Chapter 1216 Morning routine

Speaking of Mizu, she is the heroine of the archery club that Sakura belongs to, and Shirou Emiya is quite close to her.

"Hey. Did that guy say bad things about me to Sakura again?"

"Yes. My senior said that I must use bows and arrows to make my senior look good before he graduates. Now I practice hard every day."

"Sigh. Now it's obvious that people with beautification have a higher rank. That's it. People in memories are always invincible. Although being beautified is not a bad thing, it also varies from person to person."

"It's because Meizu-senpai doesn't like losing. I think she must regard her senior as her rival."

As she spoke, Sakura put the rice into a bowl.

It's almost half past six.

The morning training of the Kyudo Club starts at seven o'clock.

Although it is a free participation system, you should not be too leisurely.

"Sister Fuji will be here soon. Forget it, it's her fault that she hasn't come at this time. Sakura,

Let's get started. "

"That's right. Come on, senior, please use it."

Sakura smiled and handed the bowl to Emiya Shirou.

"Master Xuanhao also invites you."

"Yeah." The man on the side who was silent and seemed to be thinking about something responded calmly.



Although it was something I was accustomed to doing every morning, my eyes were inadvertently taken away by those white fingers.


How should I put it? It's really bad.

Is it because she is still growing up? Recently, Sakura has an inexplicable charm.

The natural behavior was really beautiful, and the number of times I swallowed my saliva increased.

Is it because he didn't think Sakura was a member of the opposite sex all this time, but now it made him realize her female side even more───

"Senior? What's wrong?"

"───No, it's nothing. It's okay, don't worry about it."


Really, he lost.

Why are you nervous about your friend's sister?

Sakura is just a sensible and good school girl who has to take care of her.

And originally, the relationship between Matou Sakura and him was just that of a schoolgirl and a senior.

To be honest, Sakura is a beauty.

Sakura already stands out among the first-year students, and there are probably many people who want to date her.

Especially recently, the areas that should grow have grown longer, and he is often fascinated by every natural move.

The subtle issue is this.

I worry about whether I will fall in love with my friend's sister.

Normally it's nothing, but sometimes sudden situations like the one just now make me blush.

Yes, as a senior, is this a problem?

Breakfast is on the table.

There are chicken breast and celeriac salad, teriyaki salmon, blanched spinach, red and white radish miso soup, and even yam soup. The dishes are really impeccable.

"I'm gonna start now."

"I'm gonna start now."


After a few people sat upright and said something to start, they began to eat quietly.

There was only the sound of chopsticks clicking.

Basically, Sakura doesn't talk much, and the same goes for that man, and Shirou Emiya doesn't have the ability to talk while eating.

So naturally, it's quiet while eating.

Although she would usually make a little more noise, this morning, the person who made the noise didn't know if she had watched a spy movie last night, so she covered her face with a newspaper and secretly observed them.

"Teacher Fujimura, I think it would be better not to read the newspaper while eating?"


Fuji-nee ignored Sakura who spoke a little politely.

Although this is really suspicious, Sister Teng's strange behavior at the dinner table in the morning is also very common.

Sakura might have gotten used to it, so she continued eating without paying any particular attention.

If anything, Sakura cooks Chinese cuisine.

I learned how to cook Japanese food after I came to help at Emiya's house.

Emiya Shirou and Fuji-san both preferred Japanese cuisine, and that man seemed to prefer Chinese cuisine, but Sakura wanted to at least cooperate with them in breakfast, so she learned some Japanese cuisine.

Now Sakura's ability has surpassed that of his master.

Especially the teriyaki salmon, the control of the fire seems to have entered the realm of God.

The taste of the miso soup is also top-notch, and I recently had enough yam to make the yam soup.

Having said that, it seems that yam soup was not just introduced today.

"Sorry. Sakura, help me get the soy sauce."

"Okay──Ah, no, senior. The senior's soy sauce ran out yesterday."

"Then Sister Teng's is fine too. Bring it over."

"Teacher Fujimura, is that okay?"

With a hum, Sister Teng nodded.

