Chapter 1217 Big River=Tiger

Just like this, Issei's personality is very simple.

Although easily misunderstood, he himself took no part in love affairs and did not play like a student.

No matter what, this guy is the son who wants to inherit Liudong Temple on the mountain.

Because I also feel that inheritance is very good, and the possibility of becoming a noble monk after graduation is very high.

"Then. What to do today."

"Huh? Ah, anyway, let's sit down and have a cup of tea first──I wanted to say this, but I don't have time. Let's explain it while moving, and bring the usual props."

"I'll be honest. Our school's financial balance is very extreme."

"I know. Special attention is given to the sports club, and there is no other budget, right?"

"Hmm. As a result, the members of the Culture Department have been treated unfairly. Although I have tried my best to budget for the Culture Department club this year, it has not been smooth because the budget flow is unclear. Therefore, the club classroom of the Culture Department is still not good. Especially. There is no solution to the lack of heaters in winter.”

"That's it──ah, give me the flat-blade screwdriver. The biggest one. And the wires.

Bring it too. Well, that's pretty much it. "

"Wire? Well, this? Sorry, I'm not very good at distinguishing. Just scold me if I make a mistake."

"That's right, it doesn't matter. Then, what's the problem with the insufficient heater? There's something wrong with other places too, so what?

Something like that? "

"Yes. There seems to be a problem with the heaters in the second audio-visual classroom and the art club. There are more and more petitions asking for new ones."

"But don't you have that kind of budget? It's just deterioration after all. As long as there are no abnormalities in it."

"Huh mother. Can you fix it, Emiya?"

"It can be repaired. At times like this, old things are easy to understand. It's just a short circuit in the wiring. As long as it is replaced with a new one, it will work well this year."

"That's it! That's great, Emiya. I'm so happy to please you."

"The Japanese you speak is very strange, Issei. Oh, it will be over in just one moment. Please go out for a while."

"Well, you can't disturb Emiya."

Yi Cheng left the classroom quietly.

It seemed that Shirou Emiya was going to do some precise work later.

"No, if you want to say it's precise, it's quite precise."

Emiya Shirou touched the ancient electric heater.

Generally speaking, even if you are used to this type of repair, it is difficult to tell where the fault is by just looking.

You know because what he did was extraordinary.

He turned off his vision and used his sense of touch to look inside the furnace.

───At the same time, a memory emerged in my mind.

"There are two electric heating pipes where the heating wire is broken. I'm still trying to find a solution using insulating tape on the power coil."

Great, it's in a damaged state that can be repaired with the tools at hand.

If the electric heating tube is abnormal, it is not something that a layman can handle.

At that time, it would have been necessary to strengthen it using non-layman methods, but now, just looking inside is enough.

That was the magic taught by Kiritsugu, Emiya Shirou.

"────Okay, let's get started."

Open the casing and start repairing the internal circuits.

Since we already know where the damage is, the subsequent work is easy.

"Oh. I'm only good at this."

That's right. Shirou Emiya has almost no talent for magic. On the contrary, he thought that he was good at connecting the structure of objects to the design drawings, just like before.

In fact, when Lian Xiang reproduced the design drawings, my father opened his eyes wide and was frightened, sighing, "What a useless talent."

What he's good at doesn't seem to be a meaningful talent.

Dad said that trying to grasp the structure of objects visually is mostly in vain.

Originally, if you were a magician, there was no need to go out of your way to grasp the structure of the corners just like before. It is said that reading the core of an object quickly and changing it faster than anyone else is a magician's battle.

Therefore, reading the design drawing is a waste of effort. Even if it is read, it can only know which side is easier to pass the magic power.

Due to many factors, my proud part is used to repair faulty products like this.

No matter what, there was no need for him to dismantle it to find the affected area.

As long as you find the faulty part quickly, as long as you have the repair technology, most things can be repaired.

However, this is only limited to broken metal that can be repaired with "a little layman's knowledge".

"───It's over. Let's go to the next one."

I put away the used wires and went to the corridor with a screwdriver and a wrench in hand.

"10%, the repair is complete."


In the corridor, besides Issei, there was another female student.


