Chapter 1214 Bystander

However, after hearing Kiritsugu's words, the minister suddenly showed an unhappy expression.

"What does this mean? You said you once dreamed of it, but now you have given up?"

Shirou seemed to hate it when Kiritsugu said such negative words about himself. Because he has a deep admiration for Kiritsugu. Kiritsugu often felt ashamed in his heart for his feelings.

The young man believed that his adoptive father was an extremely great person. He did not understand Emiya Kiritsugu's past - including the disaster that caused the man to lose everything, and simply regarded Kiritsugu as the goal he admired.

The spirit of self-sacrifice and sense of justice that Shirou held in his heart were excessive to the point of distortion. And all of this is reflected in his extreme respect and admiration for Kiritsugu. It was also the only regret of the years father and son spent together. Shirou hopes to become Kiritsugu. He wanted to follow the path Kiritsugu had taken. Although Kiritsugu wanted to tell him what a stupid idea this was, he couldn't in the end.

If Shirou lives the same life as Kiritsugu and leads to destruction, then the peaceful life of these five years will eventually become a curse.

Has your dream been shattered yet? Shirou asked rhetorically. This sentence caused a sharp pain in his heart - yes, if it could gradually disappear with the passage of time, that would be something to be thankful for.

Kiritsugu pretended to look at the moon in the distance, hiding his sad memories with a wry smile.

"Well, it's a bit of a pity. Heroes also have a time limit. Once you become an adult, it will be difficult to achieve. I wish I had realized this earlier."

If you had realized it earlier - you would not have been deceived by sweet lies like miracles in the name of dreams.

Kiritsugu once freed demons capable of destroying the world for his ideals. By the time he discovered his mistake, it was too late, and countless people died because of it. This even includes Shirou's biological parents.

And that hell messenger is still hiding under Yuancang Mountain. After that battle, Kiritsugu went there many times with explosives. It took him several years to finally figure out the situation of several ground lines, and carefully created a "tumor" somewhere leading to Mount Enzo. This is also He used magic for the last time in his life.

The spiritual power generated at the intersection of several earth veins will accumulate on the "tumor" over time. When it exceeds the critical point, a local earthquake will occur deep in Yuanzang Mountain. If it takes 30 years if it is fast, or around 40 years if it is slow, the "tumor" will inevitably rupture. If the calculations are correct, the cavity inside Mount Enzo will collapse, thus sealing the "Great Holy Grail". Even if he cannot live to see that day, Kiritsugu has tried his best to prevent the Fifth Holy Grail War 60 years later.

Shirou seemed to be drawn into deep thought by Kiritsugu's random words before. But soon he seemed to accept Kiritsugu's statement and nodded.

"Really? There's nothing we can do about it."

"Yeah. There's really nothing we can do about it."

Kiritsugu also said with a hint of sadness.

no way--

There was not much condolences or condolences in these words. Kiritsugu looked at the night sky.

"——Ah, what a beautiful moon——"

A night with such beautiful moonlight seems to be the only time in my life. And Shirou felt extremely happy to have such wonderful memories with Kiritsugu.

"Well, if you can't do it anymore, let me do it for you."

In the dark night, the young man swore as if nothing had happened. He said that he would accomplish what he had dreamed of but failed to achieve on Kiritsugu's behalf.

At that moment, Kiritsugu remembered.

He had sworn so. He said this in front of someone more important than anyone else.

At that time, he firmly believed that what he had in his heart would never be lost. And that confidence has now been forgotten. Know the moment just now.

"Dad is already an adult, so I may not be able to do anything about it. But it's okay with me. So, leave it to me to give dad's dream——"

Shirou continued to speak like a vow. His words, together with the night tonight, became an unforgettable memory, engraved in my heart.

yes. If it was under such beautiful moonlight - he would never forget it.

Emiya Shirou's initial thoughts and this precious and pure prayer will definitely become the most beautiful memories that will stay in his heart forever.

And if the boy really inherited his stupid father's ideals, he would probably start to sigh endlessly and experience endless despair.

But as long as he remembers this night, he will definitely be able to recall himself at this moment. Recalling the heart of my young self who had no fear, no understanding of sadness, and full of longing.

This is also what Kiritsugu hopes to be redeemed when he lost himself at some point, a little bit of which was lost in the years.

"Yes. Ah--that way I can feel at ease."

Even if Shirou follows the same path as himself, he will never become himself.

After understanding this, all the scars in my heart seemed to be healed. Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes.


This man, who had accomplished nothing in his life and had never won any victory, stopped breathing at the last moment, with a heart full of relief, as if he were asleep.

——Xiaoqie, what kind of adult do you want to be?

she asked in the blinding sunlight.

Her smile, her gentleness, he will never forget.

This world is so beautiful, I really hope that time will stay in this happy moment forever.

Thinking like this, he could not help but utter the oath.

I will never forget how I feel today.

——I want to be the embodiment of justice.


On the high building, Xuan Hao calmly watched the flames burning in Fuyuki City and the end of the so-called Holy Grail War.

And behind him, a timid girl was also watching this scene, her eyes full of worry.

If Matou Zouken was here, he would probably be surprised.

Because this girl was none other than Matou Sakura.

And at this moment, Matou Sakura should continue to be eroded by the seal bugs in the Matou family mansion.

Then the question is, why did two Matou Sakura appear at the same time?

Even the most advanced magic cannot create such an illusion.

Unless... this is not an illusion at all, but two Matou Sakura really exist.

Yes, they do exist.

A magician can't do it, but Xuan Hao can.

Matou Sakura, who was now in the Matou family mansion, was nothing but an empty shell he created.