Kasha made a sound and the newspaper shook.

"Come and use it. Senior, would you like some yam soup?"

"Yes. Generally speaking, yam soup is paired with soy sauce."

Sauce - Emiya Shirou added soy sauce to the yam soup.

After stirring, add it to the rice and take a bite.

Well, the stickiness of the potato puree and the spicy taste of soy sauce that I insisted on were too strong──── did not appear.

"Ouch! Wow, it tastes terrible. This is seasoning! And it's oyster sauce!"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but spit out his rice.

And at this time...

"Gugu, ahhahahahaha!"

With a rustling sound, Sister Teng threw the newspaper away hard.

"How about this? Let's exchange the labels of seasonings and soy sauce in the early morning!"

Wow, wow, the female spy raised her hands in excitement.

"O-What are you thinking about so early in the morning? You're already twenty-five this year, Sister Teng, you're still like

Such a virtuous person! "

"Humph──, now you know my hatred yesterday. The guy who joined forces with everyone to bully my sister, is this a natural punishment, right?"

"God's punishment is not man-made, right? I also want to say why you are so calm. It turns out that you have been thinking about this kind of evil idea since yesterday, you idler!"

"That's right - so now I have to hurry up and get the test scores. Well, it would be bad if I don't move faster!"

With a hiss, Sister Teng sat back in her seat and finished her breakfast with fierce momentum.

"Okay, I'm full. Today's breakfast was delicious too, Sakura-chan."

"Ah, yes. Just a simple meal, teacher."

"Then I'll leave first. I'll be angry if you two are late——"

Da da da da—Sister Teng just ran away.

When I think about that person being a teacher in their school, I feel like the world is really wrong.

"Um, senior?"

"I'm sorry. I can't enjoy my rare breakfast because I was fucked by that guy from Sister Teng."

"No, I'm not talking about this or that. What did senior do to Mr. Fujimura yesterday? Tampering with the food is a bit too much for Mr. Fujimura."

"Well no, that's because. Yesterday, I accidentally called her by her nickname."

"That's no wonder. Senior didn't apologize to Mr. Fujimura, right?"

"I'm sorry. I forgot about it because it was a very common thing."

"That won't work. Because Teacher Fujimura just doesn't like the nicknames the senior calls her. The senior must have made the teacher cry again."


"I cried and ran away like a rabbit. Thanks to her, yesterday after the self-study in English class, I accepted the student honorary award that everyone made out of the paper in the notebook, but of course that kind of thing should be thrown into the trash can "

"Really. Then it was the senior who was wrong this morning."

To Sakura, Fuji-san is like her own sister, so she basically stands by Fuji-san.

Of course this is a good thing, but I also hope she can think about him, the person who stays with Sister Teng all day long.

It turns out that Sister Fuji was a friend of my father, and she often came in and out of this house after Emiya Shirou became his father's adopted son.

Ever since my father passed away, he still shows up frequently, and now he has breakfast and dinner at my house, making it clear that he is here to eat for free.


Maybe it was with Sister Teng like this that he could come here alone even after his father died.

Now he, Fuji-san, Sakura, and the man whose presence is not high but seems to be everywhere are the residents of the Emiya family.

Having said that, I am the only one who knows that my father is a magician.

He said that magicians hide their true identity.

So even though he became his father's apprentice, he also hid the fact that he was learning magic.

However, even though he said he was learning, he was still a rookie magician who couldn't perform a satisfactory magic trick.

It shouldn't make any difference whether he concealed it or not, but it was stated in his last words, so he continued to practice every day while concealing it.

After breakfast, we started getting ready for school.

While listening to the news on TV, Sakura and I were clearing away the dishes.


Sakura stared at the TV blankly.

On the screen were the sensational subtitles "Gas leakage accidents occur continuously."

There seems to be a major accident in Xindu in the next town.

The scene of the incident was in a commercial street building, and all the people inside were in a critical state of hypoxia and unconsciousness.

Although it was considered an accident caused by a gas leak, the same thing happened frequently recently.

"Are you concerned about the news just now, Sakura?"