Emiya Shirou was a little surprised.

The person talking to Issei was Tohsaka Rin from Class 2A.

The eldest lady lives in a very large bungalow on a hillside and is a top student.

She is beautiful, has excellent grades, and has excellent motor skills. She has no flaws.

Her personality is rational and polite, and she is not proud of being a beauty, just like the ideal of a man.

Because he is such a person, it goes without saying that he is treated as an idol by the male students.

However, Tohsaka's situation is that he has become a too outstanding flower of the plateau.

The boys all said that only Issei and the teachers could talk to Tosaka.

Forget it, let's be honest, he's a man too.

Emiya Shirou was probably no exception, and he was one of the male students who admired Tohsaka Rin.


Tohsaka seemed to be looking at them in a bad mood.

It is said that Issei and Tohsaka are not on good terms, which seems to be true.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I asked you to do it, but Emiya did it all. Forgive me."

Whoa whoa.

He started talking completely ignoring Tohsaka's attitude. It was really amazing.

"Don't worry about that kind of thing. Then, which way is next? There's not much time."

"Ah, the next one is the audio-visual classroom. It seemed to be abnormal before, but this time it finally came to an end."

"If it dies, it won't be repairable. It's better to buy a new one."

"That's right. Please help me and take a look. Although I look like I'm dying, you might be pretending to be sick."

"That's it. Then try it."

There are only thirty minutes left until the morning tutor time.

If you don't repair it quickly, you'll be late.

Emiya Shirou urged Kazunari towards the audio-visual classroom.

It's just that it's very rude to completely ignore someone after meeting him.

He stood and turned towards Tosaka.

"You're so early, Tohsaka."

After honestly expressing his feelings, he followed Issei.

"I almost missed it. I'm sorry, Emiya, for troubling you again. If you are late because of a request, you are no longer qualified to be friends."

"Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal if I'm late. But if Issei is late, it will be a problem."

"Same. Gee, it's so good to catch up."

Issei exhaled, touched his chest and walked to his seat.

It's exactly eight o'clock.

The bell rang before the tutor time started, so Sister Teng will be here in five minutes.


Because I ran from the audio-visual classroom, my breathing was a little messy.


After taking a deep breath, Emiya Shirou walked to his seat.

"You're very busy early in the morning, Emiya. What were you doing after you resigned from the club? Are you trying to flatter Ryudou? Although it has nothing to do with me, don't do anything that will make our club's evaluation worse. . Because you have no moral integrity.”

In front of my seat stood Shinji Matou, his friend since junior high school.

From the surname Matou, we know that he is Oh Sakura's one-year-old brother.

"Hey. How is the Kyudo Club, Shinji?"

"Of course! It's useless to tell outsiders, but it will be much more peaceful without a pushy guy. I can also get a good ranking in the next conference!"

"That's right. Meizu works hard too."

"Huh? What stupid words are you talking about? Of course the Kyudo Club can break the record because of me. Emiya, you are already an outsider. It will be embarrassing to speak in a tone that seems to understand you?"

"That's right, I'll pay attention. But I have nothing to do with the Kyudo Club, so it won't be related to it."

Emiya Shirou put his school bag on the table and pulled out his chair.

"What do you mean? Does it mean that you are not interested in my Kyudo Club?"

"It's not a matter of interest, it's just okay. I'm already an outsider, so it would be weird to just go to the dojo. But if you have anything, just say it. If you need help, please help. Shinji doesn't know how to string or repair a bow."

"That's it, thank you. I'll call you if I need anything. But it shouldn't be anything like that."

"Ah, that's good. Someone who leaves behind chores is not qualified to be a general. You don't need to make Fujimura-sensei angry too often. That person is really scary when he's angry."

"! Huh, mind your own business. Anyway, you are already an outsider, so don't come close to the dojo!"

Shinji returned to his seat as usual.

Um? That guy seems to be particularly irritable today.

"You're a guy who talks nonsense. He clearly drove Emiya out by himself, but he still dares to say such things."

"Why Yicheng, you are here."

"What the hell! Why are you so cold to your friends who are listening with concern!"

"?Why are you so concerned? I haven't done anything to worry about."

