Yan found out.

In the depths of the darkness, a young girl's outline appeared. Tonight, Sakura was invaded and bitten by insects as usual. Her confused and empty eyes suddenly focused on Kariya who was approaching her.


"Sakura - I'm here to save you. It's all right now -"

Finally, he said this confession. He didn't know how long he had waited for this moment.

You don't have to despair anymore, you don't have to give up anymore. The nightmare is over and will not come again.

Take off the handcuffs and leg irons that tightened the girl's soft skin. Let's go, Sakura, and take back the future you deserve.

Kariya took Sakura's hand and walked out of the insect warehouse, and then quietly and unnoticed passed through the night of Shenshan Town. Aoi and Rin were waiting in the neighboring town. In the courtyard of the nostalgic Zen Castle mansion, the mother finally reunited with her daughter. Kariya was going to take the three of them on a trip, to a place no one knew, to a place where they would not be disturbed by anyone, and spend every day there happily. Just as they had agreed, everyone played games happily together. Aoi watched her two daughters running in the flowers with a smile on her face. Sakura picked up white grass, and Rin used it to make a wreath. The two said that they would give the wreath to "Dad" as a gift while vying for the opportunity to wear the wreath for Kariya. Wearing a pair of wreaths, Aoi smiled and held Kariya's hand tightly. Ah, thank you. Kariya laughed and cried, hugging his beloved wife and daughter. Dad is so happy. He is the happiest person to have such a wife and daughter. So there is nothing to regret, all of this is worth risking your life for. The pain you pay will be rewarded, and what you want is in your hands——


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