"Huh───No, no. I just thought that if the accident happened in Xindu, it would be pretty close. Senior, you are working there in Xindu, right?"

"Yes, but it's not such a big store. I don't think there will be an accident like the one reported in the news just now."

Having said that, this kind of accident cannot be dismissed as nothing to do with oneself.

A gas leak could happen to every household, and more importantly, hundreds of people would be killed, which made Emiya Shirou feel a little sad.

Similar accidents occurred one after another, and there were also rumors that they were caused by cutting corners during the rapid development of the new city.

Regardless of whether it's true or not, he really doesn't want any more victims to appear───

"It's really dangerous. We have to be careful."

"Ah, please don't worry, senior. I check the gas plug twice every time, so don't worry."

Sakura puffed her chest out proudly.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Um. He had thought before that Sakura seemed to be a little out of line for no reason.

"Senior, is the door inside locked?"

"It's locked. I bolted the door. Is there any problem?"

"No. Then I locked the door. Senior, when will you be back today?"

"I think it'll be a little later. Where's Sakura?"

"I'm the same as usual. I think I might arrive early, so leave the dinner preparations to me."

"Well, thank you. I will come back as soon as possible."

With a kacha sound, the door was locked.

As usual, the man disappeared without a trace after eating. Sakura and Fuji-san both have keys to their house, so the door lock is left to the last person to leave.

"Let's go. If you don't hurry up, you'll miss your morning practice."

"Okay. Then let's walk a little faster, senior."

Emiya Shirou and Sakura walked towards the town together.

After walking down the slope through the long wall, there is a residential area with more people in front.

Emiya's house was on the top of a slope, some distance from the center of the town.

Go down the slope like this and then exit the residential area. If you go further down, you will reach the intersection in the central area.

The bridge leading from here to the next town, the ramp to Ryudouji Temple and the residential area on the front and back of his house, the shopping street where Sakura and I often visit, and finally the school we are going to now, there are all kinds of things. Fork in the road.

Walk directly to school without wandering around.

He walked up the slope with Sakura without saying much.

Because it had just arrived at seven o'clock, the way to school was quite deserted.

Apart from them, there were only students participating in morning club activities walking leisurely on the road.

"See you later then. Club, try your best."

Saying goodbye to Sakura at the school gate was the same as usual.

Because Sakura joined the Kyudo Club, they separated here in the morning.


Having said that.

But this morning Sakura didn't go in the direction of the Kyudo Club.

"Sakura? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's not that, senior. Do you want to go to the dojo occasionally?"

"No, it's fine if I go to the dojo. Besides, if I have anything to ask you to do today, I can't help but go to the student union as soon as possible."

"That's what I said. I'm sorry for saying some unnecessary words."

Sakura lowered her head and bowed.


"Then I'll excuse you now. Senior, please look forward to dinner."

Sakura ran away in the direction of the dojo with a very apologetic expression.


Huh. What does that sentence mean?

"Issei, are you there?"

"Yes. It's a bit late this morning, Emiya."

Are you previewing? The male student who looked at something like a report raised his face.

"Only 10%? What's wrong with the others? It shouldn't be strange to arrive at school at this time."

"No, unfortunately our members are very professional. They make very clear decisions when they work. They don't seem to plan to arrive early or work overtime."

"So the student council president just does odd jobs by himself? It seems very hard."

"How could it be? This is of my own free will. It would be unreasonable for Emiya to sympathize."

"? No, I don't sympathize with Issei?"

"Well, that's a pity, but let's forget it. Both of us are too worried."

Dong Dong, Yi Cheng, who was sorting out the report, was the big boss of this student union room.

Issei is a guy who plans to change the idle student union from the ground up. He and I have been friends since the first grade.

The full name is Ryudong Issei.

Contrary to her ancient name, she has an elegant face, but she is actually extremely popular among female students.

And he is also the student council president, which is like adding more power to a tiger.

"Well, as expected, the tongue-numbing hot tea is delicious in the morning."

But Shirou Emiya still didn't understand what he said while sipping his green tea.

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