"Idiot, of course you will be worried. Because Emiya gets angry easily. Although everyone will cheer for beating Shinji, the girls will have someone to blame. It is not good to put a friend in such a delicate position."

"That's it. Well, that's what I have to say. Thank you for one percent. Although it won't turn out like that, thank you for worrying just now."

"Yeah, that's good. But I'm surprised. Emiya is easily angry, but he's very lenient towards Matou."

"Ah, because Shinji is like that. I've known him for a long time and got used to it."

"Hey, that's it."

"That's it. Come on, if you understand, go back to your seat. Fujimura-sensei is about to fly in."

"Hahaha. She feels more like she is floating than flying."

The bell rang for the start of tutor time.

While normally the class tutor would have come in five minutes ago, the tutor for this class was not that kind of person.

For Class 2C, the instructor’s time begins one minute after the bell rings, that is...

"Late, late, late, late~~~!"

It started when I met Fuji-san who was screaming like this while sprinting.

"Okay, we've caught up─! Good morning, everyone───"

knock dong

Making a sound that was physically dangerous, Sister Fuji fell down.


The classroom changed from the panic just now to a silence where nothing could be said.

Such an abrupt scene change.

As expected of Fuji-sister, she is a human jet.

However, the angle she fell at just now was not a joke.

Fuji-sister fell down after hitting the desk.

Although her face could not be seen when she was lying on her stomach, it was undoubtedly more annoying.

"Hey, you who are sitting in the front, call the teacher up."

"Eh——don't——you will be eaten up if you get close."

"You are not an alien, even Fuji-sister would not do that."

"You, if you say that, just call it yourself."

"Wow, I can't do it. I'm not good at this."

"I'm not good at it either! And why should a girl do it!? The boys should do it!"

The people in the front row seemed to start to make a commotion.

For those who were sitting in the middle, they didn't know Fuji-sister's miserable condition yet.

Because they didn't know, everyone stood up from their seats to peek.

"Wait a minute, the teacher is not moving. She didn't faint."

Someone made a very reasonable suggestion.

But the problem was, how to take Fuji-sister to the health room in this situation.

Everyone was also a warrior who had been with Fuji-sister for this year.

I'm about to break the habit of taking the teacher to the health room.

"Teacher Fujimura? Um - are you okay -?"

The brave female student spoke.

Teacher Fujimura didn't move.

The shaking gradually spread.

"You looked terrible when you fell just now. Your head hit the desk at a right angle, didn't it? If you didn't get hurt, it would be like Fujimura is invincible."

"Well - how about letting Teacher Fujimura join the baseball club."

"Don't, don't scare me! When Tiger was the advisor, we went to Koshien, right!?"

"Teacher Fujimura, Teacher Fujimura! No, it seems like there's no response!"

"Hey, you're the only one who's going to shout in front of you."

"Huh? I don't want to, if I die, I'll be killed!"

"But I think it will be scary if I leave it like this."

"But no one wants to get close."

"There's nothing I can do. In this case, there's only that one."

"Well, that one."

"One, two, three -"

Everyone's heart is united.

Ah, only Emiya Shirou and Shinji were the exceptions, because they couldn't do such a scary thing, so they didn't say anything.

"One, two, three--Wake up--Tiger!"

Although it was the voice of the whole class, it was as quiet as if he was talking to himself.

Especially the pronunciation of "Tiger" was so quiet that it couldn't be heard.


(Trembling) Fuji-nee's body, which had been silent just now, reacted.

"Wow, it moved!? Everyone, it worked!"

"Okay--keep going! Ah!"

Because the final exam is approaching, everyone's brains are out of control.

Even though it's OK to ignore it, they still waved their hands and kept calling Fuji-nee's nickname.

"Wake up, Tiger. Good morning--"

"Teacher, if you don't get up, you're Tiger!"

"Don't lose, Tiger! Tiger, stand up!"

"Okay--Teacher, get up! This is what a Tiger should be!"

"Old-Tiger--! Old-Tiger--!"

"Roar--! Don't call me Tiger--!"

A thunderbolt flashed.

After such a collision, she was still unscathed, Fuji-nee stood majestically on the ground.

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