A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1215 Breakfast at the Emiya Family 1208

Chapter 1215 Breakfast at the Emiya Family

Even children would find his tidying up in such a bad way.

After tidying up the scattered things.

"Ah, I forgot to mention something important. Before you come to my house, there is something I must tell you." The man said seriously.

"Is it about where we are going to wait?" Emiya Shirou asked.

"No, I just want to say... Let me say it first, I am a magician." The man was really serious and said exaggeratedly.

It was a split second.

Looking back now, Emiya Shirou felt that he was really a child at that time, and he actually believed that sentence that he didn't know was a joke or not.

"Wow, uncle is so awesome." He remembered that his eyes lit up at that time, and then he responded to the man's words.

After that, he became that person's child.

In fact, he didn't remember the conversation very clearly at that time.

But every time something happened, my father would tell me this memory.

Repeated again and again with a sheepish expression.

So for his father, Emiya Kiritsugu, that memory might be the happiest thing in Emiya Shirou's life.


He even said that he was a magician to a child who lost his parents and home due to an accident. It was true that Kiritsugu could say such a thing.

But his eyes were shining with envy, and he wasn't much better.

In this way, he became his father's adopted son and received the surname Emiya.

Emiya Shirou.

When I say my name like this, I feel very proud that I have the same last name as Kiritsugu.

He had a dream.

When he was little.

It was around the time when he first convinced his father to accept him as his apprentice, so it was probably eight years ago.

Once he could look after the house alone, Kiritsugu went out often.

As usual, Kiritsugu said, "From today on, I'm going to go on adventures all over the world." He said things like a child, and then actually did it.

It's been like that ever since.

It was common for him to be away for a whole month. To exaggerate, he didn't come back even once every half a year.

Emiya's house was a martial arts hall, and he and Kiritsugu were the only ones living there.

As a child he once got lost because the house was too big.

Even so, he still likes this life,

After returning from the trip, Emiya Kiritsugu was like a child telling interesting things about the trip.

There are also children with the same surname as him who are waiting eagerly for his story.

Although he always stayed alone in the house, his loneliness was eventually erased from the stories Kiritsugu brought back.

Yi is always like a father who chases his dreams like a teenager.

Although he couldn't stand it, Emiya Shirou had always envied Emiya Kiritsugu like that.

Therefore, for Emiya Shirou himself, he might also hope to become like him one day.

Just a quick mention.

Faced with such a dreamy father, Emiya Shirou felt that he had to be independent and self-reliant. This was an idea he had had since he was a child.


there's noise.

The sound of the door opening was heard due to the weight of the old, difficult-to-open door and the rusty hinges on the door.

Light streamed into the dark warehouse.


Emiya Shirou was about to wake up from his sleep.

"Senior, are you awake?"

He felt the footsteps approaching him and the winter temperature outside.

"Yeah. Good morning, Sakura."

"Yes. Good morning, senior."

I don't know if this kind of conversation is something I'm used to, but Sakura seemed to find it funny and nodded with a smile.

"Senior, it's already morning. Although there is still some time, Mr. Fujimura will be angry if I sleep here."

"Oh, that's right. Thank you for calling me. I'm sorry that I'm always like this."

"There's no such thing. Because the seniors always get up early. It's the best day to wake up seniors like today."

Son, there are really few. "

I don't know what she's happy about, Sakura feels more energetic than usual.

"Really? I get called out by Sakura quite often. If Sister Fuji comes, I will definitely be beaten up. It would be better for Sakura to call me. Well, I will try harder next time."

Emiya Shirou answered with his newly awakened mind.

Because there is nothing to do with my brain, I don’t even know what I’m talking about.

"Okay, I understand. But I would be happier if the senior didn't work hard."

Sakura smiled softly.

Oops. It looked like I wasn't awake yet, and I didn't seem to say a few normal words. Emiya Shirou realized that his words were a bit ambiguous due to his confusion.

"───Wait a minute, I'll get up right away."

He took a deep breath to clear his head.

The cold air of winter comes in handy at this time.

The cold wind can mercilessly break up thinking that is dulled by lack of sleep.

The person in front of him is his junior high school girl Matou Sakura.

And here is the warehouse in the courtyard, and the time is just after six o'clock.


"Ah, I'm awake. Sorry, Sakura. I overslept again. I obviously had to get up early to help prepare breakfast."

"It doesn't matter. Senior, you went to bed very late yesterday, right? Then don't be so tired in the morning, senior. I will prepare breakfast."

Sakura said in a light tone.

How strange. Sakura is so energetic today and seems to be very happy.

"Idiot, how can this be done? Since we are all up, let's go to the kitchen together."

"Okay, ready. Let's go, Sakura."

"Ah, uh, um, senior"

"? What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"No, it's not that, senior. I think it would be better for senior to change his clothes before entering the house."


After saying this, Emiya Shirou looked down at his clothes.

Because I fell asleep at work yesterday and was still wearing overalls.

The coveralls were covered in dust. If I went home wearing this, I don't know what Sister Teng would think of me.

"Well, it seems I'm still not awake. I seem to be more dazed than usual."

"Well, maybe. So just leave breakfast to me. Senior, please take your time. And senior, Fujimura-sensei will be angry if you make this place a mess, right?"

"That's right. Then I'll go over after changing my clothes. Sakura, you can go back first."

"Okay. Then I'll wait for you, senior."

Sakura left here quickly.


First of all, I need to put on my uniform and clean up the mess.

This warehouse was built in a corner of the courtyard. Just like what you saw, it was a warehouse filled with scraps of scrap metal.

Even so, this place is like a treasure trove for me, who has loved playing with things since I was a child.

Although his father said he couldn't come in, Emiya Shirou sneaked in behind his back every day, and eventually this place became his own base.