It was because it was an empty shell without a soul that it looked so empty. It didn't need any acting skills at all, it looked like it was being played with.

As for whether such an empty shell would be discovered?

Xuanhao didn't need to worry about this at all. It was just a stink bug. How could it be able to see through the power of the law?

It was hard for the brave young man Matou Kariya.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

Although he had tried it before, he really couldn't create a soul at present, so he couldn't create a Matou Kariya to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Yes, Xuanhao had tried to create a 'human' to deceive the rules of this world, and to replace the Master with a 'doll' to participate in the Holy Grail War.


But unfortunately he failed.

Because this was a war of souls after all.

Visiting this war would also be beneficial for him to resurrect his sister.

After all, his ultimate goal was to resurrect a person out of nothing. In addition to the creation of the law, the law of the soul was also indispensable.

Let’s go back to Matou Kariya.

Xuanhao couldn’t create a puppet with a soul to participate in the Holy Grail War on his behalf, so he could only let him cooperate and make the fake play real.

However, with him watching, Matou Kariya would not die. Even if his body was destroyed by the Crest Bug, he could repair it as before.

Presumably, this young man who cares about Sakura will understand his intentions at that time, and even thank him. After all, it would be wonderful to bear the pain for Sakura, and finally watch the self-righteous Matou Zouken die in surprise, astonishment and fear.

“Then, it’s almost time to start the second act.”


Time passed.

After waking up, Shirou Emiya found himself in a burning wilderness.

Probably a big fire.

The streets that Shirou Emiya was familiar with turned into ruins, just like the battlefield ruins seen in the movie.

However, this situation did not last long.

At dawn, the fire gradually subsided.

The wall of fire that had risen high before began to lower, and most of the buildings collapsed.

In all this, Shirou Emiya felt incredible that he was still intact.

He was the only one alive around him.

Shirou Emiya didn't know whether he was lucky or the house was built in a good place.

In short, Shirou Emiya was the only one who survived.

Since he survived, Shirou Emiya thought he had to continue living.

Because it would be dangerous to stay in this place, Shirou Emiya began to walk aimlessly.

It was not because he was afraid that he would turn into charcoal like the people who fell beside him.

It must be a stronger feeling than not wanting to become like that that dominated his will.

Even so, Shirou Emiya still didn't hold any hope,

because it was incredible to be alive until now, and he didn't think he could be saved like this.

Because no one would come to save him.

No matter what method was used, it was impossible to leave this fiery world.

Even such a young child would think like this, this scene was a veritable hell.

Then Shirou Emiya fell down.

Was it because there was no oxygen, or the function of receiving oxygen had been lost.

Anyway, Shirou Emiya fell down and looked at the sky that was beginning to darken.

There were many people around him who had turned into charcoal and shrunk.

The dark clouds covering the sky told Shirou Emiya that it was going to rain soon.

That was good. Once it rained, the fire would end.

Finally, Shirou Emiya took a deep breath and looked up at the rain clouds.

I couldn't even breathe a little air, and I just felt so sad.

Shirou Emiya spoke for those who couldn't say such words anymore and expressed their feelings now.

That happened ten years ago.

After that, Shirou Emiya was miraculously saved.

His body survived.

But the rest of him, Shirou Emiya thought, had probably turned into charcoal and burned to ashes.

If parents and home were to disappear, a child would have nothing.

So everything except the body disappeared.

To put it simply, it was a very simple thing.

That is, as the price of keeping the body alive.

The soul is dead.

He had a dream.


The first white light made Shirou Emiya narrow his eyes.

It felt so dazzling.

Although it was just the light after getting up, he was not used to this situation.

He didn't know what dazzling felt like.


After his eyes adjusted, he was startled.

He was in a strange room, lying on a strange bed.

Although it was really a shock, the white room gave people a sense of tranquility and made people feel at ease.

"Where is this?"

Shirou Emiya looked around blankly.

The room was spacious and had several beds.

There were people on each bed, and it seemed that everyone was injured.

However, there was no ominous shadow in this room.

Everyone who was injured was already saved.

After a sigh of relief, he slowly let his eyes wander.

Looking out the window.

The clear blue sky was really beautiful.

After several days, he finally understood his current situation.

He could remember what happened in the past few days.

Even so, he was still like a newborn baby.

This was not self-deprecation, but a statement that was close to the truth.

In short, it was really a serious fire.

He was rescued from the fire scene and woke up in the ward. His parents were gone and his body was wrapped in bandages.

Although he didn't know the details, Shirou Emiya vaguely realized that he had become a different person.

He thought he accepted it quickly.

Because he was surrounded by children who looked like him, he could only accept this fact.

After that.

Because he was still ignorant at that time, when he was feeling uneasy about the uncertainty of the future, that person suddenly appeared in front of him.

The day when the bandages were removed and he could eat by himself, that man came.

With wrinkled clothes and fluffy hair,

this person, who was younger than the doctor in the hospital, felt more like a brother than a father.

"Hello. You are Shirou, right?"

A smile that seemed to penetrate white sunshine.

He thought that the voice was so kind that it was impossible not to question whether it was fake.

"I'll just ask directly. Shirou, do you want to be adopted by the orphanage, or live with the uncle you just met?"

The man said he could adopt him.

Emiya Shirou asked if the man was his relative, and the man replied, "I have nothing to do with you."

The man looked poor and unreliable.

But both the orphanage and the man were unfamiliar to him.

In this case, he decided to go to the man's place.

"Really? That's great. Then hurry up and pack up. It's better to get used to the new home as soon as possible."

The man hurriedly started to pack up.

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