For Emiya Shirou, perhaps this place is his room.

Because such a spacious house for Emiya didn't suit his personality, and more importantly, staying in a space surrounded by these scrap metals would make people feel at ease.

"And it's so wasteful. Even though it's made of scrap metal, it's still usable."

Most of the things put into the warehouse are malfunctioning daily necessities.

Do you put things in because you like this place, or do you like this place because of the mountains of junk?

Anyway, Shirou Emiya, who sneaked in here every day, developed a hobby of repairing malfunctioning products like this one.

It’s not like he cares about things particularly.

He thought he just couldn't accept not using something that was clearly usable, so that's why he cared.

Because of this, I spent all night yesterday fixing a broken heater.

"It has to be completed tomorrow. Falling asleep in the middle of the practice is proof that I don't have enough concentration."

Emiya Shirou put aside his slight self-loathing.

In short, first collect the parts of the heater and store them in a cabinet dedicated to repair.

The cabinet dedicated to repairs is not empty. When the furnace is repaired, next in line will be a video recorder that is out of step with the times.

These two were all destroyed by Sister Teng, but this fact should be ignored for now.


I took off my work clothes and put on my uniform.

The warehouse is just like his room, with a change of clothes and daily necessities prepared.

In other parts, there are some places scattered with rubbed-out design drawings and scraps left over from failed practice.

Was it originally used as an altar? An unknown crest was carved on the floor of the warehouse.

"────Okay. I have to work hard today."

With a snap, Emiya Shirou clasped his hands together in the warehouse and walked towards the house.

He walked from the warehouse in the direction of the house.

This Emiya residence is a martial arts gym outside the city.

Dad is not a well-known noble in this area, but he has such a big house.

Although this is a mystery, Emiya Kiritsugu does not seem to have any relatives in Japan.

So after dad died, no one else took over the house, and it naturally became his adopted son's property.

But to be honest, he doesn't have the ability to manage it.

Uncle Fujimura helps with all complicated matters like inheritance tax or property tax.

Uncle Fujimura is a big landowner who lives nearby.

Dad said he was "like an old man who is a mafia boss".

Of course this is bias.

Uncle Fujimura is not like a gangster, but he is a gangster.

As for how big a problem this would be, Emiya Shirou thought it was best not to ask.

As for the grandfather of the Fujimura family, should I say he is scary? There is no doubt that he is very energetic. At least he is not a bad person.

As long as Emiya Shirou helps transform his favorite iron horse, he will give Emiya Shirou a very high amount of pocket money.

In short, it is for these reasons that he is the only one living in such a big house.

Dad has been dead for five years.

Time flies.

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but sigh when he thought about how much he had grown in the past five years.

In order to be like Kiritsugu, he kept practicing every day, but the reality was not as smooth as he thought.

Although it is natural that he would be like this if he had no talent from the beginning, but there has been no progress at all in the past five years, which is worthy of review.

If we want to put the current situation in one sentence, it is that the goal is set too high and he has not even reached the starting line.


No, being too anxious is not a good thing either.

All in all, now we need to become as proficient as we can.

Anyway, what we should do now is...


There is a magnificent dojo in the Emiya residence.

It was built while the house was being built.

It was built on impulse.

So, this dojo was not built for any purpose.


Let's stretch our muscles before breakfast.

It's not like Emiya Shirou is practicing martial arts. "If you want to do the same thing as me, you have to train your body first." Since his father said so, exercising like this has become his daily task.

"…Ninety-nine, one hundred, okay."

After doing the routine sit-ups, Emiya Shirou took off his gi and put on his uniform.

Because he overslept today, the time he could move his body to his heart's content was reduced.

Skipping the stretching exercises, sit-ups to a certain extent are enough.

He doesn't have a physique that can grow that much muscle, and even if the body is an asset, he doesn't want to fight with others.

As long as the body's ability is enough to deal with unexpected accidents and can cooperate with one's own random actions, it is enough.

Originally, what Emiya Shirou wanted to be was a person who was the opposite of an athlete.

"Oh, it's already this time."

Put the sweaty uniform into the laundry basket.

The time is 6:20.

For the early-rising Emiya family, breakfast has already begun even at this time.

Breakfast is completely prepared.

Much like Sakura's style, the elegant aroma of breakfast wafts from the dining table.

"Thank you for your hard work, senior. Breakfast is ready here."

"Yes, thank you. Sorry, I overslept and bothered Sakura."

"No, it's not a bother at all─. And senior didn't oversleep. Since you don't have any club activities, it's considered early to get up at this time."

"It has nothing to do with the club. If that's the case, Sakura has to come to my house for morning exercises in the morning, so she has to get up even earlier."

"No, I volunteered, senior, please don't worry about the club."

"Yes, I've heard you say this many times. Forget it, so I also want to get up early regardless of the club. Since Sakura is coming, wouldn't it be rude if I don't get up?"

For Emiya Shirou, getting up early means getting up before Sakura comes, and oversleeping means letting Sakura prepare breakfast alone like this morning.

However, this is a habit that started a year and a half ago.

Why is it like this?

Ah... probably we have to look for the reason from the other man at the table at this moment, the man who doesn't say a word.

As for when and why this man came to his house, Shirou Emiya could not remember clearly, or his memory was vague.

In short, it seemed natural for this man to live here.

And the reason why Sakura came here every day seemed to be because of this man. Taking care of him was just a side job.

However, there was nothing to complain about for Shirou Emiya. After all, someone took care of him every day, and it was too late to thank him.

"Haha. Senior really cares about this kind of thing. Senior Mizue often said that although Emiya was careless, he was too polite and long-winded."

As if she thought of something, Sakura smiled and complained.

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